I've been literally googling for an hour now trying to find how to save variable settings to a file.I'm writing an application and I'm using alot of changeable variables. I want to be able to save these to a file so they can be loaded at application startup. I don't feel like using the regestry since I hate to write unimportant things to the registry.I remembered that I found a good example with simple code of how to do this with xml, but I can't seem to find the example now.
I am looking for a way to save and load the values of all my controls present in my form.My form has around 100 controls spread over 7 tabs. The controls include (Multiline) TextBoxes (Strings), NumericUpDowns (Integers, Decimals) and Checkboxes (Booleans). If the user clicks the save button a "Save File" dialog should appear allowing the user to specify the directory and the filename of the save file.All the values of the controls should then be written to that file.If the user clicks the load button an "Open File" should appear where the user can pick a previously saved save file. All the controls should then adopt the values found in the save file.I have implemented Application Settings in my form, and now when I click save, it saves the control values through My.Settings.Save(). If I click load it loads them.However, my project requires that multiple save files can be made to reflect multiple configurations. As I understand Application Settings only allow for a single .config file in the Application Data folder.So how can I code a save/load routine to save/load different configurations?
I have multiple controls on my form. Text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc. Is there a way to move through every control on the form and save it's value, status ? Like whether the radio button is checked, or not. The value of the text box, and save them all to a text file. Then, reload the values saved in the text file in the same sequence. Without doing all this one line at a time.
1.I want my program to get the drive letter (like c:,d:) on form load and save that to a variable.What should i do to get the drive letter? 2.I want my application to fire this command (shutdown -s -p) on button click. But if i use this path (process.start("F:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -p")) to do the work it doesn't work. The path is correct. What to do?
lets say I have a form (form1) with lables a-z which are all designed with default text "0". So they all show 0 on program startup. which is fine. I also have a dialog with 2 TextBoxes; I want my program to update the default text/value on (only)form1 labels x, y and z to whatever was put into the textboxes when i press the OK button on the Dialog, so these specified labels show the 'new' value on next startup. Is it even possible or should I save the values to a file which loads the values in the specified labels on startup?
I'm currently developing an editor for an AFL management sim.I want to be able to load three or four multidimensional arrays to the program, then save them to the same file. I tried the tutorial on here but got completely muddled up. Why can't it be easy like in VB6 When it was like 10 lines of code tops!
# TAG NAME = is saved to a file using the code below but when I load that same file back into a RichTextbox Control using additional code below, I get inconsistent results as I try to parse the text. Has anyone else had this problem?'Save the contents of the RichTextBox into the file.richTextBox.SaveFile(saveFile1.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);'Retrieve contents of File into RichTextBox control Dim logData As String logData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path + "\" + filenname);
I have the following code: Public Sub SearchText(ByVal SearchFile As String, ByVal stSearchTerm As String) ''search loaded book stSearchTerm = Me.txtSearch.Text For Each Line As String In File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "BooksKJVOTGenesisBookOFGenesis.txt")) SearchResults.rtbSearchResults.Find(stSearch, 0, RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase And RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord)
I want my app to load a .exe file specified by the user, crypt it then save the crypted .exe file on a path also specified by the user. I need some guidance on this. First of all, I am currently using IO.filestream to store the .exe file. When I save the completed file (so far in development, that means a copy of the file as I haven't added encryption yet) the .exe file appear there alright, but without the icon (it has the standard/no icon instead) and it does not work. I tried outputting it to a .txt for examination and it was a bunch of tokens as one would expect. Here is the statements:
[VB 2008 express edition] i am doing a application data grid view bound data from MS access (.mdb) as my dataset. the dataset have 5 tables, each table consist of ID, Items, Rates, And Amount, i face some problem here:
a) cannot delete row from the table, (using binding navigator but error) b) how can make a opendialog to load the .mdb file dataset table in to the datagridview? c) how do i save table in the datagridview into the MS Access file ?
I have a treeview control that contains an Active Directory OU structure and I want to save this to an XML file, and load it again later.
When I save an OU that has a space in the name, I get an "XMLException was unhandled" error. The description is "The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name.".[code]...
I have a made a simple program with multiple forms and multi text boxes in each form where the user inputs text into textboxes. I would like to be able to save the data into a file and then be able to load the text from that same saved file.
Is there a code template that would allow me to do this?
I would like to load a file from www and save it to folder. I am using Visual studio 2008 an VB in form aplication. So how to load a file from example www.test.gg and saving it to c:/myfolder/
I'm trying to load several grids based on the Type values in my xml file. For example my xml file is in the following format:[code]How do I accomplish this when in the load event of my windows form?
I would like to tweak some of the numbers in the app.exe.config file while the program is running. I would like my program to re-load those valued from the edited txt file.
I have tried my.settings.reset, reload, and upgrade. None of these seem to reload the values from the config file into the program
vs 2005 vb.net
How can i get my program to re-read the config file into its memory once it is up and running. say when a button is clicked?
What the icon file filter is for load/save file dialogs. (I know the jpeg one is "JPEG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|BMP Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All files (*.*)|*.*" But as far as I know you can't use these as icons without an icon editor).
I have an application that pings IP addresses. When complete it will probably have close to 1000 IP addresses it will ping. I have a settings page that has a textbox that stores the IP address (one IP address eg. per text box) for the object to ping. I want to be able to save all of the textbox IP address into a text file, and then be able to load the IP addresses from the text file into the respective text boxes.
I have the login form glitch figured out, and now I'm wanting to make a system within the login form's code to check to see if the characters save file exists...
I have the save, load, and test load functions here as follows, and I want to figure out a way to make something test to see if both the character name and the password match a file and or see if they actually exist in that combination.[code]...
I have a sign up sheet that I am working on for instance;
username password street address city state zip
I've been trying to save the textboxes individually but when I go to load the information everthing is pushed all into one textbox.....I'm also using the SaveFileDialog and OpenFil
One form of my program is Item Development it has simple questions like Physical propertys of item, name, roll in story,etc.. I want to save this form (Form1 and all of the external anwsers that are written in the textbox and the radiobuttons that are selected! Next question is to load that.... The code
when i login i want a menu that says to load or create new (already made) but i don't know how to load a file as a whole, i can streamwrite and read and also save file dialouge but i'm looking for somtting different.if i saved the info for the editor seprate from the login screen (2 different projects????)
I am very new to VB.NET, I want to create a Forms Application to load a text file that has lets say 50 lines, some of the lines are identical and those are grouped together and some same format but different make up. Have it loads it into a text box in the form, to see - but I want another button to randomize all the lines and then show that in the box, and then have a Save button to overwrite the orginal.