Saving Entries VB 2010?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a database along with a dataset. Everything is displayed as a gridview.When I run my program and save my entries, everything works fine. I go through other forms and items are still saved but as soon as I close Visual Studio and restarts the program, the items previously saved are no longer available and nowhere to be found

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String Search Listbox Entries To Avoid Duplicate Entries In VB 2008?

Nov 29, 2009

I have a program where you have three entries, CD name, artist, price and it goes into a listbox and .txt file when closing. I have to have a message box if you enter the same CD name. I have a code to open the .txt file and compare strings but I need to change it to compare only the CD name and not all three entries. Is there a way to do my string compare against my listbox without opening the .txt file?? The program loads the listbox from the .txt file when opening. Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click' adds CD information to the list box

' declare variables
Dim strName As String
Dim strArtist As String
Dim strPrice As String


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Modify Table Entries Based On Other Entries?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to set a certain column to true or false automatically based on what value another column has entered. I managed to get this working by myself using the 'SQL Pane' in VB and testing it by using execute sql but I don't know what to do now. I assumed that I could just save it and it would work from there but that's not the case, it dissapears from the SQL Pane if I close the project (even though it worked fine when I ran the project the first time), so where do I put it/what do I do with it in order to get this to work?

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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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2010/Accdb 2010 Not Saving Changes To Database?

Mar 10, 2011

Dim Connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=cSSO3sEEhrM4vY3je0qC;" 'connect to the access 2010 database, including DB Password


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Saving To A DataBase In VB 2010?

Apr 23, 2011

I think I have written code for saving All textbox's, maskedtextbox, datetimepicker,ombobox's ect.....I have a save button on a form called "SaveButton8" And what I want is when a user fills out the form, and when they click the savebutton8 I want all the froms, Textbox's, Maskedtextbox, Datetimepicker, Combobox's ect..... to save to the database. I have looked all over the forum with no sucess. here is my code:

Private Sub Button8_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click


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VS 2010 - Saving Changes To Database

Sep 6, 2011

I am very new to all of this, and I am trying to build my first program. I have a set of textboxes that are bound to columns in my data set. I am trying to save the changes made to the dataset back to the database. i found the following code online that I am using to do that:


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VS 2010 Saving A Listbox?

Jun 25, 2011

im trying to save a listbox with a few lines in it. Im using this:

save.InitialDirectory = "C:"
save.FileName = "List of needs"
save.Filter = "Text Files ONLY (*.txt) | *.txt"


Im not sure what to put in W.Wrte() and i guess thats why i get a text file with this:

System.Windows.Forms.ListBox, Items.Count: 4, Items[0]:

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VS 2010 Saving Dataset

Oct 12, 2011

VS 2010 Saving Dataset

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VS 2010 Saving Settings?

Dec 28, 2011

VB 2010 Express, Windows 7 The settings on the main form save properly. My problem is that I have a usercontrol that is changed to a tabpage that I use to 'clone' tabs. Is there a way to save the cloned tabs along with there settings?

Multiple people use the program and the number of tabs and settings are different for each person.

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VS 2010 : Loading And Saving To Database?

Sep 12, 2011

I need some help with this project I'm trying to get my program to load and save data to an online database and I haven't been able to find anything that helps me to much, I have the working code for a local database but this program will be being used to multiple people for our business I want everybody to be able to add data, delete data, and such as necessary...

Here is the code i have for opening the file on my local machine

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|data.mdb;")

but i can't get it to open from my webpage

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VS 2010 : Saving Information In A Form?

Mar 5, 2010

create a form with a seperate window attatched. At the moment i can open the 2nd window and save an integer there close the 2nd window and reopen it and the information is still there, but when i close the main form and reopen it the information has gone is there anyway to keep the information?

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VS 2010 Loading And Saving To .txt From Datagridview?

May 9, 2012

what I am trying to do is get a program to load data from a text file with multiple lines in the form "Name, Type, Stocklvl, Price, Location, Reorderlvl" then display it all in a data grid. From where it can be viewed and edited as well as saved back into the original file stock.txt as well as generating a separate file reorder.txt which includes data on what needs to be reordered and the date which updates on program exit. I have chosen to use datagridview something I'm unfamiliar with as I figure It'd probably be the most functional to meet my needs of displaying a lot of data clearly as much as 200 items.

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VS 2010 Opening And Saving .txt Files?

Sep 1, 2010

First time user on here, basically have been teaching myself VB and I enjoy it quite a bit! Basically I have a program now that has the File Drop-Down Menu with Open and Save options. I want to open and save in a .txt format. The open command will need to place the text in TextBox1 ; and the Save command will need to take the text from TextBox2 and save it as a .txt. I have gotten to the point where it will save it to a specified .txt file, but I would like the user to be able to "browse" the computer for where to open from and save files to.

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VS 2010 Saving And Reading Colors?

Nov 1, 2011

How to save colors to Access Data Base and read them after?

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VS 2010 Saving And Reading From Files?

Mar 5, 2012

I have to create a school reward system. Currently i have written code for creating user accounts and logging into the system. I have been able to write to the file i need to and i have been able to log in. However i can only log in for the first saved account. when i hover over the stored variable whilst stepping through it appears that unnecessary gaps have been added to stored information...User.stored username is the data structure type that i have stored information as...

user.storedUsername = " TestStaff "

I believe it should be like this:

user.storedUsername = "TestStaff"

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Saving Applications Settings?

Dec 4, 2011

I have made a dock bar program

So when I drag programs in I get this

But when I restart my program all the dragged in applications are gone.

save my settings,

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VS 2010 Saving Data Command?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to save added data through my form into MySQL. Here is my
Public Sub savenotes()
Dim savecmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("UPDATE Events (Date_Time, Regarding, User, Details, Control_Number) VALUES (@Date, @Regarding, @User, @Details, @CtrlNmb)", notesConn)


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VS 2010 Saving Data In Vb Form?

Sep 22, 2010

I created a form with 4 textboxes, one date picker, time and combobox. Now the problem I have is that I want to save all the values in these boxes in a folder which depends on what is selected in the combobox.

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub


The idea is that if I select 3 in the combobox, the files has to be saved in the folder 3. This folder is located on a server located in the LAN.

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VS 2010 Saving Data To Excel?

Mar 7, 2012

I am using visual studio 2012 to generate data. I am not using ASP.NET. My programs are on a CDROM disk. How can I use a button to save data into an excel file on the CDROM.

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VS 2010 Saving Data When Doing Carving?

Dec 2, 2010

I am creating a software to carve data from an image file( removing data which can be deleted and undeleted) I am using the header and footer method. The problem is that am not able to save the data in between the header and footer. The data i want to save is raw data , in hexadecimal.So after getting the data, i would be able to get it back to its normal form.

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VS 2010 Saving DataTable To My.Settings

Dec 21, 2010

I'm having trouble saving, or better yet, retrieving a datatable from user settings My.Settings. I've created a user setting of type System.Data.Datatable, and am able to save the datatable to it at run-time by setting it as an instance of the datatable I am trying to save, and assigning it that datatable as such:


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VS 2010 Saving Excel Files?

Sep 27, 2011

I am working on saving excel objects to a directory of my choosing. I am able to use a folder browser dialog to select the save location and the saveas method within the excel interop and i am able to create a file in the folder i select with the name i choose. The issue is that when i later go to open that file it is blank. no workbooks no worksheets etc . Just a seemingly blank file in the proper location with the proper name.

It should be noted that if i single click on the report icon to open it the microsoft browser window does show a tiny preview of what seems like the correct report.

eapp.Worksheets(1).SaveAs(FileName:=patient_frm.savefolder & "Lateral Postural Analysis")

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VS 2010 Saving File Using Filedialog?

Apr 20, 2011

im having a problem saving text.. this is the problem i have a textbox that a multiline... now when i click the save button it pop up a save file dialog.. now i want to do when the user click the ok button in a save file dialog it will save as a text file and their file name is the user input into the save file dialog..

i use the but i dont how to save the text in the textbox..

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VS 2010 Saving Project To A Different Location?

Jan 18, 2012

I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.

When I click on "New Project", under the "Name" textbox, I get no "browse" button to save the project somewhere else other than the default Document and Settings folder. But, my friend see that "browse" button under the "Name" textbox.

How can I save the project somewhere else other than the default Document and Settings folder ?

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VS 2010 Saving State Of The Application?

Jun 28, 2011

how i could save te state of the application.

i'm working with an usb interface and i control relays with it. when i close my exe. and re open i don't see witch relays where switched on.

and because my program shows a light bulb witch indicate turned on or off but when i open it, it first shows everything of also those who aren't.

so i think i need a script that every time i toggle a button it also save the state into a database ore something.

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VS 2010 Saving Stuff On A CheckedListBox?

Jun 20, 2010

So ive Almost got Most of the Beggining Stuff done. but there's one thing. How do i get it to Save Its Data for the CheckedListBox?

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VS 2010 Saving Text From RTF In A .txt File

May 13, 2012

I am trying to save text written in an Richtextfield into a .txt file. The problem is that the vbCrLf's are not stored. The *.txt file is written in one line.

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VS 2010 Saving Textbox1 Items To *.txt

Feb 20, 2011

I can save textbox1 items to txt file using this

System.IO.File.WriteAllText("C:log.txt", TextBox1.Text)

Reading is okay, but it overwrite on old txt which are in log.txt file. I want it to save all items with some SPACE like..

I write 12345 - saved to log.txt okay. but when i write 123456 - that old txt gets removed and new one overwritten. It should save it like..



123456 and so on..

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VS 2010 Saving User Acheviements?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm stuck with this problem: How to save what a user does to the program. For instance, in my program, the user can change the text of the button to whatever he/she wants. However, when she/he reopens the program, the button text she/he made doesn't stay there; they have to rename it. I just wanted to know what the code was to save the user's achievements.

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