VS 2010 Saving User Acheviements?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm stuck with this problem: How to save what a user does to the program. For instance, in my program, the user can change the text of the button to whatever he/she wants. However, when she/he reopens the program, the button text she/he made doesn't stay there; they have to rename it. I just wanted to know what the code was to save the user's achievements.

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VS 2010 Saving And Loading User Input?

Apr 16, 2012

Ok, as you can see I am totaly new with Visual Basic. I have learned all those loops, if&else statements, byval, byref and etc. But now, I want to create this kind of application. I have 3 textboxes. One will contain URL, second username, and last password. There is a listbox also and a button. I want when user add a values inside textboxes , that values go to listbox as one variable and then save those settings for user so when he start up application again there are saved variables inside listbox. I just dont know how to do that.

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MS Visual Studio 2010 - Saving Dataset With User Input

Jun 17, 2011

I had an Excel spreadsheet which I put in MS Access (database). I then took that database and used that as a source in VB to create a GUI for. In VB I have an input text box to search and pull of different fields. I created some queries for searches in from the text box. I have have a dataset view of the data which has the binding navigator (add, insert, save).

The problem I have is that when I hit the '+' for add to add information and then click the 'save' button in the binding Navigator, the information I put in does not save. I check this by exit out of the program run (debug to open the app) and then open it back up to search and/or check for the new information I put in. My overall goal is to create to publish the final code and use an a standalone program.

Also, as another option,(I would like to learn) Is there a way to map VB directly to an Excel file to have the user input information and save to the excel file.

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Reading User-provided File And Saving To User-specified Path?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm currently writing a program that needs to open a file specified by the user, replace a certain string of text with a different string of text, and save it to the user-specified path. Here's what I have so far:

Private Sub forceButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles forceButton.Click
Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter(OpenChart1.FileName)
Replace("", "E *", "N 5 0")
End Sub

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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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VS 2008 User Settings Saving?

Dec 12, 2009

Okay so i have a problem with saving the users settings. Okay i have about 50 check boxes on my frm1.So for example if the user clicks on check boxes 1 and 2 the next time when the user starts the program i want check box 1 and 2 to be checked


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.net - Saving The Login Name As Current User Identity In Asp.net?

Mar 1, 2011

So I'm making a asp.net login. I want the login name that people use to match an id in my SQL database. So that I can retrieve their information. But currently when I use the code below, from which I get the name of the computer I am currently on. However I would like the user Identity to be what they write in the username textbox at the login screen.


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Saving A File Into The End Users, User Area?

Jun 11, 2011

If I create a save a text file, how do I get my application to save it into the end users directory?

Ive current got this which saves into my user area.
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("C:Users#####FruitFruit.txt", False)

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VS 2008 : Saving Workbook To User Specified Location?

Apr 3, 2011

Here's my code what do I need to add to Save the workbook as an Excel file to a user specified directory?

Dim ExcelReport As Excel.ApplicationClass
Dim i As Integer
Dim New_Item As Windows.Forms.ListViewItem
Const MAX_COLUMS As Int16 = 254


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VS 2008 Saving And Reading User Settings?

Feb 16, 2010

I need to save some string settings at runtime and read them back. They will need to be changed at anytime during runtime also. The examples I have found says they are obsolete for vs2008. how to save and read some string settings? I found alot for the application settings that to me are ones you set once for the app like in an asp.net site. I need to change these anytime like you would in a registry.

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C# - Saving Class Library User Settings In Winforms .Net 3.5 SP1?

Jul 8, 2010

A while back, I wrote my own settings provider because I was having problems persisting settings in a class library. (Note - I had no problems persisting settings from an application).Today, I just did a test of persisting class library settings and it worked, without my custom provider.The test is:

(1) Create a class library

(2) Add a setting - 'Name'

(3) Add a class with a public shared property 'Name' that reads and writes to the setting 'Name'.

(4) Create an application that references the class library, and use the shared property to read and write the 'Name' setting.

I'm sure that before the 'Name' setting would persist while the application was open but after I closed it and re-opened it, the setting would revert to the default.This is not happening now and I'd like to be sure that I was being an idiot before and not an idiot now.

ETA: I've noticed that the first time I create a test app, change the setting, close, and reopen, the setting is not persisted. Subsequently it is. May be I gave up after one try before. Any ideas why it's not persisted the first time?

ETA2: As an example, I have a class library called 'MyLibrary' and a test application called 'MyApp'. I do the steps 1-4 above, and below are the contents of the user.config file found at C:Documents and SettingsUser NameLocal SettingsApplication DataMyAppMyApp.vshost.exe_Url_vi5gjcooahbdm2ma3dcay0mkexu2suul1.0.0.0. Note: I did not touch the settings in MyApp;-

<sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral >
<section name="MyLibrary.My.MySettings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />


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Saving The Screenshot - Program Where The User Fills Out Info

Nov 17, 2009

I'm making a program where the user fills out info, then they click one button and the program takes a screenshot of the form, then they click another button and the screenshot gets saved. I'm having a couple problems with my code though. For one, I'm trying to make the screenshot go to an invisible picturebox to make saving easier, but I cant figure out how to make the image go to the picturebox. The other problem is that I want it to automatically save without showing the dialog, but so far, it won't save.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Saving User Defined Object Into Windows Registry

Jun 22, 2012

I need to save created object into Windows Registry and after reopening application to read it? I know how to save and read string but this is complex object.

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Saving User Entered Values And Results In Database

May 23, 2011

I have created a small program that performs various calculations with data entered by the user. I need to be able to save the entered values and the results on the system running the program and be able to open it at anytime in the future and have the values and results displayed in the correct text boxes. I am currently reading up on some tutorials but I was just curious as to how I can send all my data in Visual Basic to my database in Microsoft Access?

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Simplest Method Of Saving User Input Data?

Jun 9, 2010

So far i have a really basic form application that allows a user to enter some information and does a small calculation, displaying all of the information gathered on the final form.

Im looking to try to save this information but have no idea where to start,im trying to just take whatever is in my text field and put it in a table row. I created a one table database in Access and linked it to the form with a button to try and save it.

I thought it would be as simple as tablename.rowname = textbox.text or something but apparently not and all ive ended up with so far is this:

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
End Sub

I dont even think im close, ive just been fiddling with the predefined code in Visual Studio, trying import ect but the button just doesnt seem to do anything.

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VS 2008 Saving And Loading Values That Are Entered By The User

Nov 13, 2009

The problem is this: I have two forms. One form and the other form do mathematical calculations. I want to save the values that the user inputs, so when the user quits the program and then starts it up again the values are still there. But when I open up the program, start typing in values, then calculate them, hit quit. Try to open up the program again, its giving me a message that the input file is invalid. When I click ok, the program doesn't crash, continues. But the values are not there at all. The other form I put exactly the same code, just changed the variables and it doesn't want to save the values at all! I wrote this code for saving and loading the values:


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Wpf - Saving User Config Data To XML And Relative URI Error

Mar 4, 2010

I am working on a program where some application config info is stored in a Userconfig.xml file. I am loading the file as an XMLDataProvider in the XAML via relative URI:

<XmlDataProvider x:Name="UserConfigDataSource" x:Key="UserConfigDataSource" Source="UserConfig.xml" d:IsDataSource="True"/>

I have a number of items throughout bound to elements in the document and an event handler that saves to the XMLDataProvider:

Private Sub SaveConfig(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs)
'TODO: Add event handler implementation here
Dim SavePath As String = UserConfigDataSource.Source.LocalPath.ToString


When this executes I get the error "This operation is not supported for a relative URI". Is there a good way to produce an absolute URI (aside from getting the assembly executing location and trimming the executable filename from the end)? I expected this to be a somewhat simple procedure.

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Saving Data Which Would Need To Be Updated Every Time The User Exits The Program

Aug 21, 2011

I want to work on a project I have in mind and this envolves saving data which would need to be updated every time the user exits the program. I suppose I need to know how to save a file to a blank text document, and how to get the application to read the information when it is called for. I believe I need to set delimiters or such, the helpfile is useful, but limited and some information is not listed at all.

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Saving Information So Program Remembers Next Time User Signs In

Feb 25, 2010

i want the user to login, and the first thing is, having the text document for that(if theres a safer way to do it, let me know) then it goes to the weekly sales page, but theres also the goals for the sales, which rarely change, but if they do i would like them to be able to change them, then next page is the list of the workers, and if they need to i would like them to be able to add workers. so my question is: is there anyway that maybe i could save both the goals, and the workers in the text document, and when they need to change it/add workers it will save it in the text document and the next time they sign in the changes will be permanent? also is there a way to delete the user once they have been created, other than going into the txt document and deleting it.

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Session ID - Saving Connection Status On Table Of User Logging In

Jan 17, 2012

I have a small application shared by 5 users. The application uses an Access 2007 database located on a local network server. My question is: Whenever a user logs into I save it's connection status on a table. When using OleDb is there a way of getting something like a unique "session id" for the user logging in?

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VS 2008 Handle Saving User Control Settings On Form Close?

Dec 27, 2009

What is the correct way to handle saving user control settings on form close. I have a tabcontrol that a user can add tabpages during runtime. The user control has a few controls (listbox,combobox,textbox) How can I save the created tabpages and the data in each control in the usercontrol? Below is how I am calling my usercontrol

Public Class TabPageEx
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage


I seem to be a little lost as most documentation seems to suggest that I can not save usercontrol settings in the app.config. I have played around with the solution expl. settings tab without much success. But, then again I may be going about it all wrong. So, I am looking for a little direction on the best way to handle this on form close.

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Winforms Saving Images To SQL Server Without Creating A File On The User's Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

This is my first attempt at creating a Winforms application, and I have been developing in the .Net Framework (Silverlight, ASP.Net, WPF) for about 6 months. So, my appologies if this is a newbie question.

Basically what I am doing right now is taking the drawings of a stylus-based input, and storing them into an image field in a SQL Server database. Then, in another form, I go and get that image out of the database, and load it into a picture box. It works, but it is rather "sloppy" how it got there.When the user clicks save, it stores that image into a temporary folder, then converts it to a byte array and throws it into the database that way. Then, it deletes the file from the temporary folder. When retrieving it, it pulls it out of the database in a byte array, then converts it to an image in a temporary folder, thus displaying it on the form.

Is there a way that I can just bypass the storing of the file onto the user's harddrive both times, and go from byte array to picturebox?

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2010/Accdb 2010 Not Saving Changes To Database?

Mar 10, 2011

Dim Connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=cSSO3sEEhrM4vY3je0qC;" 'connect to the access 2010 database, including DB Password


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VS 2010 Can Use Timer When User Tries To Log-in And User Entered A Wrong Password 3 Times

Jan 6, 2012

Can i use the timer when the user tries to log-in and the user entered a wrong password 3 times.i will give the user 5 mins to log-in again with the correct password and if the user enters the wrong pass. 3 times again i will give another 10mins also this is what i want when the user close the program the timer is also their and running that it will give the user the remaining tym on how much tym left 4 him to log-in again.Can i do this in vb.net??i dont know how 2 do this i dont have a clue if it is possible can someone give me a code??

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Saving Entries VB 2010?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a database along with a dataset. Everything is displayed as a gridview.When I run my program and save my entries, everything works fine. I go through other forms and items are still saved but as soon as I close Visual Studio and restarts the program, the items previously saved are no longer available and nowhere to be found

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Saving To A DataBase In VB 2010?

Apr 23, 2011

I think I have written code for saving All textbox's, maskedtextbox, datetimepicker,ombobox's ect.....I have a save button on a form called "SaveButton8" And what I want is when a user fills out the form, and when they click the savebutton8 I want all the froms, Textbox's, Maskedtextbox, Datetimepicker, Combobox's ect..... to save to the database. I have looked all over the forum with no sucess. here is my code:

Private Sub Button8_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click


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VS 2010 - Saving Changes To Database

Sep 6, 2011

I am very new to all of this, and I am trying to build my first program. I have a set of textboxes that are bound to columns in my data set. I am trying to save the changes made to the dataset back to the database. i found the following code online that I am using to do that:


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VS 2010 Saving A Listbox?

Jun 25, 2011

im trying to save a listbox with a few lines in it. Im using this:

save.InitialDirectory = "C:"
save.FileName = "List of needs"
save.Filter = "Text Files ONLY (*.txt) | *.txt"


Im not sure what to put in W.Wrte() and i guess thats why i get a text file with this:

System.Windows.Forms.ListBox, Items.Count: 4, Items[0]:

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VS 2010 Saving Dataset

Oct 12, 2011

VS 2010 Saving Dataset

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VS 2010 Saving Settings?

Dec 28, 2011

VB 2010 Express, Windows 7 The settings on the main form save properly. My problem is that I have a usercontrol that is changed to a tabpage that I use to 'clone' tabs. Is there a way to save the cloned tabs along with there settings?

Multiple people use the program and the number of tabs and settings are different for each person.

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