Saving The Screenshot - Program Where The User Fills Out Info

Nov 17, 2009

I'm making a program where the user fills out info, then they click one button and the program takes a screenshot of the form, then they click another button and the screenshot gets saved. I'm having a couple problems with my code though. For one, I'm trying to make the screenshot go to an invisible picturebox to make saving easier, but I cant figure out how to make the image go to the picturebox. The other problem is that I want it to automatically save without showing the dialog, but so far, it won't save.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Program Saving User Selected Image And Reloading It Upon Program Load

Jul 4, 2012

I have my rpg, still, first time working on it n ages, and I want each user to be able to set their own personalized picture background for the game...

each character in the game has its own dedicated folder for each file that the character has relating to it...

what I want to know how to do, is to have my game copy the loaded/chosen background image to their respective characters data folder, and have the game reload/reset the games default background image, to the one piced by he player...I am having a hard time figuring out how to do this however...I've tried a lot of different things...and nothing is working yet...

here is my example code right now:


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Screenshot Saving Error In

Jan 6, 2012

I'm trying to save a screenshot with this line:

PictureBox1.Image.Save("D:screenshot" & DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") & ".jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)


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Allows The User To Drag And Drop A Xls File Onto The Form And A DataGridView Fills With The Xls Sheet Data?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a VB .NET (VS 2008) application which allows the user to drag and drop a xls file onto the form and a DataGridView fills with the xls sheet data. The user than can apply changes to the data or add entries. Data integrity is checked during the load into the DataGridView (duplicates are removed and invalid entries are filtered out). After doing all this the user can click a button and the data is uploaded to a SQL server (2008) DB. I have a primary key set up (row number) and I have a compound key in the SQL table.

It is all working beautifully. Now here is my question:

I want to check for duplicate entries (between SQL server and DataGridView data) before the data is uploaded and commited to the table. What would be the most efficient way to that?

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Program That Fills A 2D Array With Quiz Scores?

Jan 27, 2011

I want to write a quick program that fills a 2D array with quiz scores. Consider there is 5 Students and each have completed 3 Quizes. I want the program to display a class average as well as a student average.

I've gotten as far as a nested for/next loop but I am stumbling over the language for accumulating and displaying the average.[code]...

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Saving Data Which Would Need To Be Updated Every Time The User Exits The Program

Aug 21, 2011

I want to work on a project I have in mind and this envolves saving data which would need to be updated every time the user exits the program. I suppose I need to know how to save a file to a blank text document, and how to get the application to read the information when it is called for. I believe I need to set delimiters or such, the helpfile is useful, but limited and some information is not listed at all.

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Saving Information So Program Remembers Next Time User Signs In

Feb 25, 2010

i want the user to login, and the first thing is, having the text document for that(if theres a safer way to do it, let me know) then it goes to the weekly sales page, but theres also the goals for the sales, which rarely change, but if they do i would like them to be able to change them, then next page is the list of the workers, and if they need to i would like them to be able to add workers. so my question is: is there anyway that maybe i could save both the goals, and the workers in the text document, and when they need to change it/add workers it will save it in the text document and the next time they sign in the changes will be permanent? also is there a way to delete the user once they have been created, other than going into the txt document and deleting it.

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Info Not Saving In A Database?

Apr 11, 2010

I created a database in access 2007, linked it to my project in visual studio 2008 (vb). When I enter some data using the UI, it does not save it in the database, and it's gone as soon as I run the program again. I dragged the textboxes from the datasource panel, onto the UI..

this is the code that was automatically generated by vs for the save button:

[code]Private Sub StaffBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StaffBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Saving Info From A Form?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a database, and I am creating many forms that pull info from the db and write info to the db. I have a form that asks for a set of information. One of the box is a combobox that has a list of values. I have a button at the bottom
of the form that will allow the user to enter a new value to the values that populate the combobox if the user does not see the value they need. This will obviously populate a new form to create the new value.

I want the information on the first form to not be lost when the user hits the button to enter a new value for the combobox, yet I also want the combobox to display the new value.

Is there a way to save the information from the form and repopulate the form with the info the user entered? If I reload the form undoubtedly the form will repopulate the combobox and my new value will be there, since I have it reading and pulling info from the db on loading the form.

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Saving Info From Text Box?

Dec 31, 2009

When the Users run my Program theres a tab in which you can type information,
I want them to beable to save it to an *.txt [Text File] and be able to Load it back

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Saving Info On Mysql?

Jul 18, 2012

I have this form that i need to save on Mysql database but i'm stuck on what I should do.

This form needs to be done every 3 or 4 months. Every saved information stays saved in a row.

This form has alot of radiobuttons,textboxes and comboboxes that I save into mysql database But I also have a datagridview inside that form that needs to be saved as well , So here is where im stuck

I need to keep things simple and efficient. heres two example of what i can do but don't know what to use.

Example 1:
-User1 Review 1-
Row1(review1) ----info--info---info---info---info----info---
Row2(review2) ----info--info---info---info---info----info---
Row3(review3) ----info--info---info---info---info----info---


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Take A Screenshot With Program Minimized?

Jan 13, 2012

I wrote some code for a program I am making to take a screenshot when the program is minimized. Thing is something is wrong with the code and I am not sure what it is. Whenever I take a screenshot the program is taking the picture with the application up and not minimized.

So what I need it to do is minimize the application then take the screenshot and then reopen the program after its taken the screenshot. for the noob question but I am brand new to the VB and only been coding it in for less then a day.


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Working On Saving Some Info And Images?

Oct 25, 2010

I am currently working on saving some info and images. And i was looking at a game maker i used to use and it saved images as a "1rc" format. Is this custom? And can i save and load images as a "1rc" format?

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Writing User Info Such As User, Computer Name, Date, And Time To An Acces Database?

Sep 25, 2009

writing user info such as user, computer name, date, and time to an acces database using a button click event. Then use a query to check if the user has accepted the aggreement. If the user has accepted the aggreement then call a vb.exe that display the aggrement. I have a login script that runs the vb.exe and uses a button click that records the user info to a csv file, but if the user has already agreed to the policies I do not want it run again.

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Login Facility Reading In User Info From A Main User File?

Nov 9, 2011

I have been trying to solve this for 2 days now, every text book I own and google have been well and truely exhausted and I am still no closer to solving my problems.I have a login facility reading in user info from a main user file. This takes all info into a temp array and then splits usernames into a username file, passwords into a password file and a current score in a score file.

I have the login working fine and everything else in my program works as intended but touching up cosmetic aspects I want to add a Message box after login to say hello and display current score. This works great for the first name in the user file i.e - after login User1 welcome to the game. Your current score is 45 As intended.But the problem arises with any other users, my message comes out as

User2 welcome to the game. Your current score is 55 I do not understand where the random new lines are coming from. I have tried assigning the message as a variable and removing new line using


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VS 2010 Saving Info From Forms/Dialogs?

Feb 23, 2012

I am trying to get my project to be able to save the data been input from a user. I have uploaded a screen shot of the dialog I am currently trying to use. You will see that I have got a combobox for member at the top. What I want is when the "new" button gets clicked then I can add the desired information then click "Ok buttton which will then save the information.

I want to be able to select members from the combobox after multiple have been recorded to be able to delete or edit them. I have got as far as "changing" the combobox to a textbox for input purposes. I have tried a few attempts to get it. I am getting "ConfigurationErrorsException was unhandled"

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Make A Screenshot On Default Coordinates In Program?

Apr 29, 2012

Basically what I would like to do is take a screenshot of a portion of the screen based on coordinates taken with the mouse left button click.

what I can do up to now is get the coordinates with the mouse and show these in a label thanks to[code]...

What I thought to do is take the coordinates of the upper left corner and lower right corner and make a screenshot thanks to these coordinates.

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VS 2010 Making A Screenshot Program But Unable To Draw The Rectangle?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm currently working on a screenshot program, much like Gyazo and I've come across a problem.


Now, it draws perfectly when I drag left to down (vice versa), but when I try and drag the opposite way (this is when I get negative x and y values), it doesn't seem to draw the rectangle.I've tried fixing it but with no luck at all, it just messes it up :c

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Copy Text To An External Program, Click Somewhere On The Screen, Then Save A Screenshot?

Oct 16, 2011

I picked for this question since it's the only prgramming language I am fairly familair with, but if C++ or something else is more suited for this, I am willing to learn something new.What I am trying to do is:Retrieve text from database (this already works in and copy it to clipboard Switch primary screen to the external application I want to work with (example: word or open office) Emulate key-press "Enter" Paste text and hit enter again Emulate key-press CTRL and then emulate a click on a pre-defined spot on the screen (like 500pixels from left, 740pixels from top). Save screenshot, using a second value from the database as the filename (the naming part should be easy) Emulate another click on another pre-defined spot Repeat for next text in database.I wouldn't know where to start, though. I guess the most important part of what I'm trying to achieve is; switching focus to an external application and emulate keypresses and mouse clicks on it.

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Reading User-provided File And Saving To User-specified Path?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm currently writing a program that needs to open a file specified by the user, replace a certain string of text with a different string of text, and save it to the user-specified path. Here's what I have so far:

Private Sub forceButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles forceButton.Click
Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter(OpenChart1.FileName)
Replace("", "E *", "N 5 0")
End Sub

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Adding New User Info To Database

Feb 4, 2011

got a new problem while trying to add a new user into the database. After i've submitted all the data i get an error message saying "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value "Aron" to data type int" to be honest, im totally stumped as to what this could meen, does it meen its trying to convert string type data to an integer? Anyway heres the code im using


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Adding New User Info To Database?

Jan 29, 2011

im trying to add a new user login to my database through my program, and i've got the procedure worked out, i just dont know how to retrieve the inputted data.

Basically i've got three text boxes that ask for "Name" "Password" "Phone Extension" but how would i work them into his statement?

CreateLogin.CommandText = ("INSERT INTO Users (UserID, Password, Phone) Values How would i follow up after "Values"??

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Asking User To Add Info Personally In Textboxes

Dec 10, 2011

I am trying to ask the user the add personaly information in the text boxes. Then based on what the user clicks on the radio button precourse, the application will deterimine what the costs will be for the participant. Here is my code. I am not getting error messages in the objPreCurse or objParticpant class, but in the form on line 47-55 where the If and then statements appear.

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Private Sub radNetwork_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles radNetwork.CheckedChanged
End Sub
Private Sub lblTitle_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblTitle.Click
[Code] .....

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Get ID When Login - Show Info About User?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a form in my application, and when I logIn, I make a query to SELECT the username, the password and the level of username.
"SELECT username, password, level FROM TLogin WHERE [username] = @username and [password] = @password and [level] = @level"
So, when I logIn, I go to a form called "Options", I would like to know how to only show the information about the user that I've loggedIn ?

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Get User Login Info On The Server

Oct 20, 2009

In my windows app, which runs on windows server 2003, i will like to return all the users who are logged into the server. How to do that?

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Retrieve User Info When Logged In?

Feb 15, 2012

what i want is when the user inputs the username and password, his/her information will be showed in the textbox located at the mainform which shows the users information like where he live and his occupation. how to show users data in the textbox of another form when he/she logged in. im using and mssql

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Display User Info In A Listview Rather Than A Listbox?

Mar 20, 2010

im trying to edit a code so that i can display user info in a listview rather than a listbox because listview has some options i want to use , i have 2 errors one in Public Sub removeClient and one in Private Sub AddClientToListview i would be very greatful if some could give a helping hand to resolve these errors
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class form1


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Show To User The File Info Programamtically?

Feb 15, 2012

how to show to a user the file info of a file programamtically. Can I just use the Properties window that Windows use to show all the detals of a file (e.g. name, type, size, path, date created ect.) I am using the IO namespace

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DB / Reporting - Using A Datareader To Retrieve The User Login Info

Jun 4, 2008

I need to convert a large VB6 app to which does a lot of database work and produces a Crystal Report. The initial form is simple a login form which validates the user. I am trying to use a datareader to retrieve the user's login info but it won't compile on the statement where I'm trying to get the Connection String from the app.config file. It complains that the ConfigurationManager is not declared on the dim statement. Where and how do I declare the ConfigurationManager? I thought it was just pointing to the app.config file but apparently that is not correct. [Code]

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Pulling User Name And Info From Active Directory Using LDAP?

Apr 28, 2006

1> take a request... ie. First name, Last name, or login ID and Search AD Path can be hard coded so entire forest is not searched.

2> List all entries found

3>once the correct user is selected I need to pull First, last, middle name and , Email , Phone number , @ and GUID for that user.

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