Scroll DGV Via Code When Rows Are Populated?

Jun 15, 2012

I have a datagridview which I populate in data real time. I want to be able to scroll the DGV via code so that the user can actually see the row that is being populated. This is obviosly not an issue if the # of total rows are visible in the DGV. However, if the # rows are greater than that which is visible to the user, a scroll needs to occur. The next question is how much do you scroll the DGV.

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Determine Which Are New Rows And Which Are Populated Rows

Dec 15, 2009

I have a datagridview that is bound to a datatable (created by dataset designer) with columns RowID, CreatedBy, UpdatedBy and some other columns for actual data.Every time a user updates a row in datagridview, I will need automatically to populate UpdatedBy column with the user ID.Every time a user adds a new record in datagridview, I will automatically populate CreatedBy with user IDI use CellEndEdit event to check whether RowID is Null to determine the row is a new row. This means I have to set RowID AutoIncrement = False. Doing this way will only allow users to add 1 row at a time before they get duplicate row exception due to 2 same RowID.

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DataGridView - How To Add Rows Already Populated

Oct 20, 2009

How do I add rows that have already been populated. I saw a param that took an array. I have 8 columns, so would I need 8 elements in my array when I add them I have the code:
But I want to modify the data in the row using code, how would I go about doing this?

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How To Assign Code To Scroll Bars

Apr 27, 2011

i just added scroll bars to my windows design application but the funny thing is i have no idea of how to assign code to them. ps: the bars are vertical and horizontal.

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Make A Scrollbar Scroll Through Code?

May 28, 2009

I am making a Mario remake. I made the picturebox for the ground stretch out the form and make it really long, but I need it to be able to scroll the form through the code, instead of with a scroll bar.


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Adjusting The Position Of The Vertical Scroll Bar In Code?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a windows form which contains a group of panels in a flowlayout control. Each panel has a button acrossthe top which is always visible and clicking on it expands the panel to view the other controls on it. clicking on it again shrinks the panel back to the size of the button. A simple form of menu. The flowlayout control has autoscroll enabled and as enough panels are resized (opened) they obviously are too big for the form and a scroll bar pops up.To get the most recently opened panel in the viewable area I use


where pnECBF is the panel just resized. This works but places the panel at the bottom of the form i.e just in the visible area. I want the user to be able to see the panel AND the next menu button which is on the subsequent panel. So basically what I want is the panel into the visible area +25 pixels for the next panels menu button.

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Tab Control Scrolling - Middle Mouse Wheel Doesn't Scroll The Scroll Bar

May 22, 2012

I have a tab control with two tab pages. One page has the auto scroll enabled since there is to much content in the page. The middle mouse wheel doesn't scroll the scroll bar; I have to actually click and hold the scroll bar and drag it down to scroll. Is there a property to allow this?

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Horizontal Scroll Control - Using It To Scroll A Series Of Panels Across A Form?

Nov 11, 2010

I am having an odd problem with the Horizontal Scroll Control in my program.I am using it to scroll a series of panels across a form.This is my code:

Sub scrHoriz_Scroll(ByVal
sender As[code]....

The problem is that this works perfectly if I use the left and right arrows and it also works perfectly if I use the scroll bar's slider SLOWLY. If I scroll using the slider and move it quickly then the scroll gets out of sync.The small change and large change are both set to 1 and maximum is set to 8

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Making A DataGridView Horizontal Scroll Event Scroll Another Control

Aug 5, 2011

I have a DataGridView with a panel above it, that contains a group of textboxes above each column. My DataGridView has a horizontal scroll bar. What I want to do is when the DataGridView scrolls horizontally, scroll the panel with textboxes above it, so they stay aligned.I tried handling the DataGridView's scroll event, but I'm not sure what to do with it.

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VS 2010 Panel Auto-scroll Will Not Show Vertical Scroll Bar?

Jun 12, 2011

I am loading several command buttons into it (one in each grid box). I have the panel set to autoscroll. When TableLayoutPanel is set to AddColumns, all works well. However, I dont want horizontal scroll, I want vertical. When I set TableLayoutPanel to AddRows, a vertical scrollbar will not appear.

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Leave Vertical Scroll Position As Is And Scroll All The Way Left?

Jan 6, 2010

How would I leave the vertical scroll position as it is and set the horizontal scroll position all the way left if it isn't already in that position? I've been using Me.AutoScrollPosition and have come up with code that is satisfactory but I haven't been able to always leave the vertical scroll position exactly as it is and just move the horizontal scroll position to the left limit.

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Use 'scroll Bar' Option On Textbox To Show Vertical Scroll Bar

Mar 13, 2010

I have a textbox that shows events on a program, which I add. I use the 'scroll bar' option on the textbox to show the vertical scroll bar, but how do I make it stay at the bottom most possible? I am using this code while I am trying to learn how to do what I want the scroll bar to:[code]But how do I get it so the scroll bar will stay at the bottom-most it can? I'd like the newest, most recent events to appear at the bottom of the textbox, and to have the user not have to scroll down every time something new is added.

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Scroll Bars Not Long Enough To Scroll Panel Far Enough?

Aug 19, 2009

i have 2 controls on a form. Panel1 and picturebox. I am using the following code to zoom in.

PicBox.Width = PicBox.Width + 100
PicBox.Height = PicBox.Height + 75
'PicBox.Left = PicBox.Left - 50
'PicBox1st.Top = PicBox.Top - 20

i am also using the following code to try and scroll whilst zoomed in

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private m_PanStartPoint As New Point
Private Sub picbox_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PicBox.MouseDown
'Capture the initial point


I have set the panel to autoscroll and added scroll bars but they do not scroll far enough... They only scroll about 2cm.

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When Mouse Scroll The Datagridview Will Scroll Following Horizontal

Dec 10, 2009

Following default the datagridview will scroll following vertical. How can i do that. I tried :

DataGridView1.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Horizontal but not work

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Amend Code To Use It To Get Sevral Rows Ids In @id Like In The Picture

Aug 23, 2011

I use this code to get row id from dgv in @id like in the picture.


Now how can I amend this code to use it to get sevral rows ids in @id like in the picture, so when I highlight these rows 52 and 53 and 45 and 55 I want thier ids shown in @id like this 52;53;54;55; with (;) between them.

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Color Code Rows Conditionally In Program And SQL?

Apr 15, 2011

I am developing an ASPX file to return all records from a SQL table. I can successfully get all of the numbers to show, but now I want certain rows to have their background colors changed if they meet certain criteria. So I want to compare 2 of my columns to some value, and if it exceeds this value then it should change color of that row. How can I fix below code? Main problem is I don't know how to specify a column of data to compare. No errors on this, but none of my rows have color changes either.[code]...

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Span Rows/colums In TableLayout In Code?

Mar 3, 2010

I found this but to no avail:[URL]..I have generic fields and labels that I put inside already predefined table layouts. Some fields need to span rows/columns and I can't figure out how to do it within code (aka not in the designer).

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Datagrid Search But Get False Selected Rows. Contains Code?

May 20, 2009

Dim foundit As Integer = 0
Dim intResponse As DialogResult


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Scroll An ASP.NET Page Under Control Of The Code-behind Page?

Jun 3, 2009

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 page with some AJAX, some Validators and some business-rule validation done in the code-behind page (VB.NET).

The Validators set focus to the 'offending' control when an error is detected.

When a business rule is violated, I used the following code to generate some javascript "on the fly" and execute it to simulate the Winforms "MessageBox.Show" functionality:

Sub DisplayMessages()
Dim lblError As New Label
lblError.Text = "<script language='javascript'>" & Environment.NewLine & "window.alert('"


At the end of the "btnSave.Click" code, if everything went ok, calling that subroutine.

What I get is the page scrolling to the top and then back to where it was when the Save button was clicked.

For various reasons, 'MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="True"' is in the Page directives at the top of the .aspx code. What I'd really like is to make that FALSE for just a moment so that the page resets at the top - again, only if everything is ok and only for this button (there are other buttons on the page that require the page to keep it's scroll position).

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Winforms - Color Code Rows In A Data Grid Based On A Gradient In Forms

Apr 20, 2010

I have a grid containing rows flagged with different priorities. I want to color the high priority rows red, low ones blue, etc. I'd like to set the shade based on a mathmatically calculated gradient rather than arbitrarily assigning colors to specific priorities. How can I extract a single color from a single point along gradient?

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Make A Scroll Bar Scroll?

Oct 30, 2009

Is it possible to write code to make a scroll bar scroll? I have a working scroll bar on my form.

I am using voice in my application and I just want to know if there is code that I can write to make it scroll so that I can add that code with a voice command so it will scroll.

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Combo Box Not Populated?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a combo box and onload I want the combobox to be populated with data in a field from the database. However, when I execute I receive an empty combo box please could someone look what am doing wrong..

Private Sub populatecmbprojtype()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()


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Combobox Not Being Populated?

Nov 25, 2009

I am having a strang problem with button event handlers that I am creating at runtime.Actually if I set the form as startup form everything is working fine but when I set the main apllication form as startup form the events for buttons created at runtime are not firing.I am posting the code so that you can have a better look and see whts wrong?I have two classes under spotlight here "Class1" and "Grid"I am creating an instance of grid in class 1 and in a sub in grid I am creating buttons dynamically as follows and adding event handlers

For i As Integer = lIndex To uIndex
Dim btn As New Button
btn.Name = ds.Tables(tblName).Rows(i)(btnName).ToString


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Label Not Being Populated?

May 12, 2010

In the code below in the btnAmountEarnedClick event, the lblResults is not being populated.

Private Sub cboRecycleSelection_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboRecycleSelection.SelectedIndexChanged


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Populated With A Specific ID And Name?

Jun 22, 2011

I have several combo controls that need to be populated with a specific ID and name. I want the user to choose the name and have the ID in the background. Later when the data is exported from the database the specific ID's are exported and not the names.

I see that I can create the items in the combobox rather easily using their names. However, how can I associate the ID number for each of the items. Private Sub frmReceipts_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

' Add receipt types to combo box
End Sub

I thought it would be better to have a seperate table with the different receipt types and then somehow connect/link the contents of this new table to the combo box on this form. However, I am at a loss on how to do this.

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RE DataGridView Not Populated

Feb 18, 2010


I tried binding a DataGridView to a DataSet using the DataSource property but no data appeared in the DataGridView. I placed a DataGridView in an empty form, making no property changes except for the name. I did not create columns in the DataGridView. In the form's load event I placed the following code for loading a dataset named ds Executing in debug mode, I confirmed that there was data in that dataset. No column headings or data appeared in the DataGridView. What am I doing wrongly? There are 34 fields (columns) in the DataSet - maybe it exceeds the capacity of a DataGridView.


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Textbox Value Not Populated?

Dec 28, 2010

I have set up a search form so that when the user enters a character, a search occurs. I have some code behind to do the search. The code I am using is as follows:


<script type="text/javascript">
function TextBox_OnKeypress() {


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VS 2008 Insert Rows In Between Rows In Gridview Based On The Parent And Child Nodes?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like:

- 31


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Add Rows Inbetween Rows In Gridview Based On Parent And Child Node

Jan 19, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like: [Code] Comparing the Parent Node text and first two digits in the Column values. I want to add rows inbetween the gridview rows based on the parent and Child Nodes. If i expand the First Parent Node Called "31" then according to the Number of Child Nodes (for first parent node(31) there are 5 child nodes.) add rows in the gridview.

These New rows should be add under the 31-xxxx. If i expand the 32 Parent Node based on number of Child Nodes, add rows under the 32-xxxx. [Code] I am getting the rows in the end of the Gridrow not in the Specific row.

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VS 2008 (DataGridView) :: Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. You can better see what logic i am trying to perform at the bottom of my code, right after I insert into the database. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnLaserGenerateTicket_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLaserGenerateTicket.Click
'Function declarations


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