I am developing an ASPX file to return all records from a SQL table. I can successfully get all of the numbers to show, but now I want certain rows to have their background colors changed if they meet certain criteria. So I want to compare 2 of my columns to some value, and if it exceeds this value then it should change color of that row. How can I fix below code? Main problem is I don't know how to specify a column of data to compare. No errors on this, but none of my rows have color changes either.[code]...
I am developing a report which outputs data in a SQL Table via an ASPX page, using VB. How do I code this so that all rows containing a "1" for one of the columns, shows up as red? Here is what I have so far. This doesn't cause any errors, but it doesn't show up as red either.
I don't know if this is a problem, but the ExceedsLimit and SixInARow variables are INTs in my stored procs, but then I am declaring them as strings in the code below.
Private Sub DataGrid1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
I have a grid containing rows flagged with different priorities. I want to color the high priority rows red, low ones blue, etc. I'd like to set the shade based on a mathmatically calculated gradient rather than arbitrarily assigning colors to specific priorities. How can I extract a single color from a single point along gradient?
I made a simple code that changes the background color for my program and then save it. But for some reason, it will not work if the RGB code has 255 in it.
Public Class Form1 Dim R, G, B As Integer Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click R = TextBoxR.Text
how to sort the rows in one DGV by the color of the row...
I have 3 colors for all the rows based in the value of one field, the values are A,M,B that correspond to Red,White,Yellow colors. The Sort Order must be Red, White, Yellow when ascending and the inverse when descending...
Basically,I would like to bind the data into datagridview which called PODetailsGrid during page_load. After the data had been bind into the gridview,I would like to make alternate color in each row. For example, the font color for row1 is Black,then second row should be Red,then third row will be Black again and so on..
Code: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load GeneratePODetailsView(GenerateDataSource()) End Sub
I'm faced with another issue I would like to have resolved. I have filled my dataset with records from a table and successfully displayed it in a DataGrid. Next i would like to change the background color of certain rows or records in the datagrid using values from a column. E.g assuming my first column stores numeric values, I would like to have records where value in column greater than 6 have it background changed to a different color.
I know that this has been asked alot on the internet and i've searched for it, but can't find any good thread/page about it.What i wanna do is:I have a listview where the user can add items to. But i want the user to able to choose backgroundcolor.The only option i can find is ForeColor, and it does nearly what i want, it colors all text on the row the user add. But as I said I want it to color the background of the row, not the text.
I was looking for some code that would change the colors of some rows in my datagridview but I could not get that to work. I have this code which should work but it doesn't, I could not find any replacements. I need to change the color of some rows.
Do While cnt > -1 If datagridorder.Rows(cnt).Cells.Item("DataGridViewTextBoxColumn16").Value.ToString.Substring(datagridorder.Rows(cnt).Cells.Item("DataGridViewTextBoxColumn16").Value.ToString.Length - 5, 5) = "Cease" Then datagridorder.Rows(cnt).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red End If cnt -= 1 Loop
I am totally new to VB and ADO. I know that we can bind a data source to the datagrid view but if I want to populate the same datagrid view with different set of data but the column names are the same. Based on a date range entered by the user I would like to populate the datagrid view. Can we do this at design time? If I not how do I do this?
I have populated a ListView with currently running processes and with the help of JMC, been able to highlight specific rows based on memory consumption. However, I've decided to change it up a little bit and change the color of rows based on whether the process is owned by the User, if it's a System process, or if is a Service. I've already been able to determine if the process is a User process by utilizing the OpenProcessToken.
Depending on a preprocessor directive, I want to set all properties in a class to EditorBrowsableAttribute.Never.
I thought about creating a custom attribute, derived from EditorBrowsableAttribute, but unfortunately that class is sealed.
I've had a look at ICustomTypeDescriptor, but in the GetProperties method, I can get hold of each property descriptor, but the attributes collection is readonly.
I'm working on a .NET application (VB 2008) that gets all of its data from a web-based Django application.I'm using Linq-to-XML and Linq-to-objects in the app.One API call is giving me XML data in the following format that I am loading into an XDocument.
I have a datagridview which I populate in data real time. I want to be able to scroll the DGV via code so that the user can actually see the row that is being populated. This is obviosly not an issue if the # of total rows are visible in the DGV. However, if the # rows are greater than that which is visible to the user, a scroll needs to occur. The next question is how much do you scroll the DGV.
I am newbie using asp.net I want to ask on how to change color of the label with some conditional statement. For e.g if the stock is below 20 then the label will became red if not then it's black.
I use this code to get row id from dgv in @id like in the picture.
Now how can I amend this code to use it to get sevral rows ids in @id like in the picture, so when I highlight these rows 52 and 53 and 45 and 55 I want thier ids shown in @id like this 52;53;54;55; with (;) between them.
I found this but to no avail:[URL]..I have generic fields and labels that I put inside already predefined table layouts. Some fields need to span rows/columns and I can't figure out how to do it within code (aka not in the designer).
I am coding a dynamic asp.net page in which i want to have text boxes in a page and the number of text boxes depend on a previous user input. Since the number of text boxes are decided dynamically, I am going with designing them in code rather than in the aspx page.Now I need these fields to be mandatory and so want to indicate a RED asterisk symbol in front of the label corresponding to each text box.I am really new to working in .net and I couldn't figure out how to set a specific color to a labelcontrol.[code]....
Every single time that I want to copy and paste the code that's been color coded, I have to sign into MSDN, choose Insert Code Block, and then Paste my VB.NET Code, choose VB.NET, Click Preview, and Copy and Paste it to an HTML Page, I Want that thing that color codes my VB.NET Code, in order for me to share my work online... I don't want to have to keep comming on here and doing all that just to get the HTML Version of my VB.NET Color Coded CODE..Do you understand what I'm asking...? Where can I get software or HTML that will color code my VB.NET so that I can Copy and Paste it to SeaMonkey's Composer page.