Search In Listview And Highlight Found Text
Jun 11, 2011
I can search for items in first listview column using FindItemWithText. I wonder is it possible to search in other listview columns and highlight found text, not all item line? My Listview contains multiple items and each item has 9 subitems. I would like to search in column 4.
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Jun 11, 2011
How can I search, for example ID Number, and want to highlight the listview item found in search from my first form? I'm using combobox from my second form to search.
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Jun 21, 2011
I am having problems with highlighting the found listview item using the code below:
If lstMaster.View = View.Details AndAlso lstMaster.Items.Count > 0 Then
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = lstMaster.FindItemWithText(txtSearchSR.Text, True, 0)
If lvi IsNot Nothing Then
lvi.ListView.Items(0).Selected = True 'Does not seem to work...
End If
End If
How do I highlight the found column?
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Feb 15, 2012
highlight listview item from mysql search statement then get the index?
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Mar 18, 2012
i need code how to highlight founded words into textbox 2 and remove from textbox 2.
do not list all those which are not founded and highlighted leave only matching keywords and highlighted.
I want to highlight only those keywords i type from textbox 1 and add just those which are matching but not others.
this is not a richtextbox or notepad this is my link parser using only 2 text boxes.
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Mar 18, 2012
i need code how to highlight founded words into textbox 2 and remove from textbox 2. do not list all those which are not founded and highlighted leave only matching keywords and highlighted.I want to highlight only those keywords i type from textbox 1 and add just those which are matching but not others.this is not a richtextbox or notepad this is my link parser using only 2 text boxes and a lot of codes
View 2 Replies
Nov 27, 2010
I have a datagridview with three columns (ID, Name, Address). It's bound to a database that contains around 500 items. I want to be able to search the gridview for data given in a text box, and then highlight it. If possible, pressing the Next button should find the next match, and the Reset button should clear all selections (nothing highlighted).
View 1 Replies
Jan 23, 2010
I'm trying to search for text that is known to be in a TextBox.
Once it is found, I want to return the line number it was found on.
Also, I would like to know how to delete all blank lines from a TextBox.
These two problems have been plaguing me for the last 2 days.
View 4 Replies
May 24, 2009
This is the code I posted before. I have a thread open but it is confusing. I have a search of a datagridview. The search works. Now I would like to highlight the corresponding row of the search result. Scroll down to the highlighted row. If there are multiple results to the search critiria the next one should be highlighted.
Dim foundit As Integer = 0
Dim intResponse As DialogResult
With Me.DS.table
View 7 Replies
Jan 15, 2009
im trying to do is find out the command to compare itemview items with textbox, so i dont end up with 2 of the same customers when i add a new entry, if anyone could give me some advice i would be greatful just a hobby, bold line is my problem in script, need to try and replace.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ButtonAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonAdd.Click
View 4 Replies
Feb 20, 2009
I'm currently using this
To grab a specific file from a specified directory, read the lines and display them in a text box. What I want to do, is search for multiple text files in a specified directory, display each name in a Listview and, as I click on them, their info is displayed in the text box below.
View 15 Replies
Jan 18, 2012
View 10 Replies
May 24, 2012
I set up a gridview to display search results on a webpage.
I have the code below that is "supposed" to replace any instance of a search term, with a bolded version of that word.
I've tried many different versions, but nothing is working.
Private Sub gvSearchResults_RowDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvSearchResults.RowDataBound
View 2 Replies
Apr 17, 2010
how to highlight specific rows of ListView in
View 2 Replies
Jan 22, 2010
I have a Listview that will display all System Services on the local machine. I also have settings to change states of the services as a group as well as single selected item. My question is, Is there any way when the user selects which option to change, to highlight all the services that were changed in the listview, making it easier to see what the user has changed .
View 2 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
I have a listview control. I want that whenever I select any row in the listiview its color gets change with some userdefined manner and once deselect it will change to default color
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Jan 25, 2010
how can i highlight my item after i added it to a listview that contains other items.
View 6 Replies
Mar 31, 2009
I am using this code:
It even indicates if the string I'm seeking is in the middle of a line. But what I would like is for the routine to highlight the line that that string is in and ensure visible. I can do that with another routine that uses an integer, but then the whole string(line) has to be the searchString. I've tried combining the two and even calling a Private Sub but with no success:(What is the best way to do this? Also, how do you get around doing it when the searchWord in in several lines?
View 9 Replies
Feb 14, 2010
I would like to highlight the item in a listview that the mouse is hovering over during a drag-drop operation. I'm using a similar method for treeview that works great, but for a listview I'm having trouble. I found a C# example online, but the VB.Net equivalent did not work, unless I translated incorrectly. Here is my
Private Sub AddonDirList_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles AddonDirList.DragOver Dim hoveritem As ListViewItem = AddonDirList.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y) hoveritem.Selected = True hoveritem.EnsureVisible() End Sub
When I use this code, not only does the highlight not work, but the drag-drop operation does not work at all. Rather than the typical drag-drop mouse pointer, the circle with diagonal line pointer is shown, which is what you would normally see if the listview did not have dropping enabled.
View 1 Replies
Aug 31, 2010
is there any way to change the highlight color of a selected item in listview?.The items in the listview are colored(red, green,blue....) when i select one or more i cant see which color it has, because of the blue highlight color of the selection, is there a way to change this blue highlight color to a different color or just make it transparent?
View 5 Replies
Jan 5, 2010
I am trying to search an array and then say whether the result was found or not.
So far i have:
Option Explicit On
Module Module1
Const MaxAnimals = 20
Now i have looked online and all of them seem to give you like ready made things on VB but i have not used them yet and i know there is an easy way of doing it as my friend managed to do it before but i can't get hold of him.
Basically it is a program (There is more of it but this is not necessary for this) which puts the names of animals into an array then you can either add another animal, or in the sub i am doing at the moment view all the animals in the array but i can't work out how!
View 3 Replies
Dec 13, 2011
How to search foldernames (for example 'xerity') and zip found folders (for example 'zerxeritynar', 'hiun xerity natrer' ,etc.) with Visual Basic.NET?
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Jun 2, 2009
This search button works fine, however, in the tooltip it shows "Record Found" as highlighted in the code below. What I want to do is to say how many records have been found. Lets say 2 records found it says "2 Records Found".
View 7 Replies
Oct 12, 2009
I have a ListView that I populate with running processes and would like to highlight specific rows based on the amount of memory consumption. After I add the processes to the list and and call the WorkingSet64 property of the process, I tried this: For Each lvi In ListViewProcess.Items If proc.WorkingSet64 >= 2000 Then lvi.BackColor = Color.Yellow End If Next
Processes is the variable I used to grab the collection of processes. proc is defined as a variable and then used to loop through the processes.
lvi is of course the ListViewItems in the ListView.So, by the code I have above, I loop through the ListViewItems, and if any of the processes are above or equal to 2000, then I set the background color to Yellow.
However, it sets every line to yellow, and I can't seem to figure out to set only those processes that have a WorkingSet64 above 2000.
Would I need to loop through the processes and then set the background color of the ListViewItem based on that? That kind of makes sense to me, but if I do that, I'm not sure how to set it just for those processes. Maybe by setting a separate variable?
View 6 Replies
May 5, 2010
i want to search item A (from a list of X items) in list B but i want to get the item not found example Search ITEM A in LIST B if not found then return a print....if found continue with ITEM B..and so on.
View 11 Replies
Jun 26, 2009
I'm creating a search application that needs to have a fuzzy search. Basically if there are 0 results, I need to provide a suggestion, much like google. For example, if I type "Californea", I need my program to suggest "California" after doing a query on my DB for similarity.
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Dec 12, 2009
I was hoping someone could assist with the following coding; I am trying to search a very large csv file (approx 200,000 lines) for a user defined string eg "0100020789" and I essentially want to print all the lines that contain this to a text box on screen. Please not that the csv file does not have standardised column headings, each line is different. There would be approx 5 lines that contain the input string.
I am concerned with the v large csv i am using which will prob slow everything down, but then I thought if simple text pad application can search for a string in complete files with similar sizes like that and return a result in less than 1second, then it must be do-able.
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Mar 11, 2012
Here's my code and It's now working. I put that in "txtSearch.text"
If lvList.View = View.Details AndAlso lvList.Items.Count > 0 Then
Dim lvItem As ListViewItem = lvList.FindItemWithText(txtSearch.Text, True, 0)
View 5 Replies
Aug 26, 2010
I have a richtextbox with a large file inside....I want to be able to search for "Fornication" within the text (KJV Bible) and have every instance of that word to pop up into another richtextbox along with the scripture it is in.
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Aug 19, 2009
I am working on my program as I'm adding the listview subitems string in the label.Do you know how to remove the listview subitem in the label when the matches are found?
Private Sub listView1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
Dim item As ListViewItem = listView1.HitTest(e.Location).Item
Dim a() As String = Nothing
When I use the code on above, it doesn't remove the listview items in the label when I click on the checkbox on each row. Do you know how to remove the string in the label when I click on the checkboxes in the listview while the strings in the label is matched with the listview subitems?
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