Select Shortcut Path In .NET?

Dec 8, 2008

i'm using VB.NET 2003 application using OpenFileDialog, we can select the file name or file path.

pgmPath.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName

by using FolderBrowserDialog, we can select the folder name or folder path.

folderPath.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath

is there a way i can select shortcut. i just want to select shortcut for a folder. but when i used FolderBrowserDialog, it show only the folder list. its not showing the shortcut i have.


for example: in desktop i have 4 folders, 1 EXE shortcut and 1 folder shortcut. but when i open FolderBrowserDialog it shows only 4 folders, not showing the 2 shortcuts. a way i can show files that end with ".lnk" and select that shortcut. is there a way i can select shortcut's...and by using this shell command i tried to open the EXE's.

ProgramPath = "C:ProgramsApplication1.exe"
Shell(Chr(34) & ProgramPath & Chr(34), AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

and it works fine with all the EXE to get opened.but when i tried to open a shortcut using the same shell comment

ProgramPath = "C:ProgramsApp.lnk"
Shell(Chr(34) & ProgramPath & Chr(34), AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

error occurs... "File Not Found"is there a way i can open the shortcut. how to select shortcut (files that end with ".lnk"?

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Get Path Of A Shortcut (NOT Target Path) In Net?

Jun 1, 2010

I have an .exe application written in When I make shortcuts to the application, say on desktop (or anywhere else) and then click on them I want to programatically get the path to that shortcut, ie. C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/shortcut.lnk.

I want this so I can store the pairs shortcuts : (program + different cmd args).

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Get The Target Path Of A Shortcut?

Oct 11, 2010

How can I get the target path of a shortcut?

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Obtaining The Target Path Of A Shortcut?

May 25, 2010

I need to obtain the target of a shortcut (.lnk) file using Visual Basic 2008 or 2010 under Windows 7.For Windows XP and VB 2005 I used the Windows Script Host Object model and DLL, like this:

Imports WSH = IWshRuntimeLibrary
. . . . .
Dim MyShell As New WSH.WshShell


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VS 2010 Get The Original Path Of EXE To Which The Shortcut Is Referring To

May 22, 2011

I use the following code to get the shortcut files in a folder and to list them in a Listview control. But is there a way to extract the path of the EXE to which this shortcut is referring to ?
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C: est")
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles()
Dim fi As IO.FileInfo


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Vb 2010 Shortcut Path Extraction From Dropping .lnk Onto Form?

Feb 19, 2012

Scenario:I am attempting to perform some work on files (rename/delete) in folder, usually in a network location. Because the location of products folder is not critical, it's rarely ever in the same place on different networks. A simple shortcut on the client machine is all that's required from the client perspective and the rest of the product is self contained on the server somewhere. To run the 'fix' my small application will perform quickly and easily, I need to parse the path held in the target box of the .lnk. Then perform ifexists for a specific file and then do my renaming/deleting.

To keep it as simple as possible, the end user should just 'drop' the shortcut onto my form then click 'fix'.The problem: How in the heavens can I retrieve the target location from the .lnk into a string without windows scripting host?

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Shortcut For Select All On Textbox?

Mar 31, 2010

In the standard context menu of a text box in a Windows form, following options are vailable:

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Forms :: Allow The User To Select The Shortcut Key?

Feb 12, 2006

is there any way to let user to set the shrtcut ?look like "shortcut key" in properties of the shortcut file i know about keypress and keydown or keyup but how to use them to auto detect the key and set it?example ctrl+h . when it happen one by one i can get keycode or keychar but if they press by user in one time and hold it together i cant read it by kecode or keypress.

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Shortcut Key To Select All Controls In A Container?

Apr 15, 2009

Is there a shortcut like CTRL + A which can select all controls in a container instead of all the controls in the form?

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Keyboard Shortcut In Visual Studio To Select The Current Block?

Oct 26, 2010

In VB Classic, VBA and also in Visual Studio you can dbl click close to the left hand margin of a block of code and it will select the whole of the current block (sub, function etc). In Visual Studio this clickable area is adjacent to the line numbers on the left.Is there a keyboard shortcut that will do the same job? that is, select the "current block".

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Can Not Select An Install Path Or Anything Though?

Jun 25, 2009

Ok, so I'm at the point where I'd like to publish my app and see what problems may arise while it "runs" normally after an installation. I've never actually published an app before or deployed one.I have VB 2005 Pro and was assuming there was some kind of "upgraded" publishing feature over the Express edition, but they appear to be the same. When I publish, I am left with a folder that has these files:


when I double click the setup file, it gives me the option to install, and I do. I can not select an install path or anything though. The application is running fine.What I'm curious about though is I have databound controls in the application with an Access DB file as a resource. Once I install the application, where do I go to manually edit the .mdb file? and where is it installing my App too? It also creates some text files which I can't seem to locate either.So what's the normal procedure for building a project, specifying output path etc, and providing the end-user a "nice looking" (read not default) setup/installation screen?

View 6 Replies

OpenFileDialog - How To Select Path Name

Jul 11, 2011

Lets consider a text file stored in
C:New FolderSample.txt
Using openfiledialog box I will select Sample.txt, but how to select the path name, i.e.
C:New Folder
How to get C: New Folder

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When User Select Item1 And Click On Thumbnail / Path Will Appear

Jan 31, 2009

I created a listbox using VB code. There is also paths created using lines. A smaller thumbnail which allow user to choose the different path is also included in my application.When the window load, a default path will appear. [code] When the user select Item1 and click on a thumbnail, the path will appear. And when the user select Item2, the default path will appear again instead of the path that the user select for Item1.

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Gui - Select Multiple Folder Path Usingt FolderBrowserDialog Control?

Jun 25, 2009

Is it posssible to select multiple folder path from browse dialoge box in

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Extract Shortcut Icon Without Shortcut Symbol?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm trying to extract the icon from a shortcut (lnk file), but I end up with the shortcut symbol in the lower-left hand corner of the image. How can I extract a shortcut's icon without this symbol?

Here's the code I'm using:

Dim ico As System.Drawing.Icon = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon("C:shortcut.lnk")

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Starting A Process - Select A Node In Tree And Then Pass The Path To The Associated Folder

May 20, 2009

I am working in VB2008. I don't know what process is started when a user double clicks on a folder to display its contents. I am working on an application where I store paths to various folders in a database that is displayed in a treeview. I would like to be able to select a node in my tree and then pass the path to the associated folder to the application which can display the contents of the folder. I need to know the name of the application or process that I am trying to startup to display my folder contents.

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Path Of .zip file Has Spaces In It / It's Not Recognizing Path As Valid Path

Aug 22, 2006

I have a Access program and I'm using VBA code in the background to run Winunzip using shell command. Well, the path of the .zip file has spaces in it and it's not recongizing the path as a valid path. Is there a another way to tackle this problem besides the shell?I can't us pkzip either. Has you can see I had to use progra~1 instead of Program Files.[code]

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PictureBox - Image: Select The Path To A Local Folder That Is Within The Application And Get An Image From It?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Picturebox and a two Buttons on my Form. On click of one of the buttons I want to change the image in the picture box at runtime.

This works fine when I give the location of the image (the full path ) on my computer - but then of course it will not work if I use the solution on a different computer .

So I have made a folder named "Pics" inside my application and added two images into it.

How do I get to this local folder in the following code?

Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile (??? )
instead of the usual,
Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile ("C:UsersMyName My PicturesMyPicture.jpg" )

View 11 Replies

Listbox - Select The File To Play But It Displays The File Path?

May 8, 2010

I made a media player that has a list box to select the file to play but it displays the file path but I want the filename and length.The code is:

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)[code].....

View 18 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: Drawing Dotted Path Lines, With Even Dots Along The Path Line?

Apr 13, 2012

Problem drawing dotted path lines, with even dots along the path line.I want to draw a path line that can be any shape (square, round, outline etc), and along this path line I want even dots to appear.

I also want to be able to resize the shape (as in the example attached)This is very easy to do using "DrawPath" and defining points for the path and using a pen defined as dots.The problem I have is I want the dots to be evenly placed along the path, on any shape or size I draw.In the example I have created, I create a square with 4 points and draw a dotted path.There are 2 buttons that allows me to resize the square (larger or smaller) this helps show the problem more clearly.

The path starts at the top left corner and finishes back at the top left corner, the dots are evenly placed along the path, except the final dots at the end of the path. (Sometimes the dots are even and other times they are not even).The shapes I want to draw can be any size and any shape, but I have used a square in this example to show the problem I have. point me in the direction I need to go that allows me to draw the dots and give the impression that they are even all along the path, for all shapes and sizes.

In the pictures below if you change the size of the shape, one will have even looking dots, the other will not.


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Make The Media Path To The Video Path Stay Consistent No Matter Where Go?

Dec 7, 2010

i used the following codes:

private mediapath as string = "C:movie.avi"
private form1_loads blah blah blah


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Create A Function To Convert A Mapped Drive Path To A UNC Path?

Apr 7, 2009

I am trying to create a function to convert a mapped drive path to a UNC path. I did some googling and found several different pages on the matter. I am most interested in the first one, but I cannot seem to get the code to cooperate. Since the original post was in C#, here is my VB.NET conversion:


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Access A File Using Relative Path Or Virtual Path?

May 22, 2012

I am trying to read and display a file using MapPath as follows :

Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"
Dim FilePath As String = MapPath("../Document/123.pdf")

This procedure will work fine and display in the browser. However, if I save the file to C:Document123.pdf, how can I access this file using relative path in MapPath function. Is there an option to access the file which is saved out of IIS server? I am using 2003.

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Convert Unix File Path To Windows Path?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm using acrobat that returns unix paths instead of windows path's. So im wondering if there is a way in to convert the path to windows path.

i tried using:

docs(i) = javaScriptObj.path().ToString.Replace("/", "").Substring(1)
position = docs(i).IndexOf("")
docs(i) = docs(i).Substring(0, position) + ":" + docs(i).Substring(position + 1)

this only works on local files, but fails when im starting to use network drives.

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Drawing Dotted Path Lines, With Even Dots Along The Path

Apr 12, 2012

I want to draw a path line that can be any shape (square, round, outline etc), and along this path line I want even dots to appear. I also want to be able to resize the shape (as in the example attached) This is very easy to do using "DrawPath" and defining points for the path and using a pen defined as dots. The problem I have is I want the dots to be evenly placed along the path, on any shape or size I draw.

In the example I have created, I create a square with 4 points and draw a dotted path. There are 2 buttons that allows me to resize the square (larger or smaller) this helps show the problem more clearly. The path starts at the top left corner and finishes back at the top left corner, the dots are evenly placed along the path, except the final dots at the end of the path. (Sometimes the dots are even and other times they are not even).

The shapes I want to draw can be any size and any shape, but I have used a square in this example to show the problem I have. I need to to draw the dots and give the impression that they are even all along the path, for all shapes and sizes. [Code]

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Illegal Character In Path ( Path Transmitted Via A Socket)?

Jul 16, 2011

i get this error "Illegal character in path" when checking for a folder to see if it exists.

the folder is D:PlanificatorPlanificatorPlanificatorServerinDebugData1 and it exists.

Function IDExists(ByVal User As String)
User = User.Trim
Scrie("Se verifica existenta ID-ului " & User)


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Windows - Have The Physical Path By Giving The Network Path?

Nov 29, 2010

Well now i have an issue which is pointing in the use of "path's" physical and network.I have a SQL server on a Server machine and i have a desktop machine used as client.I'm runing from my client machine a stored procedure in order to add a streaming data base.But also before i run this procedure i run another one which prepare the desired "path", this procedure takes:


in order to run the first procedure i have to turn myPath in each physical name:


Now my Issue is how i will have the physical path, which is build it on the server and which it's from very difficult (to imposible) to know it? Basically i need a function which will return me the physical path, which the implementation it's not knowing to me. My developing environment is 2010?

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VS 2008 Getting Path Of %AppData% - Cannot Put The Full Path

May 15, 2009

I am using this code below:

I thought the %AppData% should find the relative path. When I go 'Start|Run|%AppData% windows explorer takes me to that directory. I can not put the full path in, as the user is different on each client machine.

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C# - The SaveAs Method Is Configured To Require A Rooted Path, And The Path '~/Images/FleaMarket/uploadedImages/mitali2054/5.jpg' Is Not Rooted?

Dec 23, 2010

Private Function UploadPic() As String
Const bmpw As Integer = 300
Const bmph As Integer = 300


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Move Folder From One Path To Another Path

May 1, 2012

I'm just trying to move my folder from one path to another path.The coding seems like it has moved it but the folder is not appearing in my destination path?

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