Sending Values From Textboxes And Other Controls To Word Doc

Apr 22, 2011

How to send values from text boxes and other controls in to a word doc. E.g. when I click save all of the text saves to a ms word document.

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Sending Data From Textboxes To DataGridView In Organized Rows

Nov 17, 2011

How to send data from textboxes to particular rows with the click of button1. For example, if texbox1.text has "Hello" in it, I would like the data to be sent to a datagridview or any object that has an excel like format and send "Hello" to a from the textbox.

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Save Some Texts From Textboxes Into A Word In A Listbox?

Mar 11, 2010

how can i save some texts from textboxes into a word in a listbox so when i will reopen the program i will continue having the save?

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Show A Word Microsoft To 10 Textboxes When Click A Button?

Apr 29, 2010

how to show let's say a word microsoft to 10 textboxes when i click a button.

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Print Only Contents Of Textboxes Not Controls?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a problem in printing

I have 8 textboxes i want to print only contents of textboxes not controls.

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Data Display - Using Tab Controls With Textboxes For Each Item

Oct 29, 2011

I am building an inventory program. One of my forms shows the store info. It will also have a section that shows all the equipment we keep track of at that store. I am currently trying to set it up by using tab controls with textboxes for each item. The code seems ugly and sloppy and I just don't like the interface. I am looking for ideas on a better way to do this. I know I could use a datagridview, but there is lots of data and I don't think there would be enough room for it.

Here is the code I have so far.
Private Sub GetTabData(ByVal StoreNumber As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim DaAlrm As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection
[Code] .....

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Add Values In Textboxes?

Aug 20, 2009

I try to calculate some values that I have stored in textboxes..I made 2 variables as double and tried theese two lines of code.

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Add Values To SQL From 4 Textboxes?

Mar 16, 2011

Im just wondering if some one can take a look at my insert statement, as is not working,

Im trying to add values to SQL from 4 textboxes. Public Sub Insert(ByVal textbox3, ByVal textbox4, ByVal textbox5, ByVal textbox6)

Dim conn As New SqlConnection
Dim comm As New SqlCommand
conn = New SqlConnection("Server=Scott-VaioSQLSERVER;Database=Testing;Trusted_Connection=True;")


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Getting Values From Textboxes?

Mar 15, 2012

how to INSERT FROM in if you are getting values from textboxes?

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VS 2008 Associating TextBoxes With Custom Controls During Runtime

Feb 2, 2010

I have a custom control that the User can add to the form. They can add as many of these controls as they like.When they add a control, I am going to populate another custom control, a textbox, in another panel.I need to figure out how to associate that new control with the previous one.So, let's say the User creates 3, let's say "Boxes", three TextBoxes are created. When the User adds something to Box1, TextBox1 needs to be populated a specific string.I know how to create and add the control as needed, but I can't figure out how to associate the controls, if that make sense.In order to distinguish the Boxes, I've added a label to them that represents each iteration of the box. The numbers start at 1 and increase from there.I was thinking I could use that to associate the TextBoxes and am working on that now.

View 3 Replies - Error Sending Values Through GET Method

Sep 21, 2011

I have to send some value using FORM GET METHOD. when ever i send it gives me an error.


ERROR Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. is there any way i cant use a VB.NET Code to send using GET METHOD

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Sending Input Values To A Sql Table?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a form that requires input from a user that will update a database table. So they are offered input boxes. What the input box will do is ask the user to enter a date, what that will then do is to mark a field marked 'code' in my sql table as "holiday" for that entire day.

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Add Values In Textboxes By Looping

Jul 31, 2009

i have a textbox where i get numbers by looping...i get 1,2,3,4,12,345,32 and 67..
but i get only 67 in textbox..i want to add all the numbers and display the result at the end...


how can i add after each loop.

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Checking 2 Textboxes Values?

Jun 4, 2011

Iam trying to Check Values Of 2 textboxex .. n then Print A certain Amount.


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Inserting Of New Values Through Textboxes

Oct 4, 2009

i am having trouble with the inserting of new values though the textboxes. it gives me the error Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement., OLE DBEXCEPTION was unhandled at da.Update(ds,[code]

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Retrieving Values From Textboxes?

May 22, 2011

I have 10 text boxes and I'm trying to create an array to store the values entered by the user, I then need to add the totals of all of them, get the average, highest and smallest of all the 10 values entered by the user?

Public Class frmNumberAnalysis
Dim tbArray(9) As TextBox
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click


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Sum Values Of Dynamic Textboxes?

Mar 1, 2011

I started editing an existing code (basicaly to learn vb) without any real previou experience. Well let's get to the point; I have a form that gathers data from db ordering by user ID (on click count). I have one DataGridView with a list of user, some have data in db, some have not. I came so far that if I CLICK on a user that have data, all data is dissplayed in 6 dinamyc textboxes. If user has no data inly first (emty) row with 6 dinamyc textboxes is created.

Then I have a button that simultaneously adds a row of dinamyc textboxes bellow and multiplyies textbox04 (name is clickcount & 4) and textbox05 and displays the result in textbox06. I want to add a messagebox that shows if textbox04 & 05 are empty and in that case exits sub. Of course if they are not empty, their sum should be multiplyed in textbox06 (on 2 decimal places exact) Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Reset warnings


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Textboxes Where The Values Are Filled?

Sep 7, 2009

I have 2 textboxes where the values are filled with this code(the data is collected from 2 different


When I now tries to update the data in the box743 i get an error. Who says that I can not convert the strng to double.I use the tableadapter to update the database and both box498 and box518 updates without problems.But when I try to upgrade the 743 box I get the error.

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IDE :: Change The Font Of All Controls (forms, Labels, Textboxes, Etc) In The Project?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a project with lots of forms in there with the default font property of Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt

How do I change the font for all forms to let's say Tahoma, 8.25pt without changing it manually per form?

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Make An Array Of Controls And By Clicking Buttons Add New Textboxes Or Comboboxes?

Jan 6, 2010

i try to make an array of controls and by clicking buttons add new textboxes or comboboxes here is my code

Public Class Form1
Dim CArray() As Control
Dim lngArrayNum As Long = 0

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Add_Control()End Sub Private Sub Add_Control(Optional ByVal intType As Integer = 0)


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10 Textboxes Numeric Values (SMALLEST)

Apr 26, 2012

if i have 10 textboxes on my form with numbers inside 5 of them have the number "0" other 5 lets say 100 50 40 30 10 i need to get the smallest value but not the "0".

View 2 Replies - Fail To Load Values In Textboxes?

Apr 16, 2009

I have textboxes which is placed inside accordian (ajax control).In pageload event i have written the code to load values in textboxes. But onload event one error is coming as object not set to instance of a object. Values are not coming in textboxes.
Then i tried to initialize controls in textboxes .Then the error cleared. But
Values are not coming in textboxes. What may be the reason for this?

View 2 Replies - Fetching The Values Of Dynamic Textboxes

Aug 22, 2011

If i have multiple textboxes with the same Id and name in a form, how to fetch there values separately in in javascript iv used fetched them like this


View 2 Replies - Updating Database With Values From Textboxes?

Jan 23, 2012

if textbox1.text =S1, S2 then on button click event the S1 and S2 column value of Table in MSSql2005 database will be updated with the value "b" where date=1/3/2012

But the update is not working...

My MSSQL2005 Database structure :

id date S1 S2 S3
1 1/3/2012 b b NULL

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Calculating Two Values Of Textboxes From Different Forms?

Jan 9, 2012

i have a question on how to add two values of placeholder on different forms. in the forms i put a placeholder for "correct answer" and "wrong answer" so one of this placeholder will have a value of integer. how can i add a value on the first form to the other placeholder of the other form.

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How To Transfer Values Between Textboxes On Different Forms

Feb 5, 2010

I am currently building a mortgage application and currently have two forms, the way the system works so far is the user selects an option from a series of radio buttons whilst a score is kept based on the options chosen, this is then displayed in a text box to the user, on the second form there are more choices, and a textbox to display the final score, what I can't figure out is how to get the value from form one to the textbox on form two when the user clicks next on form1 to get to form 2.

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Input Database Values Into Textboxes?

Mar 22, 2009

How do i get data from a database and put it in to multiple text boxes?Basically i have abilling form with; name, address, etc.But i have a 'retrieve' function underneath which allows a name and post code to be entered and then the information above is automatically filled in if the name and post code exists. At the moment i just setup a connection with the variables. not sure how to do the rest

objCommand.Connection = objConnect
objCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerName FROM Customer WHERE CustomerName = @CustomerName AND PostCode = @PostCode"


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Make A Summary With Values From Textboxes?

Apr 3, 2012

This is my first time joining a site like this and I'm trying to learn vb .net. Im very new to the concepts and this was my last resort because I cant find the answer im looking for. Below is my code, and all I want to do is display the calculated resaults in a summary. Weather it be a message box or a diffrent form it really doesnt matter.[code]...

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Multiply The Values Of The Textboxes In Rdlc?

Jan 31, 2011

How can we multiply the values of the text boxes(reportitems) in rdlc report?

Ex. The expression of TextBoxResult report item is:

=Reportitems!TextBoxPrice.Value * Reportitems!TextBoxQuantity.Value

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VS 2008 Rounding Values Of Textboxes

Aug 20, 2010

I have two text boxes that i divide together and i get a answer of 0.434931506 i want it to be 43 as a whole number or say 43.49.[code]

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