Sending Keystrokes To Directx Game?

Apr 8, 2012

I did like to make a management app for a directx game, however postmessage sendmessage and sendkeys do not work...

it's for skyrim, not an online game.

how to send a key to is? have been searching for hours now and couldnt find anything besides people that say they used directinput but leave no resources or examples...


That application can do it... Weird that he's using Sendkeys because it doesn't work in visualbasic

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VS 2010 In-Game IRC Client For FullScreen DirectX Game

Jun 4, 2010

I've already coded the IRC Client, but what would be the code to make the app overlay in the fullscreen DirectX game ? And i've already tried to the TopMost function.

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Sending Keystrokes To Another Application?

Jan 19, 2009

I'm trying to do some interface for a game for people with mobility probs, like Parkinson, so grouping several game features in just one control.Everything goes fine but having problems sending keystrokes to the game window when they have modifiers.Lets say I want to send Alt+F1 keys, according all the search I have done, the code is:My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("%{F1}")but it does just like I sent an F1 Keystroke: My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("{F1}").I need to send Function Keys alone and too with Alt and Ctrl modifiers, but not success with modifiers, the game only gets like an alone function Key was pressed.

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Sending Keystrokes To Control?

Aug 29, 2010

My form contains a Button and a Flash Control. The Flash Control contains a game referenced to a website. I want to send keystrokes into that control (the game) without having to be in focus. I'm not experienced in flash so when I decompiled the game, I had no idea how to script a way for it to work programatically.

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Sending Keystrokes To Inactive Window

Oct 24, 2010

I'm sending keystrokes to in inactive window. And I got that all good.

But now on my program there is a textbox pass, and I want to get that text, and send it threw postmessage. But It doesn't seem to work.

Dim pass As String
pass = textbox1.text
PostMessage(windowHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, pass, 0)

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VB Sending Keystrokes To A Minimized Window/app?

Apr 26, 2012

im a complet noob in vb . i have been trying to figure out how to send keystrokes back to my own application , while minimized/ Or focused on an other window.i think i need to use PostMessageA . i read about it on forums. But its like chinese for goal is to run these little programs by the 100's on 1 pc. and they just press a key in their own application , over and over.i was thinking something like this

Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_CHAR As Long = &H102
PostMessage("notepad", WM_CHAR, "T", 1)

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Communications :: IR Task - Sending Keystrokes On Laptop

Sep 11, 2011

I need to send keystrokes using my InfraRed port on my laptop. As simple as a TV remote control. -being able to send numbers: 1 .. 2 .. and left right etc ... How to access the IrDA port?

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Sending Keystrokes To External Flash Application?

Jul 12, 2011

I have tried appactivate and by getting the process name and window title and nothing works. Nothing I try will send keys to the application.

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Game Programming :: DirectX Collision Detection?

Aug 11, 2010

I have loaded two mesh's from .x files onto the screen, a map and a sprite. The sprite moves around, but because they aren't colliding the sprite goes straight through the mountains, and straight over the undulations. I have looked for a way to find the co-ordinates of a particular spot on the mesh, as I figured by finding the X and Z co-ordinates of the sprite, I could just set his Y co-ordinate to be the same as the map, and he would 'stick' to the ground... however I don't know if this is possible, and I haven't found it yet.

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DirectX Game - Function To Call Once On Pushing Button

Jun 10, 2012

I make a game using directx. I'd like to keyboard input so I used GetAsyncKeyState function. But this function calls so many times when I am pushing button. I'd like to function that calls once even I am pushing button.

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Game Programming :: Cant Figure Out How To Plot Gps Points In Directx

Mar 10, 2010

i think this is the right place to post this.i am just learning vb and have spent the last week trying to figure out directx. im using visual basic 2008. i have installed directx i got it to render a blank screen but i cant get it to draw anything. what i have is a program that collects gps coordinates and i want to plot them to screen. i got it to work using gdi+ but i wanted a 3d view. i want a view like a tomtom(without Map) and draw a line where i have been.

this is what i have for creating a vector to plot i think it is creating the vector ok. when i stop in debug and mouseover there is data in it (ie x,y,z Coordinates). i think it is drawing i think i just am not "looking at it"


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Game Programming :: DirectX Draw To Surface And Then Copy From It

Jul 8, 2010

I programmed with Bitblt in VB6 for about 5-6 years and now I switched to DirectX and When I would make games in VB6, I would draw out the entire level into layers that were saved into memory on DC's.In DirectX however, I'm looking for the equivalent of that but cant find any examples around.I use a viewport system to follow the player along in the map, I copy only what is in the viewport over to the users screen.Image attached to better visualize what i mean.

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Game Programming :: Using Directx To Decompress Jpeg In Hardware?

Mar 9, 2009

I am just experimenting with loading images into a picture box. I have a modest size image (1024 x 768). If I time how long it takes to load some images from disk and display into a picturebox diagnostics.stopwatch) it takes less than half the time to load a bitmap than a jpeg. The jpeg is 50k or so and the bitmap about 2 meg in size. So the read time from disk would be slower for the bitmap but decompressing the jpeg is obviously the really taxing part for my machine. Nvidia cards and the like have some really fancy hardware on them so I am wondering if there is a way to offload the jpeg decompression into the graphics card's expensive gpu making the whole process quicker: faster read from disk and faster displaying of the image. I had a look at a direct x tutorial that simply loaded an image as a sprite and it took ages. I am obviously approaching it from the wrong point of view.

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VS 2008 In Directx Full Screen Game GetPixel

Aug 20, 2010

in Directx Full Screen Game GetPixel Function Not Working (#000000)

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Sending An Application Keystrokes With "SendMessage"

Apr 12, 2011

I have all the handle capturing and gui set up. I'm stumped as to how to perform the actual step.

I have this code:

SendMessage(New IntPtr(CurrentHandle), WHAT,GOES,HERE?)


However, none of these are giving much of the "code example" method that I need to learn how to do it. I just need to send key events such as pressing "/" or "w", etc. No, I can't use sendkeys for this.

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Sending Keys To A Game

May 10, 2011

i use keybevent . The weird thing is that it works for notepad. I read that the problem is that the game has many forms and when i send the key maybe it is being sent to another form of the game and not to the one i need.

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VS 2008 - Sending Keys To Game Window

May 22, 2009

I want to make a program for halo 2. I want to know how to make the program press
How can I do this? I want it to only send those keys to the halo 2 window.

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How To Detect Keystrokes

Jul 3, 2011

I am fairly novice hobbyist developer. I am developing a simple calculator app. How can I detect the keystrokes, like when the user presses "1" key on numpad or they "1" key above Q key? I want to call the same subroutine that runs when the user click on the butten control "a "on calculator's main form.

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Sending Email - Operation Timed Out / Not Sending Error

May 27, 2012

I am trying to Send an Email with an attachment (using Gmail) but I keep getting errors like "Operation Timed out" or Failure Sending Email". It was working earlier today but I found out that i needed to add Using statement because the email was having a file open that had to be deleted after it was sent but afterwards it doesn't work.

Here's what I have (Portion of it):
Private Sub SendMailOneAttachment(ByVal un As String, ByVal pass As String, Optional ByVal smtp As String = "")
Using oAttach As Net.Mail.Attachment = New Net.Mail.Attachment((Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) & "\" & My.Computer.Name & "_" & fName & " .zip"))
Dim client As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient(smtp)
[Code] .....

The ports are correct I believe, no firewall up on my PC...

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Cannot Send Keystrokes Via Sendkeys

Mar 25, 2009

Dim NotePadProcess As Process = New Process()
NotePadProcess .StartInfo.FileName = "notepad"
NotePadProcess .StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal


I am trying to send some keys to a program that I launched, but every time i send the keys focus is not on the program and the keys are sent to the wrong program. Is there a better way to send keys to a program or a way to set focus on a certain program?

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Counting Keystrokes And Clicks?

May 23, 2010

I'm trying to create an application similar to the site WhatPulse, which will generate an image with my clicks and keystrokes. WhatPulse only updates the image once every 24 hours, so I am going to make an application to keep track of that for me, only with realtime stats.

How can I count total keystrokes (outside of the application itself) as well as total clicks, in

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Keystrokes Carry Over To Other Objects?

Sep 9, 2011

I am facing a problem in my code. I am working on an application in, its a windows based application. On one of my form I need to perform so many data driven operations.

if I press tab on one of the text box, I need to set a computed value in other text box and need to set the focus to that text box.

I write a code that is a like to this.

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
Select Case e.KeyCode


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Send Keystrokes In Program?

Jan 23, 2010

How to send keystrokes in automatically ..

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Send Keystrokes To A Different Application?

Jul 26, 2009

I am using visual basic code, specifically the sendkeys.send method, to send keystrokes to a different application, in my case Acrobat Reader. Here is my problem. I am sending instructions and text to define a path to a file I want to open in Acrobat Reader. Every keystroke is being sent and interpreted in Reader correctly except the Colon. This is the line of code I am using:Sendkeys.send("C:")

I have tried every variation of this simple line of code I can think of, but the result is the same. Reader for some reason wants to interpret the Colon as Uppercase Q, so what I get is CQ. This of course totally messes up my path to the file I want to open.Sendkeys. sendwait("C:") Behaves the same

I understand there are timing issus with this method so I have added code to my app.config file suggested in this forum for taking care of the timing issue. I have also inserted delays into the execution of the program steps. Nothing I have done solves this problem.I wonder if anyone else has experienced this or a similar problem and if so what was done to correct it.

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VS 2008 Multiple Keystrokes?

Dec 30, 2010

Does someone knows how to read multiple arrow keystrokes at the same time.Like when I have up + left so it should do something like diagonal up-left?

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VS 2008 Only Allow Certain Number Of Keystrokes?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to capture 4 keystrokes from the user and store them in an array. Once the 4 keystrokes have been entered, I would like to make it so the user can no longer enter anything, or at least have it show up on the screen.

Here's the logic I have so far:

For count As Integer = 0 To 3
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.D1
recOrder(count) = 1


What I wanted this code to do was to count the number of key presses and what keys were pressed, and compare that array to a predetermined array.Edit: I forgot to mention that even though the array has been filled with key presses, when the user hits a key, the screen still updates. Also, this code is in a Keydown event.

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Game Programming :: Make A Game In VB In Which Character Can Move Around, Jump, And Kill Things?

Apr 2, 2008

im trying to make a game in visual basic in which your character can move around, jump, and kill things. I can get the picture box with the character to move and everything is fine. but i did run into one problem. when the character moves over a tree (or something) you can see the gray backround of the character as i made in paint. how do i make the backround of the picturebox transparent?

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VS 2010 Game Multi-Client - Program That Enables A Game To Have More Than One Instance Running

Nov 18, 2011

I want to make a program that enables a game to have more than one instance running, where it would otherwise be unable to be done. How should I go about this? A sandbox? Hack?

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Game Programming :: Adding Score To Rock Paper Scissor Game?

Oct 3, 2011

Im new to VB. how do I get to add the code is


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Repeat Cards Showing Up In Game And Win Evaluating Code For Poker Game?

Jul 2, 2009

I am working on a poker game and I have the game setup the way I want it in terms of graphics and I have the code programed to deal the cards out exactly how I want them. Granted, the code is very simplistic, but functional for a new programmer like myself. I'm sure there are other more efficient ways to code my game, but I like mine so far because I can at least understand the majority of it. With that being said, here are a few problems and questions that I have.

1. How come when all 12 cards are dealt out I have some cards repeating in the game? For example, I get queen of diamonds in more than one picture box when I only want the card to be dealt once and then removed until the next game.

2. I was hoping to have a button 3 to clear all the boxes, basically resetting the game to the next game. When I hit button 3 it only clears the contents of picturebox 10 and 12.Other notes: I have the deal down the way I want it. It deals the first 10 picture boxes and a second button deals the 11 and 12 picture boxes.

3. I know this is my next step so I want to post it with the code I currently have. I want to start taking my project one step further by evalutating each of the three rows of cards (3 rows of 3 cards each - I'm not worried about the dealers hand (picture box 10, 11, 12 yet). So I want to evaluate a row of pictureboxes against a "pay scale" and display the win in a text box or label next to the 3 card hand. For example, Q of diamonds, Q of Clubs, Q of spades would win 15, etc. ( have a weird feeling I may have to change the names of the cards (I have them named card1, card2, etc. right now) to something that identifies them in order to evaluate the hands.

Here is the code that I currently have. I'm using visual basic.

Public Class Form1
Dim Rndm As New Random
Dim myPB(11) As PictureBox
Dim HiddenCards As New List(Of String)


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