Serialization Throwing ArgumentException / InvalidCastException / Debug Approach Needed

Dec 7, 2011

We have a web solution with mixed C# and VB.NET (3.5) projects (note: several files do have Option Strict Off). Our code runs as modules inside DotNetNuke 4.8. Under certain conditions, our application will crash at the method:[code]If I look at the Formatters.Binary part of MSDN I'd guess the ObjectWriter is internal for Binary (as suggested in the comments, red)?How can .NET even at all fail at casting a Int64 to String? Rephrased: what value for a Int64 could potentially not be converted to a String? However, as pointed out in comments: Int64 can easily be converted to Strings, but Casting them is a different issue.The Serialize method doesn't announce this ArgumentException or InvalidCastException may occur (in the Exceptions section).I tried investigating XYZ and types for properties in that class in ildasm to see any irregularities but couldn't find any.

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OrderBy Nullable Properties In A Generic List Throwing InvalidCastException?

Jun 13, 2012

I need to return an a generic list in the correct order for my project, and I'm getting InvalidCastException errors. Here is the code:

Dim lDt As List(Of Comment) = RemapCommentsForE1(so.CommentList). _
OrderBy(Function(x) x.CreateDate.Value). _
ThenBy(Function(x) x.Sequence). _


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Serialization Missing Dot Right Before New Line Serialization

Sep 17, 2009

I've been using XML serialization for a while, and today I realized something really odd. If I have a new line right after a "dot" (.), when i deserialize, I lose the dot. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? The following is my serialization code:


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Asmx Json Serialization Versus Wcf Json Serialization?

Nov 24, 2011

I have two experimental web services. One is an asmx contained within a .net web application. The other is a WCF service library being invoked from the web application.The asmx basically does everything I need, but I think WCF would be better, except that it doesn't do anything as I would expect after fiddling with the asmx service.For example, the same method behaves differently in each:

<WebMethod(BufferResponse:=True, EnableSession:=False)>
Function Test(aObject as Object) as Object
' object will have been successfully serializaed into a dictionary


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.net - VB 2010 Express: Debug.WriteLine Optimized Away Completely In Debug Version?

Aug 31, 2011

Simple question that does not seem to be covered: If I use a lot of Debug.WriteLine statements in my code, will they be completely absent in my production version?

I mean: Is the compiler smart enough to not emit any code for those calls? Or would I have to surround them by #if DEBUG..#end if directives?

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System.ArgumentException: An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists

Aug 11, 2011

It's System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists. error.Here is the whole stack trace:An entry with the same key already exists. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists.


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System.ArgumentException: DatagridViewComboBoxCell Value Is Not Valid?

Jun 5, 2009

I have an error but will explain how i set up my db:Two tables, One is called Area and the other Postal_Code.

The aim is to assign a postal code to the area.Sometimes we add postal codes and sometimes these codes change or need to be deleted.I used the wizard to create the datasets and dropped them on two forms linked to a SQL db.We can Add,Edit,Update & Delete so all is working fine there is no relationship between te tables as they dont need to be linked, I only require the PCode to me added to the Area Table, not any ID or Index etc.

One of the fileds in the Grid on the Areas form is the Postal Code, its set to a combobox that when the user is adding it gives them a selection of postal codes to select from.I get the error when loading the datagrid on the Area form: System.ArgumentException: DatagridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid
This happens only when the postal codes are changed or deleted in the Postal codes table.

I know what causes the error - the dropdown on my Areas form looks for the value in the Postal Code table and does not find it beacause it has either been changed or deleted.Im doing this manually - I go into SQL and remove the postal code data from the record.Then the form loads with no errors.

Q: Is there any way when the Datagridview loads that I can tell it when the PCode does not exsist in the Postal Codes table that it should rather leave it blank and warn the user that there are errors they need to fix befor they can save.

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System.ArgumentException (Invalid DataGridViewComboBoxCell Value) When Using ToUpper?

Oct 20, 2009

I've tried pretty much everything to solve this problem (except what works, obviously) and almost worn out Google, so now I'm giving this forum a chance. Basically I'm making an application which needs to map column names in an excel spreadsheet to fields in a table (TableB) through a data transfer setup table(TableA); To make this work as planned, I need to compare a value in "FromField" in TableA with headers/column names read from an excel spreadsheet into a list of strings, and if they match, map "FromField" against "ToField", prior to importing data from the spreadsheet. The column names that don't match with "FromField" are to populate a combo box in the FromField column in my DataGridView.

PROBLEM: I get this to work fine as long as I don't handle case differences (e.g. "FieldToBeImported" in Field1 vs. "fieldtobeimported" as header in spreadsheet), but this prevents matching words with case differences to be mapped, and leaves it to the user to manually map fields that should have been mapped automatically. However, if I make a ToUPPER copy of the List Of String that contains the MS Excel column names and compare them to a ToUpper version "FromField" data, I get the error message from the topic:

"System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid"A little explanation on DataGridView2 before diving into the code: Column in index 0 is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn added in code, where matching fields in column 0 and 1 are mapped, and non-matching fields are populated in the combobox.Column in index 1 is "ToField" (TableA as source), Column in index 2 is "FromField" (TableA as source) and is hidden in runtime.


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System.ArgumentException In Mscorlib Upon Editing In App_Code?

Jul 14, 2011

I am not sure if this is how things are supposed to be, but during development, I might like to change a line of code in a nice little helper class.This throws numerousA first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dllThe site restarts and I have to navigate back to where I was to see if the change worked.It is massively time consuming, and I hope there must be some option to prevent this. Is there?

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VS 2008 ArgumentException Was Unhandled - The Parameter Is Incorrect

Jun 29, 2011

The programs runs fine for about 10 seconds but then I get this error message: ArgumentException was unhandled. Message: The parameter is incorrect. Here's my


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An Unhandled Exception (System.ArgumentException) Occured In FirstWindowsService.exe?

Nov 2, 2011

i am developing a windowsService called MyFirstWindowsService. And also i created a setup project for my windows installed successfully. But i am unable to start. While starting it shows error like "An unhandled Exception (System.ArgumentException) occured in myFirstWindowsService.exe"

specificaly it tells invalid path "H:".


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Error - System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled. Parameter Is Not Valid

Feb 28, 2010

In this screen I want to let the user decide which elements are on shown on a label. When I hit the update button (BDUpdate_Click; see below), it first checks whether the Barcode sample text is empty. Afterwards I want to invole the refresh of the label preview. The strange thing is that the first time it works fine, but when I alter the sample text and hit the button again, I get the Error "System.ArgumentException was unhandled. Parameter is not valid." The error points to the DrawSting function in the LabelPreview_Paint Sub

Dim BarcodeLabelUpdate As Boolean
Private Sub BDUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BDUpdate.Click
If BDBarcodeSample.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter a sample text", MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, ProgramTitle)


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Error System.ArgumentException: Illegal Characters In Path

May 9, 2011

I am getting below error, when passing the path which has space between the folder name.

"System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path"

I have declared the the path in the variable like below:

Dim sFilename As String = "C:\Test\Windows Service\Schedule.xml"

or I have tried like this as well but same error I am getting.

Dim sSFilename As String = """C:\Test\Windows Service\Schedule.xml"""

and passing this file name to the below code:

Dim docDataSet As New DataSet
Dim docReader As New XmlDocument
Dim xnl As XmlNodeList


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XML With Periods In Element Names Throws ArgumentException Error

Sep 6, 2011

I have an XML file where some of the elements have periods in their names. Using the code below, I receive the error:

"System.ArgumentException: Child list for field Stock cannot be created"It successfully reads the file if the periods are removed( i.e. StockAdjustment instead of Stock.Adjustment)

Dim myXMLfile As String = "C:file.xml"
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim fsReadXml As New System.IO.FileStream(myXMLfile, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


Is there a way to handle elements with periods in their names?

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Chance Exception Of Type 'System.ArgumentException' Occurred In Microsoft.Vis?

Feb 23, 2012

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim tab As New Form
tab.Size = New Point(500, 500)
tab.Location = New Point(500, 500)
tab.Text = "Loading"


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System.ArgumentException - Get Error : Cannot Add Or Insert The Item 'Cake' In More Than One Place?

Jun 23, 2010

Heres my Code that gets Highlighted:


I get the Following Error: Cannot add or insert the item 'Cake' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it Parameter name: item.I am trying to copy all the items in one column of a ListView to another Listview.

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Tetris - Error "ArgumentException Unhandled, Parameter Is Not Valid?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to make a Tetris game in VB 2010. I am having some problems with a function I have written that draws new squares and fills them with the colour needed. Here are the details of the error:

System.ArgumentException was unhandled

Message=Parameter is not valid.

The line g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, lngX, lngY, 24, 24) is highlighted as the error. 'g' is the graphics of the form and lngX and lngY are the predetermined coordinates of the shape as long variables.I have researched this error but I couldn't understand Microsoft's explanation, and no other threads applied to my case.

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Error System.ArgumentException: No Mapping Exists From DbType Object To A Known SqlDbtype

Aug 22, 2011

For no apparent reason, I'm getting an exception on this line in my when the table adapter attempts to fill my dataset.


The error reads:


System.ArgumentException: No mapping exists from DbType Object to a known SqlDbtype.

This error just came out-of-the-blue. If I 'Preview' the data though the DataSet directly (using the Fill() query), the data returns fine...

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How To Approach A Timing

Dec 15, 2011

OK, I have this loop I want to perform which involves the serial port. Not to get too specific I'm actually sending data to an external device within a loop The loop involves a Start number, increments by a Step and ends when it gets to Stop This repeats until I click a STOP button.

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Best Approach For Data Manipulation?

Jul 28, 2009

I understand that there are several ways of Inserting, Updating and Deleting records in a database such as DataAdapters, DataSets, TableAdapters, SqlCommandBuilders, Parameterized SqlCommands, StoredProcedures, etc, etc,etc. According to David Sceppa Sprocs are the most preferred. Ok, I go with him on this one (who am I to challenge him anyway?).

My question is, apart from Sprocs, which of these options is the BEST for a large commercial database application and why, taking performance into account? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?

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Best Approach To Update A Database?

Jul 18, 2009

I am writing a program to assist Paramedic students in learning the Drugs that they have to know in order to pass their classes. I have created an Access database to hold all the information on these drugs, but not every student that will use this program will need to learn all the drugs contained within this database.

Right now I have 43 drugs in the database and still growing.

What I want to do is to present to the student the drugs and have them say "Y" or "N" as to whether its on their required list to learn. That way they only work on the ones that they need to.

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BGW With Similar Coding But Different Approach?

May 18, 2012

I've two BGW with similar coding but different approach, My second BGW shows me "NOT RESPONDING" whenever i try move/click/focus to form while the BGW is running.

RichTextBox2.AppendText("Some Text")
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(andpic, "pics/" & spliti(0) & nnum & ".png")
My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("pics/" & spliti(0) & nnum & ".png", "" & spliti(0) & nnum & ".png", "users", "password")

I've taken out number of things that i think is causing this error Are they the cause of "NOT RESPONDING" ?

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C# :: Which Of These Is The Better Architecture/design Approach

Nov 12, 2010

To write a effecient Active Directory library to ease the work of technicals who are responsible to create access models into the domain controller's Active Directory. This library must allow the following:Basic operations: Add, Modify, Delete, List entries;An entry may either be an organizational unit, group or user (no further need required as of now);I thought about having a class which would represent the domain with which we want to work with.

public class Domain {
public Domain(string root) {
Root = root;


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DataGridView And Two Tables - Best Approach?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a database with three tables:

Stock and Orders are self explanatory. Order_details is a lookup table, holding basically just the orderID, stockID and quantity for each item in the order. That's not very friendly for the user however, so what I want to show is a DataGridView with some elements from order_details, and some from stock, i.e.:
Part_Code, Item_Name, Description, Quantity, Price

I can create a database view for this easily enough, and bind it to a datagridview. It shows existing items in the order fine, but the problem is the view doesn't update when I add new elements to order_details in the dataset. It appears that it's bound to the main database, and so won't update until I save the record. That also has the problem that it's now much harder to update the database. A simple datagridview bound to order_details would make it easy for the user to enter quantities and for me to save the record, this one now needs a custom update statement.

In summary:
- I want to show data from two tables
- I want the datagridview editable (well, the quantity column anyway)
- I want the datagridview to update when I add entries in the dataset
What is the best/easiest way to do this? Is my current approach of a view in the database and custom update statements sensible? How can I get the datagridview to refresh whenever there's a change to the local dataset?

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How To Approach Refactoring A Class

Jul 24, 2009

I recently started a project and needed to do some integration with LDAP via DirectoryServices. I've done this in other apps so I went into one of them to see how I did it -- why reinvent the wheel right? Well, while this wheel works, it was developed years ago and kinda smells (it's wooden, firmly attached to the previous vehicle, hard to repair and produces a potentially bumpy ride).So I thought to myself, this is the perfect time to refactor this puppy and make it more portable, reusable, reliable, easier to configure etc. Now that's fine and dandy, but then I started feeling a tad overwhelmed regarding to where to start. Should it be a separate library? How should it be configured? Should it use IoC? DI?

So my [admittedly subjective] question is this -- given a relatively small, but quite useful class like the one below, what is a good approach to refactoring it? What questions do you ask and how do you decide what to implement or not implement? Where do you draw the line regarding configuration flexibility? [Note: Please don't bash this code too much okay? It was written a long time ago and has functioned perfectly well baked into an in house application.]

Public Shared Function AuthenticateUser(ByVal id As String, ByVal password As String) As Boolean
Dim path As String = GetUserPath(id)


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How To Approach Scenario / Approve Changes

Apr 11, 2010

I'm working on a system where there can be 2 level of users "Admin" or "Researcher".We have the requirement to allow the researcher to change fields for a record a record, but they want the original values to stay in the record and have an admin "accept" or "approve" the changes before the real record gets updated.Has anyone run into this scenario before? I'm trying to think of the best way to do this.

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Implement A Recordset Approach?

Oct 15, 2009

Trying to implement a recordset approach in VB.NET and have gotten to the point where things almost run. :)


Dim strSQL As String
Dim rsMaster As New ADODB.Recordset
strSQL = "select * " & "from tblDQ " & "order by xid, xcode, xDOS"


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VS 2010 Best Way To Approach Reports?

Mar 25, 2012

I'm currently working on a system that requires monthly, quarterly and annual reports. I have no problem in generating/retrieving the data, my problem is the presentation. What is the best way to do it? I need the report to be:

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Why Does Threading Approach Not Work

Jun 16, 2010

I have a wierd problem with threading in an ASP.NET application. For some reason, when I run the code in the request thread, everything works as expected. But when I run it in a separate thread, nothing happens.This is verified by calling the below handler with the three flags "on", "off" and "larma" respectively - in the two first cases everything works, but in the latter nothing happens.[code]

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.net - What Is The Optimal Approach To A WithEvents Collection

Mar 5, 2010

What is the optimal approach to a WithEvents Collection - VB.NET?Have you any remarks on the code bellow (skipping the Nothing verifications)?The problem is when I obtain the LinkedListNode(Of Foo) in a For Each block I can set myNode.Value = something, and here is a handlers leak...

-Could I override the FooCollection's GetEnumerator in this case?
-No. :( cause NotInheritable Class LinkedListNode(Of T)
Class Foo


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