Tetris - Error "ArgumentException Unhandled, Parameter Is Not Valid?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to make a Tetris game in VB 2010. I am having some problems with a function I have written that draws new squares and fills them with the colour needed. Here are the details of the error:

System.ArgumentException was unhandled

Message=Parameter is not valid.

The line g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, lngX, lngY, 24, 24) is highlighted as the error. 'g' is the graphics of the form and lngX and lngY are the predetermined coordinates of the shape as long variables.I have researched this error but I couldn't understand Microsoft's explanation, and no other threads applied to my case.

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Error - System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled. Parameter Is Not Valid

Feb 28, 2010

In this screen I want to let the user decide which elements are on shown on a label. When I hit the update button (BDUpdate_Click; see below), it first checks whether the Barcode sample text is empty. Afterwards I want to invole the refresh of the label preview. The strange thing is that the first time it works fine, but when I alter the sample text and hit the button again, I get the Error "System.ArgumentException was unhandled. Parameter is not valid." The error points to the DrawSting function in the LabelPreview_Paint Sub

Dim BarcodeLabelUpdate As Boolean
Private Sub BDUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BDUpdate.Click
If BDBarcodeSample.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter a sample text", MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, ProgramTitle)


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VS 2008 ArgumentException Was Unhandled - The Parameter Is Incorrect

Jun 29, 2011

The programs runs fine for about 10 seconds but then I get this error message: ArgumentException was unhandled. Message: The parameter is incorrect. Here's my


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Error : ArgumentOutOfRangeException Was Unhandled By User Code Value Of '-1' Is Not Valid For 'Value'

Mar 27, 2011

I Was Coding A Tabbed Web Browser With A Progress Bar In Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition. I Started De-Bugging The Browser When It Pointed To This Sub: Private Sub Loading(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Windows.Forms.WebBrowserProgressChangedEventArgs)

ToolStripProgressBar1.Maximum = e.MaximumProgress
ToolStripProgressBar1.Value = e.CurrentProgress
End Sub

And Showed This Error Message: ArgumentOutOfRangeException Was Unhandled By User Code Value of '-1' Is Not Valid For 'Value'. 'Value' Should Be Between 'Minimum' And 'Maximim'

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An Unhandled Exception (System.ArgumentException) Occured In FirstWindowsService.exe?

Nov 2, 2011

i am developing a windowsService called MyFirstWindowsService. And also i created a setup project for my windows sercive.it installed successfully. But i am unable to start. While starting it shows error like "An unhandled Exception (System.ArgumentException) occured in myFirstWindowsService.exe"

specificaly it tells invalid path "H:".


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Error : Parameter Is Not Valid

May 14, 2012

Dim data As Byte() = DirectCast(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte())
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(CType(sdr.Item("Image"), Byte()))
PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)

After reading many forums and trying the different examples, when I try and load my image from the database I get the "Parameter is not Valid" error.Im using VB 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, and the data type is Image. I do not have access to the source code that is used to save the picture to the database, just access to tthe data in the db.The code I have included is the code I use to retrieve images from my db which stores the pictures as Image.

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Error Parameter Is Not Valid

Aug 17, 2010

STEP1--image data is sending by a vehicle tracking unit.using a socket application i am tracing that data.the data from the vehicle tracking unit is not in a decimal format.image data coming from socket containing lot of special type of characters. so i am converting this image information to hex format using the code below.

Private Function Data_Asc_Hex(ByRef Data As String) As String On Error Resume Next 'first take each charcter using substring. 'then convert character into ascii. 'then convert ascii value into Hex Format Dim sValue As String Dim sHex As String = ""


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System.ArgumentException: DatagridViewComboBoxCell Value Is Not Valid?

Jun 5, 2009

I have an error but will explain how i set up my db:Two tables, One is called Area and the other Postal_Code.

The aim is to assign a postal code to the area.Sometimes we add postal codes and sometimes these codes change or need to be deleted.I used the wizard to create the datasets and dropped them on two forms linked to a SQL db.We can Add,Edit,Update & Delete so all is working fine there is no relationship between te tables as they dont need to be linked, I only require the PCode to me added to the Area Table, not any ID or Index etc.

One of the fileds in the Grid on the Areas form is the Postal Code, its set to a combobox that when the user is adding it gives them a selection of postal codes to select from.I get the error when loading the datagrid on the Area form: System.ArgumentException: DatagridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid
This happens only when the postal codes are changed or deleted in the Postal codes table.

I know what causes the error - the dropdown on my Areas form looks for the value in the Postal Code table and does not find it beacause it has either been changed or deleted.Im doing this manually - I go into SQL and remove the postal code data from the record.Then the form loads with no errors.

Q: Is there any way when the Datagridview loads that I can tell it when the PCode does not exsist in the Postal Codes table that it should rather leave it blank and warn the user that there are errors they need to fix befor they can save.

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Get An Error System.ArgumentNullException Was Unhandled, Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: ActivationContext

Feb 25, 2011

I'm getting the following exception when I try to run up my Winforms app and haven't been able to find a solution to it:

System.ArgumentNullException was unhandled
Message=Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: activationContext


I've added a handler for the "unhandled error" event in the applicationevents class but it never reaches that stage and there is no source code running that I can break into and diagnose.

The application was fine until I added a user control (nothing fancy, just a standard windows user control) and then dragged it onto a form in the app (user control and form were in the same application). The application builds and compiles without any errors or warnings but when I attempt to run it up I get the above error straight away.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be or even how I can go about investigating it? I'm a bit stumped on this one as I'm not sure how to investigate it. I removed the user control from the form and then I removed the user control from the application entirely but the error hasn't gone away. In all honesty the addition of the user control might be a red herring but the problem manifested straight after adding it.

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Parameter Is Not Valid Error While Drawing A Rectangle

Jun 26, 2011

I have made a program that lets you select an area of a picture and then crop it, I am having problems while drawing the rectangle that shows which area will be cropped, following is my code.


This is declaration of all the variables that I am using.


Over here I send the graphics handle of the "canvas" control (which is just a picturebox) to a higher level, so I can use it later.


Over here I get the starting position for my rectangle


This part is supposed to draw the rectangle, as I am moving the mouse over the Canvas control, but I get an error where the rectangle is being drawn, I originally thought that the problem might have been with the fact that as soon as I begin moving the mouse, the CropWidth and CropHeight variables are at zero, and that is causing the invalid input error. So I made it that it would not draw the rectangle until it reached a minimum size of 4 x 4 pixels but it still does not fix the error, I debugged to see if there was a problem with the values of the variables, but they all seemed fine, I even tries doing this CanvasGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, 20, 20, 20, 20) so as to eliminate the factor of the wrong values, but still the same error.

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Error Occurred Creating Form - Parameter Not Valid

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to run my program to test it. Actually I am trying to run second form to see it that its working properly or not. But it shows me error. First time I got this error message:
"Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown"
& second time I got this one
"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.
The error is: Parameter is not valid."
By the way my program has 25 forms.

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IDE :: Image.FromStream(ms)----> Error "Parameter Is Not Valid?

Feb 11, 2007

have an OLE Object in my table, that may be jpg, doc, xml file.In case of jpg I'd like to show it (VS2005 Visual basic).I did next (not full code):Dim ms AsNew MemoryStream()Dimreader As OleDbDataReader = md.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess )reader.Read()retval = reader.GetBytes(0, 0, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)ms.Write(outbyte, 0, retval)ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)curImage = Image.FromStream(ms)----> error "Parameter is not valid."I do not see the fault

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Parameter Is Not Valid Error When Reading From An Image Property?

Apr 20, 2010

I am getting a "Parameter is not valid " error when reading a value from an Image property and I don't know why.

Writing to the property works just fine (MyControl.EditImage = PictureBox1.Image) .

Reading from the property causes an error (PictureBox1.Image = MyControl.EditImage )

The Property looks like:

Private mNewImage As Image
Public Property EditImage() As Image


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[2008] Images From DB To ImgList Error - Parameter Is Not Valid

Feb 13, 2009

I am trying to write a small app that will read images from an database to an image list. It does the first one, but then after that i get a "Parameter is not valid." exception ... see code below.

Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "states.qmw")
Dim cm As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * from tblStates", cn)
Dim rd As OleDb.OleDbDataReader


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VS 2010 : System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' Does Not Match To Any DataTable In Source

Apr 21, 2010

I am working on a project that takes an xml schema and xml data files and places them into a DataTable, the 2 files are generated from a working table that i have written to disk. I wish to load these 2 files into a DataTable. Here is What i have

Friend Function CreateTable(ByVal tableName As String) As Boolean
Dim table As New DataTable(tableName)
table.ReadXmlSchema(tableName & ".xsd")


this however produces the following error on line 3


System.ArgumentException was unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' does not match to any DataTable in source.

get_item_list is the parameter passed into this function (tableName)

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System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled (system.drawing.dll)?

May 6, 2008

I made a program with Visual Basic Express 2008. I got this error message when I try to close my program after running it. (PS: It is a simple code that can login into Microsoft SQL Server)The error message shows the error was caused by the "system.drawing" (Parameter is not valid). Also, I have been trying the code in VBA (Excel). When I tried to close Excel after running my code, I got the same problem (Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and need to be closed.....) and the error report shows the error was caused by "system.drawing" as well.

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DrawLines Method - Run-time Error: "Parameter Is Not Valid"?

Dec 31, 2009

I've written the following code to draw a trajectory of points in my program:

Private intNumOfPoints As Integer = 0
Private PtTrajectory(intNumOfPoints) As Point[code]....

*Pos.X and Pos.Y are calculated in the other parts of my program. But, it has a run-time error: "Parameter is not valid".

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Memory Stream To Image :Error "Parameter Is Not Valid"

Jun 9, 2011

Public Sub imageload(ByVal index As Integer, ByRef imagedescription() As String)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select Foto From Images where Photoindex = " & index & ";", Form1.baglanti)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim ms As New MemoryStream


i was take "Parameter is not valid." error pff where is my mistake?

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[2008] Error: InvalidArgument=Value Of '6' Is Not Valid For 'index'. Parameter Name: Index

Mar 5, 2009

I've got the web browser with tabs in all working fine, but there's one bug, i can add tabs, delete em, etc.. but when i delete a tab then go to create a new tab, it gives me the error: InvalidArgument=Value of '6' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index '6' is the number of tabs i had open.Here's the bit of code i use to create the tabs with the browser in it:


Dim browse As New WebBrowser
browse.Name = "b1"
browse.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


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Error - "Parameter Is Not Valid"

Oct 10, 2010

I have been trying to learn vb.Net for about a year now, but with other work getting in the way, my progress forward is moving, but not as fast as I would like. So I am hung up on this issue which seems like it should be a no-brainer but it still does not make sense, and I can't find any clarification on it.

With the

With MyPen
.Color = Color.FromArgb(LineColorVALs(7, SearchIndex1, SearchIndex2))
.Width = LineWeights(7, SearchIndex1, SearchIndex2)
End With

The array "LineWeights()" is declared as Integer and the values of the indexes are correct. This leads to an integer value of "1" coming out of the array and into MyPen.Width.

The ".Color" line executes OK, but I get the error, "Parameter is not valid." at the ".Width" line. I have tried declaring LineWeights as Short, too, but same problem.

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Error System.ArgumentException: Illegal Characters In Path

May 9, 2011

I am getting below error, when passing the path which has space between the folder name.

"System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path"

I have declared the the path in the variable like below:

Dim sFilename As String = "C:\Test\Windows Service\Schedule.xml"

or I have tried like this as well but same error I am getting.

Dim sSFilename As String = """C:\Test\Windows Service\Schedule.xml"""

and passing this file name to the below code:

Dim docDataSet As New DataSet
Dim docReader As New XmlDocument
Dim xnl As XmlNodeList


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XML With Periods In Element Names Throws ArgumentException Error

Sep 6, 2011

I have an XML file where some of the elements have periods in their names. Using the code below, I receive the error:

"System.ArgumentException: Child list for field Stock cannot be created"It successfully reads the file if the periods are removed( i.e. StockAdjustment instead of Stock.Adjustment)

Dim myXMLfile As String = "C:file.xml"
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim fsReadXml As New System.IO.FileStream(myXMLfile, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


Is there a way to handle elements with periods in their names?

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System.ArgumentException - Get Error : Cannot Add Or Insert The Item 'Cake' In More Than One Place?

Jun 23, 2010

Heres my Code that gets Highlighted:


I get the Following Error: Cannot add or insert the item 'Cake' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it Parameter name: item.I am trying to copy all the items in one column of a ListView to another Listview.

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Error System.ArgumentException: No Mapping Exists From DbType Object To A Known SqlDbtype

Aug 22, 2011

For no apparent reason, I'm getting an exception on this line in my when the table adapter attempts to fill my dataset.


The error reads:


System.ArgumentException: No mapping exists from DbType Object to a known SqlDbtype.

This error just came out-of-the-blue. If I 'Preview' the data though the DataSet directly (using the Fill() query), the data returns fine...

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Parameter Is Not Valid Exception?

Mar 27, 2009

I get this error from my application, but not in the development environment (VS 2008). I created an installer package and have installed it on two different XP machines with no problem. However, on a Vista system when the application runs code to generate an image I get a "Parameter is not valid" exception. I have no clue what could be causing this given the circumstances. To generate the image I am creating a bitmap with a valid size and simply creating the graphic. Since I can't repoduce the error in VS I don't have a way to troubleshoot this.

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Parameter Is Not Valid On Picture Box

Jan 15, 2012

I have a program with multiple forms. I have an upload picture from file form that shows a picture in a picture box when I choose it. However when i navigate away from that form and then return to it a large X appears in the picture box and wont leave. [code]...

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VS 2005 Parameter Is Not Valid

Dec 25, 2009

I use following codes to display image from SQL Table's image field. But on this line

.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)

it shows this error message

Parameter is not valid.


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VS 2005 - Invalidcast Exception Was Unhandled Conversion From String To Type Integer Is Not Valid

May 20, 2010

I am having problems with the code below. I have copied and pasted the code from a program that I wrote to test and see if the code does work. In that program it does. But when I use the same code in another program I get the following error message. invalidcast exception was unhandled conversion from string to type integer is not valid.


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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


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Specified Argument Was Out Of The Range Of Valid Values. Parameter Name: Index

May 15, 2009

i'm trying to do a filename compare, sort of fuzzy match.Here's what code i have.First of all i load 2 directory's into 2 listbox's as strings and remove the filepath. Directory1

TextBox1.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then

Then when i click the compare button i am trying to pass listbox1 and listbox2 through Distance and return the resulting fuzzy file matches.

Dim MyObject As New StringSift2
Dim ReturnVal As Single
ReturnVal = MyObject.Distance(ListBox1.SelectedItem, ListBox2.SelectedItem)


But i get this error.

TreeView1.Nodes(lb1).Nodes.Add(ReturnVal.ToString())Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index

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