Set Browser Homepage Using Program?
May 23, 2011Want VB.NET code to set the home page of the system's default browser
View 1 RepliesWant VB.NET code to set the home page of the system's default browser
View 1 Repliesive browsed the forums and cant seem to find my answer ill admit im relatively new to so firgured frst thing would try and make a browser i have made one and now its time to extend it trying to figure out how to change the homepage which i believe is webbrowser.url so far my code displays the current url works fine trying to update it tho is proving tricky(well for me)
i can't figure out how to set my own homepage for a tabbed web-browser. [Code]
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to create a homepage feature for my program and cant seem to get it to check is its Empty or only contains spaces etc.
How do I set the homepage of IE7 and FF3 to Example:"" with one button click?
I have: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Professional
I'm trying to add a function thats adds and or changes the homepage of your web browser.[code]...
View 3 RepliesSet homepage for webbrowser?
View 5 RepliesSo I've been trying to figure out how to change the homepage but not just for your webbrowser, but for all of them. I have had a couple of codes trying to change the homepage but failed, but here is my code right now and i know it is very simple.
I followed EndLessMind's Post on this thread[code]...
well.. first you have to be able you save the change.. to start with got to "project --> properties --> setting" and here you add a net setting.. let's call it HomePageUrl.. and sett the type to string and the scope to user.if tabbed browser ( like mine) the you need this one for the go.home button [code]...
How Do I Change Firefox Homepage In VB2011 Code
I want to change the url homepage of the firefox browser by running that EXE file
I have a setting in "My.Settings" which is called homePage
So here is my code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
How can I change my internet homepage in both IE + FF?I think you can do it by the registry?
View 5 RepliesI have some broken links on my site, and will keep having new ones on regular basis. How do i write a centralized code in web.config or something for 404 then redirect to home page?I am using aspx, and IIS7
View 1 Repliesiīm having a problem..itīs about having done a form2 for options and making a soft start with editing homepage. i got one textbox, one label and one button. inte the options for the homepage button i typed in
CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(Form2.TextBox1.Text) and i know that itīs working. and sure.. i can change the homepage in the options menu but when i cloas the options menu my homepage goes to "blank". here is my code for the form2.
This gives me an error.CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(My.Settings.homepage.ToString)
View 4 RepliesHow to make your VB program run by a browser link
like steam(steam://) and tsvn(tsvn
Also I want to get some parameters from the link.
I'm newbie and learn in 2010
i ve plan to create simple browser using[code]...
I'm trying to make a tool that will search google and return my list in my listview box now 2 small problems I have is this
1. I have a drop down list box which allowes u to select which search provider u wanna use
I would like to try out a demo (more like a proof of concept), which involves running a .Net language in a browser.
I am talking about a kind of IDE that allows you to do the following:
Step through code (i.e. debug) and inspect variables Run the application
All through a web browser interface
Is there any software out there that already does that?
how to get started in building such a proof of concept demo - i.e. what are the main steps required to put a "Hello world" example together?
I searched, there are some examples for vb6, or previous version. however, none works for vb.net2008.some guys said light=proxy works, but I can not get it work in 2008.
View 2 Repliesi make a web browser program. how do i make default my web browser program? simple. if internet explorer is default, all web pages start automaticly with internet explorer. how do i make default my web browser program with VB code?
Is there any way to make Windows call a VB program instead of the default Internet browser?
What I want to do is to use a VB program with buttons down the left-hand side that when clicked will launch that URL in the browser windows of the form. This will prevent users from surfing in places they shouldn't but still allow them to get to the sites they need to get to for their jobs. These buttons could also change based on the username of the person launching the program.
But it all depends on being able to call this program in place of the browser when they click on a link in a email or somewhere else.
Does someone know how to make your VB program run by a browser link[url]....
View 1 RepliesDoes anyone know how to spy the child objects of a browser object, using, I am exploring an option of developing a Web spy tool.
View 1 RepliesI made a program yesterday. I have a webBrowser in my program. The webBrowser uses Internet explorer as its default browser. I would like to use firefox as the internal default browser. How do I do this without having to launch a separate program?
View 1 RepliesI want to call a function in with when browser is closed. But I want only browser close, not tag close and other.
View 1 RepliesHow can I make it so when you press a button, it opens a webpage?
Also, if I wanted to have a website for helps or hints, where could I put it? Like, a site for others to read info on my game which I could make, say.
Let's say my browser goes to a page similar to this one below ..
Picture Is Here
On this page there is a hyper link called 'Click Here' .. when I click it, it opens another window with things in it.
How can I click this hyper link in automatically without me clicking on it with the mouse, and how do I open the window in a second web browser ?
We can assume that the first browser is called (WebBroswer1 ) and the second one is called (WebBrower2).
I know how to perform buttons clicks and do raise the 'OnClick' Events, but I don't know how to do it with a hyper links.
What I am looking for here is a way to possibly click a button inside a web browser control and have it call a sub from inside the program or have the program react to something on the page. I am trying to make a HTML5 GUI for my application. I don't really want use any 3rd party API's to handle commands from a HTML5 interface but if I can find another alternative that would be good. But if there is no other way I would be content with using a 3rd party API.
View 1 RepliesQuestion 1: How to make 'Button1' open a external program of there choice using the File Browser.
Question 2: How to send 'TextBox1.Text' to an external process
Question 3: How to save data in a .dll file made from Visual Basic
If anyone has source codes that I code edit for Visual Basic 10/08,And If you could sort of walk me through what I would need to edit to make it work for my programs