Set Different Application Icon For Different Configurations?

Jul 7, 2011

In the project properties dialog, on the 'Application' tab, the dropdown for choosing the configuration is disabled; how can I set the icon to be dependent on the build configuration?

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Application Icon Image Doesn't Show In Taskbar In "small Icon" Setting

May 4, 2011

I have a 2008 application which has its corresponding icon.
The icon shows correctly except in the taskbar when the "small icon" setting is on.

My project includes a .ico file which when I see in the IDE includes 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 and 256x256 bitmaps, in 4, 24 and 32 bits, also 3 .png images in 256x256 32 bits each.

I made the icon myself simply using a 64x64 bitmap and then converting it to .ico, and assigning it to the application in the project properties. I thought windows would use and escalate the corresponding image, it shows even in the file explorer properly in the small icon form, but not in the taskbar.

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Using Settings To Load Different Configurations?

May 12, 2009

I currently use a Configuration.xml file to store the various preferences and settings of my application. I'd like to continue using this but allow my different users to "load" individual XML files...

To do this, I imagine I can the My.Settings to identify the location of the appropriate file. Reading the docs, it seems that I need to use the .Save method after making any changes to my settings but I'm observing that changes are persisting, regardless of not doing this... what am I doing "wrong"?

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DB / Reporting - Save Configurations Of A Vb Program

Nov 27, 2010

What would be the best way to save configuration of a program? for example lets say you have a checkbox and does whatever and you check it and start the program and it should be check or unchecked depending on the setting used.

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.net - Rename Visual Studio Solution Configurations?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a VB project which I'm trying to configure with three build configurations.I've successfully created the build configurations, but I decided the names I was using weren't descriptive enough so I went to Configuration Manager -> <Edit...> -> Rename and renamed them.

This renamed the configurations in the Configuration Manager.I then went to do some conditional compilation testing using #If CONFIG = but it failed.Checking deeper, it turns out that the values returned by CONFIG are the original names not the new names.Checking My Project -> Compile -> Configuration I can see that the names shown in that ComboBox are also the old names.

So, even though I have "renamed" my configurations in Configuration Manager, they're not being renamed on all levels.I can get around this by recreating these configurations with their intended names but that's about as bass ackwards a solution as I can think of. Is there some method of renaming configurations that actually works or is this just the way MS intended this to."work"?

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Save Images As JPEGs With Custom Configurations?

Jun 19, 2006

I'm saving a bitmap as a jpeg using: savedImage.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg) which is resulting in a JPEG with a 96dpi x 96dpi resolution and a 24-bit color depth. Is there a way in VB .NET 1.1 to change this to say a 72 x 72 dpi resolution and a 16-bit color depth?

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Get Application Icon's MD5 Value?

May 27, 2011

I want to be able to get an application's raw icon MD5 value.

I have no idea where to start using VB.Net.

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Application ICON Not In Task Bar?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a vb application. I assigned an icon to the app. It shows up with the file and when i create a short cut. However when it is running the default box icon appears in the task bar.

My class Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

What do I need to do to make the icon appear in the task bar?

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Build An Application Without Icon?

Feb 4, 2011

As the title above, I am wondering how to build an application without an icon in vb express, or i need to use visual studio to do this.

for the above problem, I used to delete the icon manualy after the build process using visual studio resources editor.

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Change My Application's Icon?

Apr 29, 2011

I want to know if its possible to change my application's icon . [code]...

I want to change it from the form and the desktop icon if it's possible

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Create An Icon For .net Application?

May 3, 2011

How to create an icon file? Is there anybody could give me an idea on how to create an icon for my application? How do I change or create a new icon for a application. If I have a chosen saved images and want to use it as an icon on my application, how possible is it? How do I make it? I'm using vb 2008 express edition.

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How To Change Icon Of Application

Jan 26, 2011

[code]i want to change the icon marked with the red.

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Set A Picture As The Application Icon?

Feb 3, 2010

how can you set the application icon? this may involve converting a jpeg to the correct format

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Setting An Application's Icon?

Sep 29, 2009

I Want To Make An Application To Set Other Applications Icon (For Example : EXE ) But I Don't Know How To Set An Application's Icon

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VS 2008 Application Icon?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm at the code cleanup/little fixes stage of finishing my program and I'm trying to set the application icon. In the project properties I've chosen my icon file. It displays correctly in the taskbar, detail view, etc. However, it does not display when viewed on the desktop ("tiles" view) or when Alt+Tabbing.

How can I fix this so the icon displays properly everywhere?

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Application Icon In VB 2010 Express?

Jan 2, 2011

I created .ico file for my application and indicated it in Icon property of the main form in VB 2010 Express. However when I build my application the .exe file has standard form icon, although when I run .exe I see created icon in form caption area. I even created 2 versions of the icon (32x32 and 16x16) in order to see if this is related to size.Is this something related to VB Express or I am missing something? Do I need to do something additionally to assign icon to .exe file when viewed in explorer window?

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Application Properties Icon Greyed Out

Jul 1, 2011

I'm trying to set the Icon in VS2010. I go to Project>>Properties. Then I click on Application, but ICON is "greyed out" with the select as (Default Icon). How can I ungrey out ICON so that I can set the icon for the dll. Icon 32x32 .ico file is built and has been added as a resource.

Anybody know why Icon is greyed out in Application Properties.

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Change An Icon Of An Existing Application?

Oct 4, 2011

Is it possible to change an Icon of an existing application? I mean script in vb an application that allow to change any icon of apps. If its not , create a shortcut with the icon we want of any apps.

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Changing Icon Of Application At Run Time?

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to load a icon from a path and set it as program icon any idea how to do that .

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Click On The Application Icon In Taskbar?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm working on one desktop application and need to recognize if/when user clicks on the application icon in taskbar(when application is running). So, it's about app. icon in taskbar to systry. You know application is running, user open a few more applications(word, email client ...) and then when he wants to work again with application he'll click on the aaplication icon in taskbar. I need to catch that click and do some stuff in the app.

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How To Assign Application Icon To Shortcut

Oct 27, 2011

I'm a VB beginner and trying to create a Setup installer for my first freeware titleThe installer is almost complete.If I execute it, and it will install the application with a Desktop shortcut and a Startup shortcut.

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How To Remove Systray Icon Of Another Application

May 17, 2012

To restore an application from "minimize to system tray" mode to "Normal" mode (visible) from another application, I am using "Showwindow" method of "user32.dll". The API is working as expected i.e. displaying the application on Normal mode. Moreover, I want to remove that application's System tray icon as soon as its mode changes from "minimize to system tray" to "Normal".I had tried using "Shell_NotifyIcon" method of "shell32.dll" by passing "NIM_DELETE" & reference of "NOTIFYICONDATA" but no luck.The API method declaration is as follows: Shared Function Shell_NotifyIcon(ByVal dwMessage As UInteger, ByRef pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean.

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How To Remove The Systray Icon Of Another Application

May 18, 2012

To restore an application from "minimize to system tray" mode to "Normal" mode (visible) from another application, I am using "Showwindow" method of "user32.dll". The API is working as expected i.e. displaying the application on Normal mode. Moreover, I want to remove that application's System tray icon as soon as its mode changes from "minimize to system tray" to "Normal".

I had tried using "Shell_NotifyIcon" method of "shell32.dll" by passing "NIM_DELETE" & reference of "NOTIFYICONDATA" but no luck. The API method declaration is as follows: Shared Function Shell_NotifyIcon(ByVal dwMessage As UInteger, ByRef pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean

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Icon To Disappear After Application Is Closed

Jul 31, 2009

My winforms app puts a little icon in the taskbar next to the clock while it's running. how do i make it disappear when i close the program in

after the application is closed and i put my mouse over it, it disappears.

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Notification Icon Application Startup?

Nov 25, 2010

i like my application to start and goto system tray from begining from where i show or hide my main application form. To implement this i create 1 form named "FRM_main" and 1 Class named "MainClass" then define a procedure in MainClass which is as follow.

[code]Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim FRM_main As Form = New Form
End Sub[/code]

and set Title, Size and location of form at design time.but i didn't get the desired result. my application didn't start and goto system tray as inteded.i also try coding the FormLoad Event to ME.Hide but it also doesn't work so how do i do this?

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Notify Icon To Focus Application

May 27, 2011

I have been working with the Notify Icon to make it easier for some who prefer minimizing an application into the notification bar rather than the task bar. I have a drop down item that allows the user to Show in Notification area if checked. If it's not checked, then the form reverts back to default with the task bar. However, when this is checked and I minimize the form, I can not open the form from the notification tray. The problem is when the notify icon is visible and clicked, I need it to run code. If the form is minimized, I want it to show the app when I click the icon.

Here is my code:
Private Sub ShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem.Click
If ShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem.Checked = True Then
NotifyIcon1.Visible = True
[Code] .....

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Remove The Systray Icon Of Another Application?

May 17, 2012

To restore an application from "minimize to system tray" mode to "Normal" mode (visible) from another application, I am using "Showwindow" method of "user32.dll". The API is working as expected i.e. displaying the application on Normal modeMoreover, I want to remove that application's System tray icon as soon as its mode changes from "minimize to system tray" to "Normal".I had tried using "Shell_NotifyIcon" method of "shell32.dll" by passing "NIM_DELETE" & reference of "NOTIFYICONDATA" but no luck.

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Run Application In Between Desktop Icon And Wallpaper?

Sep 5, 2010

Any visual basic net code to make the application run between desktop icon and background wallpaper. It mean if that application is running in background the icon in the desktop should be selectable..

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Set The Default Application Icon With Code?

Jan 23, 2012

I know, how I can change the default icon of an application in the designer.

But I want to know, if there is any way to change the default app icon with code.

I already change the Me.Icon, but this has only effect on the main form and not on the exe.

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Show The Application Icon In FrmAbout

Nov 3, 2011

Years ago I found an app with with frmAbout included, I have now imported this into my new net 2010 app & the code "me.icon=me.owner.icon" does not work, neither does me.icon = drawing.icon.extractassociatedicon("path to assembly")

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