Simple Product Class With Multiple Records

May 26, 2009

VS2008 I have a simple Product Class with 20,000 records:
Product(1).partno = "3999399"
Product(1).desc = "Bearing"
Product(1).loc = "34"

This represents ONE sale only and may appear in 100's of other records
Using LINQ how can I: Determine the total count of each partno and then sort by descending order

Count Partno Desc Loc
3,232 3999399 Bearing Loc 34
2,323 3899388 Bushing Loc 35

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VS 2005 - Simple XML Product List Viewer / Manipulation

Aug 30, 2009

I'm trying to create an application that is able to find products from a XML file, which will contain the following data:EAN (Barcode as a string, not an image)

So basically, I enter the EAN and my program will lookup the XML file for this EAN and will return the description of this product, the price and the stock in a new messagebox. However, I don't understand how to create a XML file, add items, remove items, edit items, and most of all: read items from a XML file.

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Sort Class By Product.count Then Save Again?

May 26, 2009

Is there a easy way to sort this class by product.count then save again so it is in order?



I can think of a few ways such as adding to a gridview and bubble sorts

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Retrieving Information - Retrieve The First Product And It Repeat E Same Product In My Second Textbox

Aug 11, 2009

Right now i have a form in the VB where there are 2 combobox in it. user can choose from a range of products that comes together with some description and these are to be stored in a database table.. when i retrieve these data from another form in VB, i'm only able to retrieve the first product and it repeat e same product in my second textbox.

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Show Product Information And Another For Product Purchase Details Entry?

Jun 25, 2009

I have 2 datagrids. One to show Product information and another for Product purchase details entry. Both share the same dataset. The dataset (ds) is filled up with columns from 2 table

ProductMstrTbl : ProductID, ProductName..
ProductDetailsTbl: ProductID, PurchaseDate, Amt, BalanceQty..
DataSet(ds) : ProductID, ProductName, PurchaseDate, Amt, BalanceQty.

The problem is that: Showing from dataset or entering new records into the dataset is no problem, but am not able to save the modified dataset into DataBase. SqlCommandBuilder failed to generate the corresponding INSERT, UPDATE command as the dataset has multiple base tables.

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Create A Calculator That Can Calculate The Sum, Product, Difference, & Quotient Using An External Class?

Apr 26, 2011

So I was assigned to create a calculator that can calculate the sum, product, difference, & quotient using an external class. Unfortunately my teacher isn't exactly the best and I'm new to VB, I know how to create a calculator in VB .NET but when it comes to external classes,

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Incorporating Product IDs And Product Registration Into VB Projects?

Oct 5, 2010

I am looking for a free utility or way to protect my software by requiring a Product ID (Which will be created when a customer requests a paid license) to use the application after a demo version. Like most shareware apps.

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How To Use A DataGridView Control To Add/Edit/Delete Records In A Simple Database Table

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to use a DataGridView Control to Add/Edit/Delete records in a simple database

table.I used the wizard to create the datagridview and it created a dataset a bindingsource

and a tableadaptor.When i run my project, data that is in the database table is displayed

correctly, but I can't add/edit/delete. What events/actions do I need to perform to add

these capabilities?

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Display Multiple Records In Multiple Textboxes?

Apr 23, 2010

I would like to display the multiple records in multiple textboxes Following is my tables and data:

tblJan with these data:
col id
col January

now i want to display the value 10 in one textbox and the value 20 in another textbox and so with the value 30 in another textbox..

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Write A Simple Expression-like Class In .NET 2.0?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm currently working in .NET 2.0 Visual Basic. The current project is an Active Directory Wrapper class library within which I have a Searcher(Of T) generic class that I wish to use to search the underlying directory for objects.


In short, I want to offer some kind of Expression feature to my users, unless it is too much work, as this project is not the most important one and I don't have like 2 years to develop it. I think that the better thing I should do is to write something like CustomExpression that could be passed in parameters to some functions or subs.

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Multiple Operations With A Simple Calculator?

Jul 31, 2011

I've got the bulk of a calculator up and working, however it doesn't like multiple operations. For example 3x5+2= brings up 10 (i.e. 3+5+2) and even doing it in two parts doesn't help, if I enter 3x5= I get 15 then +2= gives me 32 (i.e. 3x5=15 15x2=30 30+2=32). Also I am getting trialing zeros in my command line I can't debug.Note that lblcommandline displays the whole function and lbldisplay just displays the current imputted number.

Public Class frmSimpleCalc
'This code is run when the program starts. Here we 'declare' or basically, define which variables we want, what they are and such.
'So, for this example, we need two variables. The number we are CALCULATING and the one which we will CALCULATE FROM.
Dim lCalcNumberMaster As Long 'The master number is the solution, the number stored and displayed when we click equals.


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Create A Simple Class - ASP.NET | Dream.In.Code?

Feb 20, 2010

I recently started working with and I am just trying to create a class that has two properties one is StoreName and the other is StoreImage. What I am trying to do is figure out how to create objects using this class? Each object will be a Store that has a corresponding Name and Image to go with it. Here is the code I have written so far although I am not sure if im headed in the write direction with the function. Also not sure if it matters but I am using ASP with VB?

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class Store
Dim NameofStore As String
Dim ImageofStore As Image


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Defining A Class For Multiple Child Class Instances?

Feb 10, 2011

I have created a class for a Sports Facility. A facility has a Name, Status, Notes, etc as members of the class. This works well, I can create a new instance of an exisitng Sports Facility from the database, create a new instance, etc. All working well.What I am stuck on is accessing a list of Sports Facilities. I know I can create a new list by doing

Dim List As New List(Of Facility)

For Each fRow As DataRow In ds.Tables("Facilities").Rows

List.Add(New Facility(fRow.Item("FacilityID"))


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Make A Simple Class That Reads Data From A SerialPort

Aug 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple Class that reads data from a SerialPort.The Device returns a number of lines of Strings.[code]However running this code in a Form with one TextBox Control (txtLog) Allways results in the "The operation has timed-out." Exception.[code]

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Using .net 2010 PointOfService.POSPrinter Class For Simple Job On POS Printer?

Jan 6, 2012

I need to print a simple receipt to my EPSON-TM-T88V thermal POS printer with VB.NET 2010 on XP (eventually to run on Windows embedded POSReady) via USB.All I need to print is some text and a logo. I have my logo stored on the printer. So, I need to use Epson's ESC/POS commands. So, does it make sense to use Microsoft.PointOfService? Seems like a lot to go through to send some escape sequences to a printer!Apparently, the PointOfService system has not been updated to work seemlessly with 2010 (details below) That is why I wonder if I am taking the wrong path.IF this is the right is what I did and where I am stuck.

For people trying to us the PointOfService classes in VB 2010:First you need to download and install the (Microsoft.PointOfService) - free download MS. Then you need to add references in your project. When you try to run it, you will probably get an error something like this:

{"This method explicitly uses CAS policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Framework. In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons, please use the NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy configuration switch.


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Printing Of Multiple Pages Is Simple Enough Utilising The Printdocument?

Nov 12, 2009 printing of multiple pages is simple enough utilising the Printdocument. Previewing the pages via the PrintPreviewDialog control is also simple enough.BUT Whereas the doc.print() will cause all pages to be printed stat - the Print button on the PrintPreviewDialog control calls the printPage handler one more time before printing.As all pages have been laid into the document this extra call to the printPage causes only a blank page to be printed. defeat the PrintPreviewDialog call to the handler? - Other than building, previewing and printing each page as a separate job!


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VS 2010 : Roadblock With Simple Multiple Choice Form?

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to create a simple program that delivers True/False questions from a text file and then displays the mark to the student, but I'm running into trouble.I created two forms. The first contains a listbox which is populated with the possible test choices (taken from a .txt file containing only 2 choices). I wrote this code for the listbox

Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Populates listbox with test names from TESTS.txt
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("TESTS.txt")


After the test is chosen, the user presses BEGIN. At this point I have my actual Question form pop up, and the first form is hidden. I tried to begin with an If-Then statement which will open the appropriate .txt based on the selection from the first form.

Private Sub frmQuestion_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Opens appropriate test based on selection
If frmTest.txtChosenTest.Text = CStr(frmTest.lstTest.Items(0)) Then


This is where I get completely bottle necked though. I've been staring at the screen/textbook for 5 hours now and I don't understand how to write the code that will take my questions from the (now open) text file, separate the question from the answer, and put the question and question number in the appropriate text boxes. The format of the question .txt's are simple. One question per line, with the answer following, separated by a comma. For example, Midterm.txt might look like this


If I were to design a form for this problem let's say it would look like this:I am currently stuck at this part though. How do I populate the two read-only text boxes with the question number/question, and then cycle through the questions from the .txt while also keeping the user's score?

View 13 Replies

Add Multiple Records To A Datagridview?

Aug 25, 2009

I have two problems with my datagridview in VB 2005 that I did not encounter in VB6. I would like to add multiple records to a datagridview by allowing the user to tab and type.When they get to the end of a record and tab it should go to the next record like Access does. The user can move to the next record and it even shows the pencil on the left leading them to believe that a new record is being created. But, it will not create the record unless they first click on my button that will add the record with the code BindingSource2.AddNew(). I use a bindingsource to populate the datagridview. Here are some snipits of my code for clarity:

DataGrid2.DataSource = BindingSource2
"Select * from [Order Detail] Where [Order Detail ID] = Null")


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Adding Multiple Records To Row?

Aug 22, 2011

i can't seem to add to records on the one row i get the error saying "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"but it works when i only add one record.

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class PatientInfo
Dim ServerString As String = "; User


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Can't Select Multiple Records In SQL With

Nov 18, 2011

I have problem and I've been looking for a week now on how to solve it. Yesterday I thought I solved but apparently I didn't when I tried the query with new data added in my database.Here's my query

Public Function getTicketsByBeginstation(ByVal station As String) As Array
Dim r As Array
r = (From u In treinDataContext.Tickets Where u.ritId =[code].....

The problem I have is: when I have a station selected there are more than 1 trajecten (connections in English) but I had to use the .first else Visual Studio would give the error "the '=' operator is not defined for 'integers' and 'system.linq. IQueryable(of integer)".

So I give the name of a station -> I have to select all trajectens with the given station as beginstation -> I have to select all ritten which have the given trajecten -> I have to select all tickets which have the given ritten So: I have to show all tickets for a certain station.

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How To Deal With Multiple Records ADO

Feb 28, 2010

I have following data in my table:

slno Name Age City
1 Ron 22 Dallas
2 Jonny 26 Texas

Now i use the following method to access data:

Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=E:Visual Studio 2008ProjectsSmart SyncronixSmart SyncronixSmartDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")


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Multiple Records On A Form?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a form that is going to displays the same field from each of my 185 records. How do I get it to show all records for that field without using a data grid. If you think of this form as a layout of a parking lot and each field is a parking spot then what I am trying to do is display the assigned parking spots. When you click on the spot I want to open a second form that I already created to display and edit that spot.

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SQL Insert With Multiple Records?

May 11, 2012

queryStr = "INSERT INTO tbl_user_ldr_responses (rec_num, ques_no, response, comment) " & _
recnum & ", " & "1, " & "'', " & reader.GetValue(1) & " UNION ALL" & _
recnum & ", " & "2, " & "'" & reader.GetValue(2) & "', " & "''"

How can I fix my string so that it will resemble the below SQL code to insert multiple records with one insert command?

INSERT INTO thetable (field1, field2)
SELECT value1, value2


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Make A Simple Temperature Converter (C To F Vise Versa) For Class?

Feb 15, 2012

I decided to make a simple temperature converter (C to F vise versa) for class since I already had made a calculator. But for some reason, it won't work because it can't convert from string to double. How do I fix it?


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Making A Simple Game - Multiple Hotkeys - Simultaneously Go Up And Left

Jun 9, 2011

I'm making a simple game. I want simultaneously go up and left.

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
' If e.KeyCode = Keys.Z Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then


Left, right, down and up work. now diagonal.

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Append Multiple Records On Transform

Feb 23, 2011

Using the FileHelpers library to do some great things in VB.NET. Parsing files with dynamic classes built from text file templates. One thing I can't find: A way to read in a single record and determine that it should result in the generation of two records.[code]Ideally in this next line I would like it to see certain conditions and be able to generate two records from a single source line. Dim PayRecords() As Object = engine. Transform Records(FromRecords)Alternately, if there is a way to implement the "ITransformable(Of ..." TransformTo() and have it return multiple records, I could put the logic in the dynamic class definition TransformTo() method.[code]

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How To Create Datatable With Multiple Records

Jun 6, 2009

How to create datatable with multiple records.

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Inserting Multiple Identical Records Into Sql?

Jan 24, 2012

I wish to insert a row into an SQL table a multiple number of times. The only field that will change is the Primary key ID which will update automatically.

To enter the INSERT into a loop seems very inefficient (time). The only other way I can find to do this is build up an array of values and do a multiple INSERT but again this seems very inefficient (memory) when the values will all be identical.

Is there a way of saying insert this row a variable number of times?

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Retrieve Data For Multiple Records?

Apr 23, 2012

Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT Product_name FROM Products WHERE Quantity <= 5 ", cn)[code]..

This code outputs all the products in a list box which are below a quantity of 5, however for those products i wud also like to retrieve the maximum stock level which was assigned to all of them so i can calculate how much more is needed to fulfill the maximum stock level

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Saving Multiple Records To XML File?

Mar 22, 2012

I'm trying to save the contents for a listbox, which can contain up to 10 records(items) as follow:

1 + 1 = 2

1 - 1 = 0 and so on.

The code that I currently have is recording only the last item of the listbox

Below what I have so far:

Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Public Class SerializeData
' Save - serialize the object to disk...'


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