Sort Data According To Sql Command In Cristal Report?

Oct 16, 2011

I am new to what I tried was print data in cristal report according to the ascending order of index number


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Get Image On Cristal Report?

Dec 30, 2008

Get Image On Cristal Report?

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Pass TEXTBOX Or LABEL Value To Cristal Report Field?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a sales report (crystal reports), and it's launched from the APP, but I need to pass the value of 2 textbox and 2 labels to a sales report fields.

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Report Designer Change Report Sort Interactively?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a report with a table containing about 10 fields. It starts out with a particular sort but the users would like to be able to change the sort interactively. The interactive sort on the textbox seems pretty limited. Is it possible

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Insert Command Not Functional After Clear Command In Vb Report

Aug 21, 2011

User need to select their prefferable data to show in report. What i did is i have a clear command first to delete the temporary table. The temporary table is basically a table to stored user selection parameter data. After the clear command, i have
a insert command to insert user selection data into the temporary table. What happened now is when i run the program exe, first run of the report is work fined, but not the second and the following times of execution. It will return null or blank report. The weird thing is when i execute it from development environment, it seem like the report is able to pick up user selection parameter and run the report for the first times and the subsequent execution.

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VS 2008 Sorting With Interactive Sort Of A Textbox In A Report?

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to sort my report on the values in a column. The underlying query consists of a director colum a movietitle column and a rating column, for every movie a director has directed there is a record which off course shows the rating in the ratingcolumn In my report I have grouped by Director and created two other columns which are called: Nr of Films and averageRating. in the design view i used two functions to accomplish this. the first is: count('the field of the rating') and sum('the field of the rating')/count('the field of the rating'). This is working... but now I would like to sort the column, Nr of Films. I think I have to do this with interactive sort of the textbox which holds the column name(i.e. Nr of Films)

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Pass Sort Field Parameter To Crystal Report Programmatically?

Mar 5, 2012

i have stored the sort field parameter value in the variable szYes_No.I have to pass this value to crystal report, i used the code given below but not work--

Dim FieldDef As FieldDefinition
FieldDef = frmReportDisplay.cryRpt.Database.Tables.Item(0).Fields.Item(szYes_No & "{REP_i_fORMAT.Mem_Name}")


how can i pass sort field parametr to crystal report.

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Display Data From Table In Report Footer Of Crystal Report?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm having a problem with my crystal report with regards to report footer. I want to display the data from the table, column name "Remarks" in report footer but when I try to call the data it doesn't show the remarks. I'm using VB 6 and mdb files as my back end. Is there any command or fundamental that I've missed?

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Data: Use Any Report Application As Crystal Report?

Dec 1, 2009

I need advise on how to solve this scenario. I am not sure whether I should use any Report Application such as Crystal Report or I can just simply use datagridview.My scenario:In a new form, a table will show a least 3 columns.

First, ItemID

2nd, Total Quantity Sold for the Current Month

3rd, Total Quantity Sold: Last month

ItemID Current (Nov) October
ABA1 100 85
ABB1 80 90

Hence, I can compare the figure of the current month with the past few month.Right now, I do not have any problems building SQL_String for calculating the Total Qty Sold for the Current month and display it via DataGridView. But I am not sure how to additional column that calculate the Total for the past few month

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Migrate VB6 Data Report To Crystal Report Within VS.NET?

Feb 19, 2009

I am trying to convert a VB6 Data Report (.dsr file) to a Crystal Report through the migration process within Visual Studio. I have read articles that reference adding a Data Report to a Project from Visual Studio 2005/2008 and that it will convert the Data Report to a Crystal Report, but I have not been successful in doing so. Does the VB6 Data Environment need to be converted too? Has anyone been able to do this successfully and if so, how?

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.net - SSRS Report Called From ReportViewer Control Displays No Data In The Report When Called With A Parameter

Apr 11, 2012

Can you look at my coding and let me know what I'm missing or doing wrong?I have a SSRS report that is called from a ReportViewer control and the ProcessingMode for this control is Remote. The report also has 1 parameter in it's DataSet.In the code I placed a MsgBox to make sure the code is finding the parameter and returning the parameter name. I am trying to stick the value of 10 into the parameter for playerID 10. Data for this player does exist.

I believe I need to add some more code to make this work but I'm not sure what else to add.

When the code executes the report is displayed but no data is shown in the report.


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Crystal Report & Temporary Tables - Print The Table Data Through Crystal Report?

Jun 21, 2010

I m using .net , I create some temporary tables at run time, how to print these table data thru crystal report

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Listbox Data Extract After Data Entry & Sort

Sep 26, 2011

I have an application that receives data input from an automated set of devices. This data stream I have managed to capture & get it into a list box which I can sort based on the Device ID & the time that the response was received.There is a set time window for the devices to transmit their data into the application and during this each device is not limited to the number of responses it can send (ie :- Device 1 can send in 2 responses where Device 3 can send in 40 responses, etc).All of the responses are captured, listed & sorted within the listbox (this bit is working ).I now need to extract the last (ie:- latest) entry in the listbox for each Device ID & this is where I am stuck. I can retrieve the last item in the list but cant seem to extract the last item for each Device ID.[code]

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Reference A Report Variable In The Report Properties Code Window Of A Local Report?

Apr 19, 2011

how I can reference a report variable in the Report Properties Code Window of a local report? I have tried Variables!Claimant.Value (for a variable called Claimant) but I get an error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." I have tried qualifying it with Report. and also with the report name in front of it but I get errors with this also.I have the variable CLaimant defined in the Variables section of the Report Properties.

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How To Create A Simple Report From Data Collected From A Data Entry Form

Oct 13, 2010

Currently we are using a VB script macro created in word to create some fairly simple forms based off of data entered on a data entry form. I am very new to VB, and I have been able to create many applications using forms, but I have absolutely no history creating reports. I have been reading up on the reports, and it looks like they are designed to use with data sources like tables. I merely want to take either data from the entry form, or from data derived internaly from processing the user entered data and populate a defined report "form". I have been searching, but there is so much on printing reports, that I feel overwhelmed. I am not looking for the exact answer as much as a link or place to look for a sample for what I want to do.

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How To Sort The Data In The Data List

May 11, 2010

How do I sort the data/records in the DataList using VB.NET? I am working on a .NET project and using a SQL database.

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.net - How To Sort Data In Combobox

May 24, 2012

I have data in my combobox1 and was wondering if it would be possible to sort the data in the combobox alphabetically? I have spent ages trying to find the answer by searching the forum but couldnt find anything,


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How To Sort Data In ListBox

Apr 24, 2009

How to sort data in ListBox?

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Sort Data With The Use Of Combobox?

Dec 15, 2011

i would like to sort the information inputted on the textbox and make it appear on the listview of another form by using the combobox. like if i inputted my Surname, First_Name and Middle_Name and i chose the "Full" item for my paytype with the id number "txtid" and the "yearlevel". they are all inputted using the textbox except for the yearlevel and paytype. they all should appear on the listview of another formand i click the save button, my surname, first name and middle name, txtid and yearlevel will appear on the listview of my full_pay form.

if paytype.text="full" then
'my information will go to the full_pay form
elseif paytype.text="installment" then
'my information will go to the ins_pay form

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.net - Dataset And Hierarchial Data : How To Sort

Jun 7, 2010

I have some data which is hierarchial in nature which is in an ADO.NEt dataset. The first field is the ID, the second is the Name, the third is the Parent ID.

1 Air Handling NULL
2 Compressor 1
3 Motor 4


What I'm trying to figure our is how to get the dataset in the same order that ths would be viewed in a treeview, which in this case is the levels at the appropriate levels for the nodes and then the children at the appropriate levels sorted by the name. It would be like binding this to a treeview and then simply working your way down the nodes to get the right order.

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Get Last 20 Rows Data From Sql Db And Sort By Date

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to get the last 20 rows data from the sql db to the ListView from individual Name which i input to the txtbox. However it doesn't work out on the following way.


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GridView Appears To Have No Data When Trying To Sort It

Jun 8, 2011

I am currently trying to sort on a GridView after it has been populated with records from a SQL Server Express database. I click on a column to sort it and I get the following error: "DataTable must be set prior to using DataView." The entirety of my code is as follows: <script runat="server" >


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Ms Access - Sort Data Using Datagridview In .net?

Jan 3, 2010

how to sort data using datagridview in do I do this by making use of textbox to input my query, I'm currently using oledb.

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Sort The Data In A Grid View?

Oct 18, 2009

I want to sort the data in a grid view that i populate using linq then the .tolist property, however when i call the .sort method on the grid i get an error stating that the data source needs to inhret from IBindingList to be sorted .

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Comboboxes To Sort Data In Access Database?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm using VB 2008 Express I have 2 Comboboxes, and an Access Database with 5 coloums, I have managed to connect to the database and populate the first combobox.But I then wish to use the second combobox to filter the data further. ie 5 coloumns Country, City, Cinemas, address, I wish to use the first combo to select Country, then use the second to select city so that if there is more than 1 city in the country coloumn I can select it and then I wish to display the results of the other coloumns in textboxes/labels

my code so far



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Sort Data In Excel Using The 'Auto Filter'?

Jul 7, 2011

I have AutoFilter in place in my sheet. I want to sort data using the AutoFilter itself and not by normal sort. I want the client to see the down arrow on the autofilter button, which tells that rows are sorted on this key.

I have 'sheet' as an object :

sheet.Range("A2").AutoFilter then Or something else ??(Ensure the syntax for VB.Net and not VB Script)

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Sort Data In Textbox With Btncmd_click In VS2008

Jan 29, 2010

There is a Some Problem with Sort Data in Textbox with btncmd_click in VS2008


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Sort The Data By Columns In A List View?

Jun 22, 2010

how do you sort the data by columns in a list view, for example, clicking the title of the column to sort by ascending order.

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VS 2005 - Array - Sort The Data From Into A File

Dec 3, 2009

i have a 2d array that i want to sort the data from into a file so i can retreve it and put it back into the array. i need to know the better file format to use.

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Make The Items In The TreeView To Sort Faster Or Something Totally Different To Sort Them Easier?

Dec 15, 2010

How can I improve this bit below to make the items in the TreeView to sort faster or something totally different to sort them easier?


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