Starting An Executable From An Installer Class

Dec 20, 2010

I have added an installer calss in one of my projects that is used to start the aplication (when the setup project is run). To do this I use the commited event of the class and then I use Process.start("...MyApp.exe").This works fine and starts the application however, on Windows Vista the process that gets started is running as a system user rather than the logged in (desktop) user. This is causing me all sorts of problems when it comes to using "User special folders" as they are returned as empty strings since the user is the system.Does anyone know how I can start the application as the current user?

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C# - Custom Installer Class?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm working on a project which needs some third party components prequisites to be installed before installing my .NET Application. Can someone tell me how to do it ?? I'm using .NET prequisites components to install the components like (.NET Framework 3.5,Windows installer 3.1,Crystal Reports) but what if i have some third party components which is not listed in prequisite lists ...

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A Class To An Executable?

Mar 12, 2012

I received the class below in C# and I've converted it to VB but I cant make an executable from it. I've tried. It will not take any kind of load routine.How do I execute it just for reads? [code]

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IDE :: Installer Class Is Not Coming In Project?

Sep 20, 2011

OS: windows xp sp 2 visual studio IDE: VS 2008

I have found this link for creating custom Install of setup in vb .net[URL]...To create the custom action

On the File menu, click New Project.In the New Project dialog box, select Visual Basic Projects in the Project Types pane, and then click Class Library in the Templates pane. In the Name box, type OpenWeb.

The project is added to Solution Explorer.

On the Project menu, click Add Class, and then in the Add New Item dialog box, select Installer Class.Accept the default name of Installer1.vb. Click Add.Switch to code view by clicking click here to switch to code view on the design surface (or by right-clicking the design surface and clicking
View Code). In the Code Editor, add the following code (which opens a Web browser) to Installer1.vb, under the constructor:

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Determine Directory Setup Msi Is Launched From Within Installer Class?

Jan 24, 2010

In my installer class, I want to check the existince of a file in the same directory that the setup msi is launched from.How do I determine the directory the MSI is launched from, from within the Installer Class?My installer class is launching succesfully and is able to process a file if I hard code the name and location. My goal is to remove that hard coded reference.

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OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() Hangs When Used In An Installer Class Windows7 And Vista

Dec 17, 2009

I have an installer class that presents a form to the user. One of the functions of the form is to browse to a file using the open file dialog. This form functions fine when used in an application but hangs when calling OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() during an installation on a Windows7 or Vista machine (Windows XP it works as expected). I get the same rusult when 'run as administrator' and with UAC off. I also get the same results when calling SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() in the same context. The call doesn't throw an exception but causes the form to stop responding. Any suggestions on how to get this to work correctly?

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Created An Application Where From The Starting Class A Modless Dialog Box Is Called?

Jun 4, 2009

I have created an application where from the starting class a modless dialog box is called. Once the dialog box is called then the program will close instead of waiting on the dialog box to call the appropriate functions.

A couple of notes: This was originally written in VB 2005, and I was successful by manipulating the automatically generated code for the starting and clean up for the class. I cannot find this section of code in my VB 2008 project.

I cannot start the program from inside the dialog box, since there are multiple dialog boxes and which one starts depends on what is currently running on the computer.

The program will run with a modal dialog box, but it does not function properly, so I must use modless.

Please help me to prevent the application from closing when it reaches the end of the code in the main subroutine. I want to have a function to explicitly close the application.

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How To Create Initial Installer And Upgrade Installer?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm currently developing an application for a POS Terminal using Our project is approaching the last stage of development and I've been tasked to create 2 installers. 1 for Initial Installation, and the other for upgrade installation.

The project is composed of several elements. These are:

1. The application executable

2. Common DLLs that we developed

3. some resources (.resx and XML)

The requirement for the upgrade installer is that only those files with modification should be installed. (i.e. if only the xml or resx files are modified those are the only items that will be reinstalled, since the size of the upgrade installer is a consideration so we cannot reinstall everything).

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 for my deployment project but I'm a bit confused about how to set the properties of each file in such a way that during the upgrade, only the files that were modified would be updated and the rest of the files will not be removed since I'm setting RemovePreviousVersion property to True. I have a hunch that I need to do something with the custom action but I haven't been able to figure it out. The upgrade installer setup is almost the same as the initial installer except that all files are excluded.I tried to acquire a copy of Phil Wilson's book (The definitive guide to Windows Installer) but its not available in our local bookstore and it would take too long to order it.

Basically while tinkering with the settings/properties there are instances where the dll was not updated and there are also times when the application exe was removed.

I already verified that the Product code is the same for both installers and that I'm sure that the version number is being incremented for each upgrade.

If I will be redoing both installers from scratch, how should I go about it?

I'm also confused about the Condition property and the transitive property.

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VB2010: Visual Studio Installer Add Other Installer?

Jul 19, 2011

Triying to use the built in Visual Studio 2010 to install a couple of files and after that is done to run another installer package (3rd Party Installation Wizard).

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Deployment :: Can An Executable Program Create An Executable File

May 17, 2012

I have a program that outputs a file. I want the user to be able to just double-click the output file and launch the program, just like Word and Excel. In Word for instance, one doesn't necessarily have to open WORD then click on File--> Open and locate another Word doc. He can just go to the folder and open the Word doc. I want to implement the exact scenario in my program.

So far I have tried creating TextFile and added it to the Resources. On FormLoading, I simply I stream-read the Resouce file, but I can't write to the Resource on FormClosing, since the Resource is ReadOnly. Also, the Resource is built & compiled so I suppose you can't add anything to it at run time.How you lunch an output file without launching the Executable program that created it?

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Executable On Vista - Open The Executable It Goes To A "WindowsApplication1?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an executable that I was able to get working on all XP machines by registering all the .dll's associated with it.On Vista, however, I go through the exact same registration process but right when I open the executable it goes to a "WindowsApplication1 has stopped working" dialog. I registered the DLLs in the SysWOW64 folder. I also ran Dependency Walker which came up with IEFrame.dll as flagged, don't know if that is relevant though.

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Creating A Windows Installer CD - Initiate The Windows Installer And Have Failed?

May 29, 2011

I have written a program in Visual Basic 10 and all is well. I have published it and have been burning the result to a cd and installed it on various computers, however it is the click once app, which has been fine till now. What I need to do now is to have the program install the .exe file and associated files (non click once app) to a specific drive on a computer or network computer. I have searched the net for instructions on how to initiate the windows installer and have failed. is there a program that you can select the source files then point to the installation folder tell it to go and an installation package gets made that I can burn to disk.

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.NET Framework 3.5 Offline Installer Is 200 MBs Larger Than The .NET 4 Offline Installer?

Jan 13, 2011

I have code/support an application built on .NET framework that has always run on .NET 2. This year we are upgrading the application to use .NET 3.5 (or 4?). In preparing for this change we noticed that that Offline Installer (required for our customer base) for .NET 3.5 is 200+ MBs bigger than the .NET 4 offline installer.

Here are my questions.Why is the dotnet 3.5 installer so much bigger than the 4 offline installer?

Can we TARGET .NET 3.5 but distribute .NET 4. In other words, is .NET 4 backwards compatible? Assuming that .NET 4 was the only installed .NET could application still target earlier frameworks?

IF our application is compiled for x86 CPU (rather than Any CPU) do you still have to distribute the x64/x86 Client Profile or can we just distribute the x86 Client Profile? In other words, can we distribute the x86 Client Profile even though it will be installed on x64 machines if our app is compiled for x86 target CPU? Any risks or gotchas for doing this?

The issue is that if we upgrade our app to target .NET 4 there are a lot of application servers that we also have to upgrade which effects a number of other applications.

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Generate Executable From An Executable?

Jul 24, 2011

I Actually want to provide a new service which requires creating executables on the fly from executables generated in For example lets say I have a form with a textbox and in that textbox we pass an argument which is for example the serial of the product, then we have a button which once clicked will generate an executable on the fly which has also a textbox requiring that serial to run? That was only an example but the main thing is how to generate that exe on the fly.

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Class C Inherits Class D Is Class D A Superclass Or Parent Of Class C?

Dec 16, 2009

If Class X is within the scope of Class Y, is X a subclass of Y?If Class A is a sub Class of B, then is Class B considered a super class of A?if Class C inherits Class D is Class D a superclass or parent of Class C?if Class E extends Class F then we can consider Class E a child of F?if Class G inherits Class H and is within the scope of Class I then who is the parent of Class G? Classes that inherits Class J and classes that are within Class J are all sub classes of Class J?

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Form Inheritance - Error1Base Class 'MenuStrip' Specified For Class 'Lesson2' Cannot Be Different From The Base Class

Apr 15, 2010

I have put this code in the global form Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form. And then in the form that will inherit this from the global Inherits MenuStrip. "MenuStrip" is what the global form is called. But keep getting this error: Error1Base class 'MenuStrip' specified for class 'Lesson2' cannot be different from the base class 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' of one of its other partial types.

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Call DLL From Installer?

Mar 10, 2010

Does anyone know of an example where I can call a DLL from the .NET Installer?

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How To Create An Installer

Sep 6, 2009

I have a program, and i need the user to be able to install it. How would i create an installer? I have my set up and everything i just need to figure out how to pack all my files into one program, then a code for my install button.

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How To Make An Installer

Oct 21, 2010

How do you make an advanced MSI custom installer in Like InstallShield, ect...

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Installer Is Getting Flagged By Some AVs?

May 1, 2011

I have made my own installer over the last 6-9 months.Let me explain how it works.It's designed for monetization.We have a hook product and 3 to 4 additional pieces of software that we offer the user.When an offer is accepted our installer pings a website(PHP) that is linked to a mysql database. It makes a value increase by one when pinged.This represents how many accepts for offer A we have.For some reason we are getting flagged by some AVs and it is because of the http web requests to these reporting urls.

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Possible To Create A GUI Installer

Dec 5, 2010

I need to develop an application which installs applications by accepting user inputs for example; there are 5 applications (exe files ) in my hand.say

1 . msoffice package,
2. mozilla firefox,
3. acrobat reader ,


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VS 2008 Best Installer To Use?

Mar 20, 2009

In the past I used VB6 to create my apps and used Wise Installer (v9) to create the install package. It was easy because it would read my VB app and automatically setup the file for me. All I had to do was add the numerous other associated files and I was done. Obviously that program is a bit outdated and does not (to my knowledge) have the same capability with a .NET project. Is there any installer out there that does have that capability and does not cost an arm and a leg?

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Register The Class File - Not Recognizing My Class.Even The Intellisense Is Not Picking Up Te Class

Jul 22, 2011

I have a class (see below)

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class ClientProfile

#Region "Variables"


It is in the file ClientProfile I have placed in both App_Code and also App_Code/Models

In my code behind I have the following


The last word, "ClientProfile" has the scary squiggly red line below it. It is not recognizing my class.Even the Intellisense is not picking up te class. Do I have to register the class file in any way?

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.NET Installer To Check If WSE Is Installed

Jul 17, 2009

I have created one setup package using VS 2005 deployment. I need to check wheather Microsoft Webservice 2 is installed or not condition before installing. I have used "Launch Condition" which need Component Id. But i am not able to find to where i can get component id for "Web Services Enhancements 2.0 SP2 for Microsoft .NET".

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Building An Installer Of A VB App Using SqlServerCE

Jan 2, 2012

I have a VB app that uses a sqlServerCE database. Everything works quite fine on my computer.

When I try to install it on other computers I run into problems. The message "Unable to load the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to the provider of version 8080"

I am testing on a Win XP virtual machine.

My first attempt was to use InstallShield LE to create the installer. I defined ServerCE as a prerequisite and when I check in add/remove programs it exists, but I still get the error.

Then I tried building the installer with the Microsoft installer. This adds the dll to the program directory automatically, but I still get the error.

I read the KB article referenced (874247) and recompiled the app as an x86 application only, and rebuilding the installer, but have the same problem.

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Compiling Software Installer Using VB8?

Dec 22, 2009

make a program that would compile a number of software installer using vb8. i'm planning to do this cause instead of always doing back up of my softwares in my hard disk whenever i'm reformatting my computer, i want to make a table in my program that would list the software names and once click, it will automatically run the installer.

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Create A Setup Installer?

Nov 13, 2009

Its two programs that work together called Script Writer and Script. My problem is, I need something that will install it on other peoples machines and will be easy to install and use to make. or possibly a way to manipulate the publish option under Vb 2008 to make a setup.exe for the file that won't install it in a funky place. It also needs to install both programs in the same directory. Because Script pulls its information from output.txt which Script Writer, writes information to output.txt. I can share the Vb scripts if you like. But I'm kinda perplexed on this. I've tried installing it after publishing it, then I go to the installation folder and copy its contents, then paste them in a seperate folder on my desktop. It works on my computer but not other peoples computers. Also when publishing my program from VB 2008 it won't publish anything in my debug folder, so html.txt and output.txt doesn't get published with the setup and doesn't install when the setup is ran. So I'm having a few problems here.[url]...

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Create An Installer That Can Be Included In A CD ?

Jun 5, 2011

I have create an application in and ms sql 2005 as database storage. How do i create an installer that can be included in a CD. What i mean is if i want to install it in the virgin PC the Installer CD would be able to run the application without an problem. Which software protect licensing installer i can use to create this.

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Deploy App.config With My Installer?

Jun 28, 2009

As far as I understand all default settings of app.config settings is hard coded in the application and will generated on the fly in the first run.

If this is true then there is no good reason to deploy these files with an installer or in a zip package, am I right?

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Deployment :: How To Make An Installer

Mar 20, 2009

I have made my program which i want to distribute, how can i make an installation package for it?I know there are third party software i can use to do this, but is there anything in the VB framework that i can use to install it?

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