Starting Same Thread From A Foreach Loop Not Working?

Dec 17, 2010

Is there a way to start same Thread form foreach loop

For Each lvItem As ListViewItem In _ListView.SelectedItems
tThread = New Thread(AddressOf Me.myFunction())


In my case, when i select one item from list it is working fine...but when i select more than one files it odes not work.

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Foreach - Each Loop On A 2D Array In .NET

Oct 14, 2011

I'm writing a loop to go through the first array of a 2D loop, and I currently have it like this:

For Each Dir_path In MasterIndex(, 0)
'do some stuff here

But it's giving me an error, saying it expects an expression in the first field. But that's what I'm trying to do, loop through the first field. How do I fix this? What would I put in there?

EDIT: to clarify, I'm specifically looking for the 0th element in the subarray of each array, that's why that second field is constantly 0.

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Dynamically Add Checkboxes In A Foreach Loop?

May 8, 2009

I have the following for each loop which loops through a registry key and reads all the values:

Dim returnValue As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun")
Dim keyname As String = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun"
Dim values() As String = returnValue.GetValueNames


What I am trying to have been highlighted in bold.. Each time the loop executes and reads a value from the registry, I want the code to create a checkbox which has a unique name and text according to the value that was read... So the number of checkboxes will depend on number of values that is got from the registry...But this doesn't work. It only creates one text box and the text of the textbox is also incomplete...

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VS 2008 - Second Foreach Loop Runs

Jul 9, 2009

I have the following Method:


Everything is working fine except for one part. The part where the second foreach loop runs. If I only have one plugin installed it puts 2 entries in the list. The reason is because it has 2 rows and it is adding it twice. I know what the issue is I just am drawing a blank right now.

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Access Label Of Form In ForEach Loop?

Apr 8, 2009

I have a form called frmMapViewer. In this form I 25 labels showing districts of my country. think I want to assign names(text property) to each label.[code]...

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Foreach - .NET For Each Steps Into Loop Body For An IEnumerable Collection?

Mar 11, 2010

This is weird. I have a class that inherits from IEnumrable whose Count property is reporting 0 (zero) elements but the For Each loop steps into the loop body and tries to use the variable where it should just be moving on. My code:

On Error Resume Next
Dim d As Foo
For Each d In fooCollection
' use d and throws an exception
Next d

Weirder still, every time d is accessed i get an exception thrown in the output window:

A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'

but i'm not stopping on the exception (not in a try/catch block).Is "On Error Resume Next" causing this weirdness?

Weirdness found:Per Rowland's and JohnH's comments i checked the Foo class:The GetEnumerator method inside of Foo didn't actually return anything! It had an empty body. That coupled with the On Error Resume Next before the loop caused the havoc! Wow this was ugly.

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.net - Generic List Extension Method ForEach Stopped Working?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a custom list that inherits Generic.List and it has a method for deselecting all of the members named DeselectAll It has looked like this for a few weeks and has worked fine.

Public Sub DeselectAll()
MyBase.ForEach(Function(p As Publipostable) p.ModeEnvoiChoisi = Nothing)
End Sub

Today, it stopped working ?!? I reverted to an earlier version using delegates and that works fine...

Public Sub DeselectAll()
MyBase.ForEach(AddressOf DeselectModeEnvoi)
End Sub


Edit: Stopped Working meaning it no longer sets the property p.ModeEnvoiChoisi to Nothing on each item in the list. The DeselectAll method gets called, but all the items retain their previous values...

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Using List(Of T).ForEach Method To Update Values Not Working As Expected?

Aug 8, 2011

I have the following code,

PB.ForEach(Function(x) x.Cost = GetPartCost(x.PartNumber, x.Units, x.Cost, FB))

Return PB.Sum(Function(x) (x.Cost * x.Qty))

However it always returns 0. I've checked and the GetPartCost function executes and returns a non-zero number but the list item cost properties are never updated.The property is just a simple property,

Public Property Cost() As Double
Return _Cost[code]....

If I set a breakpoint in the Set of the property, it never gets hit.

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C# - Why Is Thread Not Starting Immediately

Oct 4, 2010

see below program. I start a new thread x with function abc, then I do some longer task.
Why does x only start after end sub? Shouldn't it start right-away, before sleep ?


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VS 2008 Starting A Form On A New Thread?

Oct 10, 2010

Ok so my main form takes around 5 seconds to load i can't make it so that my load subs are on a seperate thread because too many cross thread calls being made besides i want a splash screen anyway i want a splash screen on a seperate thread that can update status while main thread is loading this way main thread carries the load subs and invokes status label changes in the splash form which is on another thread

this is my code

Dim SPForm As SplashForm
Public Sub LoaderSub(ByVal Splashed As Boolean)
If Splashed = False Then


what happens is the splash form shows and so does the main form but they both lag for 5 seconds (as if they are both on main thread) how do i make it so that the splash form loads from the new thread? I thought the way i did it that's what should happen...

EDIT: also why did code wraps failed to show proper vb code?

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VS 2008 System.Thread.Thread.Sleep Not Working?

Mar 22, 2010

Im trying to do this


But it will just skip to the last status (Label3.Text = "Status: Welcome")

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Starting Up A Thread That Runs The Standard Windows Defrag Utility?

Apr 8, 2009

I have a app that is starting up a thread that runs the standard windows defrag utility. It also gives the user the option to cancel the defrag if they want to. Problem is if the thread defrag is running on is canceled is there any data loss or does it just do the last operation and then exit. For example the code goes something like this:


Code works exactly as it should, runs the defrag on a separate thread so my UI remains responsive. I'm just worried about the effect of the cancel on it, when you call a thread abort does the program running in the thread know it's being canceled and "cleanly" close? I don't want to abort a file move operation when it's defraging and end up with a corrupt file.

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VS 2008 - Check If Client Is Connected To The Server By Starting A New Thread?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to check if my client is connected to the server by starting a new thread. So in short I need a way to know if the client is still connected to the server.

Here is my


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Creating And Starting Threads In A Loop With Parameters

Apr 29, 2010

I have ran into a situation where it would be a lot faster to create a thread by the users demand. Basically, what I have is some kind of downloading program which grabs URLs from the clipboard into a DataGridView. Now when multiple URL's have been added, it becomes really inefficient since only one URL is being processed at a time.Now what I wanted to do is, create a thread for each URL. The parameter for each thread are the URLs which are stored as strings inside the DataGridView rows.[code]

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Stopping And Starting For Each Loop Array In Visual Basic

Mar 1, 2010

i have a for each loop i.e


if want that the loop stops while the player play a file until finished playback

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Run A Loop In A Separate Thread?

Sep 24, 2010

Is there a way I can run a loop in a seperate thread and increment a progress bar each time the loop iterates? I am trying to run a loop that will take a long time to complete and I dont want the form to be completely crashed out while the loop is running. There are only two ways I can think to solve the problem. The first way is to run the loop on a timer. This is extremely slow. The other way is to use a thread.

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Multi-Thread Not Working?

Apr 22, 2010

I had followed the Example on mulit-thread in MSDN, but add a loop in my implementation. But seems like the multi-thread is not working.

sender As


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Ticker Not Working In New Thread?

May 27, 2011

I have a class that creates a ticker whose tick event checks somes stuff for me. If I instantiate the object and call the methods it works just fine. however if I create a new thread and call the function then the tick event doesnt get called for some reason.

Calling the object/creating thread:
Dim checkObj = New checkOutLook
checkObj.delForm = Me


why it would have problems handling an even tick on a separate thread? I even added a MessageBox output in the ticker to be able to check that its working properly

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Sendkeys On Backgroundworker Thread Not Working?

Mar 29, 2010

Well to simplify it, whenever I use sendkeys from a background thread it just doesn't work. I even created a textbox, button, and backgroundworker with the following code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 GetNextControl Not Working In Sub In Different Thread?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a background thread that calls a subroutine with the following inside it. I'm assuming the thread is messing with this part since it doesn't return anything.

Dim ctl As Control = Me.GetNextControl(Me, True)
Do Until ctl Is Nothing
If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox And ctl.Enabled = True And ctl.Tag <= 36 Then


I just called the sub that this is in without using the thread and it works fine, so it is the thread. How can I get this working inside a background thread?

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Created A New Thread To Run With A Loop To Update A Textbox

Apr 17, 2009

I created a new thread to run with a loop to update a textbox (this is just a demo, in reality this thing would go out to a db every x minutes to request an update). I did this on a timer, but i wanted to try to do it on a different thread.. anyways, this is what I have: (one form, one textbox, and this code...)[code]I'm getting a warning through (the "Thread.CurrentThread.Sleep(2000) part is underlined) which states:"Access of Shared Member, Constent Member, enum Member, or Nested Type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated".

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Creating A Delay In A Loop Without Thread.Sleep()?

Apr 22, 2012

i have a web browser control, that refreshes pages on a loop after calling a few subs, i need to create a delay in the loop so that the page has a chance to refresh and redisplay before it loops again. i tried the code below, but it seemed to freeze the entire form, elements including, so the web browser didnt refresh before the loop, so how could i create a non form-freezing delay for a loop?

For count = 1 To 20


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VS 2008 Infinite Loop In Separate Thread?

Jun 25, 2010

Im working with and trying to run an infinite loop on a new thread which at some point takes action (e.g. make changes to Viewport3D). But no matter what I use:

- BeginInvoke

- Background Worker

- Timer

I run into problems. My porblems are:


I am doing all this in WPF.

How can I run the loop in the background and get it to affect the Viewport3D controls content without throwing an error or freezing up the application? A Viewpoirt3D is a control in WPF.

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Creating Thread-specific CBT Hook Not Working?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm trying to create a CBT hook to an application, in this case Notepad.


EDIT: I have also tried it on a Windows XP system now, and it doesn't work there either.

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Refresh Label From Inside A Thread Not Working?

Feb 2, 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and have been slowly getting into threading. My current project has a form with a button that in turn starts two threads. The form itself has two labels on it that are used to display the progress of the computations. Each thread has a delegate defined to change the value of the respective label (as the labels are not defined in the thread, but on the form itself). The threads call subs from a separate class. All of the calculations work flawlessly. My problem is that the labels do not visually update. Through use of message boxes at the end of each loop, I know that the label text property is, indeed, being changed, but it is not actually refreshing and updating on screen.

My delegate code is as follows (I grabbed this code off of another forum where people had the same issue - it seemed to work for them, but not for me):

Private Delegate Sub UpdatePMLabelTextDelegate(ByVal s As String)
Private Sub UpdatePMLabelText(ByVal s As String)
' Are we in the same thread as the label itself?


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Thread Msgbox Application Modal Not Working

Jul 26, 2011

I have a background thread that checks software updates available and few other things. If there is an update it shows a msgbox do you want to update. Since this is in another thread its not being application modal. I can still use form screen enter text to textboxes.I thougth of moving the msgbox out side the thread but then i need to do some amount changes in my code.

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Loop Through Listviewitemcollection And Cross-thread Operation Invalid?

Oct 20, 2009

tems to a listview from a worker thread using a delegate and invoke, but I'm unable to just loop through the listviewitemcollection.Here's what I'm doing:

Private Delegate Function getListViewItemsDelegate() As ListView.ListViewItemCollection
Private Function getListViewItems() As ListView.ListViewItemCollection


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VS 2010 For Loop Inside Backgroundworker Gives Thread Error?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a backgroundworker that is downloading data from different webpages and process them to a datagridview.I get the Cross-thread operation not valid error on the first For loop.

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
dim i as integer
tot = (numPostnrTo.Value - numPostnrFrom.Value) / 10


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Write A Thread Into My App Which Basically Does A Loop In The Background Performing Detection?

Mar 15, 2012

I've been able to write a thread into my app which basically does a loop in the background perfroming detection for a device being added or great!i am trying to implement another thread to check for a file on the found device...but i still haven't figured out threading enough to make this work, the versions i try to implemt are either looping along with the initial loop or cancelling itself because its already running.i've been trying to put a variable in that would switch the thread off, but it doesn't seem to work.

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For Loop Not Working?

Jun 7, 2011

when i try to increment the for loop it jumps to case 5 of the select case statement. What i actually want is when i press the Next button it shows me a set of options which is case 2, but now it straight away jumps to case 5.

Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click
Dim counter1 As Byte = 1
For counter1 = 1 To 5
Select Case counter1


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