Stream (and Convert?) Multi-page TIFF?
Aug 10, 2009
I have built a simple image viewer in .NET and have the requirement to display multi-frame TIFF images in the browser. Presently, I have a (ashx) handler setup to stream back JPEGs that are co-mingled in the same database as the multi-frame TIFF's and it's worth mentioning that this handler will also return the first frame of the TIFF file in its current state. In the VB.NET code below (part of the handler) I am able to identify if a TIFF file has multiple frames and I started attempting to stitch the frames together but have not had any success yet. Has anyone returned multi-frame TIFF's using a similar approach? Note: I used the How to open a multi-frame TIFF image as a reference when developing the code below.
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Mar 17, 2009
When looking at an array of bytes from a stream for a multi-page tiff document, can you determine where one page stops and another begins? I want to take a multi page document, let's say 50 pages and allow a user to pick different pages of that to make other muti-page documents.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have a bunch of images that I want to save as 1 tiff file.
I can get it to read just fine. But It is not picking up frames. I think it has to do with the encoderParamters.[code]...
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May 6, 2011
I'm developing a program that will show multipage tiff in a picturebox using vb.
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Sep 9, 2010
Ok what's happening is I'm pulling in a Tiff file that can have multiple pages. I selected the first frame, draw a stamp image to it and save it as a different file name.When I do this, it is only saving the first page of the tiff file. How do I get all of the pages to save?
NetDMS.exportDocumentImageWithAnnotations(_workflow, disn, "C:JCEmailFld", "emailDocument" + currEmailDoc.ToString)
View 13 Replies
Aug 18, 2011
I import below codes into my program to scan documents but I've got error on it.[code]I tried to click the error correction options but no suggestions has made.I've got "Acquisition not defined" with this codes also.
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Jan 23, 2009
I'm trying to convert a .bmp into a TIFF. Here's my attempt:
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopDoc Folder\_f.bmp")
bmp.Save("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopDoc Folder\_f.tif", ImageFormat.Tiff)
It doesn't work. Debug feedback:
Name 'bmp' is not declared. (BC30451)
Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. (BC30800)
'Bitmap' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. (BC30108)
View 3 Replies
Jan 17, 2004
how can i add a page onto a tiff and save the bitmap?
Dim img As System.Drawing.Image
img = Image.FromFile(imgPath)
Dim fd As System.Drawing.Imaging.FrameDimension = New
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Jul 31, 2008
convert pdf to multipage tiff?
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Mar 8, 2012
I am writting a VB.Net application. I need to be able to convert either a Word or PDF file to TIF format.
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Jun 21, 2012
I can use to convert several thousand PDFs to TIFFs. Free would be great but willing to pay if the cost is within reason.One requirement that many of the tools I have researched seem to miss is that I need to be able to do this in memory.I am working with PDFs that are stored as binary in a SQL database so through SSIS, I would like to pull that binary, convert to TIFF, then send it off to a webservice I will be working with via stream. Unfortunately, it seems that most utilities I have looked into expect the pdf to be on the file system and I would definitely like to avoid writing a temp file to disk to do this conversion. For me that ruled out GhostScript and pretty much anything that's based on it.Also, the PDFs I am working with are rather old (v1.3) so the assembly should be rather forgiving/flexible (PDFFocus errors out on all my PDFs but works fine with newer ones).Based on posts from StackOverflow, it seems like Atalasoft or PDF4NET might work but both are a little too pricey for me so I am looking for some additional suggestions. Given that this process will be embedded in a script task in SSIS 2008, this will have to be .NET.
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Sep 8, 2010
can't seem to find any code nor an explanation on how the file types differ (Technically).
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Oct 27, 2011
We are using to write tiff images. After the image is first scanned into the system, we read it into bitmap memory, then we write it back out as a tif and pass in arguments that tell it what to put in the header. When we look at the original file, the header shows the "Subfile type" as "single page of multi-page image". But we noticed that after the file is written, the header now shows the "subfile type" as "Full-resolution image". We do not currently pass any argument in that tells it to do that.Is there a way to pass an argument into the function that writes the tiff file to tell it we want a single-page tiff and NOT a full resolution image? For some reason, our customer's tiff reader is not accurately reading some of these files and we believe it might be the cause of this.
View 11 Replies
Mar 1, 2010
I must to convert a multipage tiff in jpg. When i have a jpg file i can put into a sql table and make a report from cristal report. I had write a code to write file (in blob field) so i need a exaple code to SPLIT multipage tiff.
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Aug 16, 2007
I need to convert my gif to tiff for ocr recognition with MODI.
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Jan 13, 2011
I've been working on a project that converts several file formats to a PDF in VB.NET/C#. The specific files are DOC, TXT, JPG, TIFF, HTML.
Actually I already have a solution for DOC/TXT to PDF using Bullzip PDF Printer by sending the files to the PDF Printer using VB.NET. However, each time it converts a file, MS Word opens and then closes once the file is sent to the printer. It really slows down the process.
As for TIFF to PDF, I haven't found a solution for it at this time.
I require SDKs or Commandline tools and not PDF convertion applications, since I need to integrate this function in my program. I prefer free or open source SDKs but commercial ones are accepted as well.
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Jul 22, 2010
I need to convert many separate .tiff or .mdi files scanned invoices to .pdf but, I need to retrieve the invoice number from each file and rename each file with the invoice number. I am running VS 2005, and have looked at Itextsharp,hp document imaging, simple ocr, aquaforest, adobe sdk. The problem with all, is either compatibility or cost. I would like to avoid developing an application that enters FindWindow Lib "user32" press 'OK' to use demo ocr software.
View 6 Replies
Oct 10, 2009
Is there any way to convert word document to tiff programatically without installing word application.
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Dec 17, 2010
I am trying to integrate iTextSharp into an existing Document Imaging application that allows users to rotate individual pages that may have been scanned in at an incorrect angle (it happens more often than I would have thought).
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Jan 22, 2012
I'm trying to extract a single page from a multi page pdf and I'm using the code below;however, I'm getting an error that it's not recognizing <param name>.
''' <summary>
''' Extract a single page from source pdf to a new pdf
''' </summary>
View 15 Replies
Mar 5, 2010
I'm trying to extract a single page from a multi page pdf and I'm using the code below; however, I'm getting an error that it's not recognizing <param name>. [code]...
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Dec 29, 2011
prints out the tiff tags associated with a tiff file?
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Oct 19, 2010
From few days I am doing efforts to read web pages using webbrowser control in my desktop application. But it is very slower than my expectations(because I want to read lots of pages in minutes and browser control reads almost one page in 5 to 10 seconds), what I need is to read two or three tags written in web page.
So finally I decided to use something, which can give me only source code of page. I think StreamReader will help me to read it. I am not sure if it is flaxible with my purpose, or something else is there which can give me only html source code of web page.
I have written this code to read html code, but it gives error.
System.ArgumentException: URI formats are not supported.
public static string Navigate(string URL)
View 8 Replies
Jul 31, 2011
I am trying to convert the image from 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' to 'System.IO.Stream', but i am getting an error.
the error is: Value of type 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' cannot be converted to 'System.IO.Stream'.[code]...
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Jun 5, 2011
Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.
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Feb 1, 2009
I am downloading page data using the stream reader using readline.I want to concatenate each line into one long string for parsing The below line of code is not working: datajoined =dataline.Insert(datajoined.Length - 1, dataline.Length - 1)My inevitable goal here is to track stream data with a progress bar. But first I must learn to dload page data in chunks.
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Feb 2, 2010
Program to convert binary pdf file to tiff file in VB.NET..?? We can use third party tools also..???
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Dec 27, 2010
I ve the following stream but I don't know its encoding type because the stream reader detects encoding from byte order marks
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(respStream, True)
so how can I detect the encoding type AND convert it to another type? (for ex. from ASCII to UTF8)
PS: What is the difference with the following line?
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(respStream,
Encoding.ASCII, True)
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Sep 17, 2010
I have found that an image can be stored as some string. To give an example I have included a ms word part that has an image.I saved a word file with image and saved it as xml format .when i opened the xml file in a notepad i got following section. It must be the image being stored as some stream of text. Is there a similar way to do it in .net.
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Nov 16, 2010
I am producing an XML file in my unit test using
Public Sub rssParserTest
Dim Const rssUri as String = "rssTestFile.xml"
Dim xmlFile = <rss version="2.0">
I want to remove the unit test dependency on a physical file and use a stream instead but my efforts so far have come to nought. (Is this best practise?)I am using NMock2 for mocking if I should be doing something with that.
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