Streamreader - Text File - To Read Into A Listview - Read From A Specific Line In That File
Mar 11, 2010
I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Below is a sample of the txt file to read,
TOTAL GPM= 6400 HWT= 95.5 CWT= 84.0 IWBT= 76.6 ALTITUDE= 0
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Jul 31, 2011
how I would read specific line in a text file.Is this possible, if not I would like to know so that I can make the extension in C#?
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May 26, 2009
Is there anyway to read a specific line from a text file. Such as reading the tenth line of a text file?
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Jul 26, 2009
I have two part in text file. Let say Part 1 and part 2. I want to write part2 in different file and part 1 in different file.
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Oct 20, 2010
I need to read one specific line of a .txt file.. How do I do it?I don't know what item will be there so I can't search for a specific letter... It will be a textbox text.But I know that it will be the 3 line.Originally Posted by ExampleLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla rutrum risus et ante tempus pharetra. Integer lacus felis, interdum non elementum in, egestas et ante. Aliquam eget nulla sed lectus accumsan congue at dapibus massa. Etiam nisi arcu, vulputate nec venenatis sed, fringilla nec ipsum. Duis quam lectus, venenatis sit amet faucibus ut, eleifend at tortor. Proin dignissim he
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Jun 28, 2010
Okay, so I've been looking on the web for a way to read only ONE line out of a text file. Recently I've gotten by by creating separate text file for each line (such as a text file named, "Username", another named "Password", instead of creating a single text file with both the user name and password.) Now I am faced with having to do this. I want a quick and easy way, VB won't let me do open file as input #1 for some reason. I just need the second line of text out of this text file. What is the quickest and easiest (and painless) way of doing this?
View 8 Replies
Oct 15, 2011
I am currently writing a Login Script, and I am having trouble making StreamReader read a specific line in a text file. This is what I have so far (not the entire script, just the reader lines):
Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
Dim file As String = (path + "LogDat.txt")
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(file)
Dim line1 As String = sr.ReadLine(1) '' Supposed to read line 1
Dim line4 As String = sr.ReadLine(4) '' Supposed to read line 4
Dim line9 As String = sr.ReadLine(9) '' Supposed to read line 9
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Jun 21, 2010
i would like to ask is there anyway to read a txt file with UTF-8 encoding using streamreader or filestream. the txt file is contain some extended ASCII that makes me cannot read the characters properly. I hav tried Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes()) but still it return wrong character when it's reading extended ASCII code.
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Jan 19, 2009
I'm using a streamreader to read a text file, in the text file i have some special characteres like "�,�,�", the streamreader doesnt return that characteres...
How to retrieve the correct characteres?
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Jan 11, 2010
In I'm trying to read in a specific line from a file. An example of the line in the txt file is:
[PATH] = "/this/directory/run.exe"
how to open the file for reading and writing in VB, but I need to parse out the path in the "" (quotation marks).
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Jan 1, 2010
I am reading text from a file (*.TXT) 1 line at a time using streamreader. As I read that input, I am looking for specific starting and ending character strings ("<" and ">") . When I find those strings, I would like to select the characters between those string and have it set to BOLD and BLUE before appending that input line to the contents of a richtextbox.The only way I have found to do this is to first append the input line to the richtextbox then use the richtextbox.selection (color and font) methods to change the text.
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May 21, 2009
in my text file i have two part. Called bottom and top. So i need to read the Top part first then and match the line with bottom part. Its like this
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May 6, 2009
I wanted to read a spefic word from the text file and if the word exist i wanted to copy the content under that specif word and place it in textbox.For Example My specific word will Top. Under the top it has number like this:12.3.45. So i wanted to coppy that number and place it in text box.I did something to serch for the specic word but it aslways come out false this is my
Private Function IsFileContainsSrting(ByVal SearchWord As String, ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim FileContents As String = String.Empty
View 8 Replies
May 15, 2009
I want to read the text file. But i do not want to read the whole file. i just want to read the content below the specific word. For example:
I want to ask whether the above code is correct and also how should i read only the content below the word "Top".
View 39 Replies
Oct 31, 2009
I have a block of text in a text .txt file that looks like this: [code]I've tried reading every character and entering them into a 2D array (failed)I've tried splitting them into individual lines and entering them into a 1D array (Success, but very difficult to target individual characters from this, and will take a long time to set up as I only did this for 10 lines)
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Sep 9, 2011
I want to ask, I have program that launch the game, and the launch setting of the game is in the server.ini, Server.ini contains ip server and port server for example if you open Server.ini i put this text:
so server IP its contained in 2nd line and server port is contained in line 4th, I want program read the text in 2nd line and make it to label1.text and the 4th line to label2.text. How i can do that?
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Jan 30, 2010
How can I make my app read a text file line from a location (c:/text.txt) .. like a perticular line, with the word "Graphics" infront if it.
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May 21, 2009
I need read the text file line by line and matche if i find value from one part match with another part then i need to copy the matching line and paste side by side.
For example first i need to read the line from part called top
My question is how to make the above program to read the whole line insteed of reading just the specified portion. The ouput for the above code is:
"The entry (1 16.71 33.3) from line 1756 matches [1 16.71 33.3] from line 402"
now it only give me the portion of the line but i want to read the whole line.
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Oct 24, 2009
I have created a program that saves the co-ordinates of the users mouse and saves it to a text file to be used as an auto clicker.
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Sep 19, 2010
Ok, I saw this code on the net
Dim sFileName As String
Dim srFileReader As System.IO.StreamReader
Dim sInputLine As String
sFileName = "D:UsersArbenDesktopSerieA.txt"
srFileReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(sFileName)
under the code I pasted at the top, but I get the text on line1 in all labels, like all labels become 1, while the text should be 1, 2, 3 and so on. So anyone can help me do that, each label gets the value of the next line in the txt file
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Mar 8, 2009
Now i use this part of the code to write the file out for the listview items [code]...
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Dec 23, 2010
how does the streamreader read the file? how do you know where its up to? how does it read the file line by line, knowing where its read up?what program do you write so that it can read the file line by line and then put the text from the file into an array?
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Feb 23, 2009
I am using VB 2008 express and I am reading text file line by line in assist of EOF function. Problem is, that this function doesn't read the last line (In VB6 works properly). I want to ask if this problem on my side in my code and how to solve this problem with reading the last line.
FileOpen(FileNumber, InputFile, OpenMode.Input)
Do While Not EOF(FileNumber)
NumberOfLines = NumberOfLines + 1
MsgBox("Error loading file")
End Try
View 5 Replies
Oct 5, 2010
How can I read a text file so that each line in the file is added to a string collection? Also, if I would like to read only the 5th line in the text file, how could I do that?
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Mar 9, 2010
how can I do the following Read line 1 from text.txt file (C:\txt.txt) Wich Is URL than Webbrowser1.navigate( Line1 ) Do something and continue loop for line 2, 3, 4, 5, etc..
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Apr 3, 2011
I use the following command to save my textbox strings to the file:
Sub SaveToolStripMenuItemClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
FileOpen(1,"test.TXT", OpenMode.Output) ' Open file for output.
WriteLine(1, textBox_name.Text) ' Print text to file.
WriteLine(1, textBox_middlename.Text)
View 4 Replies
Jan 15, 2012
How can i do the next thing? I want to know what's the data in a textfile's line. If i'v got the line number. For example: variable line_number = 5 In the c: est.txt on the 5th line the data is "Washington" So the answer is Washington
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Oct 7, 2011
I want to make a timer that reads a new line every second from a text file until the last line and then gives a message that there are no more lines. But when i do this he only reads the first line every second.[code]...
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Feb 13, 2011
if i can make a prog that connects a website read each text below a line containing "3-letter words", "4-letter words", "5-letter words", "6-letter words"
leyend * = comment (ignore it)
3-letter words
*aby, abi, bay, bai, babi, ...
what is in line * i need to make the prog read that and output to notepad.for example
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("")
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Nov 15, 2009
I am trying to read from a file that was created with a stream writer the names line from the text file that contains data for name, phone number, pager number, cell number, voice mail, and email.What I need to do is read and load the names from the file into a list box, and then from the list box be able to choose each name and have the information (phone, pager, cell, etc.) show up in text boxes that goes with the specific name.
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