I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Below is a sample of the txt file to read,
how to read and write the content of text file to vb.net application. Now with the following code i can read the file. but the whole file appears in vb.net application itself. I want the application to read and write the content of file to textbox that is provided in the vb.net application. I don want the user see the file. My code to read the file is :[code...]
I'm trying to read and load the content from the attached text file to a arraylist with the code bellow. but what is happening is that not all the lines from the text file are loaded in to the arraylist, the reading jumps from one line to other in the text file.
Dim FILE_NAME As String = ((My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath).Substring(0, (My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath).LastIndexOf(""))) & " est.txt" Dim lista_barras As New ArrayList Dim lista_barras_esp As New ArrayList
I wanted to read a spefic word from the text file and if the word exist i wanted to copy the content under that specif word and place it in textbox.For Example My specific word will Top. Under the top it has number like this:12.3.45. So i wanted to coppy that number and place it in text box.I did something to serch for the specic word but it aslways come out false this is my
Private Function IsFileContainsSrting(ByVal SearchWord As String, ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean Dim FileContents As String = String.Empty
I have a block of text in a text .txt file that looks like this: [code]I've tried reading every character and entering them into a 2D array (failed)I've tried splitting them into individual lines and entering them into a 1D array (Success, but very difficult to target individual characters from this, and will take a long time to set up as I only did this for 10 lines)
I need to read one specific line of a .txt file.. How do I do it?I don't know what item will be there so I can't search for a specific letter... It will be a textbox text.But I know that it will be the 3 line.Originally Posted by ExampleLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla rutrum risus et ante tempus pharetra. Integer lacus felis, interdum non elementum in, egestas et ante. Aliquam eget nulla sed lectus accumsan congue at dapibus massa. Etiam nisi arcu, vulputate nec venenatis sed, fringilla nec ipsum. Duis quam lectus, venenatis sit amet faucibus ut, eleifend at tortor. Proin dignissim he
Okay, so I've been looking on the web for a way to read only ONE line out of a text file. Recently I've gotten by by creating separate text file for each line (such as a text file named, "Username", another named "Password", instead of creating a single text file with both the user name and password.) Now I am faced with having to do this. I want a quick and easy way, VB won't let me do open file as input #1 for some reason. I just need the second line of text out of this text file. What is the quickest and easiest (and painless) way of doing this?
I am trying to read from a file that was created with a stream writer the names line from the text file that contains data for name, phone number, pager number, cell number, voice mail, and email.What I need to do is read and load the names from the file into a list box, and then from the list box be able to choose each name and have the information (phone, pager, cell, etc.) show up in text boxes that goes with the specific name.
How to read a string in another string where between Starting Index and first-encountered Ending IndexI have one giant file which contains info for each customers and they seperated the customers info with Starting and Ending Indexes and I need to get a specific customer info to display.
Dim oFile As New FileInfo(sFileName) Dim sFileContent As String = oFile.OpenText().ReadToEnd() Dim iStartIndex As Integer = sFileContent.IndexOf(roNotification.StartByte)
I have some .doc binary files stored in my database and i would like to now search them all (without converting them to .doc) to see which one contains the word "hello" for instance.
Is there any way to do this search in the binary file?
get the whole and same content of any file i uploaded, for my editing purposes in my editor w/c retrieves file from the database. i.e of files are ".doc and .txt"and by the way what i meant by same content is the whole same appearance of my .doc or .txt file i.e "if the text is bold, forecolor is red and etc.."
i successfully established a file upload and a function to store it in a database... but what i'm missing is the whole and same content of the file. Another thing is i don't want the file to be saved in a local folder or somewhere..i just want it to be save directly to my database Below is my sample code of trying to retrieve the content.. but it is an error when you run..
Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) If filMyFile.PostedFile IsNot Nothing Then Dim fs As FileStream
if i can make a prog that connects a website read each text below a line containing "3-letter words", "4-letter words", "5-letter words", "6-letter words"
leyend * = comment (ignore it) e.g 3-letter words *aby, abi, bay, bai, babi, ...
what is in line * i need to make the prog read that and output to notepad.for example
Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("http:www.a2zwordfinder.com/scrabble.html")
I want to read ALL text between specific <b1> and </b1> tags + hide the tags, example text:As part of the Visual Studio product range, Microsoft created a set of free development environments for hobbyists and novices, the Visual Studio 2005 Express series. One edition in the series is Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition, which was succeeded by Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition in the 2008 edition of Visual Studio Express.[8]The Express Editions are targeted specifically for people learning a language. They have a streamlined version of the user interface, and lack more advanced features of the standard versions. On the other hand, Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition does contain the Visual Basic 6.0 converter, so it is a way to evaluate feasibility of conversion from older versions of Visual Basic. [code]I want to use .rtf because i need to save color etc.
Hi, i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated.This is the code im using right now:
Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick Select Case e.Node.Index Case 0
Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.
I am to search for a particular string in a text file, which I can do using a regular expression.Upon getting this string I am supposed to search for another one then, find a value corresponding to some time step and write it to an excel file.How do I indicate the position from which I want my reader to commence? Let's say my match.Index returns 100 000 as the location for the first string I was searching for. How do I then resume my new search at this point?
I have a textbox on a form that is set to allow dragdrop operations from txt files.Basically you drag a .txt file onto the txtbox, the content of the text file is displayed in the textbox.All is working fine, however after the textfile is displayed in the textbox, the text box text is for some reason is highlighted.I don't want the text to be highlighted (or selected) after it's being displayed on the textbox.Second issue, after I close the file that I dragged, for some reason even if I didn't make any changes to the file, it is acting as if the file has changed.In another words, if I open a text file using my MenuItem Open item, and if I do not change the file, If I close the file it's fine it closes.However, if I close a file that I draged into the text box and then close the file without changing anything in it, the stringcompare function is telling me that the file has changed... I can't understand why.