String.Contains() Isn't Working?

Mar 6, 2011

On my project, If I do String.Contains, Even if its positively true (Made a MsgBox Popup) It returns false! My Code:

Dim bad As Boolean = False
For Each item As String In adlist
If e.Url.Contains(item) Then


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Concatenating Using String Or String Builder Not Working?

Nov 10, 2010

I am using the following lines and am not able to concatenate the needed values, why it is not working.

Dim rxBuffer As String = " "
Dim rxData As String = " "
Dim rxDataStringBuilder As New StringBuilder[code].....

View 12 Replies - Connection String Is Not Working?

Nov 18, 2011

DB="Source={SQL Server};Server=CALVINRUKA-PCSQLCALVIN;DataSource=DWDSCalTables;Uid=sa;PWD=;Trusted-Connection=Yes;"

I using SQL Server 2008 R2 to connect with HTML page. I trying to connect HTML page with login to SQL Database. I have try called the Source but didnt work.

View 3 Replies - String Replace Not Working At All?

May 3, 2012

I am reading a text file and I need to replace a few areas with new text that I marked with {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}. So I load in the text, save it to a string variable, and then use String.Replace but it's not working.

For i As Integer = 0 To 6
fileText.Replace("{" & i & "}", DisplayStudentData(i))

I put all the data items into an array, then did this after loading the text file:

fileText = String.Format(fileText, dArr(0), dArr(1), dArr(2), dArr(3), dArr(4), dArr(5), dArr(6))

Is this a good way of doing it?

View 2 Replies

C# - String Format Not Working

May 26, 2010

I am trying to display a number, stored in a dataset as a string, as a phone number. I have a label that Binds to a value but doesn't display the format that I passed as an arg:

<asp:Label ID="lbl005108002" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "phone number", "{0:(###) ###-####}") %>'></asp:Label>

As a test I tried to pass the formated string into the dataitem but that didn't work either. Is there something else I need to do in order to use this function?

m_Row("phone number") = String.Format("{0:(###) ###-####}", value)

The value displays in both cases as: 04152543926

View 3 Replies

Connection String Is Not Working?

Oct 1, 2009

I have the following connection string set:


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Connection String Not Working (but One Does)?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a hard coded connection string that DOES work just fine-

Public urlMySQLDatabase1 As String = "Server=;port=3300;Database=DatabaseName;Uid=UserID;Pwd=Password;"


View 17 Replies

Formatting String Not Working

Mar 2, 2010

why my format string(fmtstr) will not work. Here is my code.


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SQL Query String Not Working

Sep 14, 2011

I have a SQL query string that gets the top 5 records from a database however 3 variables are passed with the sql query that gets specific data.[code]

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String Functions Not Working?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to make code that inserts something into a textbox. However, it appears the insert and remove code isn't working. Here's the

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim a As Integer = TextBox2.SelectionStart


View 18 Replies

String Length Not Working?

Jul 16, 2009

I have the below code that if there is no .wav file in the current directory then it goes to the default windowsmedia directory to play a random .wav file.

But for some reason if there is no file in the current folder it will not go to the windowsmedia folder, do I have something wrong?

Dim FileNames As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.wav")
Dim FileNames2 As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:WindowsMedia", "*.wav")


View 3 Replies

String Replace Not Working

May 26, 2011

What am I doing wrong here?


Update 1 This is the original string: This is what it looks like after my VB code: As you can see, the http: part is added, however the backslashes haven't been touched. Update 2 It has something to do with the slashes. Because when I replace other characters (for example a with @), then the replaced string is shown correctly. But not the slashes

View 1 Replies

String Split Not Working?

Oct 25, 2010

Here's my code
Dim RefsUpdate As String() = Session("Refs").Split("-"C)
Dim PaymentsPassedUpdate As String() = Session("PaymentsPassed").Split("-"C)


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Add A Connection String When Working With SQL DataBase?

Jan 31, 2012

Or there's another way to make it, without adding a Connection String?

View 3 Replies

Checking If String Is Numeric Is Not Working In Vb?

Apr 17, 2012

I am trying to check if a string is numeric but in vain. here is my code:

If Val(fnumField.Text.Trim) > 0 Or fnumField.Text.Trim = "0" Or Val(phnField.Text.Trim) > 0 Or phnField.Text.Trim = "0" Or Val(ophnField.Text.Trim) > 0 Or _
ophnField.Text.Trim = "0" Or Val(treeField.Text.Trim) > 0 Or treeField.Text.Trim = "0" Then


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String Concatenation Is Not Working Properly?

Nov 24, 2010

I am facing a really very interesting problem with string.

My code is


But when I comment those lines (which are uncommented in code above) its working fine.

I am taking value in filepath variable from file dialog's FileName property.

EDIT: I have also compared the values of variable stropt and strwithpara with "IF" condition and found those are same.

View 1 Replies

VS 2005 String Replace Not Working

May 6, 2009


"The Vodafone Warriors under 20 side has lost in the last minute of their Toyota Cup final's match just moments ago.<br> <br> A Warriors Media release will be post as soon as it's sent." Can someone see why this would not work?

View 3 Replies

C# - Working With A List<String> And Reactive Extensions

Jul 9, 2011

I have started researching Reactive extensions and I would like to know how to do the following (ill try and keep it simple):

1) have a list of string (or any other type)

2) when an item is added to the said list, do something with it...

Guess im just kinda stuck where to start :/

View 3 Replies

Create SQL String To Retrieve A CustomerID And Name Together But It's Not Working?

Jan 11, 2011

I am using VBNET2008 and SQL SERVER 2000.I tried to create this SQL string to retrieve CustomerID and a CustomerID and Name together but it's not working.Here are the SQL String that is not working.

Dim strsql As String = ""
strsql &= "Select CustomerID, "
strsql &= " ( CustomerID & " - " & CompanyName ) as [Companyname]"
strsql &= " From TestCustomers Order by CompanyName"

This is the error message"Conversion from string "Select CustomerID, CustomerID & " to type 'Double' is not valid.

Cause by this SQL String coding:
strsql &= " CustomerID & " - " & CompanyName as [Companyname]"

I am using the NORTHWIND DatacBase in SQL SERVER 2000 and the table is Customers

View 8 Replies

ToTitleCase Not Working On All Upper Case String

Aug 12, 2011

Public Function TitleCase(ByVal strIn As String)
Dim result As String = ""
Dim culture As New CultureInfo("en", False)
Dim tInfo As TextInfo = culture.TextInfo()
result = tInfo.ToTitleCase(strIn)
Return result
End Function
If I input "TEST" into the function above. The output is "TEST". Ideally it would output "Test". I also tried the code snippets from this post to no avail: Use of ToTitleCase.

View 3 Replies

WebMethod Not Working When Returning Relatively Large String?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using Virtual Basic with ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2008. I am using Webmethod to communicate from/to the server with the client. Data can be queried and returned in small amount, but when I try get a relatively large amount of data, it's returning me a Server 500 error. My data is 226561 character long, so it's not that large, but it's relatively larger than my other working testing set, which are about 10k character long.

PageMethods.my_func("context", success);
function success(result, userContext, methodName) {


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.NET Function Pading Blank Space To The Right Of String - Not Working?

Jun 10, 2010

My Requirment is to Leave Blank space to the right of the each Lable (String) in Chart in SSRS.

Using Custom VB.NET Function, i want to Pass String Lable to VB.NET Function and then Function Return String with Padding Blank Space to the right of String.

Example :Lable String is : "United States of America"

My Lable output should be : "United States of America "

How can we achieve ?

Let me know if you need mor information.

is there any other way to achieve this ?

View 8 Replies

Javascript - WebMethod Not Working When Returning Relatively Large String

Dec 9, 2011

I am using Virtual Basic with ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2008. I am using Webmethod to communicate from/to the server with the client. Data can be queried and returned in small amount, but when I try get a relatively large amount of data, it's returning me a Server 500 error. My data is 226561 character long, so it's not that large, but it's relatively larger than my other working testing set, which are about 10k character long.

PageMethods.my_func("context", success);
function success(result, userContext, methodName) {


Is there anything I can change to increase WebMethod returned string length limit? Is there even a length limit or is it some other problem I could not see?

View 1 Replies

VS 2008 Byte Array To String And Back - Not Working?

Aug 17, 2010

I have found a lot of examples of this kind of thing on the web but cannot get one that works - basically i am serializing to a byte array and want to store it in a string i have tried all of the System.Text.** (ASCIIEncoding,UTF32Encoding,UTF7Encoding and UTF8Encoding) in the following way:


View 11 Replies

Working With Generic List Of String Array Objects

Apr 7, 2010

I'm writing a program that reads a directory of xml files (not well-formed), parses the xml, and dumps the data into an Excel Workbook.The file contents are similar in that they have many common xml nodes/attributes.Some files have additional nodes/attributes.The xml in these files represent configuration settings for a Web Application, one file per user.The expected output is a worksheet with a column for each node/attribute combination and a row of node/attribute values for each user.I'm just about finished with the program, but I've run into a bit of a snag.As the final step in the process, I need to loop through a generic list of array objects (that represent a user row) and send the array elements to Excel.I don't know the correct syntax to get the array objects out of the list and have been unable to find sample code specific to generic lists of array objects.[code]

View 3 Replies - Radio Button List SelectedItem.Value Not Working When Compared To A String?

Dec 12, 2010

I am using VB.NET and I can't compare the radio button lists selectedItem.Value to a string, it doesn't is the code: (I have also tried selectedValue it does not work either)


Why won't it evaluate that rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" !?!?!? I tried rblOne.SelectedValue, that doesn't work, AND I added .ToString to both, which did not help, I even tried it w/ "No".ToString...this doesn't make any sense.

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UnhandledExceptionEventHandler Samples From Msdn Working, In My Code Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

I found on msdn samples and modified (add Thread.GetDomaind.UnhandledException)

<SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags:=SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlAppDomain)> _
Public Sub Main()
' Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event.[code].....

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VS 2008 Cannot Seem To Get A Working Filter In Working Order

Jun 18, 2009

It appears that my favorite thing in the world is tackling projects that are beyond my current knowledge and abilities. I have a little project that I am working on which is a simple image viewer stocked with (upon completion) your standard Load..., Next/Previous, Zoom In/Out, Actual Size, and Full Screen capabilities. However, I am running into a few snags:

(1) I've been able to get my "Load..." button to display a file dialog box, but I cannot seem to get a working filter (with which only image file types are allowed to be selected) in working order.

(2) I have a PictureBox object (entitled PictureBox1) that displays the image selected via the file dialog box, but it loads images in their full size (1:1/100% zoomed) state without scrollbars, etc. to allow me to navigate the loaded image. I would like to have it load the image, initially, to fit within the dimensions of PictureBox1 and from there be able to zoom in/out via my "Zoom In/Out" and "Actual Size" buttons and be able to scroll if the zoom level is beyond the dimensions of PictureBox1.

(3) It dawned on me that I haven't the faintest idea how to get my "Next/Previous" buttons to allow the user (me) to navigate, in succession, the images contained in the folder in which the currently loaded image is stored. [code]

If it is deemed that this thread is inappropriately requesting help, I ask that it be locked/deleted quickly as I recognize that this is a large community with many discussions going without need of unwelcome posts.

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Difference Between Dictionary(Of String, String) And IDictionary(Of String, String)?

Jan 18, 2011

Can I do anything more or less with IDictionary? How do these two collections differ?

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String Split - Error Value Of Type '1-dimensional Array Of String' Cannot Be Converted To 'String'

Mar 11, 2010

my code is :


The error is Value of type '1-dimensional array of string' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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