Suppress "No Source Available" Page When Pausing?

May 26, 2010

VS2010 VB.Net

When I Pause the code execution in VB.Net a "No Source Available" dialog page pops up which doesn't have any apparent us in VB. When I dismiss the page the IDE is paused on the source for the line being executed next.

How do I get rid of this useless message?

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Suppress A Page Header On Page Header And First Page Of A Group?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a report where each group is about 5-7 pages long.

I need to suppress the page header on the first page of each group Also I want to Supress the header on each group change (on first age on group)

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Spacing HTML Source - Way To Space Out The Source Code Of A Web Page

Jan 6, 2011

Way to space out the source code of a web page, having each tag on one line, without having to search for each tag ending and then making a new line after.

My code for obtaining the source code is:


Also if anyone knows a way to colour the tags.

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Get The Page Source Without Complete Loading The Page?

Sep 24, 2010

is there anyway to get the page source with out complete loading the page?

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Get All The Page Source From The Current Web Page ?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm working on a project. I want to be able to right click on a webpage and click on my custom context menu item (let's say 'screen'). What this should do is get all the page source from the current web page from where I righ clicked and save it on the disk. Basically, "right click -> view source -> file -> saveAs ", this is what i want to do programmatically.

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Go Into A Page Source Code And Extract A Link From The Source Code?

Dec 12, 2009

I want my form to navaigate into a link then open up the source code of that page it navigated to . Then get a link from the source code then display it on a textbox .Here's an example : i want this link in a source code :

This link is located just beside :


That is:

How can i make my form to navigate into the source code and get the link beside config word . I know it is possible to do it , just don't know the function to do it .

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Cant Get Source From Page

Apr 23, 2012

[code]i get the error: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

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Get Source Of Web Page?

May 12, 2009

I need to get the source of a webpage that my browser control has loaded.

Whenever i use browser.document.htmltext or anything like that dont get the proper source that i need.

The URL is masked so i can't use some sort of HTTP response request to get the page source.

The website only works with IE and does not behave normally like most sites.

The only way I've been able to get the source that i need is right clicking the webpage in my browser, and selecting "View Source".

How can i do this "View Source" programmicatally so i can work with the source code of the web page?

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Extract The Page Source Of A Webpage ?

Jun 6, 2011

Basically I am building a webcrawler and in order to do so

I have to extract the page source of a webpage which I can do so like this:


The above code works fine on most of the websites I have tried to extract page source from but for some reason it is failing to extract the html contents of few websites like these where the message posted by a user is nowhere to be seen? The webpage in question is this: [URL]

Is there something I have missed or is it due to forum protection etc which is preventing the vb application from extracting the whole page source?

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Get HTML Page Source Using SOCKETS?

May 4, 2012

I am developing a program that gets the html source code of a certain webpages in a website.

I already developed one program that does so here's the code

Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(TextBox2.Text)
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()


Recently, I found out that I could do the same using Sockets. This time I want to parse HTML of those web pages SIMULTANEOUSLY. I tried parsing simultaneously on my previous program using multithreading but my bandwidth keeps decreasing as threads increase so, to make my questions short,

How can I parse many web pages' source SIMULTANEOUSLY without decreasing my Bandwidth? Does using Sockets in multi threading decrease Bandwidth? (If anyone tried)

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Get Page Source WebBrowser Control?

Jun 3, 2011

i want to get the html Source code of website,it something like:wb.Document...

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Get The Source Code Of A Html Page Using .net?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm writing a program in that gets the source code of a web page with a video on it. it then uses regular expressions to isolate the download link of that video. then it uses "httpwebrequest" and "httpwebresponse" to download the video. my problem arises when certain sites have a page where you have to click continue in order to get to the video page. [URL].. called "The.Matrix.Reloaded.2003.mp4" so i tell my program to get the source code for the url [URL]..but it cant find the video's download link because it's searching for the file in the "continue" page's source code. you can see what i am saying by going to that website above and viewing the source code by right clicking on it. and then click continue and do the same when the video appears and you'll notice that the file is only there in the second one.

So my question is how can i get the source code for the page that the video is playing on and not the page where i have to click continue?


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Get Web Page Source Directly In A TextBox

Sep 11, 2009

how do I get the source of a webpage, without using a WebBrowser control. I'm new in manipulating web with Visual Basic.

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How To Download Page From Source Code

Jun 7, 2010

i need to download page from source code..for example<span id="businessNumOnMap" class="resultNumberOnMap" style="display:none;"></span><span><a ref="/len/aapproximatch%20search/285295.php" onclick="loadBusinessInfo('0', '285295'); return false;" class="businessName">Cellini's Italian Restaurant</a>i want to download the "/len/aaproximat...php"..i didnt find the suitable regex for it..and i need to download that page

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How To Start Vb Page In Source View

Jul 5, 2010

Under Options/HTML Designer/General There is the option of starting pages in either Source View or Design view. I'm now doing Windows Forms and when I open a vb page it is usually to do something to the code. I would like the page tp open in Source View but cant find a similar option for Windows Form Designer.

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Load Page Out From A Frame Source?

Jan 6, 2011

I need to access to a webpage, and load its content out as a HTML text format, the problem is, when i right click and choose view source, it return me a correct document text, but when i try to access it with VB.NET, i encounter a problem which it cannot return the content as view source do, because the content is a source in a frame, like the following.


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Read Source Of Remote .xml Web Page?

Feb 22, 2009

I'm trying to read the source code of a remote .xml web page.

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Searching A Page Source Code?

Feb 20, 2011

I googled this for the past 10 minutes and I couldn't find anything. What I'm looking for is to download a page (probably in the webbrowser control) in the background, and actually search the source code for a specific string and report it. But I can't seem to find out how to get the source code.

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Searching Page Source For Each String?

Oct 15, 2010

This is way out of my league, I can manipulate strings a bit but i'm 1000% stuck how to approach this.

I get page source to a textbox1.text, In the source in contains multiple lines of



Once got, need to add it self to a array then carry on looking for more instances of that type of line

I know this is a lot to ask, but iv spent the last hour googling and comes up with basic string manipulations

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Show Rss Feed From Other Source On Page?

Jul 1, 2011

i am collecting a lot of information from different websites and putting them together for personal use.there is a rss feed link.


How can i use it? in case of html i just take them and assign them to literals .But how can i display this .

Here is my code..

Dim rssFeed As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
Dim rssData As DataSet = New DataSet()


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View Page Source Code?

Mar 12, 2009

Yes I made A webrowser In Visual basic 8 & I was woundering Like How Would I view The web Pages Source Code In My like I type in the textbox1 like [url]...

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VS 2008 How To Load The Page Source

Jan 6, 2010

Is it possible to load the page source of a website without loading the page using webbrowser?

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VS 2010 Viewing Page Source?

Jul 31, 2011

I'm having some issues with grabbing the page source from a site. The page source that you see from pressing CTRL-U is not the same as what is displayed on the site - I had to use firebug to see the 'real' page source (source code changes over time on the same URL).This is what I have to grab the URL:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(WebBrowser1.Url)
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()


What can I do to obtain the same source code that firebug sees? In other words, how do I get the source code of a site after it has been php-altered?

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Gaining Focus - Logout (no Id In Page Source)

Apr 29, 2009

I'm having a little trouble gaining focus on logout. Unsure what to use as id? normally i use Me.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("name").Focus(). But im trying to logout of my account. but unsure how to click the logout link?

Here is the source

<td class="navrow">
<a href="./ucp.php">User Control Panel</a> - <a href="./ucp.php?i=pm&folder=inbox"><strong>6</strong> new


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Get The Page Source Of A Website Using A Proxy Without Using Any Ocx Control?

Jun 1, 2009

I need to get the page source of a website using a proxy without using any ocx control and as much as possible without using a web browser to make it more difficult When i get the source i need to fill a textbox and press a button. After i get the response as to do this because i found alot of topics in this forum especially kelimna's.

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Get HTML Page Source For Websites In Program?

May 25, 2010

How can I get HTML page source for websites in VB.NET?

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Http - Defining A Variable As A Url In A Page Source?

Apr 27, 2011

Im writing a program in that consists of three main steps:STEP 1: Display the source code of a webpage that is streaming a movie on it in textbox1.STEP 2: highlight the URL to that movie in the source code, and then display just the URL in textbox3.STEP 3: Download that movie using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse to a user defined directoryThe problem is that i dont know how i would go about extracting the URL from the source code effectively. maybe i could try searching the source code for the string ".mp4" or ".avi" or other video extensions, but that would only find the end of the link, how would i highlight the whole link?

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View The HTML Page Source Of Website?

Dec 13, 2009

Like in firefox or Internet Explorer where you can right click and view the html page source how can you do this in an app?I have a web browser in the form and I'm trying to view the web page in the web browser and then view the source code of that page in a box below it.

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VS 2008 Download The Source Of A Page From A Site?

Sep 6, 2010

i use this code to download the source of a page from a site

Dim MyWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient()
TextBox1.Text = MyWebClient.DownloadString("site")

but it doesn't work when i try to grab a site that has .php so how could i accomplish downloading the page source of a site that ends with .php

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VS 2008 Getting Source Page From Does Not Work?

Jan 13, 2011

I've used this method tons of times, always worked but for some reason it does not work with [URL]..anyone has an idea what the problem is and how to fix (I tried also with just '' did not work too or maybe other ways to get the source page of this website?


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