System.MissingMethodException Occurring On A Method Which Exists

Mar 9, 2009

I am targetting framework 3.5 using a OneClick Deployment, code and packaging done in Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition.I have code which works in my debug environment, and when installed on the development machine. It also works on one other machine. However, three other machines are throwing exceptions.The situation throwing the exception is that I have a serial port I am accessing, which is open, and which has been successfully opened. I then try to close the port using the following


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System.MissingMethodException: Method Not Found?

Jan 2, 2012

I am getting an error when I try and run my service. I made sure everything in the project is VB .NET 2.0.This service used to work, but we have been making code updates... I did some research but I do not see anything relevant. Does this error mean that my function cause the issue? Or is it the List that is the issue?


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Invoking A Method Via Reflection Causes System.MissingMethodException?

Dec 5, 2011

I am loading an assembly dynamically and invoking a static method from it. The problem arises when the method uses a reference which is not trivial (e.g. mscorlib or System.Core) - I get System.MissingMethodException. I have tried going through the references assemblies of the loaded assembly and manually loading them all, thus forcing them to be loaded onto the AppDomain. I have checked CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies, the assemblies are loaded.

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.net - ASP.Net MissingMethodException - "ctor" Method Not Found?

Jun 9, 2009

We are getting intermittent problems on a production server that we cannot recreate.There are two very strange things about the issue. Firstly it's a method not found error on the constructor (ctor) for an exception handling helper class and secondly we have custom errors switched on for remote users and this property is being ignored.


It has proven difficult to get information out of the team responsible for the production servers but I have managed to find out that as far as load balancing is concerned, this site is currently only running on one server (this can be made to switch over onto another if necessary). Given that this is an intermittent problem and there is only one server involved, then I find it difficult to believe that this could be an assembly issue. Surely if it was then the problem would occur every time?

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Method To Check If Skin Files Exists Before Applying

Jan 16, 2012

I'm currently working on this .Net/WPF project. I'm trying to get the method to check to see if a skin file exists before applying. I have feeling that my address formatting my be wrong....
Dim lobjSPEConfigService As SPEConfigurationService = New SPEConfigurationService
Dim lobjSkinFilePath As String = CStr(lobjSPEConfigService.GetApplicationSetting("SkinFileLocation", GetType(String)))
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(lobjSkinFilePath) Then
lobjSkinFilePath = "/SPE.Infrastructure.UI/Application/Resources/Skins/LightSkin"
[Code] .....
The file is being referenced thourgh the project...

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System.ArgumentException: An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists

Aug 11, 2011

It's System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists. error.Here is the whole stack trace:An entry with the same key already exists. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists.


View 4 Replies - .Net Iniatialising A Class Using System.Reflection And System.Type To Create A Session Based Singlton Extension Method

Jun 11, 2009

I have had several occasions recently to access a specific class several times over a relatively small time frame.So I've been storing the value of the class in Session and trying to access it on page load, if it's not available creating a new instance and storing that in session.

So instead of constantly replicating the same code for different classes on different pages I'm trying to create an extension method to do this for me.


I'm stuck on what to do when I make my new instance of my class (it would have to have a New() sub)

I'm not sure where to go from here... or even if this is the best way to do it.

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Error - LINQ To Entities Does Not Recognize The Method 'System.Object IIf(Boolean, System.Object, System.Object)'

Jul 29, 2011

I am getting following error whenever I want to use IIf function inside entity framework query.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object IIf(Boolean, System.Object, System.Object)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

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Method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' Has No Supported Translation To SQL.?

Apr 16, 2010

What do I need to convert?

Dim CEESearchByAppNo = From CEEsearch In dbCEE.tblScanneds _
Where CEEsearch.AppNo = iAppNo


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Why Isn't The LostFocus Event Occurring

Mar 26, 2011

With a listbox visible, I have clicked on the windows form hoping to use the listbox.lostfocus event to let me hide the listbox - but the event does not occur. I suppose I can use the event to hide the listbox, but how would I get the form to accept focus?

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Error System.ArgumentException: No Mapping Exists From DbType Object To A Known SqlDbtype

Aug 22, 2011

For no apparent reason, I'm getting an exception on this line in my when the table adapter attempts to fill my dataset.


The error reads:


System.ArgumentException: No mapping exists from DbType Object to a known SqlDbtype.

This error just came out-of-the-blue. If I 'Preview' the data though the DataSet directly (using the Fill() query), the data returns fine...

View 3 Replies - MissingMethodException Using Classic ADO's Recordset.Type Property?

Apr 17, 2011

In my ASP.NET app, I'm using classic ADO 2.8 to save some data into an Access database. (Or a Jet database, for those who insist that Access is just the front-end.) So I have a RecordSet containing some data, and I want to set the value for some fields, but first I need to know the field type. So I use the Recordset.Type property:

Dim fieldType = rs("MyField").Type

And that unexpectedly results in an error: MissingMethodException was unhandled by user code -- Error: Missing method 'instance valuetype ADODB.DataTypeEnum [MyProjectName] ADODB.Field::get_Type()' from class 'ADODB.InternalField'.

Considering that it is .NET itself that has created the .NET/COM interop assembly, any idea why?And here's the strangest thing: When the debugger stops and reports the error and takes me to the spot in my code where it happened, and it has that great feature by which you can hover the mouse over any variable etc. and it will show its value -- so I hover over the rs("MyField").Type part, and, lo and behold, it shows the correct value!So if it could evaluate it at debug-time, why did it throw an error at run-time?

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Method Which Check If A Certain DSN Exists Then If It Does Extract Information And Use Information For Connection Purposes

Feb 2, 2011

I was looking for some stuff online, and i was looking through my reference sheets for, but it seems in the code i have found, there is declare in methods. Below is an example i am talking about. The thing is, that i dont recognize it and believe that it is an earlier version of Visual Basic ( 6 or earlier) which used it. Should i just keep looking for different code?

Public Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal _
lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long

Goal: Find information on how to implement a method which will check if a certain DSN exists, and then if it does, extract the information and use the information for connection purposes.

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Office Automation :: Method Not Found: Void Excel.Range.set_Value(System.Object,System.Object)

Mar 11, 2009

following error message:

Method not found: Void Excel.Range.set_Value(System.Object,System.Object)

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Page_load Occurring Before Radio Button OnCheckedChanged Event In

Oct 7, 2011

I have two radio button on my page, with AutoPostBack = True When I click on either of those, they each set a flag SaveData=False However, when I click on them, the page_load event occurs first, so the page_load event saves the data, then the radiobutton_OnCheckedChanged event is triggered. How can I trigger the OnCheckedChanged before the page_load event?

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.net - Linq - Unexpected Uniqueness Constraint-type Behavior Occurring?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a database with a simple flyweight table referenced by another table. Let's call them, respectively, Category and Product.The Product table has several columns, one of which is a foreign key column (complete with constraint) to the CategoryID to a row of the Category table. It's simple, and I have many of them in this particular database.

I am using Linq in Visual Studio 2008 to represent this data in my application. Both tables appear as normal, and neither have anything special in their properties that would indicate the behaviour I'll describe.In the database itself, there are several Product rows which have CategoryID=1. There are two or three that have CategoryID=2. However, when the data is loaded into my application through Linq, iterating through context.Products shows that the first three have CategoryID=1, CategoryID=2 and CategoryID=3, and all the rest of the rows have CategoryID=NULL. This is not how it appears in the database. There are no other anomalies in this database.

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IDE :: Debugging - When My Program Is Running It Used To Break On A Line Where An Error Was Occurring

Dec 1, 2010

I just got Windows 7, so I re-installed VB 2008 Express and have been met with some weird issues. One of which is when my program is running it used to break on a line where an error was occurring and tell what it was and let me fix it and continue. So I can see the error in the Immediate window but why is it not breaking on the line? It just continues loading the program. Is there a setting I'm missing?

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Warning1 The Service System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService Already Exists In The Service Container

Mar 15, 2010

I got this warning that I don't know what it means.Warning1 The service System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService already exists in the service container.Parameter name: serviceType00

View 2 Replies - No Mapping Exists From Object Type System.String[] To A Known Managed Provider Native Type?

Jan 27, 2012

I am getting this error No mapping exists from object type System.String[] to a known managed provider native type.The code is

Dim conn1 As SqlConnection
conn1 = New SqlConnection("Data Source=win2008-2;Initial Catalog=h1tm11;User ID=sa;Password=#1cub3123*;Persist Security Info=True;")
' Dim conn1 As String = ConfigurationManager _ .ConnectionStrings("Connectionstring").ConnectionString()
'conn1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Data Source=win2008-2;Initial Catalog=h1tm11;User ID=sa;


the error occurs at adapter.Fill(table)

Dim addressstring1 As String = txtpostcode.Value.Trim()
Dim addressstring() As String = Split("addressstring1", ",", 1)

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Alternative Method Of Getting External IP Of System

Feb 5, 2012

I found this code below to find the external IP address of the system it is run on, but I was wondering is there another method of finding this information out without the need of using this external website incase it isnt operational anymore.[code]

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Use Extension Method On System.Object Instance?

Jul 12, 2010

Can I make an Extension method for all the subclasses of System.Object (everything)?

Public Function MyExtension(value As Object) As Object
Return value
End Function

The above functions won't work for object instance:UPDATE The problem seems to occur only in VB, where members of object are looked-up by reflection (late-bound).UPDATE AFTER ANSWERED.FYI, as vb has an advantage that C# lacks that is, members of imported Modules are imported to the global scope so you can still use this functions without their wrapper:Dim myObj2 = MyExtension(myObj1)

View 6 Replies - LINQ To Entities Does Not Recognize The Method System.ObjectCompareObjectEqual

Mar 21, 2012

I had a code segment on an page in the code-behind file. I decided to move it into a public subroutine in a module (general_functions.vb). Once I did this, however, the code no longer works - it throws an error. On the original code-behind I replaced the original code with a call like so:


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C# - Non-invocable Member 'System.Xml.XmlNode.Attributes' Cannot Be Used Like A Method

Apr 12, 2012

I am new to C# and trying to convert a VB.NET app. Using this code:


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.net - Invoking Interface Method Using System.Object Type Variable

Jan 6, 2011

I have an interface ITest with a method GetResult(). I have a class Test which implements ITest and thereby defines private method GetResult().

Next I create an instance of Test in a different class. The code is as below:

Module NewClass
Public Sub New()
Dim i As ITest = New Test()


I am migrating existing code from VB 6 to VB.NET and hence I'm not supposed to change the access modifier of GetResult. Leaving it Private will throw InvalidCastException Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object' to type 'ITest'

Object type variable o is used in many places and hence I don't want to change that. And yes, Test implements ITest.GetMember with a different name.

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Excel Find Method - System.Reflection.Missing Object

Dec 14, 2010

I have tried several versions of this with no luck. The casting of the worksheet works as my data is entered in other parts, but I have a section where I need to add data 1 column right of the cell containing the 'str(0)' value. Most of these parameters are optional. I have even tried the System.Reflection.Missing object.


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LINQ To Entities Does Not Support The Method System.Object CompareObjectEqual?

May 31, 2011

When I execute the code below I receive the error message: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.It seems to be occurring on the line For Each row2 in PCstudent.


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StringBuilder.Tostring Method Throws Exception As System Is Out Of Memory In 2.0

Jul 12, 2010

I am using .net 2.0 and I am getting an exception of system is out of memory. My existing function takes datatable as input parameter which contains little bit large data (eg. more than 35000 rows) and in that function I am appending some xml node data and atlast I am returning the stringbuilder as a object.


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Use System.Linq Extension Method In Project With Option Strict ON?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm using .NET 3.5 In my DataLayer class I have references of System.Core,System.Data.Linq, System.Data.DataSetExtensions. But I cantnot use this feature in Linq query if I have Option Strict ON:


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Managementexception : Unparsable Query While Using Start()method Of

Apr 17, 2011

I am getting a Managementexception : unparsable query while using start()method of


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UNLOAD An Assembly That Was Loaded By Using System.Reflection.Assemblie.Load Method?

Jan 15, 2007

Our company has an app that load their components by System.Reflection.Load (By the way, an awesome technique )But, we start to monitorate the application and detect a extrange grow up of memory (actually when our application still all day on air, their allocate memory on task manager is 200 MB plus memory) And all of our components (60 plus DLLs) is load by this technique.My doubt is how to deallocate this assemblies or how the best way to deallocate any assemblies loaded by the System.Reflection.Assemblie.Load method?

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