StringBuilder.Tostring Method Throws Exception As System Is Out Of Memory In 2.0

Jul 12, 2010

I am using .net 2.0 and I am getting an exception of system is out of memory. My existing function takes datatable as input parameter which contains little bit large data (eg. more than 35000 rows) and in that function I am appending some xml node data and atlast I am returning the stringbuilder as a object.


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Out Of Memory Exception For StringBuilder.ToString Method For Large Size Of String Data

May 19, 2010

I am facing an amazing problem in my application. On my Developement server when I am running my application, then there is one function where I am trying to put whole stringbuilder contents in a string object. This Function is used for paging the reports.For that I am using a method of Stringbuilder.tostring() and when I chek the value of this statement (stringbuilder.tostring()) it shows no such interface is supported, which later on throws exception of system is out of memory. Here i am using .net 2.0 framework and sql server 2005 database.But when I run the application on stagging server then there is no such exception thrown.[code]

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Convert.ToInt16(arr(10).ToString()) Throws FormatException If Value For Arr(10) = '0B'

Aug 19, 2010

I use the expression below to evaluate for a certain value, '91'. If however, the value at that array position is '0B' a System.FormatException is thrown. How do I alter the evaluation so this exception won't be thrown?

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System Out Of Memory Exception

Jun 12, 2011

I am working with application for Excel sheets in database is Sql server 2005.I am having around 8 lakhs of rows in my database and 64 columns.when I import a excel sheet for searching the Duplicate of excel sheet rows in database i get this Error System Out of Memory Exception.What is the reason to occur this kind of Error.Is it due to Excess of rows in database or coding error in Application.

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System.out Of Memory Exception For String Builder In SSIS Script Task

Oct 21, 2011

I am using a VB script in SSIS Script Task to add header and Trailer to a flat file. The code was working fine until recently i came across a problem where the rows in the file are more than usual and resulting in a failure on script task with error`Error:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.


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Use The ToString Method And A Counter To Concatenate A File Name Into A String Variable From The Image.FromFile Method?

Dec 18, 2010

I have nine pictures that I need to animate -I need to use the ToString method and a counter to concatenate a file name into a string variable from the Image.FromFile method. Once the counter reaches its maximum value, and the last picture is displayed, the counter should be reset to zero or one depending on how the first image file has been name. Also a static counter variable should be incremented in the time routine. what I have so far -- I know what I have to do; however, I just do not know how to code this properly.. Right now I have this going thru a button procedure but it needs to go through a timer.


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.net - Server Halts Due To Large StringBuilder Instance In Memory?

Aug 2, 2010

So, I have this code that grabs a bunch of data from the database, and performs a bunch of calculations on that data. However, this is not what is causing the halt. The halt is coming in when I take all that "final" data that has been prepared, and go to write that into a text file.

Each line in the text file is being created from data that has had calculations performed on it. Each line "corresponds" to a record from the database. A user will have to perform this file export usually on about 30-40 thousand records at a time. Now, even though I am using a StringBuilder, this still halts because of the pure mass amount of records.

What I do currently in the code is create one StringBuilder, append all the data (after calcs) to it, convert it to a String, add it to a List(Of String) to be returned from the Function, and then clear the StringBuilder, and do the same for the next row, and I do this until each row has been created and appended, converted, and then inserted into the List.

Then, another class receives this List(Of String) and takes each String and eventually appends it to a file.

Does anyone have an idea of how to improve this code and make it so it doesn't halt the server every time? The reason it wasn't found out until now is because when I tested it locally I was testing it on only 1-50 records at a time.


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Memory Leak - After About 6000 Of 1,250,000 Images In ##X It Throws An "out Of Memory" Error

Feb 9, 2011

This code was put together for a one time run. It's purpose is to count all the pages in a group of images. After about 6000 of 1,250,000 images in ##X it throws an "out of memory" error. Besides it being thrown together for a one time run does anybody see anything obvious that could be causing the error?


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Refactoring A Method To Replace Sql String With The Stringbuilder Class

Nov 3, 2010

How do I refactor the method GetInvoiceNumbers to replace the SQL String concatenation with the StringBuilder class? Here is my code:

Private Function GetInvoiceNumbers() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Invoice) Implements InvoiceService.GetInvoiceNumbers
Dim invoiceList As New List(Of Invoice)


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RowValidating Throws Exception?

May 6, 2012

I use DataGridView in my project. Everything worked fine until I added some code in the RowValidating event. During the form_load event exception is thrown on the statement that set the datasource of the DataGridView.The project uses bindingsource for the datasource of the DataGridView. My validating code is shown below:

Dim currentRow As DataGridViewRow = Me.dgExpenditure.Rows(e.RowIndex)
Dim incexpCell As DataGridViewCell = currentRow.Cells(0)
If Not Me.closingBoolean Then


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Add DB Query To DGV Throws Exception When Adding Row

Apr 24, 2011

I debated whether or not to ask in the database section, but decided this was probably more of a VB question, than DB.I'm performing a query on my database and add its value to a DGV. At the moment, I'm just running tests to make sure the base example works so I can expand on it for more advanced tests.[code]It doesn't matter how I add the row, just adding it causes the error. And yes, the AllowUsersToAddRows property of the DGV is set to True, which wouldn't cause this problem anyway, but I decided to be extra careful.

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DataReader Instance Throws An Exception

Nov 14, 2009

i want to run a query and use the result for something else in my code. I have, opened the connection, passed the query and the connection object to the SqlCommand object and read it with the datareader object. The DataReader's HasRows property's value evaluates to true but i get an InvalidOperationException when i want to access the results of the query with the DataReader.[code]

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Items.AddRange Throws Exception If Used More Than Once?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm having an issue with updating a couple list boxes in the form load procedure. I have an array created from a MySQL database, and when I try to add that array to more than one ListBox, I get: A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll


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Radio Button Throws Exception

Oct 1, 2010

I'm getting a "IndexOutOfRangeExeption was unhandled" in my project

Private Sub LookUpButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LookUpButton.Click
'Look up the information on the state.


I'm about ready to give up and go another route. I just thought I'd ask here.

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StringCollection Setting Throws Exception?

Dec 10, 2011

For Each ScreenName As String In da.settings_LinkedScreenNames

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WebControls.TableRow Throws Exception On Add()

Aug 19, 2010

I have the following method to strip hidden and user-specified columns from a gridviewrow and return a tablerow. [Code] However, when I run this code and hit the Add method for the TableRow, I get an InvalidOperationException stating the Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. I've gotten this exception before, but usually it's because I'm attempting to modify a table that is databound.

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WPF .Net OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() Throws An Exception?

Jun 21, 2011

I am trying to show a dialog from one of my WPF view model commands however when i call ShowDialog() it throws a System.ArgumentException?

Here is my code:

Public ReadOnly Property OpenParser As ICommand
Return New RelayCommand(Sub(param As Object) OpenParserExecute(DirectCast(param, Frame)))
End Get


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C#: Why Does The String Type Have A .ToString() Method

Apr 25, 2012

Possible Duplicate: C#: why does the string type have a .ToString() method?Why is there a ToString method exist in String class (VB.NET)?


Will it be a overhead if it is used like


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VS 2010 Datetime.tostring Invalid Cast Exception?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm just converting a date to a string but I'm getting this error. It's not listed as one of the normal exceptions to the datetime.tostring method. Googling around, it looks like it's an actual bug where it thinks StartDate is an int--but that's no help to me, as I just need to convert the date.

dim StartDate as nullable(of date)
dim Date1 as string
if not StartDate is nothing then
Date1 = StartDate.tostring("yyyy-mm-dd")
end if

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DataAdapter.Update Throws DBConcurrency Exception

Mar 22, 2012

I was working with a class used to update database.All things were working for 3 years perfactly.Now it started throwing exception for two records only.When i edit these two records and try to save back to db it throws exception.Else it works fine.

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Disposing DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.Datasource Throws Exception?

Sep 17, 2009

I remove the datagridviewcomboboxcolumn from the datagridview and dispose it. When I go to dispose of the datatable that is the datasource to the comboboxcolumn an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown from the datagridview. Apparently the datagridview is still handling events for datagridviewcomboboxcells for comoboboxcolumns that have been removed from the datagridview.

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FlushLastBlock Throws Exception In Tripledes Decryptor?

Apr 8, 2010

i am writing a program that will store some passwords in order to make it more user friendly. Ofcourse i want to encrypt it and so i started to learn how to use the 3Des encryption method.


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Sql Query Throws Exception - Expression Expected

May 27, 2011

i am trying to develop a simple app to automate binding of data from access db for filling a form in a sequential order vb 2008 express. an error keeps coming up 'expression expected' on an sql query in the code i wrote. the code is shown below:

Sub STARTButton_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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VS 2005 Tab Control Throws An Exception In The Designer?

Jul 6, 2009

I'm getting this exception in the designer when I try to look the form that contains the tab control in design mode. After I click OK, the designer simply shuts down

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VS 2008 VB / Excel Automation - Throws An Exception On 'PC#2

Nov 3, 2009

VB2008 (in VisualStudio) and automation of tasks in Excel. My work env.: PC#1 - WinXP Sp3 with VisualStudio & Office O27k (all US-EN) installed, PC#2 - when I am not at home I use an Laptop with WinXP + O27k (DE) and VisualStudio(US-EN), but the mix of language does not seem to be a problem - at least until now!

In one 'TestBench' appl. I have the following line of: oWB.Names.Add("DR_AppData2", RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(AppData!R3C1,0,0,(COUNTA(AppData!C1)-2),1)")

Where 'oWB' is a WorkBook Object and 'Names' refers to named regions in an Excel worksheet. I am adding a new 'Region': DR_AppData2 and assigning a dynamic number of rows.

The above line works perfectly well on 'PC#1' but throws an exception on 'PC#2' and this has really irritated me, and I find no reason for this behaviour! The Project environment and included references / resources are truly identical, because I copy the project data from one to the other. The only real difference is in the object library reference, on 'PC#1' Excel.exe is in English, and on 'PC#2' is in German. Having said that I have also altered the value assigned in : "RefersToR1C1:=" to the equivalent in German, but the error thrown is the same.

I have attached :
1. Screenshot of the error
2. Exception Details

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StringBuilder - Would The World Of Strings Be Better If Stringbuilder Had IndexOf

Jul 1, 2011

Would the world of strings be better if stringbuilder had IndexOf?

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VS 2008 System.Text.StringBuilder - Separate Each Item To A Different Line?

Feb 19, 2012

Lets say I have a declared StringBuilder, and within I have the following data: 0001 0002 0003 0004 How would I separate each item to a different line so the output is:


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.NET SMTP SendAsync With AlternateViews Throws Disposed Exception?

Apr 22, 2009

I am trying to send E-mails asynchronously and it works fine as long as there isn't an AlternateView attached to the e-mail. When there is an alternate view, I get the following error:

Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Mail.AlternateView'
System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.


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LinkLabel In Window From Control Throws Regsitry Exception

Jul 12, 2011

I have done a access setting in registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSettings. Here i have given no access to the "Setting" and when i try to create a linklable in windowform i am getting exception. Ex:

The control System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel has throw an unhandled exception in the designer and has been disabled. Exception: Requested Registry access is not allowed.

Stack trace:

at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.get_LinkColor()

Exception Text:

System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource)

at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)


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SQLCommand.ExecScalar() Throws Unreferenced Exception On Return?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm calling Sqlcommand.ExecScalar() - stepping through the stored proc works fine, right under

RETURN @RecordNum

@RecordNum correctly contains a bigint, as scoped. When I step into the RETURN.. I get an exception thrown, that visual studio does not seem to be able to capture.

The stored procedure works fine when executed directly, and returns a value without problem, and it seems like all is well, stepping through it from my code.

But as soon as I step into 'RETURN @RecordNum' (and recordnum contains a valid number..) BOOM! EXCEPTION! (and no details in the exception either back in visual studio.

I'm blaming a glitch in the matrix.

I've turned off even assigned the return from the ExecScalar to anything, same result.. I've tried ExecReader(), same result. I have turned NO COUNT on and off, same result. If I wasn't already bald, I would be now!

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