System.out Of Memory Exception For String Builder In SSIS Script Task

Oct 21, 2011

I am using a VB script in SSIS Script Task to add header and Trailer to a flat file. The code was working fine until recently i came across a problem where the rows in the file are more than usual and resulting in a failure on script task with error`Error:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.


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System Out Of Memory Exception

Jun 12, 2011

I am working with application for Excel sheets in database is Sql server 2005.I am having around 8 lakhs of rows in my database and 64 columns.when I import a excel sheet for searching the Duplicate of excel sheet rows in database i get this Error System Out of Memory Exception.What is the reason to occur this kind of Error.Is it due to Excess of rows in database or coding error in Application.

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Convert .net To C# In SSIS Script Task?

Apr 4, 2011

I want to convert the following script into script in SSIS Script task.I tried converting using Developer Fusion but iam getting lots of errors.


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DTS SSIS Task Script And Threading?

Jul 17, 2010

I have written a task script using that have thread used in the code, the problem is how i can know when will be finished all the threads so i can return the success result.

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StringBuilder.Tostring Method Throws Exception As System Is Out Of Memory In 2.0

Jul 12, 2010

I am using .net 2.0 and I am getting an exception of system is out of memory. My existing function takes datatable as input parameter which contains little bit large data (eg. more than 35000 rows) and in that function I am appending some xml node data and atlast I am returning the stringbuilder as a object.


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Quit SSIS Script Task Without Error Or Anything

Dec 23, 2011

I have a SSIS package that runs every 5min.My package has an error routine in the onError event handler but I don't want it to get in there.So in fact, the package should just exit / close / kill itself without any warning or error.Preferably this should be initiated by the script task ( 2008)

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C# - SSIS Read/write To Variable In Script Task?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a variable called Valint that i need to read/write to in a script task, but it doesn't seem to work:

public class scriptmain
inherits usercomponent
dim counter as integer
dim Valint as integer


For some reason my output is always 0

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Sql Server - SSIS - Killing Excel.exe When Data Flow Task Fails?

May 10, 2012

How can I kill the excel.exe process in SSIS during the data flow task when it fails? There could be multiple instances of Excel.exe running from other packages that are perfectly valid so I don't want to loop through all instances killing them.My problem is that during the data flow task the process will sometimes fail due to a sheet that is named incorrectly or missing columns. This keeps an instance of excel.exe running which is now an orphan task eating up resources so it needs to be killed.At the same time there are other SSIS packages running that are accessing their own excel.exe process and aren't having any issues. So how can I kill the orphan excel.exe process without impacting the other excel.exe process?

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Exporting Data From Multiple SQL Tables To Different Flat Files Using SSIS Script Task

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to create a datagrid and export the contents to a text file using VB.NET and I am doing this inside an SSIS script task in order to automate the process to export a dynamic table to text file. I don't get any error and the files are created but the files are empty. [code]

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Cant Count System String - Evaluate Exception Unhandled "Cannot Perform '=' Operation On System

Nov 3, 2009

Here is the code I am working with, everything works fine up until last line then i get evaluate exception unhandled "Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Int32 and System.String." My eyes are going blind trying to figure out whats wrong, if I understand correctly it cant count system string and REO is a string value.

The thing i have done this before ,count that is. I know you cant average strings and some other function but i have been able to count.

d Dim comm As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where Status <> 'S'", con)
Dim dalist As New OleDbDataAdapter(comm)
Dim comm1 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where Status


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Out Of Memory Exception For StringBuilder.ToString Method For Large Size Of String Data

May 19, 2010

I am facing an amazing problem in my application. On my Developement server when I am running my application, then there is one function where I am trying to put whole stringbuilder contents in a string object. This Function is used for paging the reports.For that I am using a method of Stringbuilder.tostring() and when I chek the value of this statement (stringbuilder.tostring()) it shows no such interface is supported, which later on throws exception of system is out of memory. Here i am using .net 2.0 framework and sql server 2005 database.But when I run the application on stagging server then there is no such exception thrown.[code]

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IDE :: The Query Builder Failed - Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Mar 25, 2010

Whenever I try to modify "any" Dataset using the designer in a specfic projet, I get the error mentioned in the title. The designer works OK in other projects.Steps:

1. Open the the dataset.xsd from the solution explorer.

2. Right click in thedesigner and add Tableadapter.

3. Click the Next button twice to get to the "Enter SQL Statement" and click "Query Builder" button.

First Error Message: "The Query Builder Faied..." "The Parameter is Incorrect" Click OK and click the "Query Builder" button again...2nd Error Message: "The Query Builder Failed..." "Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory.This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

This one particular dataset has been editied a number of times. Furthermore, in this project, I now get this error in all three (3) datasets I have in the project. Is there a way to start a new prject, import the form andf class objects and create an entirely new set of datasets? I've tried this with no success.

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.IFormatProvider' Exception

Aug 7, 2011

When testing the followng code from Mastering VB2010, I get an Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.IFormatProvider' exception.In the Button1_Click event code Dim strmOut As New System.IO.StringWriter(SaveFileDialog1.FileName)the 'SaveFileDialog1. FileName' is underlined with a green squiggle and displays the following tool tip:Runtime errors might occur when converting 'String' to'System. Iformat Provider'.This is apparrently the problem but what does it mean and how do I fix it to get the code to work? 'Code being tested that runs the exception:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click.[code]

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VS 2008 SQL Constraint Exception - Works Fine In Query Builder

May 3, 2011

I have created a query method for my tableAdapter in the dataset designer. I typed the command text manually, but tested it in the query builder after I got a Constraint Exception when debugging. When running in the query builder via 'Execute Query' I get exactly the results I expect. When running the application I get this exception: "Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints." I tried temporarily setting my dataset's EnforceConstraints property to FALSE but still get the same exception. I can't understand why the Query Builder would return the correct datatable but running the app would not. Is this a bug?

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Invalid Cast Exception Was Unhandled - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Feb 9, 2012

Sub cmdExit_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Sql Server - Create Application To Modify SSIS Variables And Start SSIS Package?

Aug 23, 2011

My DBA has several SSIS packages that he would like the functionality of providing the end user with a way to input values for variables in the package. What would be the best solution for creating an application that would take the user input and pass the data through to the SSIS package variables?

I can get this work locally using this code

Dim packageName As String
Dim myPackage As Package
Dim integrationServices As New Application


Problem is this requires that the user have SSIS installed locally.

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.net - ASP.NET Form Builder / Questionaire System?

Oct 11, 2011

I'm looking for a form builder / questionnaire system that will let me build a questionnaire and collect data for insurance applications. I don't want to have to build this whole thing by hand. I've looked at a few options out there and the closest is Formulator.Net [URL]. What Formulator is lacking, though, is a way for me to pass parameters to be stored in the results in the database so I can identify who filled out the form.

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Putting A Date String Made From String Builder In An Sql Query

Jun 24, 2010

i'm currently making an app that needs to run a query between two dates. this app will run automatically, so i need to put the dates as today and yesterday, essentially.


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Winforms To Web - NullReferenceException Error On String Split / String Builder?

Apr 11, 2011

Background: I have a winForm app that registers a user in the database based on the information provided, auto-generates a random password and username, and e-mails the user a link to take an application based on the marketing company selected. Problem: hen the user clicks "Send Invitation" with data inputted iton all fields except the bundles listbox in debug, the NullReferenceException Error is thrown highlighting the line: Dim MCShort As String = Trim(splitMC(0))How do I fix this issue Here's a screenshot of the web app: Here's the code of the Send_Button_Click method off default.asx.vb:

Private Sub Send_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Send_Button.Click
'TODO Add code to validate that all selections that are reaquired are met.


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Catch' Cannot Catch Type 'Object' Because It Is Not 'System.Exception' Or A Class That Inherits From 'System.Exception'

Aug 10, 2010

I'm getting 'Catch' cannot catch type 'Object' because it is not 'System.Exception' or a class that inherits from 'System.Exception'. and 'Expression detected' Code underlined in blue: Catch obj1 As Object When (?)

Private Sub OpenJAMem()
Dim num3 As Integer


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Concatenating Using String Or String Builder Not Working?

Nov 10, 2010

I am using the following lines and am not able to concatenate the needed values, why it is not working.

Dim rxBuffer As String = " "
Dim rxData As String = " "
Dim rxDataStringBuilder As New StringBuilder[code].....

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SSIS Script Component - (a String Of CSV)

Jan 16, 2012

I found this piece of code which works fine for my input (a string of CSV). The package runs fine, but instead of getting 5 columns of output, I only get 2 columns. I added additional columns in the Script Component and also changed their data types to the suitable ones. The input is 643492,PV STRIP 1X1 UTILITY UP,,67.5,393446. Out of this entire string, I only get 643492 in one column and PV STRIP 1X1 UTILITY UP in another. Rest of the string comes out blank no idea why. I dont know anything about .net and I am new to SQL Server as well.

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim strRow As String
Dim strColSeperator As String


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(VB 2008) Login System Using A Database And Query Builder To Return The Correct Values

May 10, 2011

I've created a log in system using a database and query builder to return the correct values, however, once the users signed in I need to bring up the rest of their data from the same table in the database. How'd be the best way of going about this? I'm not sure whether the log in should be changed to use the primary key as well.

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Can String Builder Handle For For Each Or Will It Need For / To

Oct 20, 2010

Trying to do another replace method ' Strip URL text to generate correct download link


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Scheduled Task - Overflow Exception Manager

Jul 25, 2011

I have created a console application to run through the db (about 22K )records and update some values nightly. I've added an email to myself on any errors. When running the task I get about 500 emails saying:
"Overflow" (which is what's returned by : exception.Message)
What does it mean? Is it running through the db too fast?

Here is my code:
For Each dataRow As DataRow In dt.Rows
curries = 0
baseDate = Nothing
sourceID = 0
[Code] ......

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Error - A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Exception' Occurred In Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Sep 2, 2009

I have a large project where we have 2-3 dll projects that are converted from VB6 to VB.NET. We have fixed all the issues that caused compilation errors, and most of obvious issues in running, so now we have basically a program up and running. The exe is created from scratch in VB.NET, using a lot of functionality from the converted dll's (including GUI forms). What I wonder is when I run the program in debug mode, I get a bunch of warnings in the "Immediate Window" saying:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

...and some of other type (but most of them in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll).I was wondering if this is common in projects converted from VB6, or if it is caused by bad design in our code...

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Create A Custom Exception Without Inheriting System.Exception?

Dec 26, 2009

Is there anyway to create a Custom Exception without inheriting System.Exception?

my reason is that they have a lot of methods which i do not wish my Class to have.

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Out Of Memory Exception

Jun 10, 2009

I am pretty new to Visual Basic and am only using it to create a very simple programme. It is essentially an interactive encyclopedia where the user can type in a subject into a text box and get a form with information on it to pop up. I am not using any data sets etc. While the forms are all very simple and the code very limited there are dozens of forms involved, this was working fine until recently when I started to run into OutOfMemoryExceptionThrown every time I try to build my program and debug it. This exception started appearing sporadically with the programme sometimes compliling fine and other times refusing to but now it is every time. I have never written code to do this before so how do I got about freeing up memory? I read in a similar post that it may be connected to allocating memory and then not freeing it up again, or perhaps having too many event handlers in my program without ending them, however I am lost and don't know how to fix these problems.

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Out Of Memory Exception In XP But Not 7

Jun 22, 2010

I am writing some code to retrieve data from SQL Server, including an image field. I load the retrieved image data into a byte array and then convert the array into an image. Finally, I want to show a thumbnail of the image in a picturebox control on my app's form. All this works perfectly on my dev machine running windows 7, but the following code:

Dim myblankCallback As Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort = New Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(AddressOf blankCallback)
PictureBox1.Image = newImage.GetThumbnailImage(180, 180, myblankCallback, New


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Run 2008 SSIS Package - Click A Button And Have A SSIS Package Execute?

Apr 14, 2011

I created a simple VB application in Visual Studio 2010.My computer, which I am using to create the program, is Windows 7 Pro, and SQL Server 2008 is running on a Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, which I have full access to.

I want to click a button and have an SSIS package execute.I looked around on the Internet and found examples, but they do not seem to work for me.I try to add a reference, Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll, as a few sites advise, but it is not listed when I go to PROJECT>ADD REFERENCE.

I also type:

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime but all I get is a squiggly green line, which when hovered over states "Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'Microsoft.SqlServer .Dts.Runtime' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found." Below is some code I copied from one of the websites and pasted in my button click event (the path is correct), but a get blue squiggly lines under "Package" and "DTSExecResult":

Dim pkgLocation
As String
Dim pkg As
New Package[code]....

What can I do to make the SSIS package run when I click the button on the Windows application a created?

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