TCPClient Stream Read And Write?

Jan 10, 2010

After opening a TCP stream and writing to it via Stream.write, how can a reply be received (on the same port) and processed?

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Stream I/o - Write To And Read From A File

Feb 26, 2009

Just starting up on VB 2008 Express (.NET). Trying to write to and read from a file. It runs without errors, but the messagebox only shows the 'OK' button, not the contents of the file as I want. I thought that maybe I have to rewind the file before reading, but AFAICS there is no 'StreamRead.Rewind' or Reset or something.


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C# - Read And Write A String In/from Stream Without Helper Classes

Aug 29, 2011

Lets say I wanna write a string "Hello World" into a MemoryStream and read this string to MessageBox.Show() without using Helper objects such as BinaryWriter and BinaryReader and StreamWriter and StreamReader etc.

how to accomplish this with low-level functions of MemoryStream stream object.

P.s: I both use C# and VB.NET so,

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Asynchronous TCPClient (Stream / SslStream/NetworkStream)

Dec 2, 2010

I'm using the code at the bottom to connect to a Usenet newsserver. This code works fine, but it freezes the UI, so I need to do it asynchronously.


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Stream Read Return Length 0 While Stream Is Open And Has Valid Data In It?

May 25, 2012

in an winForm app in VS2010 win 7 compiling to x86, I try to do what Alvas.Audio seems to work. See (c# ex: [URL] for reference.

Dim data() As Byte = wr.ReadData(second * i, second)

The result give me data.length()=0. I do not have any exception, I can read format from it and whatever reader I use I got this problem.EDIT : After some tests, it seems like the uncompressed file I create in the first step (in PCM format, with .wav extension) can not be recognized by the library for the second step. I must miss something around Audio file markups or something alike.

Here is the code that might be the source (basically this is step 1):

Dim functOut As String = String.Empty
Dim wr As Alvas.Audio.IAudioReader = Nothing
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = Nothing


How can I write the resulted stream to be sure I can read it again later?

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Tcpclient Getstream - Zero Bytes Read?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a tcpclient connection setup capturing a continuous http stream. For some reason after the first few bytes are read, the stream does not get any data for a long time. Is there a problem with my code?

Dim tclient As TcpClient = New TcpClient(url, "80")
nstream = tclient.GetStream()
If nstream.CanRead Then[code].....

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Read With A TcpClient Until The Other Side Closes Or We Stop In .Net?

Dec 17, 2011

I have a listener that returns a TcpClient that must read data until the other side closes or until we stop.I have created a simple Form with two buttons. One starts one connection and the other stops it.The problem is that when I have a IOException due to the timeout of the Read the socket is closed and I cannot communicate with it again. I cannot reconnect it as is the other side the one to establish the connection.

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.net - Difference Between New TcpClient(MachineName, Port) And New TcpClient(new IPEndpoint?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a .Net program that has to run on a cluster of server 2008. To find out the right IP I resolve the dns by GetHostEntry(VarDefinedInfConfig).AddressList(0)

but when I am converting my old code (this code picks the wrong IP) dns.GetHostName().AddressList(0) => this returns a virtual IP and not the right one.So I changed my TcpListener to (dns is parameter from config)Dim listener As TcpListener = New TcpListener(New IPEndPoint(Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(dns).AddressList(0), 8001))


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Stream Write Row From A Listview?

Jan 8, 2009

I have a small problem with this code. I am adding information to my listview from multiple textboxes. As I add the info I automatically update a text file with the code shown below. The problem I have is When I add my first row the code will not write the data back to the text file, however if I add a second row the code is quite happy to write both rows of data back to the text file. I cannot for the life of me see what is wrong.

'Write tool info to text file
Dim outputstream As StreamWriter = File.CreateText("C:\MFSProFiles\" & CObj(PartNoTextBox.Text) & ".tme")


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Write A Stream To File?

Oct 28, 2011

I have an embedded DLL in my app and I need to write it to the filesystem at runtime. I have this so far:

Dim _assembly As Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()

Dim _rawstream As Stream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MyFile.dll")

I just need to write _rawstream to a file now.

EDIT: This has to be .NET Framework 2 and CopyTo does not exist

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Stream.write Client Not Getting Data

Jul 14, 2010

This app is trying to send messages to a client listening on the port. The client's logs show that their port is being opened and closed, but no data coming in. Is there a bug or something missing in the following code, like perhaps stream.flush or stream.endwrite or a thread.sleep(0) line, that could cause this? The puzzling thing is, WireShark on the client computer does show the message my app is sending coming into the listening port.


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TSQL - Write Stream To A Table?

Jun 27, 2012

i'm using the following code in order to send the bytes of a picture into the stream table:

Dim FirstColumnNames As String = imTable(0) & "_Code, " & imTable(0) & "_Price, " & imTable(0) & "_Title, " & imTable(0) & "_Type, " & imTable(0) & "_Height, " & imTable(0) & "_Width, " & imTable(0) & "_Comments "
Dim FirstFieldsValues As String = "'" & imParam(1) & "', '" & imParam(2) & "', '" & imParam(0) & "', '" & imType.ToString & "', '" & imHeight & "', '" & imWidth & "', '" & imParam(3) & "' "


The tables have the fllowing stracture Thats the First Table:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE TABLE " & TablesStat(0, 0) & _
" (" & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Code varchar(20) NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Price money NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Title varchar(50) NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0)


End the second table is:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE TABLE " & TablesStat(1, 0) & _
" (" & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), " & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_GUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL UNIQUE , " & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_" & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES " & TablesStat(0, 0) & " (" &


My problem comes when i'm trying to read the 'filePathName' and the 'fileToken'the privious SELECT GET_FILESTREAM.... return me only one colomn to read the colomn 0 which has the GUID in binary format I know i'm doing something wrong but i don't know what My issue is that i'm not geting th 'filePathName' and the fileToken'?

View 3 Replies - Get Error When Trying To Write Response Stream To A File

May 28, 2010

I am trying to test a rest webservice but when I do a post and try to retreive the save the response stream to a file I get an exception saying "Stream was not readable." What am I doing wrong?


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Read A XML Stream?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to read the following xml stream but am really struggling.

<channelSnapshot xmlns="urn:betfair:games:api:v1">
<channel gameType="BLACKJACK" id="1444077" name="Exchange BlackJack">


If the element is between a start tag and end tag such as


Then I can access the value ok. I have been using Select Case xmlnodetype but using this when the nodetype is a whitespace I can't get to the element beyond the whitespace.So that in the following line

<property name="Card 1" value="NOT AVAILABLE"/>

I cant get to anything beyond the word property.

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Communications :: How To Write To A Stream From Webpage To A Connected Client

Oct 19, 2008

i have made tcp connection to this webpage using tcpclienti can send commands like GET /Pagename.aspx to get the htmlnow is it possible that from webpage.aspx i can get the connected client stream and write to it and tcpclient gets that data ?

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Read A Xml File (from A Stream)?

Jan 31, 2011

I am trying to read a xml file (from a stream) like the one below. I need to read the xml element "recipientPhone" first,then I could read element "contents" so that I could save base64 data as file with the name coming from recipientPhone.I am using while to read the xml, is there a way that I could read element "recipientPhone" before "contents"?

xml sample:
<clientInfo>Attachments: 2</clientInfo>


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Read Any Stream From A Textbox?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm trying to make GUI for my batch script (don't laugh ) I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express and I just need one textbox and one button, button should start the VLC Media Player with any stream that I paste in textbox

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Read In Some Text From A Tcp Stream?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm trying to read in some text from a tcp stream. I know that the text has a unicode control character as the first character (0x0b) because the sending mechanism inserts it in front of all outgoing messages. I know it is an unreadable/unprintable character but would I would like to do is know how to read this character in and know that it is a 0x0b.


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Unable To Read Beyond End Of Stream

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to use the method FileGet to populate a type library from a text file. This text file was created by a legacy application using vb6. In the vb6 code, the Put method was used to create this file by dumping the type library into the file. I'm using the same type library to parse back into using the FileGet method. The only difference is that the type library is now an interop dll. When I use the FileGet, it works for most of the files that I'm trying to read.

However, there are a few that give me the error: "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." Does anyone know what would cause this error and how I can fix it?I've already tried to add a space and a line break at the end of the file.This did not work. I've searched for the solution but have not found anything that has worked.[code]...

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.net - Read Image From Stream Database?

Dec 17, 2010

I have an issue in streaming database.I have already write an image there and now i want to recall and put it in a PictureBox.

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Break Point - Read Until End Of Stream

Sep 26, 2011

I was using a break point in this method to make sure every was running right with it. Basically it is a loop to read until the end of a stream but rwNumber resets after it gets to line 50. Does have a limit on it i am not sure.

Public Sub FormatText()
Dim filePath As String = openFileDialog1.FileName
If filePath = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("You have not opened a file yet")
[Code] .....

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C# - Read From A Url Into A System.IO.Stream Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I am attempting to read from a url into a System.IO.Stream object. I tried to use

Dim stream as Stream = New FileStream(msgURL, FileMode.Open)

but I get an error that URI formats are not supported with FileStream objects. Is there some method I can use that inherits from System.IO.Stream that is able to read from a URL?

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Stream Reader To Read .txt File

May 16, 2009

Radio button 2 beacuse there are 3 and you have to pick one (The right one) to advance on to the next form.

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Using The Stream Reader To Read Web Files?

Jul 2, 2009

Is there a method of using the stream reader to read webfiles?

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VS 2010 Force STREAM To Read

Mar 16, 2012

I was taking code called from an event and making a function of it

Public Function asyncPostMS(prefixes() As String, ms As MemoryStream) As Stream
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(prefixes(0))
request.Method = "POST"


Now when I call this using the new function the stream is already closed. How do I pass out a stream object from a function as an already "read" object.

Or do I need to create the stream outside the function?

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[2008] Read Strings By Stream?

Feb 10, 2009

I need to read strings by stream! Is this possible? I've been searching for quite a while now, without results.So what i have is an application which gets song lyrics. The lyrics come in a string and i need to separate the string into multiple lines. Just to make that clear, lets say that im getting this text and put it into a string:

Bla bla bla..
Na nana na

And in string format = "Bla bla bla... Na nana na" but what i need to do is separate them into its original, line by line.I created an for each loop which looked for upper chars and when found, create a new line. But that didn't work out so well since the lyrics are written in proper english, using the upper "I" everywhere. So i created a new loop which ignored "I":es if they were followed by a space/blank " ". That didn't work either, it skipped some sentences.

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Read A Stream And Save It As Byte Array?

Jun 25, 2009

I try to read a stream and save it as byte array to add it later to zip file.this is the code that I use

Dim totalbytes As Byte() = Nothing
Dim iBytesRead As Integer
Dim sChunks As FileStream = File.OpenRead("c:myfile.wav")
Dim Totalread As Int64 = 0


but there is something is not correct,

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Read Text File Through Stream Reader?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a text file name list.txt which contains data like following;

AC-No. Name Time State New State Exception
100 ZULFIQUAR 09/04/2012 01:53 PM C/In Invalid
100 ZULFIQUAR 10/04/2012 01:39 PM C/In Invalid
100 ZULFIQUAR 11/04/2012 01:38 PM C/In Invalid


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Stream Read Text And Split Into Listview?

Dec 22, 2008

What I am trying to do is stream write to a text file information from 5 columns I have in my list view and then read the data back into those columns as required. I have manage to write the data to the text file in this format

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VS 2005 : Read Web Page Using Stream Reader?

Oct 19, 2010

From few days I am doing efforts to read web pages using webbrowser control in my desktop application. But it is very slower than my expectations(because I want to read lots of pages in minutes and browser control reads almost one page in 5 to 10 seconds), what I need is to read two or three tags written in web page.

So finally I decided to use something, which can give me only source code of page. I think StreamReader will help me to read it. I am not sure if it is flaxible with my purpose, or something else is there which can give me only html source code of web page.

I have written this code to read html code, but it gives error.


System.ArgumentException: URI formats are not supported.
public static string Navigate(string URL)


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