Tabcontrol Populated With Pages Tab1 Tab2 Tab3?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Tabcontrol populated with pages tab1 tab2 tab3.What i want to do is if a user begins a function in lets say tab2, it wont let them select another tab until either the function is complete or function is to complete the function designed on tab2, i have but_edit to begin the editing (this is where the tab selection would be disabled), and i have a button set as But_Save, this would save changes let them select a different tab again.

So far i've managed to control this with tab1.enabled = true/false etc, but this doesnt produce the result i want, i want them locked to the tab until But_Save or But_Cancel is pressed.

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Shortcut Key For Tab Pages In TabControl?

Jun 21, 2010

I have two Tab pages like Customer and Employee in TabControl. ( VB.NET )

I am setting with the shortcut like &Customer , &Employee . But in the run time "C" in the Customer tab and E in Employee tab is not showing as underlined text.

Me.TabPage1.Text =
" &Customer"
Me.TabPage2.Text= " &Employee"

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Usercontrol Not Updating When Placed On TabControl Pages

Dec 2, 2011

I have a usercontrol which has a number of labels on it. The usercontrol acts a bit like a listbox but I can control the background and foreground color of the labels it contains - nothing fancy use it for logging a process - a bit like a scrolling console window.I have a form with 3 of these controls, Progress, Errors, and a debug logger. Works fine when placed on a form until I add a tab control with three paces and place each usercontrol on a tabpage. then random labels are not updated.

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TabControl With Tab Pages In Form - Refresh DataGridView

Sep 2, 2010

I have a project with a form in which I have a tabcontrol with several tab pages. In each tabpage I have a datagridview and some textboxes and some comboboxes. I managed to refresh one datagridview but it stopped working. - I don't know why. Here's what I did:

Public Sub RefreshGRD()
End SUb

And I called this fnction before closing the connection for each button that adds or deletes or updates. Before calling it I cleared the dataset.

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Understanding Others Project - Contains Many Directories - Many Asp Pages, Aspx Pages, Jsp Pages, Xml Pages, Css Pages

Jan 17, 2010

My boss has given me an web application that was done by his former employee. Now my boss has no contact with that employee. He wants me to make some changes in that web application. I went through the application. There is no documentation present for that application . Its a huge application. It contains many directories. I think it was a team work. It has many asp pages, aspx pages, jsp pages, xml pages, css pages, etc... How to understand other person or team's website or web application that was written in asp or and vb or

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Add Controls To Pages Of TabControl Or Better SuperTabControl (DevComponents.DotNetBar)?

Oct 5, 2010

I need to add forms to TabPages in TabControl, but I need to find bindings between a TabControl and TabPage, that means i want to add a Form to a TabPage which is connected to TabControl1.

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Add Item To The Listbox In Tab4 Using Textbox In Tab1?

Apr 3, 2010

I have (q) and its about Tabcontrol .. i add 4 tabpages .. and in tab4 i add listbox .. i want to add item to the listbox in tab4 using textbox in tab1 !

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ITextSharp - Calling AddImageToPage() With The The Optional Pages Parameter Will Add The Image To All Pages Though?

Dec 20, 2011

I am using Stanav's PdfManipulation2.AddImageToPage(..., Pages) for iTextSharp library (v5.1.3) and was not able to add the image to specific pages: e.g. to add to only page 1 and 3 of a five pages PDF

Dim Pages() As Integer
Pages = New Integer() {1, 3}
PdfManipulation2.AddImageToPage(..., Pages)

Calling AddImageToPage() with the the optional Pages parameter will add the image to all pages though.

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Form On A .NET Webserver Using Aspx Pages With The Vb Code-behind Pages?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a form on a .NET webserver using aspx pages with the vb code-behind pages. The form collects the entered data and then emails it, that part works fine.Right after it gets emailed, this code checks to see if the email was sent or not and then updates the landing page accordingly. I used to use just an IF THEN statement, but now that doesn't work in these new .NET pages. Here's the end of the code that I am having difficulties with:


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Make Html Pages Work Like Aspx Pages?

Jun 19, 2009

I have heard of setting server specs to have HTML pages parsed as PHP pages by changing the .htaccess or httpd.conf files. Is there a similar solution to have HTML pages parsed as ASPX pages?

A website I am working on does not want their PageRank to lower since their HTML pages are already indexed and used on other websites but wants to use some dynamic features of aspx pages (like include the navigation file so that changes to the nav will only have to be done in that one file).

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Get Number Of Pages And Number Of Pages Printed (System.Printing)

Jul 13, 2011

i have this program which records the every printing made on a local computer.I am to record the number of pages of the document to be printed and the number of printed pages. i have this code but i don't know the number of pages and number printed pages always return 0 [Code].

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Combo Box Not Populated?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a combo box and onload I want the combobox to be populated with data in a field from the database. However, when I execute I receive an empty combo box please could someone look what am doing wrong..

Private Sub populatecmbprojtype()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()


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Combobox Not Being Populated?

Nov 25, 2009

I am having a strang problem with button event handlers that I am creating at runtime.Actually if I set the form as startup form everything is working fine but when I set the main apllication form as startup form the events for buttons created at runtime are not firing.I am posting the code so that you can have a better look and see whts wrong?I have two classes under spotlight here "Class1" and "Grid"I am creating an instance of grid in class 1 and in a sub in grid I am creating buttons dynamically as follows and adding event handlers

For i As Integer = lIndex To uIndex
Dim btn As New Button
btn.Name = ds.Tables(tblName).Rows(i)(btnName).ToString


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Label Not Being Populated?

May 12, 2010

In the code below in the btnAmountEarnedClick event, the lblResults is not being populated.

Private Sub cboRecycleSelection_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboRecycleSelection.SelectedIndexChanged


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Populated With A Specific ID And Name?

Jun 22, 2011

I have several combo controls that need to be populated with a specific ID and name. I want the user to choose the name and have the ID in the background. Later when the data is exported from the database the specific ID's are exported and not the names.

I see that I can create the items in the combobox rather easily using their names. However, how can I associate the ID number for each of the items. Private Sub frmReceipts_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

' Add receipt types to combo box
End Sub

I thought it would be better to have a seperate table with the different receipt types and then somehow connect/link the contents of this new table to the combo box on this form. However, I am at a loss on how to do this.

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RE DataGridView Not Populated

Feb 18, 2010


I tried binding a DataGridView to a DataSet using the DataSource property but no data appeared in the DataGridView. I placed a DataGridView in an empty form, making no property changes except for the name. I did not create columns in the DataGridView. In the form's load event I placed the following code for loading a dataset named ds Executing in debug mode, I confirmed that there was data in that dataset. No column headings or data appeared in the DataGridView. What am I doing wrongly? There are 34 fields (columns) in the DataSet - maybe it exceeds the capacity of a DataGridView.


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Textbox Value Not Populated?

Dec 28, 2010

I have set up a search form so that when the user enters a character, a search occurs. I have some code behind to do the search. The code I am using is as follows:


<script type="text/javascript">
function TextBox_OnKeypress() {


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DataGridView - How To Add Rows Already Populated

Oct 20, 2009

How do I add rows that have already been populated. I saw a param that took an array. I have 8 columns, so would I need 8 elements in my array when I add them I have the code:
But I want to modify the data in the row using code, how would I go about doing this?

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How To Save Populated Combobox

Apr 9, 2009

I am adding items to a combobox through user entry and need to save them, so when I close the application down, they will reappear when again opened.

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Populated Combobox How To Get Rid Of Path

Nov 14, 2011

I'm using this line to populate my combobox with all files in my application path:

ComboBox1.Items.AddRange(IO.Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath))This works fine, however it displays the path as well, and I only want to display the files with extension .txt

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Using DataTable Populated With A Sqldataadapter?

Nov 24, 2010

I am fairly inexperienced with using datatables in VB. My question is this: Can I access a particular column of a table by name if it is not defined elsewhere like when I populate a datatable using sqldataadapter.


Is this the way it can be done? I believe this is the case, but can't find any definitive examples online (probably not searching properly)

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Access The Information In A Populated Listview

Mar 16, 2010

I need access to the information in a populated listview so that I can load some textboxes with the contents of the selected row.

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Arraylist AnotherPhrase Gets Populated With Strings

Jan 6, 2009

I'm having trouble using an arraylist with an object. [code] The arraylist Phrase gets populated with 4 objects (WordObject) filled with the word "Fox".The arraylist AnotherPhrase gets populated with strings "The", "Quick", "Brown", "Fox".Why does the Phrase Arraylist do that? Shouldn't there be 4 objects each with different words?

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Aspx Checkboxlist To Be Populated From Sql Server?

Jan 26, 2010

withautopostback=true? i am using and have 50 checkboxes that shall show up from the database data depending on the selected value of the previous dropdownlist. also can i change the label of the checkbox

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Checking Each Row Textbox Populated With Selected Value

May 17, 2011

I have a test Listview with four rows. In the code below when I start at the top and check each row the textbox is populated with the selected value. When I randomly check a row the correct value (checked row) does not consistently populate.

Private Sub lvwInjuredWorker_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles lvwInjuredWorker.ItemCheck
If lvwInjuredWorker.Items.Count > 0 Then
For Each lvitem As ListViewItem In Me.lvwInjuredWorker.Items
[Code] .....

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Checklistbox.CheckedItems Property Get Populated?

May 24, 2012

I have a checklistbox and I'm running the following

Public Sub ProcessCompanyAssociations()
Dim clientID As Integer
Dim fullname As String
Dim CheckedItems() As String = frmMain.clbCompanies.CheckedItems.Cast(Of String).ToArray
Dim UnCheckedItems() As String = frmMain.clbCompanies.Items.Cast(Of String).Except(CheckedItems).ToArray


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Combo Box List Populated At Runtime?

May 10, 2010

I have a project that currently uses an XML config file to create some groups. Based on these groups, you can search a database for information. What I want to do is create a form for editing that file. I can get to the information via messagebox, but when putting it into a ComboBox, I can't get the list updated. I have tried the text property which only populates the initial selection, and the Items is a read-only property. Nothing else looks close to what I want to do.

My other thought is to populate a datatable with the information and then populate the combo box from the database. It seems like an extra step that I shouldn't need, but it may be the only option right now.

The reason it can't be hardcoded is that the XML config file is already being used by a program, and the file may be updated from two or three computers, meaning I need a central location for the file.

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Combobox Populated From Text File?

Apr 6, 2012

I'm trying to get a combobox to be automatically filled from a text file and have it editable by the user.

So far, when the program is running I can add new items and they appear in the text file and combobox but when I restart the program the combobox list is empty even though the text file has stuff in it.

Dim w As New IO.StreamWriter("z:url.list.txt")
Dim linecounter As Integer
For linecounter = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1


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Combobox Which Is Populated From A Coloum From My Database?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2008 express I have 1 combobox which is populated from a coloum from my database, when I select a value from the combobox I wish to populate several textboxes with data from the row selected. I have created a dataset. How can I do this? Is there a tutorial I can read anywhere

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Context Menu Populated From String?

Jan 7, 2011

I hav a program that has an icon in the system tray using Notifyicon, i have linked this with my Context menu so when right clicking the tray icon, you get the Context menu pop up.I have a list of URL's that i have read into a string from an SQL database, i want to show these url's on the Contextmenu. and then when the user clicks on the url, for it to open the url in iexplorer. I have read through stuff online but i'm very lost!

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