Tell When I Lose My EventHandler For Application.ThreadException?

Apr 26, 2012

I have an Unhandled Exception handler that does something like this[code]...

So it looks like from the "add" that the last person that subscribes to Application.ThreadException is the one who gets it (it's not additive as most event handlers are). I don't want to give up my subscription to this eventhandler no matter what. Can anyone think of a way that I could track when I lose my subscription to the Application.ThreadException so I can steal it back from whoever stole it from me?

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Reference Application.ThreadException In Application To Make An Addhandler?

Mar 22, 2011

I have been trying to reference Application.ThreadException in my application to make an addhandler, but I also am using imports growl.connector which has a growl.connector.application method. When I create my addhandler:AddHandler Application.ThreadException, AddressOf ThreadExceptionHandler

And I get "ThreadExecption is not an event of 'growl.connector.application'"

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Develop An Application Which Doesn't Lose It's Focus?

Apr 22, 2012

I want to develop an app which won't allow the user to open or jump to another application while it is open. It should be in Visual Basic. For example, if my application is open (running) and the user tries to open any other windows application like "media player" then it shouldn't open. The app should not even allow "task manager" to run. The application should completely block the windows environment while it is running.

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Lose Form1 Without Closing Entire Application But It Doesnt Work

Apr 30, 2010

I have 2 forms. I want to close Form1 without closing the entire application but it doesnt work. It closes the whole application even though i say[code]When it reaches the End Sub then it closes the application.

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.net - Can There Only Be 1 AND ONLY 1 Handler For ThreadException

Oct 24, 2011

I don't understand why I only get 1 Message Box in the following case when I run using (CTRL-F5 - Run Without Debugger) in VS2010:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event.
AddHandler Application.ThreadException, AddressOf ThreadExceptionHandler


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Debugger Halts When Using ThreadException Handler

Feb 16, 2010

I've got a VB2008 Form app and I'm trying to handle all my UI exceptions in a single method that handles the Application.ThreadException event. When I build a version and run it, this handler appears to be working fine. However, in debug mode, when an exception occurs the debuggernow halts on the exception and won't progress even if I hit F5. I want it to progress onwards and let the handler do its work. That's what it used to do, though I realize the difference is now there isn't a Catch block anymore. Any way to make the debugger keep going? It's making me nervous thinking perhaps things aren't set up right.

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Detecting Lose Of Focus?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to detect if a user has alt-tabbed to an other application, so that I can auto pause my application, or let my application blink in the taskbar. Problem is that I can't figure out when someone has alt tabbed to an other application or has clicked an other application.

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Don't Let Form Lose Focus

Jun 2, 2012

i have this form, lets call it form1, i dont want the user to be able to click outside the form or let the form lose focus, kind of like when you are setting an options for a program and you click outside of the options settings and the options dialogue box flashes and refocuses your mouse on it and wont let you click anywhere until after you hit ok. i also dont want the user to do a cntrl + alt+ delete and open that options box thing that takes over your screen

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VB Seems To Lose Newlines When Called Over COM?

Jun 22, 2012

I have a VB method

Public Sub append_text(ByVal s As String)
End Sub

which is called over COM from C++

_bstr_t b(L"test

But the text box ends up saying


Without the aforementioned new lines.Why is that then?

View 2 Replies - Add Eventhandler Dynamically?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm dynamically adding an event handler on a link button, first when the page is load o create a link button with product category. On clicking the product category it fires an event and passes the product-id IN sender object.

Here is my problem: when i readd the event handler on page load it's giving an error cannot cast sender object


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Benefits Of Using EventHandler?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around Events and their Handlers in general. I was working from some sample code that used them, and I can't understand why use an event rather than simply using a sub. I'm absolutely sure I'm missing the bigger picture here.


The Event allows a class to say 'Do something when this happens' in a very ambiguous way, leaving the class which created the Object to define a Handler; what that action should be. That Handler can, and very likely will, be unique to each instance of the class.

It seems to me that this would likely be achievable (on a basic level) through indexing and enumeration, but that would get messy and become a lot of code to write rather quickly. This is probably a much more flexible and extensible way of handling things. I'm going to post this anyway, in the hopes that I'll get someone to tell me whether I am correct in my observations or totally off base, and that it helps someone else who is having trouble with this concept as they dip their toes into OOP and event driven objects.

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Calling Sub From EventHandler?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm using the below to update controls from another thread (works great) How would I call a Sub (Named UpdateList)? The UpdateList updates a listview with a list of databases on a selected SQL instance, requires no arguments.

Private Sub CompleteEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerMessageEventArgs)
SetControlPropertyValue(Label8, "text", e.ToString)


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Conversion From C++ (Eventhandler)

Mar 4, 2009

I have found a sample code of something I am trying to complete in VB.Net however the sample is in C++, and I am having a hard time understanding how to translate it.

I have everything basically covered except for the actual EventHandler line.


I would like to know how to translate this easily into VB.Net. I understand i may have to create an Event and a Raise Event, but not sure how.

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Dynamically Add EventHandler?

Aug 7, 2009

Back in form1, how can I wire up the Click event for each MenuItem present in the contextmenu? I want to do this as abstract as possible, meaning I don't want to implement the OnClick code inside Form1.

Public Class Form1
Me.ContextMenu = MenuFactory.BuildMeAContextMenu()
End Class


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EventHandler Setting Value Of -1?

Jul 1, 2009

AddHandler zip.SaveProgress, New EventHandler(Of SaveProgressEventArgs)(AddressOf Me.zip_SaveProgress)

Took some snippets from a MSDN page and molded it into my project ... problem is on every run its setting a value of -1 to something and i cant for the life of me figure out what to!

Private Sub zip_SaveProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SaveProgressEventArgs)
Select Case e.EventType
Case ZipProgressEventType.Saving_AfterWriteEntry


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Databound Combobox Cannot Lose Focus

Jan 11, 2010

been struggeling with this issue for quite some time now. I`ve got aan combobox on a detailform.


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Forms :: PointF Lose Y Value On Some Events?

Mar 27, 2010

i'm making a astoroids clone and i use pointF to store units position, but they lost y value on events like form.losefocus(i think)Is there any ways to prevent this?

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How To Make An Icon That Won't Lose It's Quality

May 25, 2011

I'm not sure where should I post this as this is not really related to VB.NET but since I'm always here(in the VB.NET section) I'm gonna ask here.How do I make an icon that won't lose it's quality? I tried so many dimensions already. 32x32, 250x250, 16x16, 64x64.It will lose it quality on Desktop and taskbar. An icon like the IE's, Visual Studio's, Google Chrome's icons.. icons that doesn't lose quality.

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If I Reconfigure Dataset Will I Lose Queries

Dec 1, 2009

I added some fields to a table in my Access database which is the dataset in my VB.NET 2008 project. So now I'm going to have to re-configure the dataset. (Data/Show data sources/configure dataset with Wizard - at least that's the way I know to do it). Will this wipe out the exixting queries in my table adapters? Even on tables that have not been changed? If so, is there any way to avoid this?

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Lose Last 3 Chars From String Variable

Mar 25, 2010

if the last 4 chars in my string(result) are " AND" or the last three chars are " OR" I would like to remove these from the string. So far I have am trying result.trimend and a few other methods but am unsure how to get it working.

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[] Cookie Lose When Re-open Browser?

Oct 17, 2009

I'm use Somee host.And here is my page [URL] While page in debug mode it still remeber new rss I'm add on(All cookie is work).But when I upload to host and add new rss , my page lose all cookies in this code after re open browser (exceped 1 cookie befor this code).

Sub EvShowUpdate(Optional ByVal Message$ = "")
Dim Ex = If(Message IsNot "", Message, _
If Ex.Length < 2 Then Me.GoToPage("/") : Exit Sub


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C# - Implements EventHandler From 2 Classes?

Mar 15, 2011

I have 2 classes that Implement 1 EventHandler. Its part of a fingerprint scanner API but I'm having some issue and I'm not sure if it is my fault in how i use the Implements.Is it ok to have 2 different classes Implement the same EventHandler? Each class then uses the events differently within the class but it almost seems like there is some overlap that is causing some issues. I know this is hard to explain without posting code but since i can pinpoint the problem, idk what to post. My main point is, can you have 2 different classes Implement the same Interface?

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EventHandler AddressOf Invoke?

Apr 22, 2011

I wish to check the hard drive space used in a folder on a hard drive. This will happen continuously as a service, so it will be calculating the space used for thousands of folders all the time. I know that this code can be done easily in dotnet, but it seems to take a really long time. Are there any APIs to do this more efficiently, or does the entire looping process have to occur to do this check?

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Events - EventHandler Managment In .NET?

Aug 19, 2009

I am right now in an project using VB.NET and needs to translate this C# code into VB.NET

oldCommand.CanExecuteChanged -= commandReference.CanExecuteChanged;
newCommand.CanExecuteChanged += commandReference.CanExecuteChanged;

For me it seems like the an event hooking up on an another event?But I have tried everything to translate this into VB.NET code?I have found out that EventHandler management in VB.NET is far from as good it is in C# as many other things.


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VS 2008 : How To Cancel The Eventhandler

Jan 8, 2010

How can i cancel the eventhandler, i have a problem with tab browser is that:- i have a set of button image to show the forward and back button which are disable or enable (like IE).Inside my program which are deal with the web_CanGoForwardChanged and web_CanGoBackChanged problem is that if i click on other tab faster than the eventhandler done,i got the wrong image shown on can i stop the eventhandler to prevent the wrong image.

Public Function GetBrowser() As WebBrowser
If TabControl1.SelectedTab IsNot Nothing Then
For Each c As Control In TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is WebBrowser Then


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VS 2010 Lose Focus With Barcode Scanner?

Mar 27, 2012

I've got a lose focus textbox which when data in entered and the tab key is hit the code is executed as expected and a message box appears informing the user of the outcome. However when I used a barcode scanner with a tab function embedded, the code is executed and the data is inserted into a database but the textbox to say if the request was successfully completed or not does not show as expected.

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.net - Do Classes Serialized As Object Lose Their Type Information

Apr 2, 2012

I have a serializable Message class that has a Data As Object property that I'm using as a generic holder for information to be sent via a system that uses a combination of push technology and/or IPC to communicate with any other programs that are interested in the information. This allows the communication piece to be agnostic of the information it transmits.

I was serializing this Data As Object as a Byte[], since I was worried about how an Object being serialized and transmitted across the network would behave on the other side. However, when deserializing I get errors about being unable to find the assembly for the types stored within my Data As Object property, because I'm deserializing in the assembly that contains the Message class... not the assembly that contains the type that Data As Object originally was.I was wondering if I'd lose the type information and be unable to cast it back to the type I want at the other end. Perhaps it's not possible to pass a type as an Object via another assembly without it knowing about my type?

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VS 2005 Automatic Close Form After Lose Focus?

May 4, 2009

I have an about form which I hope it can close by itself if I move the mouse to somewhere else. I try form_lostfocusevent but unfortunately this can NOT be done

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VS 2008 PrintDocument Causes Form To Minimize Or Lose Focus

Jan 16, 2012

I have this rather annoying problem when printing in VB.NET. I use the PrintDocument object and after it has done its job, the form gets minimized to the taskbar. I tried to force the focus on the form but to no avail. I was just wondering if someone else has encountered this problem and maybe has a solution for it?

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.net - Multiple DispatcherTimers With One Tick Eventhandler

Jan 5, 2012

I'm working on a project that will require me to react to 5 separate events generated by an external device and then do something after a certain delay. The events will normally happen one at a time but may occasionally be simultaneous.

Imports System.Windows.Threading
Class MainWindow
Private TimerList As List(Of DispatcherTimer)


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