Transfering Data Between Two Listbox Not Working?

Mar 2, 2012

i for my project what i am trying to do is:i have two listboxes and in between the two boxes i have two buttons. Btn1 is to send data from listbox1 to listbox 2 Btn2 is to send data from listbox2 to listbox1

below is my code could you please suggest improvements help me improve the method Private Sub m_buttonAddUserRole_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles m_buttonAddUserRole.Click


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VS 2005 Transfering Data From One Part To Other Of Database To Other?

Jul 19, 2009

The form is like this:A database contains six columns:"From Bank","From Account","From Balance","To Bank","To Account","To Balance"On transfer button click,The balanced will be transfered and added to the "To Balance" of "To Account"i did the code for form load but i cant get throught the transfer money

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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Working With Data Between A Listbox And TextBox

Feb 3, 2010

I'm trying to make a application where the user can add a treenode to a treeview, and then after that they can add items to a listbox, making those items bound to that treenode? I need to do this for each node they create but I don't know how... I've been googling and reading tutorials on "DataSets", but it's always stuff about online databases

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Transfering Information Between 2 Processes?

Dec 31, 2009

I have 2 applications.

1. THE application

2. Updater

When my app starts it will check if it's the right version with a webservice, if not then it downloads new files and runs the updater. The updater will copy paste the new files overwriting the old ones.At the moment, I am using a xml file to transfer information from the app to the updater like the where the updater has to copy the files to.However, I would like to get rid of this xml file and send this information to the process directly.

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Transparent ListBox Or Listbox Not Working

Mar 8, 2010

I want set Listbox background to transparent but not working

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Events Transfering Values Between Forms?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a form set up that allows the user to do many things to manipulate items. One of the things they can do is replace an item with another. To do so, what I have them do is click the Replace button on the main form. This calls the show of a choose replacement form where there is a grid view containing the replacement options and a Replace and Cancel button. When the user selects a product from the grid, and clicks the replace button, I want the item's ID to be sent back to the main form to be used in the replacement sub.This is what I have:

Main form:

Form Load:

AddHandler replaceComponentForm.Replace, AddressOf Me.Replace

The problem is the events don't seem to be reaching the main form. The replacement form closes, but Replace does not get called in the main form.

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Transfering Text From A Dialog Tetbox To A Label?

Oct 15, 2011

How can I get Text enterd into a TextBox on a Dialog Transfered to a Data bound Label on the Main Form.I do not want to use a InputBox because then I can't get the Buttons text in Afrikaans withoute lots of efford.

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VS 2008 Choppy Font Edges When Transfering Image From A Bitmap To A Graphics Object?

Jun 3, 2009

i am drawing a string to a graphics object in the eg below and then transfering it onto a in the paint event of a panel... when doing this the font edges appear dodgey...

Here is some

Dim b As New Bitmap(100, 100)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
g.DrawString("Bla Bla Bla", New Font("Comic Sans MS", 18,FontStyle.Bold), New LinearGradientBrush(g.ClipBounds, Color.Red,


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Bug When Working On Selecteditems Of Listbox?

May 27, 2012

When changing selecteditems (the items themselves, not which ones are selected) in a multiselect listbox, sometimes the operation does not happen and items are deselected. Here is a simple example of what I mean, just a form with a multiselect listbox.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ListBox1.Items.Add("item at index 0")


View 17 Replies

Listbox SelectedItem Not Working

Oct 25, 2006

I have a function that fills a listbox with data from sql server 2000 database. Here is the code: (It's in a class)


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Shelling From Listbox Not Working?

Jan 31, 2010

im trying to shell a file from a listbox by getting its name and then shelling this is my code

Private Sub ListBox1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DoubleClick
Shell("C:UsersNotandiDesktopSt�rikerfiFoldersGAMES" + ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString)
End Sub

View 5 Replies

Working With Combobox And Listbox

Apr 22, 2010

[code]I will want to include a combobox with some options of a. alltheseat b. Vacantseats., c. Reservedseats.My question is how do I write the code that when vacant seat is selected from the combobox it will list only the vacant seats in the listbox and when reservedseats is selected it will list only on the reserved seats.

View 11 Replies

How To Select An Item In One Listbox And Then Display The Data Of Another Listbox With The Same Indexed Position

Aug 7, 2010

Is it possible to select an item in one listbox and then display the data of another listbox with the same indexed position? I am planning a project and this is something I would like to attempt but I haven't figured out how to do it.[code..]

I tried doing the above code but instead of displaying the listbox text the message box just returned false.

View 5 Replies - Listbox Selected Items Into Textbox Not Working?

Dec 22, 2010

my will not use listbox1.selecteditems it always comes up with a blue line underneath even though when i search online everyone is using this. my goal is to get the selected items and list them in a textbox

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim li As ListItem
For Each li In ListBox1.Items


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ListBox - Push Button Code Not Working

Dec 30, 2010

I'm very confusing about this code .When push Button1 ,the code not working


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Selected Case Of A Listbox Isn't Working As Expected

Apr 10, 2010

Selected Case of a Listbox isn't working as expected

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VS 2005 Working With A Listbox To Send Email?

Oct 18, 2010

Working with a listbox to send email and I have the ff code -

Dim EmailAddressFrom As String
EmailAddressTo = lstbxEmailAddress.SelectedValue.ToString()
MessageBox.Show("To Address is ", EmailAddressTo)

When I run this, in my message box, I get -

"System.Data.DatarowView" as the title of my message box "To Address is " And when hit F8 to continue debugging I get the ff error msg - "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address."

View 6 Replies

Listbox.SelectedItem - Populate A Listbox With Data In The Code?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a listbox and i populate it with data in my code like this on the page load....


So say one item in the list is displayed Ted Jones (123) and its valuefield should be 123. Im just not understanding what i am doing wrong here.

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Moving Data From Databound Listbox To Other Listbox?

Mar 2, 2012

I've pretty much just started in playing with Visual Basic Studio 2010 and have been using this site for lots of answers so thought I'd join up and harass more directlyI've been trying to move items between two lists, one is databound to a bindingsource, the other isn't. I found out that you can't really move items from databound lists, but you can remove from the datasource instead. This works fine until I want to move the item back - it fills a blank line with seemingly no data.

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File I/O And Registry :: Safe & Secure Way To Perform File Transfering Between Computers?

Feb 5, 2009

My application runs on a "server" machine and provides files (10megs - 100megs each) to 8 other computers. Currently this is done using a standard shared folder on all 8 computers and the server simply copies the file to \ComputerNameSharedFolder - and everything is great.However, due to new policies we need to remove all shared folders, so using a simple \ComputerNameSharedFolder is no longer feasible. Therefore I need to find a way for my application to be able to share these files in a safe, secure, and compliant way.There has been talk of using sFTP which would require each system to have an sFTP server running at all times (controlled by the application somehow), or also SSL was talked about as it can be integrated into the application easily, etc...

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Image And Text Transfering From 1 Rich Text Box To Another

Dec 25, 2009

I want to transfer data from one rich text box to another but when i use RichTextbox2.text = RichTextbox1.text it transfer just text not images.if there is any way to do so?

View 4 Replies

Data Bound To ListBox - Display Two Data Items As A Single Item?

May 7, 2012

I have an Address Book project with a listbox. The listbox is bound to the database via the little arrow pop-up box in the corner of the listbox. I have the DisplayMember set to FirstName, and obviously only display the First Name of the contact in the ListBox. Is there an easy way to change it so that it displays the First and Last names? I can't change the binding because I need it to get the ID of the record selected.Here's the basis of my code...

Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CompanyDataSet.Contacts' table. You can move,


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Listbox In Form That Gets Its Values From A Data Table By Data Binding

Jul 31, 2010

I have a listbox in my form that gets its values from a data table by data binding. My question is, when the data (row) is loaded it also selects the first line automatically. I do not want this because I want the listbox to select an item only when the user clicks on it. Otherwise, the iteme should ony be listed. Is there a way to manage this?

View 2 Replies

Listbox Data Extract After Data Entry & Sort

Sep 26, 2011

I have an application that receives data input from an automated set of devices. This data stream I have managed to capture & get it into a list box which I can sort based on the Device ID & the time that the response was received.There is a set time window for the devices to transmit their data into the application and during this each device is not limited to the number of responses it can send (ie :- Device 1 can send in 2 responses where Device 3 can send in 40 responses, etc).All of the responses are captured, listed & sorted within the listbox (this bit is working ).I now need to extract the last (ie:- latest) entry in the listbox for each Device ID & this is where I am stuck. I can retrieve the last item in the list but cant seem to extract the last item for each Device ID.[code]

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"random Addition Of Names In A Listbox" Not Working?

May 18, 2009

i am new to dot net and i have a problem with this code below. what is expected is that the method should add the names in the string in random order into the listbox. but the output shows only single alphabets added rather than the whole name. i don't know where im wrong.can anyone correct me?

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim fr(4) As String


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Button Not Working When I Insert New Data?

Feb 9, 2012

when I input data are not yet available. button does not work but when I enter existing data in the database, the button work for find existing records in the database and msgbox.appear this my coding. (i am using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 express edition database mysql)

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form2
Public conn As MySqlConnection[code].....

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Saving Data + .net + Sql + Insert Not Working?

Oct 10, 2011

I am trying to save data to database but I got a exception here is the code

Try 'connection is set
sqlcon = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MENUKA-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=studentInformation; Integrated Security=True")


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VS 2005 Importing Data Not Working?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a table in my database. I have an import routine which reads rows from and XML file. It first loops through my existing table to see if the row exists using a date and store code column as a unique id. It all works fine until this senario occurs.First file is read in and a new row is added for 01/03/2011, store code 100. The second file is read in which also has a row with 01/03/2011, store code 100. But when I loop through it does not find the row I just added so it adds it again.The only solution I can think of is to re-populate the local table everytime I add a new row but this will have a massive amount of over heads.If I add a row to an existing dataset surely if I loop through that dataset I should come across it.

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VS 2010 SQL.Data Reference Not Working?

Sep 14, 2010

I have created a program who needs to connect to a mysql db with the mysql connector 6, and it works great, at least on my computer

If i build the app and puts it on another computer and tries to connect to the db it says it can't find the file who where referencing to MySQL.Data??

Shouldn't that reference dll follow with the program in the programs exe or something?

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Working With Data Organized By Classes

May 30, 2009

I am working in vb2008. How to store Class/Structure instance data into a database as single objects.
Say I have a hundred instances of "SomeClass" stored with data. Is there a way that I can store each of my hundred instances as a hundred objects to a hundred Access database records. I am trying to avoid having to mirror my class structure into a datatable and treat each instance as a single object which can be stored into a single database column name.

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