Translate A Ternary Operator Into VB?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm usually reasonably good at translating C# into VB, but I'm a bit stuck partially due to the ternary operator in this function and also because I don't fully understand what is happening with the "from x in dataSource.OfType<object>() select 1).Sum()"


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Is There A Conditional Ternary Operator

Feb 23, 2009

In Perl (and other languages) a conditional ternary operator can be expressed like this:my $foo = $bar = $buz ? $cat : $dog;Is there a similar operator in VB.NET?

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Similar To The Ternary Operator In .net?

Mar 29, 2011

I saw this in some source code:Dim sTest As String = "" & drTest("column")

I was told that if drTest("column") is nothing, then sTest will be assigned "", so it is in effect doing:

Dim sTest As String = If("",Nothing,drTest("column"))What is the downside of doing it the first way I showed?

What is the difference between using If and IIf?

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Ternary Operator In Gridview

Aug 20, 2011

I am looking to make this statement work in a page:


The ternary operator is causing a error: Compiler Error Message: BC36637: The '?' character cannot be used here. I want to use a tenary operator to display text based on the the field Inactive containing a true or false text value.

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Lambda Expression With Ternary Operator In VB?

Feb 26, 2010

Lambda expression with ternary operator in VB?

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Nullable DateTime And Ternary Operator?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having problems with a Nullable DateTime in VB.NET (VS 2010).

Method 1
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text) Then
gauge.LastCalibrationDate = Nothing


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Ternary Operator VB Vs C# Resolves To Integer

Nov 10, 2010

Suppose we have a nullable value in Dim i as Integer? We want to assign a value to it, basing on a condition, and using a ternary operator, because it's so neat and stuff: i = If(condition(), Nothing, 42) That is, if a condition is true, employ the null-ability, otherwise the value. At which point the shooting occurs. For no apparent reason VB compiler decides that the common base type for Nothing and Integer is Integer, at which point it silently translates the statement to: [Code]

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Assign A Value To A Nullable Integer Via A Ternary Operator?

Aug 24, 2011

dim val1 As Integer? = If(5 > 2, Nothing, 43)' val1 = 0 dim val1 As Integer? = If(5 > 2, Nothing, Nothing)' val1 = Nothing What gives? Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something?

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Ternary Operator IIf Throwing Strange Exception

Mar 30, 2011

I am having a weird problem. IIf is messing up when I am working with an array. Apparently it is checking my else statement even though it isn't activated. Here is some code that demonstrates the issue:[code]

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Why Does The Ternary Operator Accept A Nullable Boolean

Oct 6, 2011

The following compiles in VB.NET (with Option Strict On) and outputs False:[code]Why does that work?The documentation clearly states that the three-argument version of If requires a Boolean as the first parameter:[code]So, why does this work? Is it a bug (or "hidden feature") in the compiler or is it a bug in the documentation and Boolean? is actually a valid type for the first argument of If(a, b, c)?In C#, b ? x : y does not compile if b is of type bool?.I've reported this issue to Microsoft Connect. Someone from MS has replied and confirmed that the documentation will be updated to include the Boolean? case.

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Assign A Value To Nullable Integer Via A Ternary Operator / It Can't Become Null

Apr 19, 2012

If you assign a value to a nullable integer via a ternary operator, it can't become null..While this question may seem like a duplicate of many, it is actually being asked for a specific reason.Take this code, for example: Dim n As Integer? = If(True, Nothing, 1) In that code, the ternary expression should be returning Nothing, but it's setting n to 0. If this were C#, I could say default(int?) and it would work perfectly. Now it looks like I am going to have to ditch the ternary and use a regular If block, but I really want to use the ternary. If Nothing were truly VB.NET's equivalent to C#'s default, how can you explain this behavior?

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Error: Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator '='. Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Jan 27, 2010

I am tightening up my coding with the Option Strict set to ON. It has now produced alot of errors. An example of this is:

If AllocatedDGV.Rows(i).Cells("RoomNumber").Value = RoomsAvailableDGV.Rows(j).Cells("RoomName").Value Then

It gives me the following error: Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.

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Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Apr 6, 2012

I need to write an interface to get data to/from our data files.

We have a low level class that holds field values for each record read from the files.

This just holds two values, the value read from the file (DBValue) and the updated value that may need to be written back to the file (CurrentValue).

These values may be any of the standard value types (integer, date etc) or a string.

Either value (DBValue or CurrentValue) may be null if not defined.

I have written the class to manage this data which works fine while option strict is NOT on.

But we have an office policy of having option strict on all the time.

When I put option strict on, my object value comparisons fail with the error: "Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity."

Question, how should I change the following code to handle option strict on ...

This is all running on Visual Studio 2010


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Coalesce Operator And Conditional Operator In .NET?

Mar 10, 2009

Possible Duplicate: Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET?

Can we use Coalesce operator(??) and conditional ternary operator(:) in VB.NET as in C#?

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How To Use Operator As A Comparison Operator

Nov 11, 2009

I want to perform equality comparison in VB.NET and cannot get it to work. Error: value of type Boolean can not be converted to System.Drawing.PointF


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.net - Translate From C# To VB?

Mar 23, 2010

How do you convert the following c# code to


View 3 Replies - How To Translate Into C#

May 5, 2012

I have found aa solution to a problem in one of my reports but its in VB.NET and I am not sure how to convert it to C#, I tried to do it online with one of the tools but it cant determine the events been used or something like that. If there is anyone savy at both languages maybe you can help me figure out its translation?

Here is the VB code:

Private Sub XrLabel1_BeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)
Handles XrLabel1.BeforePrint

CType(sender, XRLabel).Tag = GetCurrentColumnValue("ID")


I tried to convert it on this site [URL]


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Translate .net To Vb6?

Jul 8, 2009

How can i translate this code to vb6? i have already searched in google for translators, but with no success;.

Private Sub CallFunction()
If Me.bOn Then
Me.connectionString = String.Concat(New String() { "Server=", Me.strIP, ",1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Database=rPTDB;UID=", Me.strUser, ";PWD=", Me.strPassword, ";" })


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Translate From C# To VB?

Oct 30, 2010

I have this little function for forcing a download of MP3 files. I have it integrated into my VB app but would like it to be converted from C# to VB so that I can use other functions in my APP_Code directory.


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How To Translate Eglish Into VB

Apr 11, 2012

Is there an English - Visual Basic dictionary thae translate my thoughts to code? I am taking courses at the local community college and having difficulty with this "foreign" language.

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Translate C# To Program?

Jan 28, 2010

Translate c# to program?[cod]e...

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Translate Code From Vb6.0 To .net?

Oct 12, 2010

I have found the following code which can get the harddisk no in VB6.0.I would like to translate it into code.I have tried the auto upgrade function in vb2005 and translated the following code to, but the outcome did not run probably.Can anyone give me some help to translate the following VB6.0 code into code?


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Translate For Loop Vb To C#?

Oct 26, 2011

I am currently trying to use a vb function in c#, i have to translate the following from vb to c#:

For index = LBound(CollectionChannelPanel.EkItems) To UBound(CollectionChannelPanel.EkItems)

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Translate The Following Code To VB

Mar 11, 2009

I need a hand with something i need to translate the following code to VB...


im having some difficutly with syntax etc.

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Translate The Snippet To VB?

Feb 1, 2010

I am looking at this blog, and I am trying to translate the snippet to VB.

I'm having difficulties with this line:

NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler handlers = this.CollectionChanged;

NOTE: CollectionChanged is an event of this ('this' is an override of ObservableCollection<T>).

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Translate This C# Code In Vb?

Oct 10, 2010

public void Attach()
deviceHandle = capCreateCaptureWindow(string.Empty, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, (int)this.ActualWidth -150, (int)this.ActualHeight, new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle, 0);
if (SendMessage(deviceHandle, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)0).ToInt32() > 0)


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Translate To Pig Lating

Jul 17, 2011

So, I'm taking Intro to Programming and I'm working through the exercises in a chapter about String Manipulation and the For Next loop.We haven't gotten to arrays yet, so I'm trying to do this just with what's been covered.The exercise is to translate a word into pig latin.If it begins with a vowel, you add "-way" to the end of the string. If it doesn't, you add "-" and then the first character to the end until you reach a vowel and "ay" to the end of that. So "Chair" would become "air-Chay".[code]

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Translate VB Codes To C++

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to translate some VB codes to C++. And I am not quite sure what this line does.

IIf (n& 1=1, 0.0005, -0.0005)

I know what IIf(logic, true_value, false_value) does, and I guess the & operator is supposed to concat two strings. But I am not sure what the intention of using "n & 1 =1".

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VS 2005 Translate From C#

Feb 9, 2011

I need to translate this C# code in VB.NET 2005:


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What Does & H57 Represent And How To Translate It For C#

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to convert old VB.NET code into C# and I'm not sure about the current line and what it means really.


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