Assign A Value To A Nullable Integer Via A Ternary Operator?

Aug 24, 2011

dim val1 As Integer? = If(5 > 2, Nothing, 43)' val1 = 0 dim val1 As Integer? = If(5 > 2, Nothing, Nothing)' val1 = Nothing What gives? Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something?

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Assign A Value To Nullable Integer Via A Ternary Operator / It Can't Become Null

Apr 19, 2012

If you assign a value to a nullable integer via a ternary operator, it can't become null..While this question may seem like a duplicate of many, it is actually being asked for a specific reason.Take this code, for example: Dim n As Integer? = If(True, Nothing, 1) In that code, the ternary expression should be returning Nothing, but it's setting n to 0. If this were C#, I could say default(int?) and it would work perfectly. Now it looks like I am going to have to ditch the ternary and use a regular If block, but I really want to use the ternary. If Nothing were truly VB.NET's equivalent to C#'s default, how can you explain this behavior?

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Nullable DateTime And Ternary Operator?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having problems with a Nullable DateTime in VB.NET (VS 2010).

Method 1
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text) Then
gauge.LastCalibrationDate = Nothing


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Why Does The Ternary Operator Accept A Nullable Boolean

Oct 6, 2011

The following compiles in VB.NET (with Option Strict On) and outputs False:[code]Why does that work?The documentation clearly states that the three-argument version of If requires a Boolean as the first parameter:[code]So, why does this work? Is it a bug (or "hidden feature") in the compiler or is it a bug in the documentation and Boolean? is actually a valid type for the first argument of If(a, b, c)?In C#, b ? x : y does not compile if b is of type bool?.I've reported this issue to Microsoft Connect. Someone from MS has replied and confirmed that the documentation will be updated to include the Boolean? case.

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Ternary Operator VB Vs C# Resolves To Integer

Nov 10, 2010

Suppose we have a nullable value in Dim i as Integer? We want to assign a value to it, basing on a condition, and using a ternary operator, because it's so neat and stuff: i = If(condition(), Nothing, 42) That is, if a condition is true, employ the null-ability, otherwise the value. At which point the shooting occurs. For no apparent reason VB compiler decides that the common base type for Nothing and Integer is Integer, at which point it silently translates the statement to: [Code]

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Is There A Conditional Ternary Operator

Feb 23, 2009

In Perl (and other languages) a conditional ternary operator can be expressed like this:my $foo = $bar = $buz ? $cat : $dog;Is there a similar operator in VB.NET?

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Similar To The Ternary Operator In .net?

Mar 29, 2011

I saw this in some source code:Dim sTest As String = "" & drTest("column")

I was told that if drTest("column") is nothing, then sTest will be assigned "", so it is in effect doing:

Dim sTest As String = If("",Nothing,drTest("column"))What is the downside of doing it the first way I showed?

What is the difference between using If and IIf?

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Ternary Operator In Gridview

Aug 20, 2011

I am looking to make this statement work in a page:


The ternary operator is causing a error: Compiler Error Message: BC36637: The '?' character cannot be used here. I want to use a tenary operator to display text based on the the field Inactive containing a true or false text value.

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Translate A Ternary Operator Into VB?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm usually reasonably good at translating C# into VB, but I'm a bit stuck partially due to the ternary operator in this function and also because I don't fully understand what is happening with the "from x in dataSource.OfType<object>() select 1).Sum()"


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Lambda Expression With Ternary Operator In VB?

Feb 26, 2010

Lambda expression with ternary operator in VB?

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Ternary Operator IIf Throwing Strange Exception

Mar 30, 2011

I am having a weird problem. IIf is messing up when I am working with an array. Apparently it is checking my else statement even though it isn't activated. Here is some code that demonstrates the issue:[code]

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Get This Message : Operator '+' Is Not Defined For Types 'integer' And '1-dimensional Array Of Integer'?

Sep 25, 2010

ive got some simple problem i cant understand how to solve.

str(1) is an array and integer(or double, tried both)
a(1) is an array and integer (or double, tried both)
a(1) = a(1) + 1
Label1.Text = str(1) + a

the big part is where i get: operator '+' is not defined for types 'integer' and '1-dimensional array of integer'.why do i get that message and what does it mean? how do i make the code do what i want?

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Operator '>=' Is Not Defined For Types '1-dimensional Array Of Integer' And 'Integer'

May 9, 2012

this is for a BINGO game final project that I already turned in but this just bugged me that I could not get the sorting figured out. I am trying to get this to sort the random numbers in to columns under the correct letters but I keep getting the error Operator '>=' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of Integer' and 'Integer' under the line:


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.net - Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Types 'Integer' And 'IQueryable(Of Integer)'

Aug 3, 2010

This is giving me a headache. I have this link query here that grabs an ID

Dim mclassID = From x In db.SchoolClasses Where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID Select x.ClassID And then later on I have this linq query

ViewData("Staff") = From t In db.Staffs Where t.ClassID = mclassID Select t

I've tried quite a few things but to no avail. I've attempted casting, converting, Is operand, etc.

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Setting Nullable Type With IF Operator Failing?

May 27, 2009

Why does this give variable A the value of zero (instead of setting it to nothing)?Dim A as double? A=If(2<3, Nothing, 6)

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Assign A Nullable Value To A Date Object?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm trying to assign a date object to nullable but my code error on CBDate1 = nullDate. The message indicates that I need to assign a value to a nullable. This is my first time using nullable[code\]...

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Assign Nullable To A Date Object

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to assign a date object to nullable but my code error on CBDate1 = nullDate. The message indicates that I need to assign a value to a nullable. This is my first time using nullable.


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Assigning Result Of If Operator To System.Nullable Type

Aug 30, 2011

When using the If operator [URL] to assign a value to a System.Nullable object, if the result is Nothing (null), then 0 is assigned to the object. Example: 'Expected value is null (Nothing). Actual value assigned is 0. Dim x As System.Nullable(Of Integer) = If(1 = 0, 1, Nothing) If x is a nullable type, why is it being assigned the default integer type of 0. Shouldn't it receive a value of null?

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Re-write Conditional Logic That Involves Checking Three Nullable(Of T) Values In An Equality Operator Overload?

Jan 28, 2011

So I'm writing the equality operator overload (Operator =())for a custom object, and the resulting mess of If conditionals is just an eyesore. But so far, it seems like the only sane way to check the values to as to match the specific behavior of this object.

The rules are:Num1 is required, period, and both the left and right operands and must be equal for True. Else, False.Num2 is optional, but if specified, must be present for both the left and right operands, and must be equal for True. Else, False.Num3 is optional, but can only be specified if Num2 is also present. Else, False.Num3, if specified, must be present for both the left and right operands, and must be equal for True. Else, False.


I also know that I could cache elements of the checks into booleans and then use those to reduce the amount of text. But that seems like a waste of cycles just for code readability. So I wanted to know if the SO community had better thoughts on reorganizing it, just in case I'm being too verbose with my checks.

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.net - Default Value Of Nullable Integer Different In If() Function

Dec 7, 2010

I am trying to understand why the two code samples behave differently. I always believed the If() function to mimic the If language feature. Or am I looking at a behavior of Nullable(Of Integer) that is causing this?

Sample #1:
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PC.SelectedValue) Then
Dim pcFilter1 As Integer? = CInt(PC.SelectedValue)


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.net - Result With IF() Function And A Nullable Integer?

Dec 1, 2009

I would expect the following function to return a value of Nothing, but instead its returning a value of 0.


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Casting String To Nullable Integer

Jun 28, 2010

I wonder if this is not possible dim mystring as string="1" dim myint As Nullable(Of Integer) myint=0 myint=mystring It crashes on the last line why is that? mystring is already integer (1) , i dont have to cast using cint, i thought. option strict off- if this cause the problem

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Setting Nullable Integer To String Containing Nothing Yields 0

Dec 14, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out over some unexpected behavior from nullable integers.If I set an Integer to Nothing, it becomes Nothing as expected. If I set an Integer? to a String that is Nothing, it becomes 0! Of course I get this whether I explicitly cast the String to Integer? or not.[code] Previously I had my code up here so without the explicit conversion to Integer? and everyone seemed to be fixated on/confused by that. There were a lot of suggestions that Option Strict On would catch this type of thing. However, this is actually a quirk of the string-to-integer conversion rules which predate nullable types, but still impact them.

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C# - Compiler's Comparison Does Not Work Correctly For Nullable(Of Integer)

May 12, 2012

I've tried these two blocks but it returns the same value. I do not describe more, I simply just show the code:

Dim f As Nullable(Of Integer)
If f = 1 Then


It works in C# correctly...

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Create A Nullable Optional Numeric (integer/double) Parameter In Program?

Jan 18, 2010

How can I create a nullable numeric optional parameter in VB.NET?

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Implement A Custom Operator For Integer Type?

Sep 30, 2009

I have been developing in for a cople of years now. I really miss the increment and decrement operators for integers that I grew attached to while using Java and C#. I have seen posts explaining how to implement a custom operator for a class that I have written, but I have not seen any examples of how to do it for a basic type like Integer.[code]....

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VS 2010 Operator '<<' Is Not Defined For Types 'Char' And 'Integer'

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to convert a piece of C# code, and I ran it through a converter, and had to make some changes.I am now running into this error:

Operator '<<' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Integer'

The code is:

a += CType(URL(k + 0) + (URL(k + 1) << 8) + (URL(k + 2) << 16) + (URL(k + 3) << 24), UInt32)
b += CType(URL(k + 4) + (URL(k + 5) << 8) + (URL(k + 6) << 16) + (URL(k + 7) << 24), UInt32)
c += CType(URL(k + 8) + (URL(k + 9) << 8) + (URL(k + 10) << 16) + (URL(k + 11) << 24), UInt32)

The error occurs on each of the (URL(...) << X)

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Assign The Value Of The Integer Returned From The InStr Method To A Variable

Jul 21, 2009

I want to assign the value of the integer returned from the InStr method to a variable. So, If TextBox2.Text = "The Apple Pie" And TextBox1.Text = "App", I want the integer returned, which in this case would be 5, put into a variable, lets say its called 'VarString'.
So VarString (would) = 5.


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Operator '+' Is Not Defined For Types - Each Indexed byte Position Gets Assigned The Converted Integer Value In The For Loop?

Sep 22, 2010

Operator '+' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of Byte' and 'Byte'.How would I change the assignment statement in the code below so that each indexed byte position gets assigned the converted integer value in the for loop?

Dim byteArray As Byte()
Property Data_Out() As Integer()

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Assign Integer Values To The Items In 2 Different List Boxes Called LstWorkshop And LstLocation?

Apr 18, 2009

I am trying to assign integer values to the items in 2 different list boxes called lstWorkshop and lstLocation. I then want the equation, intCost = intDays * intLodgingFee + intRegistrationFee, to be executed and the result to be displayed in a third listbox named lstCost. This is what I have so far, but whenever I run the program the value that always gets displayed is 0, which is obviously not correct.

Public Class frmWorkshopSelector
Dim intCost As Integer
Dim strTotalCost As String


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