Type Initializer For Global Variable Threw Exception

Apr 24, 2011

I just make one login SQL form and one module global variables. This is the code in module
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module globalVAR
[Code] .....

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Type Initializer For Threw An Exception

Aug 15, 2011

We have just converted a large VB6 desktop app to VB.NET 2008. First via the VB 2005 (open project), then days of fixing errors, etc. Then opened the VB 2005 in VB 2008 so now it is a 2008 solution.The more we try to test the worse it gets. It did start and crash with typical errors but now it does not even get off the ground.[code]The more we try to fix the earlier it crashes. The 1st form load does not even start (break point not stopped on but it did before and failed on AppFrameWorkOn = True where AppFramWorkOn is just a boolean in another module.Except same code works in other programs.We have written several dozen other VB.Net 2005 programs but this one just doesn't make sense.There is also no Configuration Manager in the Build menu.

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2008 The Type Initializer For ... Threw An Exception?

Sep 20, 2011

We have just converted a large VB6 desktop app to VB.NET 2008. First via the VB 2005 (opened the project), then days of fixing errors, etc. Then opened the VB 2005 in VB 2008 so now it is a 2008 solution. There are about 30 forms with code behind and about 40 other modules.

Message InvalidOperationException was unhandled.
... The type initializer for .... threw an error.


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The Type Initializer For <Module> Threw An Exception?

Jul 19, 2010

The Type Initializer for <Module> threw an exception?What does this error mean.

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Type Initializer For Class Threw An Exception?

Jun 4, 2009

We have a VB .Net windows application developed with VS 2005, framework 2.0.

The executable when run on a different machine throws the above error. It cannot be caught with the IDE due none of the developers experiencing it.

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The Type Initializer '<class Name>' For Threw An Exception On Win 7 64 Bit Machine?

Mar 16, 2011

I have project which is implemented in VB.Net using VS 2008. I install build on Win 7 64 bit machine an see a splash screen after which it thorws exception saying "The type initializer '<class name>'for threw an exception". The class is NotInheritable and the method which I'm trying to access is shared. The same project works fine on win 7 32 bit machine. The build is also compiled using x86.

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Type Initializer For 'WindowsApplication1.Module1' Threw An Exception?

Mar 27, 2009

I am creating a medium/largish program in VB Express 2008. To keep it more simple i have created each section of the program in individual projects/solutions and then when they all work well, copy the code from each project into one Big project. Everything was fine, but when i put the global variables all together in 1 module, i get the following error:'The type initializer for 'WindowsApplication1.Module1' threw an exception.' This appears everytime a line of code is ran that reads/writes to a var in the module.

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DB/Reporting :: The Type Initializer For 'WindowsApplication1.Module1' Threw An Exception?

Nov 13, 2010

Ok, so I'm making a small system that deals with route making. Effectively all I'm trying to do is open the connection to my SQL database at the moment and this error turns up.

The data it says is the problem is:


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Error: The Type Initializer For 'HG520b.MHProgramming' Threw An Exception

Jun 22, 2012

I've been writing an application, and all has been going smoothly; I tried to debug my application, after many previous debugging sessions and from nowhere, I received an error. I've not changed the module in which the error is coming from, but I can't narrow the error down either.

Here's the error: The type initializer for 'HG520b.MHProgramming' threw an exception.

This occurs any time I attempt to debug my application and linked to a function, property or enum which resides in my module.I don't know where to start looking for this error seen as it's all random...

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Type Initializer For 'System.Devices.RemoteDeviceManager' Threw An Exception

Apr 27, 2011

I am having trouble deploying a dll to a Windows 7 machine. The app works fine on my Vista machine.

The dll is RAPI2.DLL The target machine encounters an exception when the object is instanciated:

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Devices.RemoteDeviceManager' threw an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {35440327-1517-4B72-865E-3FFE8E97002F}


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The Type Initializer For 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' Threw An Exception

May 4, 2007

Is there something wrong with my connection string that I would get this exception thrown back at me from my code? I have the string saved in the code and when I try to create an SqlConnection I get the exception above thrown and below is my connection string which is actually the address to my DB file.

Connection = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename= C:Documents and SettingsTTTMy DocumentsBASEO.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"

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The Type Initializer For 'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' Threw An Exception

Feb 9, 2011

an error throws up on the line:


it says "The type initializer for 'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' threw an exception."

Private Sub BtnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnLoad.Click
Dim Con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DbProvider As String


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System.TypeInitializationException: The Type Initializer For 'System.ServiceModel.ClientBase' 1' Threw An Exception

Dec 22, 2009

I'm using express 2008 build the windows app. and in the app, it calls a webservice which was built by VS2003.It works fine on most PCs. however, there is one PC, it always shows this error:

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.ServiceModel.ClientBase' 1' threw an exception
System.configuration.ConfigurationErrorException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException:
Unrecognized configuration section system.serviceModel

however, the configuration file was generated by express 2008, and it seems there is no error.

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VS 2008 Avoid "The Type Initializer For ... Threw An Exception"?

Feb 9, 2010

I just created this program 2 weeks ago, and stop doing for two weeks... before, it perfectly run and has no errors on all of my instance variable that i declared, though in is not finish...


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Typeinitializeexception - "The Type Initializer Threw An Exception"

Jan 27, 2012

I encountered this exception when I trying to load a certain page. It doesn't show me which line of code has problem, which makes me kind of dizzy now..What is a type initializer? What is it used for? and how can I troubleshoot this problem?

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Type Initializer Exception Only In .exe?

Nov 18, 2011

Exception Message happens when my splash screen shows: The type initializer for 'App_Name.GlobalThings' threw an exception GlobalThings is not a class, but just a module name (Module Globalthings). I get the error above at run time (.exe) but not during debug.Because I am brand new not only to visual studio and to visual basic, but also to programming, I have no how to figure out what is actually throwing this error since it occurs only at run time.

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Type Initializer Exception?

Oct 5, 2011

I've got a visual basic 2008 application that is giving me a type initializer exception when I run it in debug. The application is running on windows server 2008.There are some .dll files that are added as references and I have some global declarations files.When I run this on my PC (XP) the application runs. When I run it in the server environment, I get the exception.The details are: -[code].....Do I need to install something additonally to the server to get this running?

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Application Startup Failure - Type Initializer Exception

Nov 20, 2009

The application works fine on Vista but throws this error on Windows 7:
- The type initializer threw an exception.

This is the code that causes it:
Public UserName As String = String.Empty
UserName = Environment.UserName

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Statement That Threw An Exception In .net?

Aug 19, 2010

I usually do something like this:

Dim Attempts = 0


This is really bad looking for me, but i don't know of a better way of doing it.

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Way To Retry A Statement That Threw An Exception?

Feb 23, 2009

I usually do something like this:

Dim Attempts = 0


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Type Initializer Failed Error

May 14, 2010

I get this error:"the type initializer for MyProjectName.MyClassName threw an exception"..My program runs fine on my computer (the one it was developed on) but i get this error on other computers. All are using the same operating system, all have the same .net framework. the class thats giving the error is this:[code]

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Cast Array In Object Variable To Type In System.Type Variable?

Apr 14, 2010

I have this function:

Public Sub DoStuff(ByVal type as System.Type, ByVal value as Object)
End Sub

The 'value' argument is always an array of the same type as 'type'. How can I loop through the values of the array?

I'd like to be able to do something like this:

DoStuff(GetType(Integer), New Integer(){1,2,3})
Public Sub DoStuff(ByVal type as System.Type, ByVal value as Object)
//Strongly types arr as Integer()


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What Is Different Between Global Variable And Public Variable

Jul 15, 2010

What is Different between global variable and public variable?

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Override Global Message Exception?

Dec 4, 2009

I mean, can we global change default message error on system.exception

some how if we catch exception on try ussually i put messagebox.show(ex.message)and it show primary key error, and i want to change this primary key error to my own message like "data already in database"

but i dont want to put or change all my source code, since it will need a lot of times since there is many catch.

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C# - .NET Global Exception Handler In Console Application?

Jun 28, 2010

I want to define a global exception handler for unhandled exceptions in my console application. In asp.net, one can define one in global.asax, and in windows applications /services, one can define as below

AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyExceptionHandler);

But how can I define a global exception handler for a console application ?currentDomain seems not to work (.NET 2.0) ?

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General Exception Handling Without Global.asax File?

Mar 21, 2012

I was wondering if there was a way to catch all unhandled exceptions in a visual studio project. My project does not have any files named global or global.asax so I was wondering if there was some other way to catch any and all unhandled exceptions? So far I've tried to put exception handling around specific blocks of code, but it doesn't have any effect.

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Error - A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Exception' Occurred In Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Sep 2, 2009

I have a large project where we have 2-3 dll projects that are converted from VB6 to VB.NET. We have fixed all the issues that caused compilation errors, and most of obvious issues in running, so now we have basically a program up and running. The exe is created from scratch in VB.NET, using a lot of functionality from the converted dll's (including GUI forms). What I wonder is when I run the program in debug mode, I get a bunch of warnings in the "Immediate Window" saying:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

...and some of other type (but most of them in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll).I was wondering if this is common in projects converted from VB6, or if it is caused by bad design in our code...

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Orignial Exception Type Be Found In A Rethrown Generic Exception?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to catch a user defined permission exception - i.e. a user does something their level of system access won't allow, permission exception is thrown. My problem is, the exception is caught and then rethrown as a genertic System.Exception.Is there any way I can deduce the original exception type, without resorting to string comparisons, like if ex.ToString.Contains("Permission denied"

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When Catching A General Exception, How To Determine The Original Exception Type

Jan 11, 2010

When catching an exception in .net, you can have as many type-specific exception blocks as needed. But I usually try to have at least one "general" exception catch block. But is there a way to get the type of the "real" exception thrown that is caught by the generic exception handler, perhaps using reflection?For example, if I have

Catch ex As System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of InvalidUser)
ProcessModuleLoadException(Me, ex)
Catch ex As System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of SQLExceptions)


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Exception Handling In Winforms Application Using A Global Error Handler?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a Windows Form application that has a global error handler to display unexpected errors.

Namespace My
Class MyApplication
Delegate Sub ProcessParametersDelegate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args() As String)


1) for the same deployed code, I SOMETIMES get line number in the displayed StackTrace error message and sometimes do not, even when the error message includes source code that I have written rather than a referenced binary. The project is compiled with a DEBUG configuration.

2) The application strangely minimizes to the tray when the error occurs (I thin it is unlikely that anyone can diagnose this issue w/o my more code posted, but I'll mention it anyways)

3) When I try to intentionally raise an error by, for example, dividing by zero hoping to test by global error handler, I get a dialog error message from the interactive debugger rather than jumping into my global error handler (which i want to debug because there is more to it than I posted.) Do you have any idea how to triggerand force teh execution of the global event handler?

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