Unable To Open Project

Apr 19, 2008

I'm running windows vista. I get the upgrade for sp1 via windos auto updates. I then it adminstration by right clicking on the shortcut. I open up visual basic, I can't open my projects.I can click on the link, do it via file. None of the files will load up or open.

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VS 2010 Unable To Open A New Project?

Mar 22, 2010

Having just downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta, I decided to code from scratch a little project I coded under 2008 VB.Net and see how it goes. However, when I click on "New Project", select new Windows Form Application project and try to open it, I get the following error dialog box & msg:

"Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.Implementation.IVsGlobalUndoCapableUndoManager'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID'{305E8709-55B7-4732-B872-1C073AB58047}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."

Anybody have any ideas what's up here, or should I post this in a different area? I tried posting this in the Microsoft MSDN Visual Basic IDE Forum but so far I have not received a reply.

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Unable To Create Or Open A Project (Invalid URI Error)?

Jan 3, 2012

I am unable to create or open a project in Visual Studio. the error message is Invalid URI: The format of URI could not be determined.

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VS 2010 Renamed Form And Now Unable To Open The Project?

Jul 20, 2011

I have made the bad mistake of renaming FORM1 directly on the Solution explorer with the result of me unable to open the form in both designer and code.

The error is:

The Form1.vb does not exist. It may have been renamed, moved or deleted

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Error : Unable To Open Web Project 'ProjectName'. The File Path 'FilePath' Does Not Correspond To The URL 'ProjectURL'

Dec 4, 2009

I am getting the following error when trying to open a vb .net 1.0 project using VS2002."Unable to open Web project 'ProjectName'.The file path 'FilePath' does not correspond to the URL 'ProjectURL'. The two need to map to the same server location. HTTP 404: Object Not Found."I have tried ALL of the links that Google threw at me (on the first page) on searching on "unable to open web project the two need to map to the same server location" term.I get this error when trying to open an existing vb.net 1.0 project and also when creating a new one.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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Close Project And Open Another In Multi-Project Solutions?

Apr 11, 2012

I am developing a Multi-Project solution (A, B) in Visual Studio 2008.

I need to run a second project from the start up one and then the first project should be closed.

The matter is that I want to Exit the A.exe and kill the process and the dll that are depending on it. And then Run the B.exe.

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Open A Project Using A Command Button From Another Project?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a number of independent visual basic applications. Now I want to develop a window that will have command buttons to open each of the applications. How do I write the code in these buttons?

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Open Another Project From Within An Existing Project?

Jul 25, 2011

If there already is a thread for this, then appologies.I have a VB project which displays a message to the User and has a button they can click on to continiue.What i would like is for when the user clicks this continue button another VB app opens up All straight forward so far.The problem is that in the second app id like to open, i have a few different tab pages and id like to be able to open the second app on a specific tab page (Which is not the default when the app opens). Is this possible?

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FTP In Vb 2008 - Unable To Add The .dll To Project

Aug 12, 2008

I know that wininet allows for FTP functions and whatnot, but I'm unable to add the .dll to my project. I've downloaded the .dll, and when I go to add it as a reference in my project I get this error message: "Please make sure that the file is still accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component"

I know that I can use my.system.network to upload and download files from/to a server, but I want to be able to get all files and directories on a server, something I cannot do with that. Is there another way to do this that I haven't found?

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Unable To Deploy A VB Project

Oct 17, 2010

I have finished by killer app but it seems that I will have to go to a third party tool in order to create a deployment CD. My problem with both the 2005 version and the 2008 version is that the "Add New Project" window contains only the "Templates" panel. The "Project types" panel is missing from that window.I can see that I will have to do some hard work learning how to build a script for a third party deployment tool but I am very puzzled about why my "Add New Project" window is incomplete.I select << File/Add/New Project >> and it displays the incomplete window.[code]...

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Unable To Publish Project

Sep 19, 2006

I am trying to publish a project that is 100% working, so that people can use ClickOnce to install it.Despite the project building and running fine, I am unable to publish it. Here is a cut and paste of the error [code]...

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Asp.net - Unable To Access Resources In .net Web Project?

Mar 6, 2012

How do I access resources in a .Net Web Project. I created a web project and then in App_LocalResources folder added a resx file "AstroWap.resx". Now how do I access values from that. The property My.Resources itself is not available.

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Setup Project / Unable To Upgrade

Jul 10, 2009

I create my setup packages.I then run setup.exe and I go through the whole process.Only problem: My application doesn't actually update.I know, because when logging to a file, I write a string that I manually modify with 'version' information, prior to building the setup project.When I then run my application, this string is written to that file.Before the update and after the update, that version info is the same.If I then uninstall my application ( and then I must do this - remove the application folder ( that was previously created ), which was never removed during the uninstall ), and then re-run my setup, the version info is now correct.

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Unable To Launching Form Project?

Jan 16, 2012

Just after some quick advise. I have a console application that I've written, its basicly a script that uses arguments passed into it. I have also created a form application which creates pre defined links (.lnk) containing the arguments. I would like these to both be a part of the same exe. So if the are no arguments passed in.

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Unable To Make An Installer For Project?

Aug 17, 2009

I use VB 2008 express edition. I want to be able to make an installer for my project. If I run the executable file from the development computer, it works fine. When I try to install the program in other computer, it tries to download .net framework. Is there anyway to prevent this to happen? I have the .net framework installer in a CD.

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Unable To Publish Main Project

Aug 31, 2009

Since I'm unable to publish my main project, I've decided to start from scratch to see if I can locate the problem. I created a brand new project, just a simple form and dragged 4 controls onto it (a label, a button, a combo box and a checkbox). There is no code in any of the controls.I published this using Clickonce at url...(I'm aware people may not be happy clicking links). It's set to run only from the webpage. It runs fine on this PC, but on my friends PC and on my spare PC, it simply churns up a page of html error codes.

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Unable To Run VB 2003 Converted Project

Apr 15, 2009

This is project made in VB.NET 2003 Boutique Management System (BMS) - Visual Basic , VB.NET

I am able to convert it into VB.NET 2008 by Visual Studio 2008 but i'm not able to add the reference of "ButtonMacam2.ocx" after converting. When i add the ButtonMacam2.ocx file by 'Add Reference' error occurs.

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Unable To Run VB? 2003 Converted Project

Apr 15, 2009

I am able to convert it into VB.NET 2008 by Visual Studio 2008 but i'm not able to add the reference of "ButtonMacam2.ocx" after converting. When i add the ButtonMacam2.ocx file by 'Add Reference' error occurs.

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VS 2005 : Unable To Run A Simple Project?

Nov 11, 2009

Im a user of VB 2005. I had a problem with Simply run a project (Even Without any code in it). Indeed when i Creat a new project and i want to run and debug it (with F5). The information box show that cant debug. and because of that, the program may not run.The Message in information box is here (in Appendix).I try it with VB 2008 (But didnt work). After i Reinstall all of VB and Install again, but my problem existed even now.

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Asp.net - Unable To Open .pdf File In IE8

Feb 28, 2011

I've posted this question in asp.net web forum but no one replied.

I can't open "ONE" page of .pdf file using IE8 and give me an error message "the file is damaged and could not be repaired" when retrieved from SQL Server 2008, but more than one page I can open with no problem.

With Chrome I can open any number of .pdf pages.

The same page that I can't open using IE8 from DB, can be opened directly from hard disk using IE8.

My code in .asxh file:

context.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
Dim strm As Stream = ShowNewsImage(imgName)
If Not strm Is Nothing Then


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Unable To Open This Folder

Dec 6, 2009

How can i open this folder?


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Deployment :: Unable To Get Rid Of Project Reference / Dependency

Jun 22, 2009

I have a project that I am attempting to deploy. In my project I was using a SQL Express DB and after my first build I installed on my test PC only to find that it was going to make me install SQL Express which I defiantly do not want so I decided to scrap the DB.

I excluded the DB from the project, when into the project properties pages and removed all references to SQL and system.Data, Went into the code and removed all the "Imports" statements for SQL and Data and commented out all the SQL DB code. I then tried another build and had the same results. I started looking at the files and then I realized I did not change the app.config file. I went into it and deleted out the connection string entry. I built the project again only to have the same result. I cannot seem to see what could still be referencing SQL. Isn't commented code ignored?

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IDE :: Error While Trying To Run Project: Unable To Start Debugging

Nov 18, 2008

I am working with visual studio 2008, developing a simple windows form app. in VB. but a very weird situation has presented itself (at least I think its weird).When I try F5 or any other way to start the debugger I get this message:"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. This may bebecause the remote computer does not exist or a firewall may be preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Helpfor assistance."Needless to say, Help is Helpless.The weird thing about it is that this only appears if my computer is not connected to the home network and only in VB. When I try to debug on any other language it works fine, or if I connect to the network then VB debugs fine. I do not think I am using a remote debugger.

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Error 4 Unable To Open File

Mar 31, 2009

Error4Unable to open file 'D:ConstruContrWinAppConstruContrWinAppobjDebugConstruContrWinApp.Resources.resources': System Error &H80070020almunji

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Unable To Open A Website With Program

Mar 20, 2009

I have tried over 10 different ways, but have not been able to open a web site with Visual Studio. Is it possible?

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Unable To Open Data Source?

Dec 21, 2009

I have installed all of the patches and Hotfixes that I can find and truth be told, this is so enigmic that i dont know where to go to.I have been working on a project for a year and just recently I went to add a database (data source) and the Tab was gone. I thought I did something wrond so i went to Data -> Data Source and nothing happens. whats funny is that I cannot do what I want and add the datasource.

I also have VS 2005 installed (which I am forced to use) and here I have no problem.

Can anyone or does anyone have a simular problem and a resolution??I really would love to use all that is available in VS08 and not having to use a much older version...

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Unable To Open Internet Handle

Sep 30, 2009

I get the error "35750 unable to open internet handle" from a server running a Visual Basic 6 program using the Inet control to access a site. It used to work but now it stopped. What is causing this and how do I fix it?

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Unable To Open [Design] View

Apr 16, 2009

So there I was working on a project. I was putting the finishing touches on the GUI and clicked on the Image list I had added. VB froze up a moment, and when it came back I was on a code view of the form showing the properties I had just set up in the GUI. Suddenly, I can in no way view the form. I get a View code option, but no View designer. If I close out the project and open another, there it is "View Designer" right where I expect it. But in the project I was working on, it is just plain gone.

Is there something I am missing here? Can I recover my project?

If I run it in the debuger the whole form shows perfectly, I just can't get to it to edit it.

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