Update Every Startup, Week, 2 Weeks, Month Or Never?

Aug 29, 2010

How can I have options (checkboxes) in my application to automatically update every startup, every week, every 2 weeks, every month or never?

Just showing a messagebox every time period would be great for an example.

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Finding Week Of The Month?

May 10, 2009

A month consistof weeks and i want to find out which week of the current month.

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Getting Records By Month And Week?

May 31, 2012

I just want to clarify my select statement if correct to get records from my table. Please see below

List for products 3 months before Expire genReportExpires("SELECT * FROM t_products WHERE f_expire < #" & Date.Now & "# - Interval 3 month ")List of products 2 months before ExpiregenReportExpires("SELECT * FROM t_products WHERE f_expire < #" & Date.Now & "# - Interval 2 month ")List of products 1 month before Expire
genReportExpires("SELECT * FROM t_products WHERE f_expire < #" & Date.Now & "# - Interval 1 month ")
List of products 1 week before Expire genReportExpires("SELECT * FROM t_products WHERE f_expire < #" & Date.Now & "# - Interval 1 week ")

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Calculate Week Number In One Month?

Dec 8, 2006

How can we calculate week number in one month.I am bit confused about caliculating this week number in one month.for example if we take today date 8/12/2006.Now we are in which week ? 2nd or first week (in december month)Our zone is united kingdom..

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Find The Week Number In A Month?

Mar 4, 2012

How can i find the week number in a month.

A month can have 5 weeks, i need to know in which week i am.

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Find Week Of Month Number?

Mar 1, 2010

I am trying to determine how to take a date and show what the week number is for that month. So 3/1/10 will be week 1, 3/16/10 will be week 3 and 3/30/10 will be week 5. I know how to get the week of the year number just not week of the month.

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Function That Alert When One Month/week Has Passed?

Jun 7, 2011

I need a 2 functions:

1)the first that alert me when one month is passed ex: 25 december 2011 - 25 january 2012

2)the second that alert me when one week is passed ex: 25 december 2011 - 1 january 2012

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Get Day Of Week, Month, Year In Numbers But Not In String?

Dec 31, 2011

i am looking for some tip to format a datetime stamp to format Saturday, December 31, 2011. I am able to get day of week, month, year in numbers but not in string. I can create arrays for days,month but i don't want to use lots of memory, if theres a function i can use it.

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Get Difference Between Two Dates In Year/Month/Week/Day?

Nov 29, 2011

How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day?

I have a problem with the difference between two dates. I need the out put in 0 YEAR, 0 MONTHS, 0 DAYS LEFTm e.g.:


With dateDiff function or using anything else it is not pos

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Change Date Format - Month Part Is Not Showing The Month Of The Exact Month

Jun 22, 2009

I changed the date of datetimepicker format to yyyy-mm-dd in custom format...but it displays 2009-00-22...the month part is not showing the month of the exact month..how to change the format of the date?

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Calculate The Start And End Date Of A Week Given The Week Number And Year In C# (based On The ISO Specification)?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to generate a report that shows the 52 weeks of a year (or 53 weeks as some years have) and their start and end dates. There is an ISO spec to do this but seems awfully complicated! Im hoping someone knows of a way to do it in C# or Visual Basic (its actually for Visual Basic 6 but I will try port it across)

View 7 Replies

C# - Group By Week Of Year (Week Number) In Linq To SQL

Aug 6, 2010

In regular SQL i could do something like


How can i do that in Linq to SQL ?

The following don't work

From F In DB.T Group R By DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, F.Date)

Also don't work:

From F In DB.T Group R By (F.Date.DayOfYear / 7)

View 4 Replies

Colour Or Highlight Certain Weeks In A Calendar Control?

Jun 12, 2009

is there anyway you can colour or highlight certian weeks in a calender control. for example i'd like to display the years calender and highlight all dates of holiday. the dates to be passed in code. just a general 'is this possible?' i know i've seen it on web sites when booking a hotel room the hightlighted days are full or empty, that kind of thing.

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VS 2008 - Writing New Date To Label Every Four Weeks?

Aug 11, 2009

How do I approach this? I'm wondering how I could write a new date to a label every four weeks. If I establish a start date, saved somewhere, I need the label to say 'Your next payment is due on: (a Friday, every four weeks ahead). Is there some way to use the date time picker using date difference? I would like this to continue updating so it shows a new payment date every fourth Friday. My difficulty is that the calculation is 13 payments a year, not 12 so I cannot just pick the same date each month.

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Retrieve The Current Weeks Dates From A DateTimePicker Control?

Jul 5, 2011

I am wanting to retrieve the current weeks dates from a DateTimePicker control.

Eg, if i select Tuesday July 5, 2011, i will return the following dates: Sun July 3 2011 right through to Sat 9 2011

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DateToString() Gives Day/Month/Year When Converting To Date It Switches The Day And Month?

Aug 11, 2010

Currently i have a ReturnSystemDate in a module, so that whenever i need the current date and time i call this method, however my data is saving as in 1 format and displaying in another. I have my variables set up as dateTime to store the current date and time, when calling System.dateTime.now.toString() i get 11/08/2010 Time, however when casting to Date as in CDATE() i get 08/11/2010 time. How can i stop this?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Game To Tick Over Month By Month At A Set Interval

Dec 19, 2009

I want my game to tick over month by month at a set interval. I would use the timer control to get the interval. But how can I pause it? Say if one "month" is 5 minutes in my game and user hits pause. I would disable the timer but then when they unpause the game the timer would start from 0 again. This would make a "month" 9 minutes if a user paused the game in the 4th minute.


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Hide Form On Startup If App Occurred Because Of Windows Startup?

Jun 20, 2010

I can hide my startup form (or make it appear hidden) on startup. I can start my app on windows startup--through registry values--if the user checks a checkbox.

But if the app starts up on windows startup, I want the form to be hidden, so the program can just keep working without bothering anyone. If it starts up because the user started it, I want the form to be showing, because the user probably wants to change some settings or something.

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Make An Application To Startup At The System Startup?

Mar 4, 2010

How to make an Application to startup at the system startup? and How to enable and disable?

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List Of Datetime From First Day Of The Month To Last Day Of The Month?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a problem in trying to get a list of a date including days in a table start from first day of the month to the last day of the month. This date should not include the satuday and sunday. and I should be able to pick up those date for query match.


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Function That Would Return True If Date Provided Was Payday / Date Of Next Few Weeks Paydays

Nov 21, 2011

I need a function that would return true if the date provided was a payday or date of next few weeks paydays.Paydays are every 14 days on a Friday (not twice a month).I tried several attempts, but don't have a clue where to start, except that the function needs a reference date to calculate from. [code]

View 16 Replies

Using Month Calendar - User To Enter A Bill And Pick The Due Date Via Month Calendar?

May 5, 2010

I'm developing a finance software and I want the user to enter a bill and pick the due date via month calendar. I getting it to work was the easy part, but now I only want one month calendar, for each time a user enters in a bill and picks a date.every time the user goes to pick a due date I have to call one of the several I have on screen.Here is my code that I have so far:Add due date button:


The month calender:


.TxtDueDate3.Text = MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.Start.Date.ToShortDateString()Me.TxtDueDate3.Text
= MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.End.Date.ToShortDateString()[code].....

View 1 Replies

VS 2005 - Filter From Month To Month With Year In 2005 Access Database?

Jul 23, 2009

how to do select statement range from month to month using access database.. previously i use this code below when i'm using to selection those between day's or a week activities.. now, how to do range from month to month... the month format is numeric or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 (jan.-dec.) representing month the ttmmonth and ttmyear fields are numeric format also in the database... how to do? look here my code for displaying week activities...


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Application Not Starting Wit New Startup Form After Deleted The Previous Startup Form?

Nov 11, 2009

i deleted my previous start up form to be replaced by another one but each time i launch the application,the deleted start up form is still displayed.i dont know from where this deleted start up form is being loaded.

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How To Get Name From Day Of Week

Jun 8, 2011

how to get the name from dayofweek? [code]

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Day Of Week Calculator?

Mar 30, 2012

Sorry in advance. I emailed myself my coding since I don't have vb on my personal computer. Sooo, the format is going to be off. But my program allows the computer to generate a random date. The user has to guess what day of the week the random date lands on. I have written the whole code. It all works except when user checks his/her answer. The answer always comes up as incorrect. Here is the coding:


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Find The First Day Of The Week?

Jan 21, 2010

So I can't figure out how to find the first day of the week. I also need it in a format like ("yyyyMMdd")

Right now I only have it telling me its Sunday. I need the exact date.

Dim FDW As Date
FDW = WeekdayName(1, FirstDayOfWeek.System)

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Get Day Of Week From A Date?

Jun 1, 2011

I need a function that will give me the day of the week for any date...and possible assign the day of the week to a string...

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Getting The First Day Of The Week Then The Date Of That Day?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm having some trouble getting the first day of the current week, then getting the date of that day.

Public NotInheritable Class FirstDayOfWeekUtility
Private Sub New()
End Sub


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Set +1 To An Integer Each Week?

Oct 14, 2011

I have a ComboBox where I select which day of the week I want it to update. And each week at that day, at a predefined time as well I want it to add 1 to an integer. I want it to continue doing this until I stop it. When I close the program I want it to do a check on start up if it has past that set date and time, if it has it should add 1 to the integer again, if 2 weeks have past I want it to add 2 to the integer.

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