Upgrade Form To Make Changes Permanent

Mar 30, 2011

I have a product upgrade system that is somewhat primitive, but will work for my needs. Basically, it consist of a form with 2 labels, 1 textbox, and a button.The first step is to purchase an upgrade key in which the user will purchase through a source such as paypal. Basically, in my example the key for testing is "upgrade". After that, the form does some changes and forces the user to type the generated GUID and shows a msgbox saying that the update is saved. What I want to happen is allow such and such elements to be permanently visible for the user after they update successfully and that the update remembers that the user has upgraded.Summarizing, I basically want to make it where once the whole upgrade process is complete, the user can permanently show the extra upgraded features and that the upgrade is remembered.[code]

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Upgrade Form To Make Changes Permanent?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a product upgrade system that is somewhat primitive, but will work for my needs.asically, it consist of a form with 2 labels, 1 textbox, and a button.The first step is to purchase an upgrade key in which the user will purchase through a source such as paypal.Basically, in my example the key for testing is "upgrade". After that, the form does some changes and forces the user to type the generated GUID and shows a msgbox saying that the update is saved. What I want to happen is allow such and such elements to be permanently visible for the user after they update successfully and that the update remembers that the user has upgraded.

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IDE :: Make Changes In Database Permanent?

Jul 24, 2009

What is the code in VB2008 so that when you open up a form for the first time, the system prompts you with a Dialog (windows style) that asks you where the database is located? How do you make changes in the database permanent? [code]I tried updating code but as soon as I exit, I go back to square one?

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Make A Quiz Result Permanent?

Mar 31, 2009

The Quiz is timed. Its result is in "m:s" format. How to make this result permanent, i.e. when the game is restarted the results would still be there?[cod]e...

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Put Permanent Cap Locks On A Form?

May 6, 2011

Put permanent Cap Locks on a Form?

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Want To Make Text Based RPG Game Will 'upgrade' As Programming Knowledge Grows

Dec 12, 2011

Well this is a re-post now as nobody replied in the gaming section, and i believe this question could go as a normal VB question, therefore I'm asking in this category instead.I have decided to pick up on programming and want to make a text based RPG Game i will "upgrade" as my programming knowledge grows.I got some ideas that i think i should use, but i want you guys' opinions on it.I assume I'll use different classes for each monster, which will have properties.Should those monsters then be inside a list of all possible monsters, or would i have a monster class which i would use and generate the enemies when needed? And would i use the same approach on items and character stats?

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Resizing Form After Upgrade?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a windows forms program that I upgraded from VB 2005 to VB2010. When the program was on VB 2005 the form would resize to any monitor resolution. But since I upgraded the program to VB 2010 some of my controls are off the screen when I run my program on a 1024 x 768 screen resolution. Why is it doing that?

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Redirect Permanent In ASP.Net 4.0

Jan 27, 2012

Explaining what is Redirect Permanent in ASP.Net 4.0?

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Enable (permanent) DEP In Program?

Sep 27, 2011

I would like to enable (permanent) DEP in my program, does anyone know which line(s) of code I need to insert ?

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Add Permanent User Control To Toolbox?

Apr 13, 2009

I know how to get a user control into the toolbox, but is there a way to get it to be part of vb.NET's startup as a permanent control? In other words, if I start vb.NET and begin a new project, it would be nice that the custom control is already available without having to load its dll each time I start a new project.

View 3 Replies

Add Permanent Value To Label Using Textbox And Button?

Jan 30, 2012

I have a label, a button and a textbox.I want to add to the label the value of the textbox label.text = button but permanent so when I close and reopen the application the value still be in the label.For example I open the App and add a value in the textbox like 123 and hit the button, now the label = 123.

Close and reopen the App and Label still = 123 .

Note: The value is a secrete key (label visible = false) so I cannot place the value in a txt or xml.

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Tab Control - Temporary And Permanent Addresses

Apr 15, 2010

Window Application in vb : I have a tab control (Tab 1 for temporary address & Tab 2 permanent address) and a checkbox. After entering the Temporary address. User will switch to Tab 2 (Permanent address Tab) there if both Temporary & Permanent Addresses are same then simply he can click Checkbox. As soon as the Checkbox is clicked I want the texboxes available in Tab 2 to be filled with data available in the corresponding textboxes in Tab 1. And should be visible to the user.

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Store Permanent Variable In Windows Application?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm making a windows form application using vb.net and have an options page where I need to allow users to enter a few settings, these need to be stored somewhere on the machine so that they can be found again if the program closes

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Master Details Table Upgrade In Form - Employee Table And Employee_Permission Options(Yes/No/Override/Never)

Dec 7, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. I made one preject using Employee table and Employee_Permission Options(Yes/No/Override/Never). I want to both table in form detail view most using combo box. if I used Employee detail view and Employee_Permission Datagridview than its work fine to add/edit/update but if table Employee_permission I used detailview (all Combobox) than I can not add/edit/update records. I can add only employee but can not add record in employee_pemission. I have relationship with two table EmpID in both table Primery key with auto increase in Employee table.

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Assign Value To A Variable In An Application At Runtime Through A Text File And Then Set That Value To Permanent?

Mar 13, 2012

sir, i have no idea how the code will look, but i want it to assign a value after reading from a text file and then store it for further use even if the text file is not there, but without using any external storage like registry, disk, ram. It should store the value in itself and do like this:-

dim variable1, variable2 as string
if file.exists("text.txt")
read the text


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How Is Upgrade To SQL

Feb 13, 2009

I have written an address book and for its database, I used Access to create a .mdb database and store my data programmatically into this .mdb file.However, the problem is that when reading and saving data to this kind of database I have to use Jet 4.0 which is NOT available on 64-bit systems and I have to compile my application as 32-bit in order to run on all systems.I just want to know how is upgrade to SQL?I never used SQL, can I create a stand-alone database file using SQL like Access and create tables/fields so I can modify it programmatically?I also need the database file to be independent and don't need any special requirements to run on target systems, like the .mdb file I've created in Access!

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.net - VB6 Code Upgrade?

Apr 20, 2012

Possible Duplicate: Best Strategy for moving from VB6 to .NET Conversion tool comparisons for visual basic 6.0 Is there a good tool anyone can recommend to convert a commercial VB6 application into a VB.NET application. I have discovered some free ones and some commercial one's, but can't find any reviews and opinions of developers who have tried and failed or tried and succeeded.

What are the complexities involved? I know that .NET uses managed code and multi threaded apartments etc whereas VB6 is based on COM.

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NullReferenceException In .NET After Upgrade To 4.0?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a VB.NET solution that I just upgraded. It was originally in .NET 1.1, I upgraded to .NET 2.0 and verified that it would build and run correctly. Then I upgraded from 2.0 to 4.0. It is still building with no errors, but when I try to run I am getting a NullReferenceException in Global.asax.vb. The really weird thing is, the line that is throwing the exception is this:

Dim dt As System.Data.DataTable I am not trying to use the variable, just declare it. Further down a Function is called that returns a DataTable and sets the variable, but I don't even get to that line. It is throwing the NullReferenceException on the Dim line. Has anyone run across this before? Is this some issue with upgrading?


I did a Rebuild Solution before posting. This is a web application and the only files I see in the bin folder are the dll files I am referencing. I'm not sure what else I should clean up.

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Upgrade With VB6.TwipsToPixelsY

Jan 17, 2011


So if VB6.TwipsToPixelsY is no longer any good. What do I use now?

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Upgrade A .NET 2.0 Website To 3.5?

Sep 14, 2009

My website is VB.NET 2.0. I already opened a it in VS2k8 and told it not to upgrade. Now I want to upgrade, how do I trigger it? All the posts say 'just open it in 2k8 and it will prompt you'. Well I did, and it did, and I didn't want to yet. Now I cant get it to come up.

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Upgrade My App To Vbulletin?

Oct 9, 2011

I bought a script vbulletin for install it in my forum, now I have a discuzx forum on [url]...forum.php but I don't like this script. I trying to change my app from discuzx to vbulletin, I using this app for send pms to my members. The application is almost finished. only the last thing I need is that I can not fill the message. I still I have no forum installed and I am testing my app with another forum and I can not insert the message.[code]...

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Upgrade The VB6 Code?

Dec 8, 2008

I'm having trouble upgrading this vb6 code to vb.net.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function FloodFill Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crcolor As Long) As Long
Private Type Point


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.net - Upgrade Software From VisualBasic 5 To 8?

Jan 23, 2012

I've given a VisualBasic Software, written in VB5. Now the whole thing should run under Windows 7, so it needs to be converted to VB8 or VB9. It seems that most of the API of VB changed a lot in these years, so for me it seems quite impossible to run just a few code upgrades and everything is fine...

The biggest Problem are Forms. There are a lot of Forms in this Software, which are declared inside .frm files and begin always like this:


It seems for me that this Stuff was generated with an UI-Layouter, so none self written code is in there.Is it possible to run this code in VB8/9 or even rewrite it that VB8/9 understands it? I'm currently very pesimistic and think that the whole software needs to rewritten...

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.net - Upgrade VB6 To .net NewIndex & OLE1?

Feb 4, 2011

I am trying to get my conversion fixed from a VB6 application over to a VB.net 2010 application. Everything went well but for a few sleeted listbox NewIndex and OLE control.

Below are the trouble lines that could not seem to be converted:

VB6.SetItemData(lstARCurrent, lstARCurrent.NewIndex, (.Fields("approval_s").Value))

If anyone has any incite to correct this issue then that would be great as i have not found a way around these errors!

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Control The Upgrade Through A Program?

Dec 15, 2010

I've written a VB.Net program and it's deployed all across the U.S. When I make changes or bug fixes and want to get a new version out to my clients, I'm wondering if there is an automated way of upgrading the clients. I cannot use Click-Once deployment, I have over 7,000 users and want to control the upgrade through a program. Is there a tool in the toolbox for automating this process?

In VB6, I used the INet control, is there an equivelent to this in .Net?

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Mdb Error Due To Office Upgrade?

Sep 28, 2011

I have been supporting vb.net application which worked fine with office 2003 but when one of my client upgraded to the office 2007.then we got a error like this after a bit of research ,i found that

"One possibility is that the file is corrupt (Access databases have a tendency to do that -- see

Article #2190 for a way to compact / repair the database through code). A more common reason is that you are trying to connect to an Access 97 database with Access 2000 or better drivers, or vice-versa. Make sure the server has the most recent MDAC (MDAC Download Page) and the most recent JET drivers (see Article #2342). Also, try upgrading your database to a more recent format (Access 2000 or better)."

may be my case is similar.the applicattion is working fine with the other users ,only the user who upgraded to office has got the problem.

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Upgrade 6.0 To Program 2010?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a vb 6.0 program which has .dsr forms. How do I upgrade these forms?

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Upgrade A Code I Wrote In 6.0 To VB?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to upgrade a code i wrote in vb6.0 to vb.net aw do i go abt it

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Upgrade And Power Packs?

Nov 16, 2009

I got a new laptop friday, it has windows 7 and its a 64 bit system. I installed visual studio 08. everything was fine until I opened one of my projects.Seems like the powerpacks drawing items no longer exist, there is only a pointer and reort viewer in the group now and all of the items that I have used in the past are keep my app from running.

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Upgrade From Anoher Table?

Feb 6, 2012

I am trying to update one database table base on another table. all rows are updating but first row is not updating.[code]...

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