Usage Of Property - Incorporate Classes To Work Style?

Mar 22, 2010

So far I only see Property being used as a means of validation in my learning material. I think maybe that's because it might be an easy way to demonstrate its usage. But isn't validation done with some kind of vb validation or on change event? Or do we use property in those events? I want to duplicate those techniques where applicable so I can get better and be more on the same page as the more advanced programmers. I'm working on incorporating classes to my work style. I see that I'm doing lots of repetitive type coding in projects that I want to put in a class. So Property keeps popping up during the learning curve. But I don't want to code Property in a mis-used way just for the sake of using it.

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.net - Static Property And Lock Usage

Mar 27, 2009

Is this code correct or is there any possibility of some random threading deadlocks etc?

Is it a good idea to use static properties and locking together? Or is static property thread-safe anyway?

Private Shared _CompiledRegExes As List(Of Regex)
Private Shared Regexes() As String = {"test1.Regex", "test2.Regex"}
Private Shared RegExSetupLock As New Object


If it's not obvious code is compiling regexes and storing in a List(Of Regex) so they can run faster. And it's shared so every instance of class can get benefit out of it.

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.net - Re-apply The Style Without Rebinding Or Manually Setting Each DataGridItem's BackColor Property?

Jun 21, 2011

We have an ItemCommand that makes a DataGridItem invisible. This is breaking the alternating color scheme that we have applied. Is there a way to re-apply the style without rebinding or manually setting each DataGridItem's BackColor property?

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.net - Use Readonly Property Across Multiple Classes?

Jun 7, 2011

I have created a read-only property(name) in class1. How can I use this name property in class2?

Public Class Class1
ReadOnly Property name() As String

Can I directly carry this name variable value into class2?

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Partial Classes - Add A Control Or Change A Property At Design-time

Mar 26, 2008

In my never ending search for more knowledge, I have come across Partial Classes. I was wondering if some of the kind people who actually understand the uses could explain some of them to me. Now I know that when we create a form that we actually create a partial class which the generator rewrites when we add a control or change a property at design-time, and this allows us not to have to worry about setting up the controls ourselves.


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Class Property Usage - Unable To Retrieve A Variable From On Class

Nov 14, 2009

I have three class files, accounts.vb and transactions.vb in addition to my form.vb. I am unable to retrieve a member variable from on class from inside the other. When the combobox index changes, the program loads the correct account (checking or saving) from two different sequential files. I don't think I have the calcBalance procedure in the correct class file. And that is what I am having trouble with. Accessing it to display it. [Code]

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Handle Property Mappings To Other Domain Classes That Aren't Yet Mapped With NHibernate?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm working on a project to replace ADO.NET data access logic using NHibernate where we're not able to map the entire domain model at once. This means we'll have domain classes with property mappings to other domain classes that aren't yet mapped with NHibernate.

Consider a Person class with an Address property (Address being a domain object without an NH mapping and Person being the class I'm mapping). How can I include Address in the Person mapping without creating an entire mapping for Address? Is it possible to call legacy (ADO.NET) data access logic from a custom PropertyAccessor? If so, is it reasonable?

*I asked this within another question here but didn't get a response. I'm hoping to get one in a more concise question.

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MaskedTextBox Property Does Not Work?

Jan 27, 2012

MaskedTextBox Property does not work

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Get The Current Number Of Usage Days, Unique Usage Days, Etc In An Evaluation License Using CryptoLicensing Generator?

Jan 25, 2010

Get the current number of usage days, unique usage days, etc in an evaluation license using CryptoLicensing Generator.

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Set Property Values With WMI But It Doesn't Work

Jan 16, 2009

I need to set property values with WMI but it doesn't work. For example:

obj = New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objMgmt In obj.Get
objMgmt("description") = value

That is supposed to set the computer description but it has no effects at all (and doesn't produce any exceptions). I can successfully retrieve value but I can't set it. The "description" property is supposed to be read and write, according to MS.

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Change The Native Scrollbar Style In Application To Custom Style?

Mar 23, 2011

how i can change the native scrollbar style in my application to my custom style. I can adopt a custom scrollbar to attain this purpose but this will not serve my purpose because i want this attribute in entire application. Like it the text in textbox gets longer than its bounds than the scrollbar appers are my custom bar not the formal ones

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BackgroundWorker IsBusy Property Seems To Not Work Properly?

Dec 2, 2009

I'm using the IsBusy property to determine when a backgroundworker has completed. In the RunWorkerCompleted event I assing the result of the RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs to a public variable within the module where the backgroundworker events reside. The trouble is, the IsBusy property occasionally becomes true before the public variable gets assigned the value of the RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs. I experimented with putting a Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) after the IsBusy property becomes true and it seems to fix the problem. But it really doesn't seem right that I should have to do this. What is wrong here? I have placed the backgroundworker events in a component that is instantiated from the windows form, instead of placing the background worker events within the code of the form itself.

Here is my code;

Function SendAndWait(ByVal IntegerArray() As Integer) As String
Do While Component.BackgroundWorker.IsBusy


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Combobox Formatstring Property Doesn't Work

Jan 19, 2012

I have a form created in It is used to get some information form a user. The form is not bound to any data source.A combobox on this form is used to enter a cost. I want the value entered by the user to be displayed using currency format. I have used the Format String Dialog that opens from the ellipses button on the FormatString property of the combobox and selected Currency. This put C2 into the FormatString property.When I run my application, this format is not applied to the value entered into the combobox at the time the number is entered or when I leave the combobox.

View 1 Replies Combobox Formatstring Property Doesn't Work

Feb 15, 2012

I have a form created in It is used to get some information form a user. The form is not bound to any data source.

A combobox on this form is used to enter a cost. I want the value entered by the user to be displayed using currency format. I have used the Format String Dialog that opens from the ellipses button on the FormatString property of the combobox and selected Currency. This put C2 into the FormatString property.

When I run my application, this format is not applied to the value entered into the combobox at the time the number is entered or when I leave the combobox.

What am I missing?

View 1 Replies (back To Original Style)?

Apr 12, 2010

I set the cell style progromatically on a condition.. but when that condition is no longer met I want to go back to the grids.cell original (default) style property

if x=y then


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Forms - Combobox Formatstring Property Doesn't Work

Jan 19, 2012

I have a form created in It is used to get some information form a user. The form is not bound to any data source.

A combobox on this form is used to enter a cost. I want the value entered by the user to be displayed using currency format. I have used the Format String Dialog that opens from the ellipses button on the FormatString property of the combobox and selected Currency. This put C2 into the FormatString property.

When I run my application, this format is not applied to the value entered into the combobox at the time the number is entered or when I leave the combobox.

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Text Property On A User Control Doesn't Work?

Feb 24, 2012

I created a simple user control with a label, and one property that allows me to set its text.I can call the property Text2 and everything works well, but if I call it Text it doesn't work.

I tried both this:
Public Overrides Property Text As String


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Why The Rowfilter Property Does Not Work If There Is An Apostrophe In Present In The String

Feb 3, 2010

why the rowfilter property does not work if there is an apostrophe in present in the string. For e.g. , tempdat.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Mystring = '" & st & "'" the above does not work if st="mystrings's" under the column header Mystring.

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Class Property Access - Setup MyClass To Work Both Ways?

May 7, 2010

I can't seem to find the correct words to search for an answer. I'm using VS 2010 so I have auto-implemented properties.I have a class and I want to access the properties by a string.

Public Class MyClass
Property Prop1 As String
Property Prop2 As String[code].....

But, I also want to be able to access the variables something like this way....

Dim MyVar = New MyClass
MyVar.Items("Prop1") = "Prop1 Value"
MyVar.Items("Prop2") = "Prop2 Vaule"

How can I setup MyClass to work both ways?

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Class Collection Property - Method - Allow For An Employee To Be Assigned More Than One Work Location

Jun 17, 2011

I am experimenting with a transition from my application built in VB6 to I know, about time. At the same time, i am making changes and improving upon the original. One area that I am working on is within my employee class. very standard class, nothing fancy. One change I want to make though is allow for an employee to be assigned more than one work location. Employee has (is assigned) Stores. In reading about collections, it appears they are different in .net (as they should be), but I don't know what the sytax changes will be to implement my changes.

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C# - A Style That Activates Depending On Another Style?

Dec 24, 2010

I am trying to make a style that only gets applied if the parent element of the element that the style refers to, has another specific style. Kind of like in CSS where you can do ".class1 .class2" to specify that the "class2" theme only applies if it is within an element with the class "class1". I do not wish to use any form of external DLLs or libraries for this task. I want to know if it's possible to implement on my own.

I've tried using MultiTriggers with no luck. I have a style that applies to all TextBlocks. I want the textblock to do the following: If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "PinnedSuggestion", set the foreground color to "#FF505050". If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "Suggestion", set the foreground color to "#FFCCCCCC". The conditions that I have tried to write to make this work, are as follows (the font-size condition is true, but the other one is not). The conditions are inside a style that applies to all textblocks in general.


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Use LINQ To Filter Collection Of Nested Classes To Yield Dictionary Of Unique Properties Of Those Classes?

Jan 23, 2012

I have two classes, one nested in the other. [code]Neither "Name" or "ID" are unique between operations and records.I wish to construct a dictionary using LINQ = Dictionary(Of String, Of List(Of Integer), whereby the keys are uniqe examples of Names in my collection and the values are the collective set of distinct IDs that are associated with those names.

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VS 2010 Structure Classes So That The User Interfaces Though A Single Class While The Supporting Classes Are Hidden From Their View?

Jun 13, 2012

How can I structure my classes so that the user interfaces though a single class while the supporting classes are hidden from their view? I think its best understood in an example:

Public Class MyInterface
Public Economic as EconomicClass
Public Sub New()


So you might ask why am I even separating them? It's strictly for others who will be working with this interface. I need to funnel them though a logical structure:


This way everything is already handled for them in the background and they only need to run the method they need. I don't know if I can have it both ways in VB.NET.

View 23 Replies

VS 2010 Calling Subs And Functions Within Classes That Are Within Classes?

Oct 24, 2009

Here is some example code of what I mean:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as Object, e as systemEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Change The Button Style And Button Text Style On Mouse Rollover?

Mar 7, 2009

I am creating an application and am very new to VB. I have 4 buttons on my form which is like my applications main menu. I would like that each of the buttons behaves in the following way when there is a mouse rollover: The Button back color is changed from the default to Red The Button text is changed to Blue, Bold, and increases in font size I would also like all the buttons to go back to their initial state when the mouse leaves.

Another thing, instead of me writing code for each of the buttons event handlers (Mouse Hovers, and Mouse Leaves) is there a way I can write this code once, maybe as a function and then always call it for any button that I create from here on so that any new buttons take on this behaviour.

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C# - Incorporate VB Script Editor In Win App?

Apr 23, 2011

I created a Script Editor in a Windows Application using a RichTextbox and Regex for adding the colors for the coding. However it is not close to the Real VB editor. Is there some real good examples out there of how to build one or some free downloads?

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How To Incorporate The Spreadsheet Into A VS 2008

Jun 22, 2010

I particularly like the Publish facility within VS 2008 (VB). What I actually want to do is use the same facility for a Spreadsheet. I.E. I have a Spreadsheet with a chunk of VBA code behind it.

Is there anyway to incorporate the spreadsheet into a VS 2008 VB project so that I can use the "Publish" facility to distribute updated versions of the spreadsheet from a web page (As created by the Publish Wizzard)

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Incorporate A Progress Bar Into My Code?

Apr 13, 2010

I am looking to incorporate a progress bar into my project to assure my fellow workers that the program is continuing to run after the process has been started. I have looked here[url].If someone could include the progress bar into my code posted below,[code]...

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Incorporate A Spreadsheet Or Array?

Jun 11, 2011

This seems like it should be easy. I have an Excel file that has the information I need, but I don't want to need Excel to run my program. I need to be able to package that information with the VB code. I'm using VS 2010.

I know how to write a program to read Excel and put information into an array, but can I turn that information into something my next program can read independently of the original spreadsheet. This isn't something I have time to input by hand.

I'll try to explain this one more time so that it's clear as mud. I need to be able to incorporate an Excel spreadsheet or VBA code into a VB program so that it becomes independant of MS Office and/or (because it'd be nice to know how to do both) read information from the Excel spreadsheet and then save that array for use in a later program thereby removing the influence of Excel completely.

Finally, I'll explain my program and desired function so that somebody might be able to interperet my desperate ranting. I am writing a program that will require properties of steam to calculate boiler performance. I have found an example of the properties I need [URL] or I might be able to find other sources. I now need to roll that information into my own program.

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Incorporate Chat Into Project?

Dec 10, 2010

I currently have two projects that are working fine alone. One is a simple chat program (found on forums) and the other is a client tool for my clients to use. I want to add a button to my client tool that executes the chat. When I try to add the chat code to my client project I get errors and understanding some of the issues. I know that some of it is that there is a form in the chat with buttons for connecting to the server and then a button to start the chat but I want to make it "one" button from my program that is "chat" and it connects and opens the chat form.


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