Use VB Code To Autologin Various Websites?

Dec 23, 2008

Issue: Can't find a way to utilize process.start to enable automatic login to various websites.Program: A simple window form application with a desired module/form to store user passwords and websites and launch a login from the form (a very basic "password manager" and launch) Side-issue: Data storage (Not yet explored because of inability to solve main issue) , would like to use text file to store System.Security.SecureString data-type.

Narrative: I'm really new to all of this but not lazy or unwilling to do the work. Two and-half months of no less than 14 hours per day reading and applying myself to VB language and VS IDE. Been able to solve all my own problems thus far with help of Web or my $600 library investment, and have a working app that I've been able to deploy. However, neither of these assets seems to hold answer for this problem, and unlike others I've encountered, I can't find a work-around.

Potential Answers: It seems that answers may lie within an HTML/XML/JS/AJAX get/post route, but this is an entire new area of study/research that I hope to avoid if there is indeed an answer utilizing Process.Start. There also seems to be a potential to solve my problem using ASP.NET, or using System.Windows.Browser and HTMLElementCollection (for the last I've only found snippets of code that utilize My.Settings.UserName, & My.Settings.Password, and it is unclear to me if these settings reflect the login to user machine or to actual desired site).

My Hope: (which may be forlorn) is that there is a simple explanation on how to plug a value in to the last parameter of Process. Start ---"Domain". I'm assuming Domain is not what I would normally interpret to be the root of a website, but is instead particular to user machine. I've found no good examples, other than a hint of using System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager, and statements that old VBCode made access easy.

My Assumption: I'm thinking this is another area where my newbie status has made me a believer there's a solution within my grasp before I found the answer but after I made a commitment. VS2008 fooled me in a similar manner in three other areas thus far, the PrintDialog control duped me into thinking printing was an easy process, HelpProvider control had me totlally convinced that Help installation was a snap, and OneClick deceived me into believing deployment was oh so simple.

Process.Start may be another place I've been had, but if you speak pretty good newbie Anyway, here's the small bit of code I've been playing with but without luck (Win32 exception, parameters are incorrect:)


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Put Together Some Code To Login To One Of Websites

Feb 23, 2009

I have put together some code to login to one of my websites [code] The problem is when i display the sites source code it still shows the source of the login page, rather than the page you goto once you login

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Translate Part Of A Code Using The Websites?

Dec 18, 2011

Ive been trying to translate part of a code using this websites : http:[url]...

But I could not make it work specially this part :

bw.DoWork += delegate(object sender2, DoWorkEventArgs e2)
lastImageUploadDetails = uploader.UploadImage(txtFilePath.Text, resizeWidth, resizeHeight);

View 2 Replies

Pull Data From A Websites HTML Soruce Code And Use It In A VB Windows Form?

Nov 13, 2009

the "text", such as that you would find in a forum, and use it in a Visual Basic Windows Form.Everything in bold is finishedGrab theHTML source of a web page and store it into a string variable.Next I need to search that string variable for two HTML syntax, and place the text between them into another string variable

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Web Autologin With Popup Page

Feb 19, 2011

I'm creating an application which retrived files from a protected web page. When connecting to the page, the login page popsup and cannot seem to pass the information to the boxes.[CODE...]

How to store cookies in vb so that I don't need to send the credentials everytime I retrive a file?

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Click Button On Webbrowser(autologin)?

Jan 3, 2010

I've managed to fill in the username and password with the necessary details but I can't seem to click the submit button.

This method works on all other sites I've tried, but not this one. The button name is submit (Tryed all from source and looped through the input elements which it can't be found on there).

Might it be on another form or is it somthing to do with JS?


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Webkit Autologin Not Working Using Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")

Aug 21, 2011

I really need to get this autologin script working with Webkit 0.5 in Visual Basic: It is intended to run on [URL] Somehow it doesn't seem to work as I cannot


Any solutions? It worked quite similar with the usual Webbrowser, hence I hoped one of you might be able to edit the code or even create a new one!

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ASP.NET - Interaction With Other Websites?

Jun 30, 2010

I was wondering if it is even possible to interact with other websites using my own.Here is the scenario: Lets say I have a Lockerz account, which is a place where you do daily tasks to earn points. Once a month you can redeem those points to get prizes such as an ipod, macbook, or other items. I know that sounds rediculous, but stay with me.

For someone to gain membership to this website they must be invited by a member. So I get your email address then log in to my account, then send you an invite from there.What I want to do is create a website where a user enters their email into a textbox and presses a submit button. From there the program, behind the scenes, sends my login information, and the users email address to lockerz and sends the invite. All without ever leaving my site.I have worked with ASP.NET with VB codebehind for a while now, so I understand the basics of that. I am just wondering if what i want to do is even possible.

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Get A Websites Icon

Aug 4, 2010

have dragged out a "webbrowser from toolbox.

how to get a websites icon like msdn have this blue thingy.

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Get A Websites IP Address?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a console application for getting a local IP address. I want to be able to get the application to get the IP addresses of websites aswell.

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Get Websites Keywords?

May 19, 2009

Get web sites keywords

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Reading Websites With .net?

Mar 8, 2010

I do quite a bit of copying and pasting into spreadsheets right now and then use the data with to update my databases. I have figured out how to read a website within using the following code:


The problem is that this reads all of the HTML tags as well. Ideally what I want to do is get rid of all of the unnecessary information such as ads and table headers, but want to preserve all of the data so that I can update my DBs with the click on a button. Is this possible? I have heard I may need to use Regular Expressions, but am confused how they'd work in my problem.

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Uploading Pictures To Websites?

Jan 14, 2011

I just can't seem to figure out how to automatically upload a picture to myspace, facebook, any of the social sites in .NET. I always have to do it manually through my web browser control. There just isn't any code out there to help me with this process that I can find.Does anyone have an example of an automated picture upload to a social website?

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.net Websites - Got A Masterpage File ?

Jun 8, 2011

I am posting this on behalf of a mate so repose from me might be delayed.



Never had to really touch a .NET website before and come accross a little problem and sifting through the massives of crap on google is proving tricky.

Got a masterpage file that contains this:


View 4 Replies - Logging In Simultaneously In Two Websites?

Aug 17, 2011

I have two websites "WEBSITE 1" and "WEBSITE 2" i want that when someone logs in to "WEBSITE 1" he does not have to log in to "WEBSITE 2" and vice when he/she logs in to any one of he websites and opens the other one simultaneously he/she does not have to login to the other one.For eg :- when you are logged in in do not have to log in in youtube or orkut or google+

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Block Websites With Program?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm Trying to make a Program that Blocks / unblocks websites.[code]...

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Blocking Websites With Browser

Sep 9, 2010

I wish to block websites in a browser, where the blocked websites are stored in my.settings.blockedwebs (which is a collections. specialized. stringcollection). I let the user input the blocked website into a textbox in form1, and the add website to the stringcollection button has the following code:[code]

View 15 Replies

Download The Data From Certain Websites?

Feb 20, 2012

I need to download certain sites, client informationit is a phone book that would be automatically taken to the download by clicking

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Getting Viewed Websites From Registry?

Jan 8, 2009

I am looking to get a list of websiets viewed from the registry. I think the code below is fine but how do i populate a combobox with the typedurls it finds. I have tried myself but i still get blank in the combobox

Imports System
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Program To Block Websites

Feb 6, 2011

i am making a program that you should be able to block websites with. and i want the program to block the websites that is inside a text file or something, so the user can change the website that should be blocked.

View 9 Replies

What Are Some Good Websites For .NET Tutorials?

Mar 15, 2012

Does anyone have any good .NET Tutorials? What are some good websites for .NET Tutorials? Sorry if this is in the wrong section. I don't know enough about .NET to ask in the right section.

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.net 2008 Show Visited Websites?

Nov 13, 2011

I would like to be able to show all the websites visited on a machine.

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Access Websites Through Authentication From A Program?

Nov 17, 2009

I want to write a program, which if you provide username and password, will go thru the authentication of a specific website, and then jump to a specified section.

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Copy N Paste Text From Websites?

Jul 23, 2009

How can I copy text from web sites... lets say you're looking for a line of text...

You type the text you want in tb...and it searches on the link you provided?

Dim GainText as new
Dim TheLink as string = textbox1.text ' and then show all the txt in richtextbox...or if none found then msgbox

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Extract Data From Websites With Program?

Sep 4, 2009

I find no male in a forum the idea of extracting data from websites using java or php but the idea is to do with VB.NET

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Get Combobox To Display The Websites Visited?

Feb 27, 2009

im trying to get my combobox to display the web sites visited

my code so far is


Which does not work

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Make A Program That Will Log Into Various Websites In Firefox?

May 5, 2012

I need to make a program that will log into various websites in firefox. I have done this using the webbrowser control. But now I need to do it using Firefox. I have looked into HTTPWebRequests but with that it seems that you are just pretending to be a web browser. I actually need the page to load and log in in firefox. Considered just bundling a load of sendkeys in but that is very un-professional.

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Prevent Webbrowser From Navigating To Websites?

Sep 2, 2011

I am working with to making a form that prevents the web broswer on windows internet explorer from navigating to certian pages. The code can't just work on internet explorer because I could make a program with a web browser that navigates. It has to prevent the web browser itself from navigating.

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Reading Websites Without The HTML Tags?

Mar 4, 2010

I was just trying to play around with reading websites and have the following Quote:


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Use A WebBrowser Control To Get Values From Websites?

Mar 26, 2010

I need get several values from a HTML Page on a WebBrowser Control. How can I get those values in a TextBox?

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