User Friendly Error Reporting In Vb Applications?

Mar 8, 2012

I have created a vb application connected to MS Database. I have used try..catch statements to trap exceptions and display messages on the error found, but the problem is that these messages are too technical for the end users to understand. Is there a way of retrieving the error number or code of that exceptions thrown so that i can customize the message for the users?

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Returning A User Friendly Error Message To Client / From A Web Service

Oct 27, 2010

I need to return an error message to the client, if they have entered invalid data when calling my web service. So if my code is: [code]Is there a way to display a more user friendly error message (such as a message box or just the words "Invalid Order ID")?

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Error Reporting In Applications?

Jul 18, 2010

It may be a weird question but it's there a possibility to send an e-mail after an pplication has crashed?

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Most User Friendly Way To Send Email Programmically

Jul 6, 2009

After researching all the possible ways of sending the output of my program to an email address, I have yet to settle on the most user friendly way to go about this.I have created a form for a property management company I work for. I would like to send the output to a designated email address by a click of a button.Now given that the average user that will be using this software may not be necessarily tech savvy, I would like to make it do this as simply as possible and that means not having to know the smtp. Also considering that the user may not be on their terminal when using this software, using outlook to send the output may not be the best way to go about this. I have tried adding a webbrowser control and sending the email via html but I am not sure if that is the most logical way to do this.

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DB/Reporting :: Open Source ETL Applications Written In Either Vb Or C#?

Apr 27, 2008

Does anyone know of any open source ETL applications written in either vb or c#?I am looking for some or all the features below:

* Read text files and have the ability to split files.
* Suppress records for failing validation rules.
* Transform values.
* Output the resulting data source to either one or many files and or database tables.


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DataAdapter Useful For Multi-user Applications?

Jan 24, 2011

i need an app that can download a table from the db, and when he click a button, i want to update the db with his "offline copy".

Problem is When i use DataAdapter.Update, it doesn't update all the rows. Now this is a problem, because even if his "offline copy" thinks that row 1 is "unedited", some other user may have edited row 1. so regardless of row state, i need to so called "replace" the entire "offline copy" with the database when the user clicks the button in a "last click overrides all" situation

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Package A Web User Control (.ascx) In A DLL For Use In Other Applications?

Jul 25, 2010

I have developed a paging control that I would like to use in a variety of applications, both C# and VB.NET.I'd like to package the entire thing, markup and all, into a DLL which I can add as a reference from my other applications' bin folders. If this is not possible, or is a very bad idea, what is the recommended method for deploying a web user control amongst multiple applications?(I like how easy it is to utilize Ajax Toolkit controls from a single DLL, although I'm not sure if those are custom controls or web user controls)

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Running VB Dotnet Applications With User Privileges?

May 17, 2009

I am running a client-server application and am having problems with privileges (I assume). The application is developed using 2005 Express. The Client is running Win XP Home whilst the server is running Win 2003. When the user on the client has Admin rights on the local machine, everything is OK; however when the user has only User rights, an error occurs: VB will not run.

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Install A Font On A User's Machine So Applications Like Word Can Use It?

Jan 18, 2011

Need to install a font on all user's machines that will use the application I am writing which creates custom documents in Word. It's a barcode font.I've successfully added the font to my solution and set its build action to Embedded Resource and have also successfully written code to check if the font is already installed on the user's system.

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Capicom Error Won't Let Publish Applications?

Apr 17, 2011

i get this error when i try to publish my application.I downloaded CAPICOM and copied the CAPICOM.dll but nothing happened

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VS 2010 Get Com Port Number By Friendly Name?

Feb 11, 2012

an application working with a modem through usb virtual port,on every different computer it gives different COM port numbers so I have to guess it. How to get COM port number by friendly name like in Windows Device Manager if i know GUID, PID & VID of device. Does anybody have a code snippet?

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DB/Reporting :: Error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

Jan 25, 2011

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified.

This error is doing my head in.I have a client running Windows XP SP3 logged into a domain. It is running MS VB 2010 Express to access the server.I have a Server called dataserver3 which from the client, I can do a start, run "\Dataserver3" and it comes up and yes I can browse to the Test.mdf file, which is a new database that was created using MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard edition.


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.net - Error Viewing ASP.NET Applications After Installing IIS7.5?

Jun 5, 2009

I get the following error when I try to access a application on my local machine.HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070021


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.Net Friendly, Local, Key-value Pair, Replicatable Datastore?

May 24, 2010

Needs to be a component of some sort. No additional installation needed.The datastore needs to be on the local hard drive.I am using VB.Net for a desktop app running Windows XP through 7 so it needs to callable by that environment.It needs to replicatable. If I have four copies of my app running on the network, each local copy of the datastore needs to replicate with the others. As close to real time as possible.

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C# - StringReader Or Memory Stream Which Is Resource Friendly?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a module which will be responsible for parsing CSV data received from different user via a website interface, and I have to parse that CSV. I was considering to use, TextFieldParser for it.

But before I could implement I was considering what shall be a better approach...

Generating MemoryStream from data received,
or initialising a StringReader from the same input string.

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Robust And Friendly Command Line Tools For .NET?

May 10, 2009

Forget fancy shmancy web stuff. I'm looking for a good .NET CLI argument processing utility, prefer open source code. This is for quick and dirty utilities that need robust and friendly command line argument handling.These are utilities with maybe a day of effort in them. Investing a few days writing good command line handling seems overkill but they really need it.Features I like in command line handlers. I'd be thrilled with any open source project that had 2 or 3 of the following.A consistent syntax, posix had a nice command line standard, but not necessarily posix.Ability to provide short names for agruments. E.g. "msbuild /t" == "msbuild /target".It supports good command line parsing then gets out of the way. I want some that my code uses, not something that imposes a pattern on my code e.g. I don't want to have to respond to the presence of an arg with an event, that type of thing. Seperation of concerns is good enough that it's logic can be unit tested. Oh - is it two much to ask for it to read attributes off a class properties (as in .NET configuration classes)? I like the config file overrides in msbuild. I can set properties in a build file, but override on the command line. Built in "show usage". WSF files (csript.exe) have this functionality. I'm not willing to write jscript to get the command line handling though.Not powershell. I can't find anyone in my company who can stand Powershell syntax.

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Syntax Error When Converting One Of Applications From C# By Hand(No Program Used)?

Jul 10, 2010

I have made a smtp client in c# and I use this code to split a string that contains multiple recipients.

foreach (var n in txtSendTo.Text.Split(';'))


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VS 2010 Error With Applications Reference Required To Assembly

Oct 27, 2009

im building an application i started it in VB 2008 and i upgraded to VB 2010

then i made some mods and tryed to run the application and then

i get this error

Error2Reference required to assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' containing the type 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'. Add one to your project.C:UsersAdminDesktop


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Dynamic Page Based On Querystring With Friendly Urls

Mar 10, 2011

Essentially what I want to do is have a few pages that act as templates for data. If a url is url... I want to query a friendly url field for "/home" which would return url...

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Capture Streamreader Output And Return Friendly Message

Feb 8, 2010

Im using a function to set an option on a web page - I'm trying to capture the return message (Which is "ok" or an error), I want to cature "ok" and return a friendly message, otherwise return the actual message. This If Then Else seems to be false for the If even when "ok" is returned:


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Current Date/time In File Friendly Format?

Jun 3, 2011

My current program is reading a XML doc and using it then moving it to a different directory to be archived once it is finished using the xml.

I want to be able (upon completion) move and rename the file to a new folder, I want the folder to be the current date/time as well.

So basically have 4/4/2011 9:56AM.xml in the folder 4/4/2011 9:56AM.

getting the function DateTime.Now in a format that can be saved. Folders and files cannot contain the " / " or " : "

A more Sql server type of date would be fine like 24-Jun-89 13:32:22 but I don't know how to get something like that.

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Trap Errors And Display Friendly Messages To Users

Oct 20, 2010

I like to user custom errors in my site. The Idea is to trap errors and display friendly meaningful messages to users. The real error details (line number, Page ...) will sent to me by e-mail. I am programming in VB.NET. Until now every code that i found about this say's that i must use the global.asax for it. I do not like to use global.asax, I just like to make an error page that will sent me a -email with all the error details. Until now, I go to the web.config file and insert this line:

<customErrors defaultRedirect="test.aspx" mode="On"></customErrors>
test.aspx looks like this:
Sub Page_Error(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
Dim ctxOBJ As HttpContext
Dim exceptionOBJ As Exception
Dim errorInfoTXT As String
[Code] ....
When here is an error in some page its redirect me to test.aspx but not showing any error.

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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DB/Reporting :: User Defined Searches?

Apr 23, 2009

Im using a simple access database with only 2 tables and I creadted a form with a datagrid to show all data inside the tables, and now i want to create search buttons for each field of the table . like, "seach by Name", Seach by date" etc... i tried to use the simple code


Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim cod As String
cod = InputBox("Type the Id to search: ", "Search By ID")
If cod <> " " Then


My biggest problem now is that this code works very well to search by id (which is my table primary key), but now i want to search by other fields and this code only allows to search by primary key! Is there any way to use something similar to this code to search by other fields?

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DB/Reporting :: (vb 2008) Log A User In Using A Login Form?

Jul 17, 2008

i am trying to log a user in using a login form. i have my connection to my database and there and it connects just fine but it will only read the first row. here is my code.

Dim ConnString As String = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};;Option=131072;Stmt=;Database=elemental_battle; User=****;Password=*****;"
Dim objConn As New OdbcConnection(ConnString)


there are two entries in the database. the first username and password are bagstoper and 1a2b3c4 the second is bagstoper2 and 1a2b3c4d. when i test it with the first username and password it works but when i try the second it doesnt work.

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DB/Reporting :: Allow User To Back-up And Restore Database?

Apr 25, 2010

I am using 2003. I am working on a stand alone windows program that stores data in an Access database via via MS jet 4.0 OLEDb. I have progressed to the point that I would now like to provide the end user the oportunity to back-up the data they have stored and re-install if they choose. I am envisioning a menu item for "maintenance" with sub-items for "back-up" and "restore"

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DB/Reporting :: Cannot Connect To Database From User's Computer

Feb 29, 2012

I created an executable file of an application done in VB Express 2010 which connects to a Access 2010 database. When installling the executable file at one of the user's computer, the file is installed correctly, but it fail's when trying to connect to the database. It says that Microsoft Dataengine cannot open the database. The user's computer doesn't have Access installed, does it need to be installed? or can I install a framework or application to avoid installing Access at the user's computer?

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DB/Reporting :: Database For Multi-user Application

Jan 28, 2011

i just want some opinnion or suggestions regarding database softwares. we are going to develop a system for 20 or less users, i am planning to use MYSQL community server as our database to lessen the budget for that system, i just want to know if it is ok to use that there a big differece between mysql community server, enterprise server and MS SQL Server in terms of handling data i.e security, speed, etc...

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView - Insert New Row Entered By User?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a datagridview and, I know I am a bit weird, but when believe it or not, when a user enters a new row I want to insert that row in the database. And even weirder, when a user changes a row in my datagridview I want to update (imagine that) the database.

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DB/Reporting :: Login/ User System - Best Option?

May 16, 2011

I'm creating an app like a CRM ( Costumer Relationship Managment ) for a school but I have some questions I'd like to be answered.

It will have a main user ( Administrator ) and that user can create another users to access the app. The app will work locally and I would like to know a method to save that information @ localhost without being acessible to edit or view by other users.

Im thinking in a Access DB with all info and then make all information needed. But how to secure it without anyone else could access it or modify id? An encryption method would be the best way?

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