Uses Of Reflection - Advantages / Disadvantages?

Apr 22, 2009

I wanted to gain knowledge about the following params.
1. Use of Reflection?
2. What is the advantage of reflection?
3. What is the disadvantage of reflection?

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.net - Advantages / Disadvantages Of Using C# In The Workplace?

Jun 27, 2012

At a colleague's workplace, a decision is trying to be made about whether to use both languages in the workplace or to standardize on one? There are some VB.Net developers and some C# developers. What advantages or disadvantages would there be to using both or to using one? Edit: To clarify this question, the question is not asking the advantages of one over the other, rather what are the advantages/disadvantage of standardizing on both languages versus standardizing on one. For instance, one point could be that C#/VB.Net may have more third party tools available and hence it may make sense to standardize all developers on that language.

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What Is The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Public Interface In A ClassLibrary

Jun 21, 2011

What is the advantages and disadvantages of using Public Interface in a ClassLibrary?

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.net - Advantages And Disadvantages Of Including PDB Files With Release Application

May 13, 2010

I've got a application. Currently the release version of the application is produced without a PDB file. This gives me error logs lacking useful details such as line numbers. I'm looking at including the PDB files with future builds but i'd like to know what the advantages and disadvantages of this are (performance wise, size wise, code security wise)

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Disadvantages Of CallbyName Function In .NET?

Aug 12, 2009

Are there any disadvantages in performance by using the CallByName function in VB.NET? Is there any better way to do the call by Name in .NET 2.0 onwards.

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Disadvantages Of Using Properties Only With No Corresponding Fields In .NET?

Jul 3, 2009

I have classes which have automatic properties only like public customerName {get; set;}. They are public because they are accessed outside the class. They can also be accessed inside the class. They offer good encapsulation and better debugging. I can put a breakpoint on one if I need to know who is accessing it and when.My question is what are the disadvantages of using properties only with no corresponding fields? I can make the setter or getter private, internal.. etc which means I also have flexibility of scoping it when needed.

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Advantages Of OOP In .NET?

Apr 17, 2010

What's the basic Advantages of OOP in VB.NET?

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.net - Principal Advantages Of C# ?

Apr 18, 2011

What are the most important functional differences between C# and VB.NET?

C#'s edge over VB

I'm programming in because I'd former experience in VB 6.0 and I've familiar with its syntax. I know that C# is preferred by the biggest part of .net programmers. I know that C performance had superior performance against many other languages, but there is a good advantage in the same .net framework? There is a quite good reason for advicing me if should I migrate right now from VB to C#?

View 2 Replies - Advantages Of Not Specifying Control IDs?

Jan 22, 2012

Reading over TRULY UNDERSTANDING VIEWSTATE the author suggests:


What advantages could one gain by not specifying control IDs? My quick searching didn't turn anything up.

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VS 2010 - Advantages Of Migrate From VB 6 To .NET

Jan 10, 2012

I have some questions: 1) What's the learning curve for someone with good background in VB6? 2) what are the main advantages of VB.Net compared to VB6 and what will I be missing from VB6? 3) With VB.NET 2010 "ultimate" edition is it possible to make stand alone apps or they will be depending on net anyway even for the EXEs?

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What Are The True Advantages Of Using #Region

Jun 25, 2010

What are the true advantages of using #Region?

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What's The Advantages Of VB Programming Language

May 3, 2010

I want to learn programming, many people in website say visual basic is a good start. What's the advantages of it? As i know, there are a lot of people use c# in china, but few people use visual basic, why? Any great book to learn it?

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Advantages Of .net Over Vb6 For CRUD Application Development?

Dec 13, 2009

What are the improvements in compared to vb6 that make developing such an application easier?

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Advantages To Using The .NET Like Operator Versus A RegEx?

Jul 19, 2010

Other than perhaps enhanced readability for very simple patterns, why would someone choose to use the Like operator in VB.NET over regular expressions for string pattern matching? Are there any advantages?

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Windows - What Are The Advantages Of Using Bonjour In A Program

Oct 19, 2010

What are the advantages of using Bonjour in a program (, is it even possible? Couldn't I get the same end result using just what I program?

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FAQ Describing Its True Advantages In VB Application Design?

Jul 7, 2011

I simply leave the GUID text blank in Properties/ Application. Can someone give the advantages of using the GUID? I have done a few searches on Google and VBFORUMS but have not found a FAQ describing its true advantages in VB Application design.

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Advantages Of Property Keyword Over Using A Private Field With Getters And Setters?

May 21, 2011

In VB.NET, what are the advantages of using the Property keyword rather than:[code]Coming from Java I tend to use this style rather than Property...End Property - is there any reason not to?

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Advantages Of Protected Modifiers In Console Application In Visual Basic?

Feb 15, 2010

Any advantages of protected modifiers in console application in Visual Basic .NET

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C# - What Are The Advantages To Wrapping System Objects (File, ServiceController, Etc) Using The Adapter Pattern Versus Detouring For Unit Testing?

Feb 9, 2011

Consider the following method that stops a service:

Public Function StopService(ByVal serviceName As String, ByVal timeoutMilliseconds As Double) As Boolean
Dim service As New ServiceController(serviceName)
Dim timeout As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds)


I agree that for domain model code that using the "traditional" unit testing approach makes the most sense as this would lead to a design that is easiest to maintain. However, for code that deals with the .net implementation of Windows API related stuff (file system, services, etc), is there really an advantage to going thru the extra work to get "traditionally" testable code?

It's hard for me to see the disadvantages of using Microsoft Moles for things such as ServiceController (or the File object). I really don't see any advantage of doing the traditional approach in this case.

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What Are The Advantages Of The "Using" Keyword Other Than Showing The Coder When The Object Goes Out Of Scope

May 31, 2012

Using 2008.I have used the "Using" keyword before in C# with objects that implement iDisposable.Can you use that keyword in also? What are the advantages of the "Using" keyword other than showing the coder when the object goes out of scope.I am under the impression that the "Dispose()" function is called at the IL level when you use "Using" instead of, for examplel, calling the Dispose() in the .net code.

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How To Use Reflection On COM Object

Sep 23, 2011

I'm wondering if there's a way to use Reflection to inspect properties of a COM object? GetType() doesn't want to return the actual type.

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Use Reflection To Get At All Variables?

Aug 25, 2009

I have been trying to use reflection to get at all variables I have in classes. I have a bunch of classes and they all use private fields, with public properties to access these private variables.I have used the method Type.getFields() to get to all the public fields, but it doesnt return anything. It seems to completely ignore properties. If I add some test public variables as normal, it picks these up, however I was hoping to keep using the public properties in these classes.

Is there anyway to force the Type.getFields() to pick up on public properties? I see it has some binding flags, and one for getProperty, however it doesnt seem to work.


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Using LINQ With Reflection?

Aug 4, 2010

I am trying to build a test app to test my objects. I want it to get all the classes/modules from a project/exe/dll then display the methods and allow them to be invoked. I can get a list from the running project, a dll or exe. But I am having trouble filtering.


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.net - Using Reflection In C# To Try And Access My.Resources

Nov 10, 2011

I have inherited a large project written in a mixture of C# and VB.Net

The project involves many separate assemblies.

There are hundreds (or thousands) of resources (png files) that have been inserted into the project using the VB My.Resources functionality that I would like to access from some C# code, in a different assembly.

Microsoft has a KB article about this. It includes some sample code, but I can't get it to work (and I can't quite follow the code).

// Gets a reference to the same assembly that
// contains the type that is creating the ResourceManager.
System.Reflection.Assembly myAssembly;


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.net - Using Reflection In C# To Try And Access Resources?

Jan 28, 2009

.net - Using reflection in C# to try and access My.Resources

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.Net Use Reflection To Define OfType

May 27, 2009

I am using System.Reflection to load a type that I cannot otherwise load during design time. I need to pull all controls within a collection of this type, however, i the OfType command doesn't seem to like the reflection Syntax. here is "close to" what I got.

Dim ControlType As Type = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly( _
GetType(MyAssembly.MyControl)) _
Dim Matches as List(Of Control) = MyBaseControl.Controls.OfType(Of ControlType)

So that code is bogus, it doesn't work, but you get the idea of what I am trying to do. So is there a way to use reflection and get all of the controls that are of that type?

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C# - Get Object Function Using Reflection?

Jul 19, 2011

I know how to get the properties using reflection but how would you get the function name and type of a property:

For Example: Combobox.Items.Add

I would like to get the info. for "Add" with reflection. Is this possible in .Net?

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C# - Performing An Audit Using Reflection?

Nov 11, 2010

I would like to perform an audit as part of a unit test that uses reflection to verify some assumptions, the basic-psuedo code for this would be as follows:


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Generic DAL Avoiding Reflection?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm working on a new DAL for my latest project. As the performance is essential I'm avoiding late binding/reflection as much as possible. One central part is the DAL function for populating Business Objects.One class is called in order to connect to the database with the given SQL (stored procedures can't be used in this environment) and the given Business Object or List is populated. As different Business Object types will be populated by the same function I made an Interface that all of the Business Objects implements with the Sub called "Fill". The question is - will reflection be used in this scenario? My thought was as I'm "describing" the objects trought the interface the compiler doesn't need to use Reflection.


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Get Event Parameters Via Reflection

Apr 15, 2009

I can't work out how to get the parameter types for an event.For instance, I can only see using a MethodInfo to get parameters, but I have either an EventInfo or a FieldInfo.What I want is to be able to get 'Boolean' from this:Public Event EventName(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal value As Boolean)I could theoretically try something like GetRaiseMethod() but that won't work (because that method returns null as per this link) and even if it did it would require a method binding first and this is meant to be for a test suite just confirming that the event has a certain typed parameter at initialisation.

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