Using Inputbox As Password Entry?

Apr 21, 2006

i have been asked to make a form password entry but cant use a text box as it's opened from an MDI parent form so no main screen to speak of as such, my problem is at current the password works fine as shown below its basic stuff.

If InputBox("Please Enter Administration Password." _
, "Password Entry", "") = "trafficlight" Then
'Close current frmMDIChild and set the new form


i want the input box to mask the characters been entered i know i could create my own input box and call that but is there a way to use the Default inputbox to mask the character input maybe watch the key presses saving input to a variable and displaying the asterix in its place? or am i overthinking it and there is a very easy solution like an inputbox that already masks input by a user.

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Password Characters - Get A Textbox Being Using For Password Entry To Display The Black Circle

Feb 10, 2009

How do you get a textbox being using for password entry to display the black circle that you often see in web forms, on the iphone etc etc?

I can change the PasswordChar property to an asterisk no problem and even copying and pasting symbols inserted into Word seemed to work - just couldn't find a symbol that looked like a bullet point!

Can this actually be achieved for a standalone exe, or is it something unique to web forms? Surely copying and pasting symbols from Word isn't actually the answer?

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Accepting Password Characters For InputBox Function?

Sep 18, 2010

Is their anyway to have the inputbox function reflect a password character while typing in a value instead of regular characters?

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Password Entry In Form That Only Opens Once

Mar 19, 2010

I need to create a program that requires password entry. I was thinking of having a form that the user uses to set the password that only opens once (unless a button on the main form is clicked to reset the password.) once the password has been set, the form closes and another opens to enter the password and for each and every time the program is run. Another thing is that if the password has been entered wrong 3 times, the program gives a message box and closes on the ok button.

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DB/Reporting :: Add Data-entry Capability To My App Using Password-protection User-access

Mar 8, 2009

I'm presently creating an application which uses Access2007 as the database. No problem there. But Since most use Excel for data-entry, i've created two tables in access linked to excel source file. Any change in excel will reflect in Access database and subsequently in my Application . Until now my application only reads the database and displays records in DataGridView. These records, i then export to excel along with other formatting for direct printing as a report as I have no idea how to make report. Now i want to add data-entry capability to my app using password-protection user-access. So i can directly add new record to source file. Also need to know if There's any way of eliminating Access from the picture entirely....

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FLAG And InputBox - Display An InputBox For Each Word?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an assignment that asks me to:

1. create a button
2. when that button is clicked, an inputBox will appear to ask the user how many words they will enter.
3. then display an inputBox for each word.

For example, when the first inputBox appears, I enter "3" (meaning that I will enter 3 words).Then there should be 3 more inputBox (each inputBox allows me to enter only 1 word)After I enter the third word, there will be no more inputBox.How can we FLAG (stop) the inputBox, or let the inputBox know when to stop showing up?

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Adding Subclassed Password Recovery Control To Page Causes "An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists." Error?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to subclass the password recovery control in (4) so that I can override the behaviour of the OnVerifyingUser event but I'm having trouble adding my subclassed password recovery control into the page. I tried creating an asp:placeholder control and adding a new instance of my subclassed control to it but I just get an error that says "An entry with the same key already exists". I've tried doing this in the page_init and page_load methods but get the same error.

Here's an example of my subclass
Partial Class MyPasswordReminder
Inherits PasswordRecovery


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Password Loop Textbox - Code Works To Read The Entry Data And To Recognise The Correct Data, And The Incorrect

Apr 16, 2012


That code works to read the entry data and to recognise the correct data, and the incorrect. However, even if entry is correct, the error msgbox will appear (x times of how many records there are in file), despite being navigated to the menu. Anyway that the Else isn't triggered when data is correct. Also for it to appear just one instead of (x times of how many records there are in file.)

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InputBox - Code To "read" Commands That Are Placed From The Inputbox?

Mar 9, 2011

Quick question on the InputBox. I am just learning this, what is the code to "read" commands that are placed from the Inputbox? I can do this in the command line: System.Console.Writeline(), System.console.Readline()

I just would like to know how read the line from the inputbox. Also when I debug my script do I -always- need to have the command prompt in the background?

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Forms :: Auto-Detect BarCode Scan Entry OR Manual Entry - Cash Register?

Sep 8, 2009

i am pulling together a cash register that will allow both bar code product entry and manual key entry.imagine if you have a tin of beans in front of you, in a small corner shop they would probably type "47" and then hit "Produce". Fairly straight forward as I have the button Produce to act upon my code and update my salestrans.mdb but,if you scan the bar code I want the same form to handle both 'real' actions, (i assume that keyboard emulation barcode scanner includes "ENTER" after providing 13 digits)....

Q. in perhaps a long winded way i want to know how to kick off an event based on the "ENTER" key being activiated by the barcode scanner)?i do not want to have to hit any buttons if i am scanning bar codes.

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Code For Ignoring The Case Of An Entry While Checking To See If The Entry Is Correct Or Not?

Nov 4, 2011

What is the code for ignoring the case of an entry while checking to see if the entry is correct or not... (i.e. in a flashcard program... given definition, asks for the name) I don't want the case of a character to affect whether the answer is correct or not.

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Communications :: Differentiating Bar Code Entry To Keyboard Entry?

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to make a program with a bar code reader for the first time. I am programming with VB 2005. I want to differentiate a bar code entry to keyboard entry. My questions:

1. Does bar code reader generate a keydown (or keypress) event for each of the digits of the entry? For example, if the barcode read: 1234567890, does that mean that there will be 10 keydown (or keypress) events for that single barcode that was read?

2. I have read from the posts that the best way to differentiating keyboard vs bar code input is to analyse the time between keystroke (for less than certain number of milliseconds).

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Differentiating Bar Code Entry To Keyboard Entry?

Jul 11, 2009

I am trying to make a program with a bar code reader for the first time. I want to differentiate a bar code entry to keyboard entry. My questions: 1. Does bar code reader generate a keydown (or keypress) event for each of the digits of the entry? For example, if the barcode read: 1234567890, does that mean that there will be 10 keydown (or keypress) events for that single barcode that was read?

2. I have read from the posts that the best way to differentiating keyboard vs bar code input is to analyse the time between keystroke (for less than certain number of milliseconds).

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Checking AD Password - Create A Password Change Form For My Company's Vendors

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this:

1 - User enters invalid current password
2 - New passwords do not match
3 - User's account is locked
4 - User cannot authenticate because password is expired

It's case 4 that I'm struggling with, because their is no way for me to take the password the user entered and verify it against active directory without getting an error.

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Membership ChangePassword (hashed) Match Current Password Against Old Password Field

Jun 1, 2011

I am implementing a system where the user can Reset their password if they have forgotten it.Once it is reset I want to give them the option of changing the password so that it will be something more memorable to them.The password is hashed and if i enter in the correct old password and new password the password does change.If I enter in the wrong old password and new password the password doesnt change.Is there a way to match the old password with the old password field in code behind so I can throw up an error to the user to tell them what is wrong? [code]

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Pass Password If Excell Sheet Have Password And Enable Macro?

Jul 25, 2011

I read and write the cells from excell sheet sucessfully. now please i need a advise on the following

1. Where i save the file? at the time of project publishing it include also with the project?

2. how i check file exits or not?

3. How i pass the password if excell sheet have password and enable macro?

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Password Implementation - Program To Start With A Prompt That Asks For A Password

Apr 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a CRM project in I want the program to start with a prompt that asks for a password and if the user enters the correct password then the main form loads.Im having some problems wrapping my mind around this...

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Create A Simple Password Box That Will Ask The User For A Username And Password?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to create a simple password box that will ask the user for a username and pass, if the user is validated against the usernames and passwords in an .ini file the login box will close and launch a program also stated in the .ini file. I would also like to be able to launch different programs for different users.

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Password Encryption - Way To Inerlock Letters In A Password?

Dec 2, 2009

Is there a way to inerlock letters in a password. EX: lets say my password is 1234567password, is their a way to interlock or inject random letters/numbers /symbols/etc into the password? Ok so our password is = 1234567password is their a way to make it like this = g1i2h3h4q5d6g7rp4a7s;?s`w6o+r/d5

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Reset The Existing Password (topsecret) With A New Password

Jan 15, 2012

how to reset the existing password(topsecret)with a new password by using the "replace" keyword

in the below code shown

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Show Instead Of The Password It-self When The User Enters The Password?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a button on my Form called EditingButton that will have a DialogBox appear asking for a password. How can I have "*" show instead of the Password it-self when the user enters the password?[URL]...

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Validate The Given Password Is Same As The Current Users PAssword?

Mar 21, 2011

I have developed a task Using (windows Application). I want to create a Login window for the Current user only allowed to use my application.So In my Login window UserNAme textbox I have showed the curent Login UserNAme like,

txtUserName.Text=Environment.UserDomainName & "" & Environment.UserName
And I have set txtUserName.Readonly =True.
Now the User to type the Password in my application password textbox.


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Keep My Inputbox Up?

Mar 3, 2010

Heres my code under the console application[code]...

How do I keep the inputbox up until the user guesses the right answer?

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Add Input In A InputBox?

May 22, 2010

i'm making a multi-line text box, i need somone to add input in a InputBox, and it to write it to a setting (My.settings) but, i need each input to start with a new line, i've tried chr(10) + chr(13), but nothing works!

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InputBox Is Empty?

Mar 20, 2009

[code]......If someone leaves the txt2 empty.... and they click the button how can I pull up another inputbox like for <= 0?

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Inputbox Without A Title?

Nov 5, 2010

How do you make an Inputbox without a title?

I know you can do it this way:

inputbox("Please answer a question", " ", "")

This way you put a space in the Title property.

But is there another way to do this without putting a space in the Title property?

Maybe there is an inputbox without a title in

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Add An Cancel Button To Inputbox?

Mar 19, 2010

Heres my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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ASP Equivalent Of VB InputBox Function

Mar 4, 2009

VB has a function InputBox() that will prompt the user to enter a single value, then click OK. Is there a parallel functionality in ASP.NET, that will get the browser to pop up some kind of input box to return a single value? If not, how do you recommend I achieve this effect?

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Capture Keys In Inputbox?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm making a key mapper in VB 2010, trying to capture keys pressed in the input box (tab, escape, backspace, space, caps, shift, ctrl, mwheelup, mwheeldown etc... non-alphanumeric keys).

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Check If Ok Was Clicked In A Inputbox?

Feb 22, 2009

how can i check if ok was clicked in a inputbox? works fine with msgbox:

Dim Confirm = MsgBox("Are you sure?", MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Action Confirmation")
If Confirm = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
End If

but it returns an error with inputbox Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.

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