VB 2008 : The System Cannot Find The Reference Specified

Sep 19, 2011

I've created a class library in Visual Studio 2008, and when I try to add the dll as a reference, I get the message in the title for the Path field in my project references. I've been going for a week trying to figure out this issue, and I haven't been able to come up with anything. The strange thing is I can add the same reference to a Visual Studio 2010 project, and it works perfectly fine.I used VS 2008 to build it because the dll isn't used in house and needs to be compatible with .Net 3.5.

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System Cannot Find Reference Specified

Dec 7, 2011

In my project i had an added reference which has always worked,, today and out of the blue i start getting this error

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System Cannot Find The Reference Specified?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a Windows Forms application built in VS2005 and migrated to VS2008. I copied this application from one development computer to another, and now it states <the system cannot find the reference specified> for every single reference. These references are basic things like System, System.Data, System.Windows.Forms, etc. I cannot even look at the forms since it cannot find the reference to the DLL.

The computer the application was copied to has VS2008 installed and I can find the references in the appropriate location of (C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727) and also in the GAC (C:Windowsassembly)

However, even if I try to remove the references and add them back in again it still says it cannot find the specified references.

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2010 - Cannot Find A Reference To System.Data.OracleClient

Apr 18, 2011

I installed .net 2010 ultimate but my proble is i cannot find a reference to System.Data.OracleClient.

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VS 2008 The System Cannot Find The File Specified?

Oct 3, 2009

I keep getting that error but im sure i have it right. Heres an example of my code

Process.Start("C:\Program Files\Flock\Flock.exe"e")

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VS 2008 Error - System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference Not Sent To An Instance Of An Object

Oct 23, 2009

I have recently gotten my hands on a free, open-source IMAP connection API.So far, I have been successful in creating a connection to one of my accounts.Where I'm getting stuck is retrieving folders and/or emails from those folders.Does there happen to be anyone here that is familiar with this API, or even Gmail (particularly the folder structure for IMAP)?

If not, here is a link to the DLL that is listed on sourceforge and the company's website that created it (if you feel like testing):

Sourceforge - Koolwired API

I have created a test account so feel free to use the code below without worrying about username/password issues; I'll just delete it when I'm done with it.Here is the code I have made so far for making a connection:

Dim gSession As New Koolwired.Imap.ImapConnect("imap.gmail.com", 993, True)
Dim gAuthenticate As New Koolwired.Imap.ImapAuthenticate(gSession, "imap_test@serysoft.com", "imap_test")


When I run that code, I get an error that states:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not sent to an instance of an object. (The bold line in the above code).

Now, I'm not sure exactly what that means. Does that mean it tried to access the server and "INBOX" doesn't exist so it gets returned a NULL value? Or is it possibly the coding itself?Maybe the Gmail folder system is weird due to the fact they use labels (even though from what I have read online, the labels act as the folders in the IMAP system).

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VS 2008 System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Apr 26, 2011

look after the error i'm having.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module dbconn


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Find Out System Properties Using System.getproperty?

Jan 20, 2012

in java i can find out system properties using system.getproperty("osversion or whatever") what can i do in vb.net to do the same

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Cannot Find Reference When Add Dll VS2008

Jan 21, 2010

I've created a dll in VS2010 with.NET Framework version 4.0 Now I want to add this dll as a reference in a 3.5 project in VS2008. When I do this I get <The System cannot find the reference specified>... does someone has a solution for this issue. When I downgrade the dll to version 3.5 I can add it as a reference and all works ok, but downgrading to 3.5 isn't an option because other dll's are depending on the 4.0 framework.


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VS 2008 - Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

May 8, 2010

I get this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.When i compile on the following code section:

Private Sub statusBarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Not ToolStripMenuItem.Checked
statusStrip1.Visible = ToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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Winforms - Find And Reference A Certain Form?

Jan 27, 2012

I am currently making an application to aid me in testing another separate application (both are made in VB.NET). I want my tester app to be able to enter info in a form on my other application. Since I have familiarity with both applications, I know the name and everything about the form I want to do things with on my testee app. My problem, is that I need a way to use this information of the testee form to get a handle or something that I can actually reference that form with in code for my tester app.

How can I go about getting this form? my only experience with something similar was getting the handle of a main window of a process, but that was a bit easier by doing this:

Dim iTunesID as intptr
for each process as process in process.getprocesses
if proc.mainwindowtitle = "iTunes" then iTunesID = proc.MainwindowHandle

However even that I am not really happy with because it needs to iterate through every process. and even from this, I am not really sure how to reference my specific window, since it isn't the main window in this case. I have tried searching for how to do this, but my search is a bit too vague I think as I just don't know what methods are available to use to do this or assist in doing it.

my first thought was something similar to above but with something like "for each form as forms.form in 'forms.formsrunning'" kind of thing, but I don't even know a command to get forms running, and though I guess I could probably find one, I am hoping for a better solution than iterating through all processes/forms.

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VS 2008 Reference To A Non Shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Jul 7, 2009


I am using this exact code on another form in the same project without an issue, just with a different data source. Any ideas?

EDIT: Never mind, seems like it was a stupid naming scheme and VS was adding a bindingsource with a different name than I wanted.

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VS 2008 Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Feb 8, 2012

I have two forms form one have one listbox and one checkedlistbox and form2 have only checkedlistbox

on form one checkedlistbox is being updated by listbox_SelectedIndexChanged.

how can update checkedlistbox on form 2 when listbox_SelectedIndexChanged on form1

when i use form2.checkedlistbox.BeingUpdate()

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Add A Reference For System.Web.dll?

Sep 28, 2010

I want to add a reference for System.Web.dll

But thats targeted only on 3.5 right? so what is the equilivent when using vs2010 as thats defaulted to 4.0???

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAttached.Text) Then
Dim tAttach As MailAttachment = New MailAttachment(txtAttachment.text)
End If

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Can't Find Any Reference Material Online For These APIs

Mar 10, 2012

I'm having some problems with some API calls. I'm trying to return device driver information for a given device in device manager so I can access the available information and display it. I'm using a series of API calls which in turn populates a list with device driver objects associated with that device. The API calls fail. The problem is that I can't find any reference material online for these APIs so I can figure out what's wrong. [code]

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DB/Reporting :: Can't Find Mysql On The Add Reference Section

Jun 29, 2012

I am creating a database project where I take my data from mysql database and then create graphs and charts.I currently have microsoft visual basic 2010 express edition. I am familiar with visual basic but have never used mysql before. I have quried a database into mysql and server connection to the database is working fine. Furthermore I downloaded mysql a week ago so I have the latest connector.I looked at many youtube tutorials and have tried to find mysql.data in the add reference section (in project) but it doesn't seem to be

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Can't Add Reference System.directoryservices

May 21, 2012

I'm upgrading my site and pasted some code into a new form in VS 2011 Express beta. I get the standard error below: Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'System.DirectoryServices' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.

I went ahead and added a reference for system.directoryservices. Still, the errors remain. I go back to references to make sure it's been added, and it is no longer checked. Repeated tries and the same results.

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Add An Explicit Reference To System.Drawing?

Sep 13, 2011

How do I add an explicit reference to system.drawing in visual basic 2010 express console application?

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Add Reference To System.ServiceModel.Web From Console App?

Mar 14, 2011

System.ServiceModel.Web can be seen from Silverlight projects, however I cannot add a reference to it from a console app, because the assembly is not displayed. It contains the JSON Deserialier which I need. How can I add the assembly so that Console Apps can add a reference to it?

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Not Finding Reference System.net.mail For Add

Sep 5, 2011

I want to add reference system.net.mail but I am not finding it my reference liberary. How can I Import that reference.

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System.Null Reference Exception?

Jul 13, 2010

in the ReadFile() Sub, if the user tries to read a file that is not there he gets an exception

which results in the 2nd line in the Catch being executed. So far so good. But the 2nd line of

code in the mnuOpen_Click then gets a System.NullReferenceException which I don't understand since

the mnuOpen_Click code all works fine when called from the Open menu item. The exception

information suggests I use the "new" keyword to create an object instance, but in all my reading

and all the different ways I've applied the keyword New to the code, I've not been able to figure

out how to do this.[code...]

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Added A Reference To System.Data.SqlClient But Cannot Use It

Aug 7, 2010

I have added a reference to the System.Data.SqlClient, but i am not able to use its components while coding, But when i import it in the form class i able to use the component.

So,Is importing a namespace and adding a reference two different things?

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Communications :: Missing Reference To System.Net.NetworkInformation?

Jun 29, 2010

I must be missing something very obvious...Using Visual Studio 2005 to write a vb app for Windows CE. I'm trying to use the NetworkInformation namespace of System. I can see it in my object browser, but when I try to use it in my form, it doesn't come up in the autocomplete and the compiler complains that "NetworkInformation is not a member of Net".

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Reference - Does .Net 2003 Support System.Collections.Generic

Sep 21, 2011

I am planning to use a List in my application but when I was searching for System.Collections.Generic, it only has System.Collections. I tried to look it up in the "add reference" and its not there.

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System.Deployment Reference Breaks Application.Exit()?

Oct 20, 2009

I have the following code under a button labeled "Exit" for exiting my application. Code:Application.Exit()It has been working fine. I added a reference to System.Deployment and the compiler suddenly doesn't like Application.Exit(). Can I not use Application.Exit() and have a ref to System.Deployment at the same time? Upate: I got it. I used the Object Browser and found "System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit" which works with System.Deployment referenced

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VS 2008 - Program That Will Patch A Program With A New Exe - "Could Not Find File 'System.Byte[]'." Error

Mar 29, 2010

I'm making a program that will patch a program with a new Exe. Its all working with this code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles patch.Click
patching = True


I get an "Could not find file 'System.Byte[]'." error.

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C# :: Instantiating New EF Object Throws System.Drawing Reference Missing?

Dec 2, 2011

#1 is C# Class Library, where I have my EF model defined (3.5 sp1) and some public methods.#2 is a VB winforms app.In the winforms app, I have referenced the C# library and added the connection string for the EF model. The problem I am having is that I have a form where the user selected a .txt file to import. On the VB side, I create a byte() from the file, then pass it to a public method cleverly called Process. In Process(), everything runs smoothly until I instantiate the EF model.

using (WorkersCompImportEntities context = new WorkersCompImportEntities()) { ....
Where I receive this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Drawing, Version=1.0.3300.0,


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ManagementObjectSearcher Is Not Defined Even After Adding System.Management Reference In VB2005 Project?

Oct 18, 2011

I have the following code on the code behind file for a .aspx page in a project:

Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT RemoteName FROM win32_NetworkConnection WHERE LocalName = '" & sFilePath.Substring(0, 2) & "'")
For Each managementObject As ManagementObject In searcher.[Get]()


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Unable To Import "System.Drawing" When My Only Reference Is "System"?

Jan 19, 2012

In Visual Studio 10 - Visual Basic, why can't I import "System.Drawing" when my only reference is "System"? I can import "System.Runtime.InteropServices".To reproduce my problem:

1. Create a New Project in Visual Studio 10 with Visual Basic Class Library template.

2. Add "Imports System.Drawing" and "Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices" at the beginning.

3. Remove all references except "System" in the References pane of the project properties.

Result:Visual Studio cannot find "System.Drawing" but it can find "System.Runtime.InteropServices". "System.Drawing" is fully qualified so the system should be able to find it inside the referenced "System".

Thoughts:It appears "System" and "System.Drawing" are distinct namespaces (or containers?) so why doesn't qualification "." work? Does "." represent something else? "System" is also in "mscorlib" but is that the namespace which is used or is it another?"Microsoft.VisualBasic" is also listed in the imported namespaces but there is not a reference to it. How was it found? Where is the "Imported namespaces" list populated from?I have been looking through it for a while but cannot understand why "System.Drawing" is not imported.

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IDE :: System Cannot Find The File Specified?

Jan 10, 2011

Error 2 Unable to open file 'F:WindowsApplication1Lesson.rpt': The system cannot find the file specified.

This is the error obviously the file does not exist I don't want it to exist

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