VB 2010 Reading XML?

Feb 15, 2012

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="plugin.video.stagevu"


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VS 2010 Reading Microsoft Word In VB 2010 And Extract Words

Mar 18, 2012

I'm having a little trouble trying to read a word document in vb. how to get the text out of the word document would be great.

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VS 2010 Reading From A Shortcut?

Jan 23, 2011

Does Anyone know a Way of reading from a Shortcut File (.lnk) ? or Does anyone know the Format of shortcuts (.lnk). I have Tried the windows script host object model COM Component But I can't Get It To Work.

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VS 2010 Reading Registry Key?

Feb 8, 2011

I am trying to loop through a key to get all values. For some reason this returns nothing

Dim RegKey2 As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SoftwareCompanyStartup")
Dim subname() = RegKey2.GetSubKeyNames


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VS 2010 Reading The CPU Temperature WMI?

Jul 7, 2009

rivate Sub CPU_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CPU.Tick


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2010 Reading Configuration Settings?

Aug 23, 2011

Coding in VB.net in VS 2010. I have:Imports System.Configuration and I added a reference to System.Configuration.



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Reading And Writing To Ini Files In VB 2010?

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to search for snippet for reading and writing ini files in visual basic .net.

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VS 2010 - Reading Cell Value From DataGridView?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm reading a cell value from a Datagridview, and this works fine in other projects, but not here?

Dim OldGUID() As String = Nothing
Dim X as Integer = -1
For X = 0 To Me.DGView.RowCount - 1
If Me.DGView.Rows(X).Cells(0).Value.ToString IsNot String.Empty Then
OldGUID(X) = Me.DGView.Rows(X).Cells(0).Value
End If

It fails on the line: OldGUID(X) = Me.DGView.Rows(X).Cells(0).Value
with: NullReferenceException was unhandled - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
The Cell has a string value and during debug I see the value, but it fails anyway.

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VS 2010 - Reading Raw Data In File

Aug 23, 2010

How do you read the data from a file on the computer? I have an mp3 stored on my root folder and I want the form to read the raw data from it so I can do some encryption etc.
Dim fileOpen As New IO.StreamReader("C:file.mp3")
Dim stream As String = fileOpen.ReadToEnd
TextBox1.Text = stream

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VS 2010 2 Ways Of Reading All Records - Which One Is Best And Why

Oct 17, 2010

I have come up with this 2 methods of reading all records on a database table. Both work nice but I would like your expert opinion on which delivers best performance and why.We are reading table "DATA" and filling an array called lstData with the contents of the "Data" field.

1) Method one is using the bindingsourse to go through all the records.


My guess is that the first method, while simpler to the eye could use more overhead. What I really would like to know is if the second method really delivers better performance and if it is worth doing all the manual SQL queries.

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VS 2010 Button Not Reading Listbox?

Nov 29, 2011

I figured a fix using if statements which lets me click the button without issues, except just 1; it doesn't read from the listbox. here's the code i'm working with

Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim a As New Random


I need it to be able to read from the listbox while it is closed, instead it just thinks that nothing is in the listbox, but when the form with the listbox is open, it reads from it perfectly, what shall I do?

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VS 2010 Fail While Reading String

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to read a file with my following sub:

Public Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal AppName$, ByVal KeyName$, ByVal keydefault$, ByVal ReturnedString$, ByVal RSSize&, ByVal FileName$)


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VS 2010 File Reading Error?

Apr 14, 2011

I have the following code under my button: [code] It is supposed to open "Database.bin", search the file for whatever the user types into SearchBox (a text box), and add to DisplayBox (a list box) every line of that file that contains the string the user searched. [code]

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VS 2010 Reading A Mathematical Operation?

Dec 15, 2011

heres the problem lets assume i have a label1 which its text is "(y+1)"i defined an integer, lets assume its x i made some operations up and lets say there can be diffrent results and i want to replace y with that math ops result and then define x as it writes in label1..


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VS 2010 Reading And Writing Files?

Dec 27, 2010

My app has a series of parameters that is to be stored in an external files. Eventhough the "parameter" file could be edited by the end user, I really don't care that much about what the user does to them.

So my two questions are, what is the most effeicent means of reading and writing a file and in what format should the file be in? When I say effeicent I mean, what utilizes the least amount of memory during the process, is fast, and disposable.

Example: XML, Text, something else. StreamReader / StreamWriter or what ever.

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VS 2010 Reading Chars From A String?

Nov 11, 2011

still pretty new to programming in general, but I have most of the basics figured out.I stumbled across this problem today, though. I wanted to try making a simple encoder/decoder. However, I am having trouble getting characters from a string.

I have a list(of char) to separate the individual letters in the message (letterList), and textToConvert is the text that the user types in to be encoded. Here's the section of code my problem exists in:

For i = 0 To textToConvert.Length - 1
letterList(i) = textToConvert.Chars(i)
Next i

Upon running my program, I get an out of range exception for the middle line above. Am I doing something wrong?

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VS 2010 Reading Data From USB Port?

Feb 26, 2012

how to read data from a USB Port. I have a games joystick connected to a USB port on my computer and the joystick has 10 buttons which each when pressed sends some binary code into the computer via the USB port. I need to capture these button clicks and perform a different event for each button click.

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VS 2010 Reading Embedded Tar.gz Files?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a tar.gz file which contains other tar.gz files. For example: file1.gz contains a.gz, b.gz, c.gx, and so on.I can read tar.gz files which have no embedded gz files. However, I need the ability to read embedded gz files. The following is a code snippet which reads .gz files which are not embedded - this works fine. how I can read embedded gz files?

For Each fi As FileInfo In di.GetFiles("*.gz")
fullPath = dirpath + "" + fi.ToString
dirInstream = New GZipStream(File.OpenRead(fullPath), CompressionMode.Decompress)


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VS 2010 Reading From A Text File

Dec 19, 2010

I have a text document with the content:


Now, I want to put the "1.hi" in a TextBox1 and "2. all" TextBox2 and the "3.lol" IN TextBox3 and finally the "4.blabla" in the TextBox4 Just split the document into text boxes.

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VS 2010 Reading Row Data From Datagrid?

May 19, 2011

I have a datagrid which I have manually added columns to and adding rows at runtime (code I am using below if that helps in anyway). When that row is sellected I wish to get the data from different columns.

I'm adding to the grid:

Dim dgvRow As New DataGridViewRow
Dim dgvCell As DataGridViewCell
dgvCell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell()


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VS 2010 Reading Sentences By Word

Mar 12, 2011

How I am making it work, is the software starts with a list of EVERY word. And when you spellcheck, it checks to see if the word you typed in matches any word in the list of every word (dictionary). And if not, it's misspelled. If so, then it's all coo'.The problem with this, is that I can only spellcheck one word at a time.So, I was thinking of somehow reading a sentence by words. Taking each word in order and putting them into a string. Then checking each word. My software is a learning software. I have a website that is meant to teach you computer programming. And one of the courses is Visual Basic (.NET).Visual Basic seems to be a popular programming course in High Schools so I decided that it would be a great language to add.

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VS 2010 Reading Text Files?

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to open a text file and read data based on what the user types, but am having problems because of the Input past End of File errors.

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VS 2010 Reading XML File Troubles?

Apr 15, 2011

I am using the following code to parse a XML file of mine:

Dim xml As String = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""Windows-1252""?>" & _
"<theref:theref-msg xmlns:csr=""http://www.xxxxx.com/Schema/csr""
xmlns:theref=""http://www.xxxxx.com/Schema/theref"">" & _


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VS 2010 Saving And Reading Colors?

Nov 1, 2011

How to save colors to Access Data Base and read them after?

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VS 2010 Saving And Reading From Files?

Mar 5, 2012

I have to create a school reward system. Currently i have written code for creating user accounts and logging into the system. I have been able to write to the file i need to and i have been able to log in. However i can only log in for the first saved account. when i hover over the stored variable whilst stepping through it appears that unnecessary gaps have been added to stored information...User.stored username is the data structure type that i have stored information as...

user.storedUsername = " TestStaff "

I believe it should be like this:

user.storedUsername = "TestStaff"

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Stepping Through && Reading Strings?

Apr 29, 2011

what is the easiest way to step through a string in this manner... I want to have my program look for one keyword and then another.. in otherwords it needs to find "hello56" and THEN find the word "bob" there are so many places the word "bob" is but I need to locate the "bob" thats after "hello56" Hope this example is clear.


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VS 2010 Time Reading A XML File?

Jul 9, 2010

I am having such a hard time reading a XML File!!! And I believe this is quite simple.I have to read the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


This code will create several tables in the dataset: one of them is "Adv" table, which contains ALL "adv"s from BOTH "orders". This is not what I want.I can handle this by just reading it as a text file - line by line... But I believe this is not the correct way to do this, since there are many tools in VS to do this (right?) ... and also, maybe I can learn something from this "chalange" This is when I ask for your support. How can I do this the "correct way"?

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2010 : Reading Sub Properties Of An Object In ReportViewer?

Nov 11, 2010

I am creating some reports using object datasources.in my software the user can create a list of products specifying a code, the product name, the price and the vat rate (this last two attributes will be used as suggestions when the user will place the product inside an order).When a user creates an order he can place products within it by specifying for each product the quantity and he can also override the suggested price and the vat rate.So basically i have two models to represent the products:

ProductModel (used to define product name, product code and the default suggestion for price and vat rate)OrderProductModel (used to place products within an order, specify the quantity and override the default product suggestion for price and vat number)




(suppose orderProduct is an instance of OrderProductModel)Now the question is "how to define the report rule to access to code and name?"...I am using visual studio 2010 and by reading here:[URL]they says that the syntax: =Fields!Object.Value.attribute no longer works...

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Reading Files Off Of A CD/DVD Using Visual Basic 2010?

Jan 21, 2011

Me Again, Can anyone tell me how to go about using Visual Basic 2010, on getting file information off of My CD'S/DVD'S as I have Many of them with No titles written on them.basically i would like to insert a CD or DVD into my computer and when i click a Button, A textBox will have all the files from the CD or DVD. and then i could print the list and keep a record of my CD/DVD.

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VS 2010 - Reading Image Meta Data

Apr 14, 2011

I've been using the process shown here: [url]

For including images in my database, what i would like to do during the import process is capture some of the meta data to store against fields in my database as well.

In this case we will be using iPhone 4s which i believe capture data in EXIF format.

I did a bit of looking around on my own and apart from: [url]

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