VB Using A SQL Database - Capture A "MT Number" (in The Borrow Applicator Part)

Dec 8, 2010

Im developing in VB using a SQL Database, the thing here is that i am new to SQL. What Im trying to do is when i capture a "MT Number" (in the Borrow Applicator Part) the Initial Counter Textbox shows the respective Counter for the MT number i entered. Those fields are in the same table but i dont know what to do.

Heres a picture of the form.

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Capture Part Of A Canvas To Save As BMP / GIF?

Apr 5, 2009

I have an application that generates a replay of Air Traffic and I need to allow the user to capture parts of the canvas so it can be exported as a BMP of GIF. I did this in VB6, but not sure how to do it in WPF. I plan on drawing a rectangle around the intended capture area following the mouse till the user triggers the capture.

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VS 2008 - Capture A Part Of The Screen?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm doing program that I can capture a part of the screen. Heres code, I don't know why it's not working.


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VS 2005 Using An Application To Capture Selected Part Of Screen By Resizing The Form And Capturing Area Of It?

Mar 9, 2010

Hi.. Im using an application to capture selected part of screen by resizing the form and capturing area of it!! now i want to reset the form once my work id done!! i mean if i press a "RESET" button the form should be load as first time it was loaded.(the real form size..)

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Borrow Code And Then Manipulate It To Create Tetris Game?

Nov 8, 2011

I have to create a game for programming class in school, my teacher said we were allowed to borrow code and then manipulate it our selves to create our own individual game. I chose Tetris so i am wondering if anybody has any code for this game from vb 2008.

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Add "whole" Part Of A Number To "decimal" Part And Store In String Buf?

Sep 14, 2011

One number is represented with four hex values.First two hex parts are my "whole number" part, third and fouth hex numbers are my "decimal" part. I just wanted to store my complete number (whole and decimal) in an excel table.My problem is following when I am storing whole part and decimal part of my number separately, then it works fine am getting f.e. 3017 and 0,9445123 in my excel table, but when I am concatenate them, then I am getting following expression in my excel table f.e. 30,179,445,123 but I want 3017,9445123.

rx_str_buf(str_cnt) = CStr(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 7)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 8))), 16) +
(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 9)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 10))), 16) / 65536))


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How To Capture A Phone Number

Apr 14, 2009

I'm looking to create a windows application in vb.net or c#.net that will capture the phone number of incoming calls. This would be a land line. What would the hardware requirements be?

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Capture JetDB Auto-number?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building an application in VB that will use a JetDB backend (Access 2007 db). I am trying to figure out how to capture the autonumber PK from the database when I add a new row to the table so that I can then load that value into a variable. I am currently using the IDE tools for my database queries (dataset designer), so if this is not something that can be done through that, I would need to know how to code my database query.

Here is what I have:
Table (mainTable):
ID (autonumber PK)


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Capture The Invoice Number Of An Image?

Jul 13, 2010

The issue is how do I best capture the invoice number of an tiff image?

I have a VB application in visual studio 2005 that scans invoices, creates .tiff's utilizing a standard image scanner.

I've tried the following...I thought I could save the image to text in an array and find the 6 digit number. Then, I tried to save the image to xml trying the same principal but I get a general error A generic error occurred in GDI+.

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Get The ID Number Of Every Part Of The Search Results?

Nov 12, 2010

Here is a part of the code:

Dim allelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.All
For Each webpageelement As HtmlElement In allelements
Dim Name As String = webpageelement.GetAttribute("Name")


I let the program search in the "element" parts of the html code,now the last ting I need to do is: I need to get the ID number of every part of the search results.

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Input A Part Number And It Outputs A Image?

May 12, 2010

I'm doing a school project with arrays and I want it so that I input a part number and it outputs a image, price, and name for the part. I need to accomplish this using the array. We've only ever done arrays where you input a part number and one thing comes back out, not multiple.

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Capture Data From A Database To A Label?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a problem trying to capture data from a database to a label. I am trying to display a list of values from my database when i press a button.

This is my code for my database
[ CODE]Dim strDBFileName As String
strDBFileName = "My DocumentsCDRecord.sdf"
If File.Exists(strDBFileName) Then


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For Barcode - Input A Item Number In Textbox And If That Number Will Match In Your Database

Mar 7, 2012

I have a txtbox(for barcode).. if i input a item number in that txtbox and if that number will match in your database, the other information(shall we say, product type, item ID, etc..) will display in my other txtboxes..

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Database Pro - Identifier Part Cannot Be Null

Dec 3, 2009

When the SQL Server 2005 Wizard is used to create a database project, the following error is issued[code]...

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VS 2005 Transfering Data From One Part To Other Of Database To Other?

Jul 19, 2009

The form is like this:A database contains six columns:"From Bank","From Account","From Balance","To Bank","To Account","To Balance"On transfer button click,The balanced will be transfered and added to the "To Balance" of "To Account"i did the code for form load but i cant get throught the transfer money

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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Multi Form / Part Application Need To Make Part Protable For Transfer

Feb 22, 2011

im making an application in vb.net (duh!) anyway i have created and coded the whole project and it performs exactly as i want it to (i dont need code help). my problem lies with the fact that my project is 2-3 parts

1.a setup form that gathers inital data about the enviroment stores this data encrypted in a config file. after inital setup this form is not displayed again. but needs to be run on both computers

2. the second form is the real application form im in the process of turning this part in to a background service anyway this form is the one that establishes the connection between two nodes it works correctly

3. the config files

anyway here is my problem i want to make this application distributional with just one file the (.exe) and have this .exe make everything else happen. it runs the setup form and creates the first config file which it does then it needs to produce a copy of just the second form and the config file to transfer to workstation #2 that will run independtly without the whole application which i cant make happen then it needs to turn both workstations application on by only starting one on either computer and invoke the other computer to start its corrosponding app also no idea how to make this happen any ideas or suggestions as to where to look to try to find my answers.im thinking i might need to make two seperate applications (a setup app, and the running app) and include them both in a project and use the setup.exe to to package them together this is a little side project that im making for my self to use to make programming a little easier so i plan on giving it out to some fellow students to test and tell me what they think so im not really worried about ease of use or complicated procedures yet but if it turns out to work and actually be of use to anyone else i would be willing to rewrite it to distribute to the masses but for now i just want it to work for me.

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Add User Input Number To Database Number?

Sep 5, 2010

I have an existing database that I want to add a number to that the user inputs. So lets say that in the database there is 4 carrots, and the user on the addinventoryform inputs 3 carrots and pushes a button. Now I want that number to be added to the database number so in the database there would now be seven carrots. I am using an oledb connection and cannot figure this out.

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Packet Capture And Threading, Capture Library Waits For "thread Stop"

Apr 5, 2009

So I am hacking together an app which listens to traffic using SharpPcap library, it reconstructs the packets from sessions using the code from TpcRcon.

Listening and reconstructing part work on their own . What I want is on each packet arrival main window gets an event so it can display the packet , and when session is reconstructed display a complete packet (I am interested in HTTP ones) . -That is where it breaks with weird symptoms: for example right now it does not stop on invoking stop listening method - the sharppcap library function hangs there forever waiting on this line of code : m_pcapThreadEvent.WaitOne();//wait for the 'stopped' signal from thread

I also had it not working and crashing in sharppcap function because I had omitted one parameter in form delegate- which makes no sense, because form delegate does not deal with packet capture at all and only reacts on "New Packet" event from my "Listener" class (which is only there to notify main form)

My app starts as module main instancing class "Listener". MainForm has it
registered as friend with event and handles even "New Packet"

Main Form:
Private Sub uiListenStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btListenStart.Click
aLogger.AddMessage("Started Listening")


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Compare Only Day Part And Month Part?

Jan 12, 2012

my requirement is that i have to count occurrence of a certain date and between two months
suppose i have 10-jan-2012 now i have a date range 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 my requirement is that if i find 10-jan between 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 irrespective of year i know that 10-jan will come twice between 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 i am not understanding how to do this.i meanto say that i have to compare only day and month part of the date which will solve my problem

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Read Text File - Read The Top Part First Then And Match The Line With Bottom Part

May 21, 2009

in my text file i have two part. Called bottom and top. So i need to read the Top part first then and match the line with bottom part. Its like this


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Make A Digit Number In A Field Of A Database Add One Digit Number To It Self?

Aug 12, 2011

i want a button to perform a function of checking the last digit number in a field of a table in and add a digit to it and display it in a textbox.

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C# - Search For Names In The Database That Matches Whole Parameters Or Any Part Of Parameters

May 13, 2011

I'm writing a query to select all records that has any part of parameter. I have one table called Employees. Some people have name like this: John David Clark If the parameter is


I should be able to get result back as long as there's a match in the parameters. If I use Function Contains (q.FirstName & " " & q.LastName).Contains(employeeName), I will not get any result back if employeeName is "John Clark" Function Contains looks only for next words from left to right. It doesn't match a single word at a time. So that's why I used this in the Linq to SQL:


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Concurrency Handle Is Part Of The Software Developer Or Database Developer?

Jul 23, 2009

In CRUD application development we have to face the issues with concurencies in Ids such as Generate and display UNique EmployeeIDs on forms. Currently i'm writting .DLL file that has a class that will handle concurrencies.

But i'm puzziled with the Question, is this concurrency handle is part of the software developer or Database developer?

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Part "To Create A Database Connection And A Dataadapter"?

Sep 23, 2010

i am using VS 2008 and i am following this walkthourgh in VS2003[URL]..in the part "To create a database connection and a dataadapter",say this 10 Drag these fields from Server Explorer onto the design surface.

Where is the design surface? if it is the place where i can drag and drop controls, i can not drag and drop fields of a table, how can i do it?

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Forms :: Use A If Statement To See If Fosters Button And Number 1 On The Number Pad Are Both Pressed Then Multiply Constant By Quantity Number?

Mar 4, 2011

I am doing a bar cash register and I want to use a if statement to see if fosters button and number 1 on the number pad are both pressed then multiply constant by quantity number

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Add A Random Number Into A Database?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm wanting to add a random number into a database but before I do this I want to check to see if I alreay have this number in there, How can I do a search to return a true or false I guess answer to if the value is in my access database?

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Select A Row Number In The Database?

Jun 1, 2012

This update command works in updating my mysql database. Another database I have doesn't have a idnum field. I'm looking for a command to select a row number in the database. For example, update row #5. How would I modify this command?

SQL = "UPDATE " & table_name & " SET " & _
"title='" & TextBox3.Text & _
"' WHERE idnum =" & TextBox2.Text

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Sum Number Value To Database Field?

Sep 30, 2011

How to sum the number value(textbox) to my database field ?

the red section doesn't sum the value(textbox) to my data field.[code]...

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Counting The Number Of Rows In A Database?

Apr 30, 2009

I am using a tableadapter to connect my project to an MS database. I need a a function which counts the number of rows in the table for something which I am doing. I have sucessfully used the count function to count the number of rows for my other tables, but when I tried to reuse it for another table, it wouldn't work. I get an error...

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Data.dllAdditional information: Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store <AH25> in ProductCode Column. Expected type is Int32.

and this is the code which I used

Dim record As Integer = TAProduct.GetData.Rows
Do Until record = TAProduct.GetData().Count
' other codes

It only seems to work if the first column is an integer datatype, which is the case for my other tables, but the table which I am currently dealing with using a string datatype. Is there another way to count the number of rows without using SQL statements or can I adapt my existing code in some way?

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Database - Negative Number In Datagridview?

May 10, 2011

I'm having problem in my datagridview.I'm using vb 2008 and an access database. When I create a new record for my item the No column (primary key and autonumber in access) always shows a negative number.How can I make that a positive number and it should follow the numbering in the datagridview.

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