VBA For MS Access 2010 - Checking For Valid Email Only When An Email Is Entered?
Oct 1, 2011
Here is the problem, I have an Access form and a textbox for an e-mail address. The email address is not required, I only want to check for a valid email address when a value or address has been entered into the e-mail filed. Example: If e-mail is not empty or if email field has a value, then check for the follow elements, matched the email address with the required format. If the e-mail field is empty, do not look for anything, move on.
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Feb 28, 2011
[code]so i want to send it to a mail adress that hasnt been declared and that you have to enter first it says me that VB cant handle it.
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Oct 12, 2011
I am development a small app for auto response all new emails with custom responses. My problem is that I don't know how open the email (make click on the subject link) on gmail. I am using web browser control, so I need to know how make click on the email titles for open each emails.
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Nov 14, 2008
So, I need a way to email information entered into a textbox to an Email address through the .exe itself after pressing a command button.
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Aug 26, 2009
how to code the "from" portion when an email via vb.net. I could easily do "mm.From= email@domain.com"...but for this project it needs to be sent automatically depending on which user is entering the information. So I have lets say a group of 10 users, anytime a specific user sends in an update on a project form, the email is sent to the manager from the person who it's been updated from. Any suggestion? They all have specific ID's. How would I code it to where I could get the program to find them by their ID and then get their email address from their ID?
Protected Sub SendEmail()
Dim ToAddress As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("AstMgr").ToString()
Dim mm As New Net.Mail.MailMessage("Engineering.Systems@exchange.nscorp.com", ToAddress)
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Jul 28, 2010
Is it possible to detect email addresses entered in richtextbox and when clicked then redirect to compose message of local mail to that email address.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have bulk email id in database. I need to verify whether email id is existing or not before sending a mail in asp.net.
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Nov 22, 2009
Well its not very important, but i have 500 emails (yahoo) and i want to make a program that checks if these emails are valid. Basically i want to send newsletters to these emails, but i want to know if the emails are really valid. How can i do that. I know there are some programs i can use, but i want to make my own program.
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Sep 23, 2011
I cant find any good example of vb.net checking if email is valid, as example "something@yahoo.com"
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May 12, 2011
Check Email if gmail and valid password length.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
This code might be useful for validating email address, and for simple email sender/bomber.
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Jan 6, 2010
I am sending an email with an attachment using the following Code
Dim msg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(req.EmailFrom, req.EmailTo)
Dim att As New System.Net.Mail.Attachment("C:Documents and SettingsmichaelrDesktop1216259.pdf")
With msg
The file size of the attachment is 396KB, upon the recipient receiving the email outlook shows the file size as 543Kb. Strange thing is if I send an email with the same attachment using outlook the file size is 396Kb.I understand that file sizes can increase due to the attachment being base 64 encoded as opposed to just raw binary.What I am failing to see is why outlook send a file which is 396KB in size but in code when sending it, the same file is 543Kb.
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Jul 6, 2008
how would i implement a way that i would not hard code the email message that the application send to email recipients? how will i also include email message formatting (text in bold, italic, etc.)?
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Feb 17, 2009
I'm trying to get my program to send very simple text email messages. I did do a search beforehand, and found that I was having the same issue as someone else, but the specific question I have was not answered --
I've learned that if you're trying to send mail, you need an SMTP server... I found this list here but every one of them I've tried yields the same "Failure sending mail" error.
Here's my
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
mail.From = New MailAddress("me@mycompany.com")
Is the problem that I need to show "credentials" (i.e. user/pass)? If so, what would those credentials be? Can I use my yahoo email SMTP server with my login info to do it? And is this all I'd need to add to add the credentials?
smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("MyUsername", "MyPassword")
(before the smtp.Send, of course)
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Jul 15, 2010
A client for our company contains an apostrophe in their email name joe's@joe.com. I was advised that this is the correct and current email for the given client. Below is the Expression string I am using with Regex (which I copied from the internet somewhere) to validate email addresses. How can this expression be modified to allow/accept apostrohe's?
strRegex =
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Feb 9, 2009
I have to make a basic program that: Create a program with a simple interface that
1. Asks the user type his/her email address into a textbox.
2. When the user clicks the "Evaluate Email Address" button, one of two message boxes pops up: "That is a valid email address!" with an "Information" icon, or "That is an invalid email address!" and on a second line, "Please retype your email address.", with an "Exclamation" icon
3. To be considered valid, the email address must -include an "@" symbol, and -it must end in either ".com", ".net", or ".org" or ".edu" (I don't know how to check a string and test if its last four characters end with any of these and make it say not valid email address. I think I might have to use a case statement)
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Oct 23, 2011
I'm using the Chilkat add-on to read email from a pop3 server. I can download the headers fine but the headers all download into one column.How can I get my email to put the headers in the appropriate columns?
'Display the From email address and the subject.
What I am trying to do is to download the "From" person into the "From" columns and the "Date" of the email into the date column, so on and so forth but I'm not able to get them to go into their separate columns.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am buidling an application that users can use to submit text data and attachments to email recipients. Certain fields, quite a few in fact from the textboxes in the app will be in the email body, and some in the subject line.This is how I am doing it right now, but I figured there has to be a better way. In VB it is one single line of code, not many like it is here. Ideally I would like to be able to better control the positioning in the message body.
mail.Body = String.Concat(Label1.Text, " ", TextBox1.Text, " ", Label2.Text, " ", TextBox3.Text, " ", Label5.Text, " ", DateTimePicker1.Text, " ", Label3.Text, " ", TextBox2.Text, " ", Label6.Text, " ", RichTextBox1.Text, " ", Label7, " ", RichTextBox2.Text)
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Dec 15, 2011
I wouuld like to open outlook with new email with provided subject line, body message and attachment but no email address. User will enter the email address and click send . How can I do this?
I used following code but it gives me error for to address
Dim SmtpServer
New SmtpClient()
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May 20, 2009
I am creating an application in ASP.Net 2.0, the user can choose the service that he want and submit the request after choosing the form and filling the needed details the user should click on the submit button, then two emails should be sent; a confirmation email to the user him/herself and a notification email to his/her direct manager to get the approval on the requested ticket.How can I send the emails using VB language?
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Aug 11, 2011
Currently, to avoid errors from being thrown up due to invalid email addresses, I do the following:
Dim mailAddress As MailAddress
mailAddress = New MailAddress("testing@invalid@email.com")
Catch ex As Exception
'Invalid email
End Try
However, rather than depending on Try..Catch, is there a way of validating that the email address will be 100% valid for the MailAddress type?I know there a plenty of regex functions out there for validating emails, but I'm looking for the function which the MailAddress type uses to validate its addresses.
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Mar 15, 2012
What I would like to do is create a command button that launches an email from outlook attaching the current word document to a set email address. I'm not fussed if the word document is saved or not as it is only the email receipent that needs it, likewise I don't mind if the code instructs the email to send of just opens it ready to be sent.I have read through loads of forums and tried loads of codes but cannot get any to work.
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Nov 4, 2010
I've followed the instructions from this article http:[url]..... . My only problem is It compiles fine but no email arrives. I have a feeling it's for obvious reasons which escape me. This is my aspx.vb page.
Imports System.Web.Mail
Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Const ToAddress As String = "paul.ramirez@att.net"[code]....
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Apr 11, 2011
im using vb8.net im struggling to make a program that will display email addresses so in other words if im using ms outlook then by the click of the button the program must go in to the windows registry and then look in the place where the email address is and then read that part and display the address in a text box.
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Dec 1, 2009
i can send email through vb.net behind code but how do i implement so that the recipient cannot see the sender email and only the name?i had done alot of research but i can't find any solution about this problem
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Mar 2, 2011
How Can I EMail RichTextBox Contents By Default Email Client Using vb.net?
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Jan 27, 2011
I am sending an email using VS2010 VB which works fine, except I would like to have the recipient see their name in lieu of their email address upon receiving the email. I've tried different 'To' addresses, ([URL]), but nothing seems to work. It always shows the email address when received.
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Sep 2, 2009
I have a grid view control in my application.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="CPUserID" DataSourceID="GetSelectDelegatesDataSource">
And I have a image button
<asp:ImageButton ID="ibtnSendInvites" Visible="false" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images1/send_button.png" />
If you see above code you can find that there is check box functionality in my gridview. I have email address boundfield in my gridview. I want to send an email to the email addresses which are been checked in gridview.
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Feb 11, 2012
how to validation Domain and Email Address for sending email in visual basic 2010 i used Code Below
But Get Return abc123@xsd.com is a valid EmailID How is Valid The Domain is Not Valid Then..?
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Mar 28, 2009
make an app for me that just sends an email of text from a textbox. if u have a source to one or anything like that because i have tried over and over and it just doesnt work
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May 2, 2009
I wanah found a email password of my actual alternative email, but I can't, because I don't know the codes to make that...
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