VS 2005 - Cannot Delete TEMP File (Being Used By Another Process)
Mar 23, 2010
I am trying to create an MDB as a temp file to save some tables and query them. After creating, I can't delete it ... Even before it is actually used. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Dim mdbFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName
Dim objClassType As Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ADOX.Catalog")
Dim obj As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(objClassType)
obj.[GetType]().InvokeMember("Create", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, obj, New Object() {"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & mdbFileName & ";"})
[Code] .....
This MDB (after all operations) is huge (+200 Mb) and needs to be deleted.
im wrking on a tool which is capture screenshot. First it will create a tmp.bmp file then it will convert it in to jpg. After that i need to delete the temp file. But if pass d command for deletion it says file is in use. Coz of this i cant capture next screenshot.Refer the code below.
Public Function PrintTheScreen1(ByVal lsFile As String, ByVal LogLib As String) As Boolean Dim loBmp As Bitmap = Nothing Dim Somebitmap As Bitmap
How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...
Am trying to copy contents of file temp.fxl to temp.seq. I want them to look exactly them. I don't want to copy the file though. I use the following code
Dim fs As New FileStream("c:\fxlate\output\temp.fxl", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Dim s As New StreamReader(fs)
With such simple code, the last line in temp.seq is truncated as attached and the size of the file is smaller than temp.fxl. See attached files. What do I need to do on the above code. Is VB.NET failing to write 1024 characters on one line.
I'm trying to read a csv file. I'm also try to delete all files in the temp directory on the page load. Everything goes fine the first time, but the second time I get an error saying it couldn't delete the file because it is in use by another process. I'm aware that this process is my vb file, I just can't seem to find what I need to dispose of to get rid of the file lock.
Here is my code Imports System Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Imports System.IO Imports System.Xml [Code] .....
I would like to know how to declare this function, I have seen it used and i have the class SHFileOPStruct and all the components of it, i have then declared a function with the components of the class i am using, and when i try and follow examples of how to use the SHFileOperation function i get an error asking me to name SHFileOperation, how would i name it? Is it not an inbuilt function?
What am i actually trying to do? Delete temperary folders that are created during the running of my program. How can i do this using SHFileOperation
here is my code below:
' Declaration for File Recycling (from modFCOM) Public Structure SHFILEOPSTRUCT Dim hwnd As Integer Dim wFunc As Integer 'operation to be done
When I load my solution and compile it after first starting the IDE, everything works as expected. After changing source and recompiling, I get the following compile error:
Error 11 Unable to copy file "objDebugCAMDRS.Library.dll" to "binCAMDRS.Library.dll". The process cannot access the file 'binCAMDRS.Library.dll' because it is being used by another process. CAMDRS.Library.
After closing Visual Studio 2005 and reopening the solution I can compile again successfully. This is an old solution that has been fine for a long time. I just recently changed computers and reinstalled everything.I am running win XP Pro sp2, Visual Studio 2005 sp1.
I am facing a problem which I believe is due to the garbage collection within .NET. I have the following conundrum where I am getting files from a folder, adding them to and array and then converting them all into one file. Once this is done I move this new file elsewhere, and need to delete the previous files.
I encountered the error:The process cannot access the file <full file path> because it is being used by another process.during System.IO.File.Delete(filename)I have opened the file using:pctPhoto.Image = Image.FromFile(filename)before I delete the file.
how to check a file which i want to delete is not more used by another process?I have a program it creates a temp file less than 1KBthen it sends it like an attachment in the emailthen I have to delete it,but cannot do it because exception comes out that it still used by another process
Try Dim AnEmailMessage As New MailMessage AnEmailMessage.From = New MailAddress("bla@bla.com")
I'm creating a sub that will run a batch file, and then delete it when it has finished.[code]...
This causes the program to immediately delete the batch file before it can run. How can I break it up so that it won't delete the batch file until after it has finished?
I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).
I'm trying to delete a file, which prompts the error: "can not delete File in use by another process". I've been researching this for the last couple of days, and have tried every possible suggestion, I've come across, but still keep getting the error. I'm hoping someone might have a suggestion on what I need to change or rearrange in my code to get around this.
The program loads a group of files into a listbox, user selects which files to process, Each file is sent through the sub (process files) to be renamed, and then processed through external programs then removed from the listbox. Each file in the list HAS to be renamed the same in order for the external program to process it. This is where I'm getting the error message, as I need to delete the previous file before renaming the new one. Parts of my code may seem redundant, but its where I was trying every possible scenario of closing the process and or stream that's leaving the file open. [Code]
Lets just say I had something like this: System.IO.File.Create("C:.txt") Dim SaveF As New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:.txt") Under each other. It gives me a error saying: The process cannot access the file "C:.txt" because it is being used by another process.
To summarize, my program uses a textbox to display the chatroom from a text file on the school network. When someone sends a message, it writes that message to the text box like so:My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(baseDir & room & ".txt", Message, True) The baseDir is where the chat files are stored, and the room that the user is in can be altered by the user. created a scroll bar to use so when the chat room reaches a certain length of lines, you may use a scroll bar to view the whole chat. I realized that when someone sends a new message, the scroll bar then jumps back to the top of the text box. Is there any way to fix this, so that it will jump to the bottom each time someone types something new?
Dim lines As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(baseDir & room & ".txt") Dim numLines As Integer = lines.Length If numLines > 20 Then
Suppose I have this Dim proc As Process proc = Process.Start("Notepad.exe", "C: est.txt") Now, if I want to use Notepad.exe to open another text file (ie. C:2ndTextFile.txt) without closing it, how am I going to do it?
i have a project that im working on & out of curiosity i went to the "clickonce" wizard were you publish your application for deployment (setup) after doing that it created a folder for publish & in my solution explorer it created a file project1_TemporaryKey.pfx
what is this .pfx file? after removing it from my application & closing the solution it started giving me errors & i was unable to re-run the application until i restored the file & added it to the solution.
I am new to VB but I do have VS2005 and I was looking at some code examples here on deleting files by days old and I need to do something similar, I would like to start a say C:myData**.xit and search through all sub folders under myData and move all the .xit files based on days old into a temp folder. Then I could verify them before I delete them manually to be safe. So how do I loop through all sub folders? and can I just modify this code to do that? Here is the code I was thinking about starting with [URL].
Dim files As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) Dim singlefile As String Dim CreatedOn As Date 'Declare the counter Dim deletedcount As Integer = 0 [Code] .....
I have an issue using Process.MainWindowTitle,Process.MainWindowHandle on some older VB6 applications. After Process.Start I use Process.MainWindowTitle to display in a listbox. The MainWindowTitle returned is not the Window Title but in fact the Project name of the VB6 exe.? I also store the MainWindowHandle to use the ShowWindow and SetForeGroundWindow API's. It would appear that the ShowWindow API does not work, but the SetForegroundWindow does. ie: if the VB6 app is minimized, showwindow does not restore, if it is NOT minimized setforewgroundwindow sets it to the foreground. The exact same code does work correctly for any other .net exe or notepad, only on these vb6 programs I am having a problem.
I have a function that is called getWinTemp, it is below, the point in this is to create a temp file in the directory and then stuff it full of calculations and then delete it when the code has finished with it, does this code do that in .net??
Public Sub cleanInput(infile As String, width As Integer) tempfile = getWinTemp Name infile$ As tempfile Open tempfile For Input As #1
I have a case where the user or client attaches the document and the document is saved in the data base as byte stream.Now I need to get that binary data and convert it to the corresponding format and save the file in the temp folder in client system using VB.net and then I want to get the path where it was saved so that I can send it to the data base for sending DB email.
ok im tryin to run an embedded .exe in my app but i seem to be having a issue with my code can someone have a look
Private Sub ButtonX1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX1.Click Dim size As Long = My.Resources.Myprogram.Length - 1
my error is ' Read ' is not a member of 'system Array'. i have change the program name to Myprogram i have added myprogram.exe and then the 'exe' is not a member of 'system array'
How I can save file in web server folder's instead of local client's folder Or how I can move a file from local client's folder to web server's folder ?
My problem, is that I would like to read a file in local using src , and as you know src only for web server's files.Here is my code .aspx:
The following code for installing log messages has worked on Windows 7 and XP, until I came across an XP machine where someone had deleted the Temp file under Documents and Settings/ComputerName/. Is there a safer location to install a log file?Path.GetTempPath doesn't seem to be the best idea.
Public Sub appendLog(ByVal message As [String]) Dim format As String = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff" System.IO.File.AppendAllText(System.IO.Path. Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath , "Log.txt"), vbLf + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " " + message) End Sub