VS 2005 DataGridView Grouping Similar Value?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to group similar items together, for example, the image below.

I wish to group the "apple" together and once it is grouped, I want the average value from the two values.

Here's my codes.

Public Partial Class MainForm
Public Sub New()


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VS 2005 ReportViewer Grouping?

Jan 5, 2010

I am making a report using the reportviewer. I have grouped the data and the group works. But when I try to put some data in the group header, I get the following error:The Value expression for the textbox Dep_Name refers to the field Dep_Name. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.

The data I am trying to display is from a different table then the one that I am using to group the data. Does this mean there is a problem with the relationship between the tables?

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[2005] Data Gathering / Grouping?

Jan 30, 2009

The code below randomly selects two players from "Preferences.txt" which has the names of all current players. (not necessarily all saved profiles) Now I need to find the best way to match 'Doer' and 'Receiver' with their profiles in "Players.txt" and get their profile attributes.


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Sorting Datagridview And Grouping By A Specific Column?

Aug 25, 2009

i am trying to use DatagridView Control.

Is there any possibility to sort multiple columns and group the data by a specific column..

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VS 2008 : Color Grouping Datagridview Rows?

Sep 7, 2011

i need to group the rows of a datagridview rows basing on values in column1 of DGV.i mean for example while loop

if .Rows(TOPROW).Cells(0).Value =
.Rows(NextRow).Cells(0).Value then
color the rows with some unique color
color them differently

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Bind Combobox Similar To Datagridview?

Mar 26, 2010

I have combobox in a form. The combobox is bound to a table and displays the list of values as expected. What I want to do is also bind the combox to another field in a different table similar to the way the datagridview with combobox works. That is the dgv is bound to the combobox column but the dgv's bound value sets/reflects the value selected by the combobox. I can't figure out if this is possible with a standalone combobox.

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VS 2005 Way To Handle Similar Controls On Different Tabs?

May 19, 2011

I have a form with a TabControl on it. On the first tab I have a DataGridView and I have a series of controls to represent six separate filters that can be applied to the data in the DataGridView. Each of these filters consists of 1. a ComboBox to display the columns in the DGV so the user can select one to filter on2. a ComboBox to contain the different filter conditions ("Equal to", "Greater Than", etc...)3. a TextBox to allow the user to enter the string to filter againstSo that's what's on the first tab. Tabs 2,3, and 4 are visually identical to tab 1 although they will hold different data and have different capabilities.

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Make A DataGridView Similar To An Excel Function?

Jul 2, 2010

I am trying to essentially convert an Excel spreadsheet into a Windows Form. On the first worksheet I have setup an IF statement to work as a search function =IF(C10="","",VLOOKUP(C10,'Price List'!$A$2:$D$40008,2,FALSE)) to read a price list on a separate worksheet. It works by taking a partnumber then puts the description in the next column (description column) and then the price in the "price each" column then finally totalling the row based of the quantity selected (see below).[code]...

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SUMIF Calculation (similar To Excel) In Datagridview

Mar 2, 2010

I have written a code that performs calculation similar to SUMIF function used in excel. My data is in a datagridview and is all dynamic. My data is in the following format

X1 X2 Yj
1 1 11
1 2 12
2 1 13


I am getting a PE value for every cell in the code. How can I modify my code to get the results above. Kindly guide me through it, I know I am probably missing a minute detail somewhere but I am really struggling with this.

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Know If An Array Of Lists Contains Similar Items (similar Lists)?

May 20, 2010

I know how to check whether an item exists in a list using (MyList.Contains), But I do not know how to check the whole list. For example (use one button and one richtextbox):


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.net - Grouping Using LINQ?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm having a heck of a time with transforming a simple SQL Query into a LINQ query(using vb btw)

Here is my SQL:
FROM int_gp_employee


I've tried a number of different variations of the LINQ. My current statement is:

From b In xmlFile...<row> Group b...<usrdefnd5> By b...<usrdefnd5> INTO group when I foreach through the resulting collection, EVERY line (17000) shows up.

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.net - Grouping Application Settings?

Aug 12, 2011

My VB.net application has a lot of application settings, is it possible to group them somehow(other than having a common name)?For example, my application has a lot of winforms each of which needs to save some information about itself. Is it possible to use something like:

Form1.width = My.Settings.Form1.Width
Form2.width = My.Settings.Form2.Width

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.net - Linq Nested Grouping?

Jul 7, 2009

I've a large table of Items and I need to organize them by Category, then by Year and then by Month.Item has CategoryID and Dated properties.I got this far:

Dim Items = From Item In DB.Items _
Group By CategoryID = Item.CategoryID _
Into Categories = Group _
Order By CategoryID

But where I put the:

Group By Year = Year(Item.Dated)

and the

Group By Month = Month(Item.Dated)

The final result should be something like this:

For Each Category in Categories
For Each Year in Category.Years


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Asp.net ListView Or Repeater Grouping By Three

May 8, 2012

I am using a nice shopping cart I found online. I would like to translate this code to use a repeater or listview and dynamically retrieve my data, but I cannot seem to find a way to group my data correctly.I know the ListView can group by a certain amount of items, but I have not found a way to do it with this scenario.The shopping cart works by having a ul list of items, followed by their details in the div below. This process starts again by getting three more ul items, followed by three more details. How could I do this using a ListView or repeater? I have not found a way to repeat both of these sets of data I need in a group of three.[code]

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Datatable Grouping Using Linq?

May 25, 2011

I'm completely dense here, but I'm trying to get some stats from a DataTable. One of the columns in the datatable is called "colour".I need to find out how many of each instance of "colour" are in the datatable.

I'm trying:
Dim q = From p In PGWorkingDataTable _
Group p By p("colour") Into Group _


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Forms :: Grouping Controls Using Tag Or Name?

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to group various controls (of the same type, e.g., labels together, buttons together, etc.) on a form using a tag or a name of some sort so I can identify all those that belong to tag 'A' and those in tag 'B'. In the end I will have on a form a number of labels grouped as tag 'A' and some labels as tag 'B' so I can change their visible properties on/off.

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Grouping Applications In The TaskBar?

Sep 2, 2009

If a user has a few of my applications open and he/she minimises them I would like to group these in the task bar like MS Word for example.

Product Name - Application 1
Product Name - Application 2
Product Name - Application 3
Product Name - Application 4

Because all of my applications begin with the product in the Title bar can this be achived.

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Grouping Code For Outlining?

Oct 1, 2011

I have multiple sub's that i'd like to group together, however all of the groups need to be in the same class. They all work together, but it would help me organize the code and make it less confusing if I could group some of the different subs together for outlining purposes. Is there a way to do this? I tried to find answers online, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

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Grouping Data From Two Dataset?

Mar 28, 2010

i've got a problem with dataset:

I've got two dataset from two different server but they have the same columns.
so it's like that:
First DataSet :


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Grouping Variables Within Classes?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a class called Trigger. within this class, I can perform a variety of functions, the main of which is to monitor a specific condition. In this class I have a bunch of class variables that are used to setup the condition as well as for information purposes after the condition has executed. All the conditions are stored in a database and when I start the program, I create a New Trigger class for each condition and store the variables (name, desc, action to perform once the condition is met, etc.) I was thinking about changing the class to create a Structure called Configuration where I would store all the variables. But then I would have to save the Configuration within the class so it could be used later on if needed correct?


but in looking at this i realized that I am creating a new structure and then creating a new trigger class where I am saving the Configuration structure which essentially seems the same as just using class variables as I was before. I also looked at creating a Configuration Class and a Trigger Class. then from the main class I would create all the Configurations and have a shared Trigger class that monitored all of them instead of having a single Trigger class for each Configuration. Using this method i could create a hash table that kept track of each configuration that was being monitored and stop it if required.

Does either method sound more appropriate over the other. I am just trying to understand when/why to do things a certain way.

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ListView Control Grouping?

Feb 17, 2010

I did attempt searching but it just gave me a "505 bad gateway error".So my issues is the grouping header isn't working lol.

ListView1 - name of the ListView control
3 columns added to lv
3 items added to lv


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Repeater Grouping By Months

Jan 18, 2012

My repeater is searching through dates in the SQL Server database and returning the first 3 letters of every month. Is there a way to show the repeater the way I want to? [code]

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Any Object That Supports Column Grouping

May 25, 2010

Is there any object that supports column grouping in VB.Net. Because I've been trying datagridview with no success.

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Counting Orders And Grouping Them, Linq To Sql?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a table called Ordersthe table has many rows but im only interested in two in particular.I want to query the table so it returns the average ordered count of each producti want to know what is the average count of the ordered products, but now in total but per productID instead.

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DB/Reporting :: Grouping Rows In Datatable?

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to summarize a datatable based on a primary column and then add certain columns. For example this table

col-1 col-2 col-3
1 AA 2
2 BB


This simply doesn't do anything becuase it thinks the target table doesn't have a primary key.

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Exclude One Value From A Grouping Sum, Based On A Value Of Another Field?

Apr 9, 2009

How do I exclude one value from a grouping sum, based on a value of another field?ie I open Report=> Report Properties=>Code and insert my Custom Code, but how would I change the below code to exclude a numeric value of another field for the below case?

Public Function ChangeWord(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim strBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder(s)
If s.Contains("Others") Then


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Grouping A Generic List Via LINQ?

Jun 26, 2011

I need to take a collection and group it via Linq but all the examples I've seen fail in some manner or other with some syntax difference that I can't quite lick.

My collection:

Dim a As New List(Of ProcessAlert)
a.Add(New ProcessAlert("0000112367", "5551110000@txt.att.net", "Alert", 2))
a.Add(New ProcessAlert("0000112367", "5551110000@txt.att.net", "Document", 2))


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Grouping Controls - How To Scroll Through Lines

Feb 4, 2009

I'm building an app that list information. It will have list of each object going vertically, with the information about the object going horz across that line. My issue is I need to scroll through these lines, however each line will contain text, images, scroll bar, button, etc. Just common control items. I first started off grouping them in a panel (panel being everything needed in that one line of information). I was thinking I could spawn more identical panels, one for each object listed. I also tried this using a UserControl (not sure if this is the right thing to do). I just need a simple panel or area that I can layout my controls as need, then create identical panels as needed for each line. Then I can just scroll through then using some script to mod there location. Panel? UserControl? I've tried the usercontrol, however I coudlnt get it to show on the form.

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Grouping Controls During Design Time?

Aug 21, 2009

I vaguely remember something about a hotkey or menu that would group controls together at design time so you could drag 2 or more controls around and they would remain relative to eachother. You could work on something else and come back and the controls would still be grouped.

Does anybody know what this feature is called and how I can access it?

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Grouping Lines From Txt File For Further Processing?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a program that opens a fixed length delimited file and process each line depending on what it starts with.

Sample Input:
101 000000000 0000000001010271255A094101National Payment Corp National Payment Corp
5200Happy Company ACH20101021-001.txt PPDDIR DEP 101105101105


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