VS 2005 OverLoading Showdialog?

Sep 28, 2011

I wanna overload the ShowDilog for my form. I wanted to clarify whether the Owner should be passed as Value or Reference.

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VS 2005 Showing Another Forms Using Showdialog?

Apr 27, 2009

I make a program upon sending emails to my friends using smtp. The problem is that I have confusions why my another form will not show until it is not finished sending all of the messages. I want my next form to show how many percent were finished but the problem is that my form will show only until all the emails are sent on my listbox. I put my code on the load event of the for

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[2005] Form Show And Showdialog?

Mar 7, 2009

im running this code to load a form and call a public method inside it:

[b] newForm.Show()[/b]
Call newForm.editToolStripButton_Click(sender, e)

but when i use form SHOWDIALOG method it doesnt execute

Call newForm.editToolStripButton_Click(sender, e)

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[2005] ShowDialog With Parent Error (Interop)?

Feb 23, 2009

I am trying to have my .NET application interop with an object created in VB6. The VB6 application has a ShowDialog method with the following signature:

Public Sub ShowDialog (Optional fParent)
And inside the code, there is the following lines of
If Not IsMissing(fParent) Then


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Consider Operator Overloading In .net?

Sep 9, 2009

What scenarios would you consider operator overloading in .net?

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Get An Error Overloading Sub New()

Nov 20, 2009

I have a module with code that refers to controls on form1 form1.textbox1.text 'after adding the sub new overload below to my form my module gives me "reference to a non shared member requires an object reference" why is that? [code]

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Get An Error Overloading Sub New()?

Jul 28, 2011

passing a variable to another formI have a module with code that refers to controls on form1form1.textbox1.text 'after adding the sub new overload below to my form my module gives me "reference to a non shared member requires an object reference"

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Asp.net - Overloading Enums And Properties In .NET?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a base class with the the following enum and property:


First off, how do I do this - is it by simply overloading it? And secondly will my original property pick up the new enum automatically when using the derived class or will I need to overload that too?

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Overloading A Property's Set Method?

May 12, 2012

maybe it's not a method exactly. here's what I'd like to do:

Private _Columns As ArrayList
Public Property Columns() As ArrayList

which would allow me to conveniently set the property by assigning to it various kinds of collection types... except, I can't do it because apparently the Set method has to take an argument of the type of the property itself... I get the complaint:

'Set' parameter must have the same type as the containing property

is there a way to do this?

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Overloading Assignment Operator?

Jan 9, 2010

i would like to hijack the assignment operator and do some customization before an instance of my class is assigned.

Dim A as New MyClass
Dim B as MyClass = A

i want custom the behavior of = is that possible?

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.net - Method Overloading Getting Wrong Overload?

May 3, 2012

I am having a problem convincing Visual Studio and the compiler to use the correct method overload, possibly because of inheritance.

Given these objects:

Public Class Matrix
End Class


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.net - Overloading Operators In C++, Exporting And Importing Then In .NET?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a weird situation. I have a C++ code that overloads the +,-,* operators and exports them in a .DLL file. Now, I want to import those overloaded operators from within VB.NET code. So it should be like this:

<DllImport("StructDLL.dll")> Public Shared Function
Operator +(ByVal a1 As A, ByVal a2 As A) As A
End Function

So what I'm trying to do above it just import the lovely overloaded operator + from the DLL.Note that the operator is already overloaded from inside the DLL, so should I import it as a Function or as an Operator like this?

<DllImport("StructDLL.dll")> Public Shared
Operator +(ByVal a1 As A, ByVal a2 As A) As A
End Operator

The overloaded plus operator is supposed to add structs. So the DLL is programmed to work on structs (C++) and I want to import it in VB.NET to work on Structures.

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Need A Solution To Do Type Parameter Overloading

May 20, 2011

I need type parameter overloading as such:[code..]

so that i can New Map(Of Human) and the compiler will automatically match it to Public Class Map(Of TKey, TValue) and if i new Map(Of String) the compiler will automatically match it to Public Class Map(Of TKey As IEquatable(Of TKey), TValue) (since String is an IEquatable(Of String))

Right now my solution is to give the class different names as such:[code...]

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Operator Overloading In Getting Some Kind Of Compatibility?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm working together with someone on a project, but I'm writing code in VB.Net, and hes coding in VC++. I'm trying to get some kind of compatability going on, so I'm putting my support classes into a VB dll. I've tested it a little, and it seems that all of the functions work, but the operator overloading that I did in VB doesnt seem to carry over to C++.

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Overloading Several Functions In Interface File

Nov 12, 2008

I'm trying to overload several functions. These are first defined in an interface:

Namespace Scripting
Public Interface IGlobalFunctions
Overloads Function InOutBox(ByVal messageBoxText As String) As DialogResult
Overloads Function InOutBox(ByVal messageBoxText As String, ByVal caption As String) As DialogResult
[Code] .....

It complies and runs.. But I can only use the first version of InOutBox when I try to use the next one I get an error telling me: "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment".

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VS 2010 Overloading A Method With Different Outputs?

Aug 2, 2010

i recently discovered a nice feature called overloading, now the question is can i also do that for outputs? for example i want to call a function that would automatically return the datatype i assign the function toright now im geting an error saying "blabla and blabla cant overload eachother because they only differ by return types

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VS 2010 Overloading Operators For Interfaces

Sep 14, 2011

I have a class that implements an interface. Other objects will get an instance via a method like:

Dim AU1 as IAUC = GetAU(<some GUID>)
Dim AU2 as IAUC = GetAU(<some other GUID>)

What I would like to be able to do is this:If AU1 = AU2..The parts of the class that make up the interface could be equal when the rest of the class is not, and the equality of the interface objects (if you can call them that) is complicated. Several fields have to be compared in odd ways.One option I have is to just add an Equality method to the interface, which would work, but I would rather overload the = and <> operators. As far as I can see, you cannot overload operators as part of an interface, but I was hoping that I had overlooked something.

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C# - Generic Method Overloading Compilation Error In VB?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a problem with the VB.NET compiler failing to compile a class (in a separate C# assembly) which contains two overloads of a method with generic arguments. The equivalent code in C# compiles against the same assembly with no errors. Here are the two method signatures:

protected void SetValue<T>(T newValue, ref T oldValue)
protected void SetValue<T>(T? newValue, ref T? oldValue) where T : struct

Here is the code to three assemblies that demonstrate the problem. The first is the C# assembly with a Base class that implements the generic methods. The second is a C# class derived from Base and calls both overloads of SetValue correctly. The third is a VB class also derived from Base, but fails to compile with the following error message:


Am I doing something wrong in the VB code, or are C# & VB different when it comes to generic overload resolution? If I make the method arguments in Base non-generic then everything compiles correctly, but then I have to implement SetValue for every type that I wish to support.

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Duplicate Code And Method Overloading / Overriding

May 18, 2012

This is a general question about Object Orientation and specifically overloading functions in .NET (or any other framework or language). I am looking at an application that has a lot of duplicate code. For example, have a look at the following functions: [code] I would of thought that best pratice would be to put: //code that is specifically relevant to Test1 variable in a separate function as it is common in both functions.

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Something Like Operator Overloading For Only Part Of An Objects Properties?

Aug 21, 2009

For good reasons I would like to have something like truckA = truckB + truckC where only the loads of the trucks are added, not the license plate numbers. Also I don't really want to return a new object (lots of overhead), just change one or two of the properties. Only thing I can come up with is truckA.Load = truckB.Load + truckC.Load, or at best truckA.Load = truckB + truckC which still doesn't look elegant, and - worse - still requires the creation of a new Load object.(this is just a way of stating my problem; the real objects are quite big and complicated) Currently I have a Sub isSumOf so the code reads TruckA.isSumOf(truckB, TruckC)

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Function Overloading Add Result Type To Parameter Signature?

Dec 7, 2009

Can someone on the VB language team explain why a function result type is not part of the parameter signature?If it were then function overloads would also work for functions that only differ by the result type. In some cases, this is useful (aka cleaner code) especially when you have strongly typed data.

Other languages have this and implement it by considering the function result as an OUT parameter either as param 0 or at the end of the param list (stack) so existing type matching verification can be performed by the compiler.

In VB, the workaround is just messy and would be easily fixed by a language change. This example is overly simplified and not meant as a solid justification for the request Say you have a parse requiirement that takes a comma delimited string in the form: "31,32,33,34" or "bob,carol,ted,alice"
In you code,


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Overloading Functions - Overloads In The Abstract Class Implementation ?

Oct 7, 2011

I have recently come across some code that has the following. First there is a Interface with the following function Function Validate() As Boolean. That interface is then implemented in the an 'ABSTRACT' class like this.
Public MustOverride Overloads Function Validate() As Boolean Implements IBusinessEntity.Validate

Question 1: Why use Overloads in the Abstract class implementation.

Question 2: The Abstract class is then inherited into a class (TestClass). In TestClass the Validate function is implemented as follows Public Overloads Overrides Function Validate() As Boolean. I understand the Overrides keyword is to insure that this is the version of the Validate that you want called and not the Abstract class version but why again use the keyword Overloads?

From what I understand you can overload a constructor of a class by simply changing the constructor signature. Also, you overload Methods and Properties of a class by using the Keyword Overloads. But why do it when your implementing an Interface method, or an Abstract Class method that's inherited.

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Clearing Textbox In ShowDialog?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm having issues with program that uses radio buttons to select between 2 different forms, that are displayed using showDialog. When I click a button to perform calculations in either form, it will act normally and display the information, however when I click the Clear button to begin a new calculation, the form will close, does anyone know why?

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Form ShowDialog Disappears

Feb 24, 2009

I have a form that I am using to search for records in a dataset, it has a text box for entry of the search criteria and a 'Search' button to initiate the editing of the entry and .Filter on the BindingSource. This is one form in a project with many, when I show it using .ShowDialog it always disappears, (not visible and not loaded) after the 'Search' button is clicked, I have stepped through and there is no .Hide or .Close that it encounters, it performs all of the logic correctly but control is returned to the main form it was shown from. When I use the .Show method, I do not have this problem.

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Forms :: Showdialog Within Another Thread

Jul 16, 2010

where I am starting another thread which opens a form. Succinctly, it is an animated "Please wait.. processing" type of form. The issue is that I want to make this form a child form of the parent (main thread or main GUI) when I open it.The issue is that I prefer to use frmProcessing.ShowDialog(frmMain) instead of just frmProcessing.Show, because of form disappearing issues. It, of course, gives me an error of illegal cross thread operation. My question is, how do I perform frmProcessing.ShowDialog(frmMain) to show from within another thread, that the newly opened form is actually a child of the main thread. Is there a better way for me to make a small processing form telling the user to be patient while background processes are working? [code]

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Openfiledialog Does Not Pause On Showdialog()?

Feb 22, 2009

When I run this code, it does not seem to open the OpenFileDiaplog diaplg box, or if it does, it closes it immediately, and I get at index out of bounds exception at the " infileStream = getFile.OpenFile()"This exact same code works without problem in another application I am building. So maybe its something about the IDE environment?I think, but am not certain, that this code worked in 2003 .net. I then used the VS wizard to automatically convert to the 2005 environment that I am now coding in.

Dim infileStream As Stream
Dim getFile As New OpenFileDialog
getFile.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"


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ShowDialog Form Not Ending

Nov 4, 2010

I converted this app from VB6. I have 2 forms. Form1 instantiates Form2 via a Menu Item.I am having trouble getting Form2 to end when clicking close (X). If Form2 is 'idle' it closes fine; but if I am in a loop processing anything all the events fire, but it continues processing in Form2. I've tried messing with Dispose, Close, Application.Exit, Application.ExitThread. My last attempt was creating my own event to fire back to Form1 and dispose Form2 -- and it hits it but Form2 is still running. What is the deal? BTW if I use just Show vs ShowDialog -- Form2 just blinks and disappears.[code]

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ShowDialog Form Not Ending?

Jan 21, 2009

I converted this app from VB6. I have 2 forms. Form1 instantiates Form2 via a Menu Item.I am having trouble getting Form2 to end when clicking close (X). If Form2 is 'idle' it closes fine; but if I am in a loop processing anything all the events fire, but it continues processing in Form2. I've tried messing with Dispose, Close, Application.Exit,pplication.ExitThread. My last attempt was creating my own event to fire back to Form1 and dispose Form2 -- and it hits it but Form2 is still running. What is the deal? BTW if I use just Show vs ShowDialog -- Form2 just blinks and disappears.

Form1 does this
Dim f2 as Import


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UserControl Will Not Update Using ShowDialog()

Nov 16, 2009

I have a form that uses another class to do some work, and the class throws events regarding text updates, and the main form handles them and passes them on the the StatusForm, which displays the process progress via usercontrol. Using a BackgroundWorker and Events I'm able to update the usercontrol on the Status form if I use frmStatus.Show(). Unfortunately, the Status form should use ShowDialog() so it can't lose focus while the application is processing data. Now, for some reason the UserControl will not update if I use ShowDialog(). Any ideas?

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VS 2010 ShowDialog On A Different Thread

Nov 9, 2011

[code] For some reason, and I don't know why. The same CustomSplashScreen that had a handle for UpdateText shows to not have a handle when I call .Close().So basically it would show the splashscreen and update the text, but the form would be left opened and not closed like it is supposed to be.

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