VS 2005 - Printing Reports On Two Bond Papers

Jul 2, 2011

I am able to print a list students belonging to a certain class/section. Each class/section may have different number of students. I would like to have another report where instead of printing all the students in one bond paper, I like to be able divide the print out into two. Example, If I have 45 students in a class/section, I can print the first 23 students in one bond paper and the other half in another bond paper. I would like to use .rdlc and I am using sql.

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Sorting A Datagrid That Has Some None Bond Data Columns Looses The Non-bond Data?

Jul 24, 2009

I have a few forms that the user uses to select data records and then perform some analysis on them.So the selected records are presented in a datagrid and each in turn it reviewed and the analysis data added to the extra columns, works very.

However, if the user clicks on a column to sort the grid, the unbound fields are not sorted with it, just blanked out. I can prevent them from sorting, but it would be nice if it could sort the full grid.

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VS 2010 Reports - Printing - Preview Reports From A Datagrid?

Dec 9, 2010

Basically, I am looking for a method on how to preview reports from a datagrid or it can be from the access database which populates the data to the datagrid (then displays this in the datagridview) in vb.net vs 2010.I believe there are two methods using the ReportViewer or using Crystal Reports, but so far, I have no idea how to get them to work. The first idea would be favourable - using the data from a datagridview (which may of already been sorted, filter etc) and be able to produce a report on that.

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Reports And Printing In Vb Express?

Aug 21, 2009

I am using vb express 2008 and MsAccess as database for my project of Point of Sale System.I am at final stages of this project and now my requirements are of making some reports and to print them. Like Sales Invoice. Daily Sales Report etc.Is there any option of Reports making and Printing in Vb express.I have heard about Crystal Report Writing tool. But i think it is not free to download.Can you guide me how i can accomplish the task of Reports and Printing in Vb express?

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Making And Printing Reports From Database

Jul 7, 2009

I am new to vbExpress. I am working in vb express with MsAccess as database. I have a form with ListView and some comboboxes,textboxes,buttons etc. Now I am at the stage of forming different reports from database and then printing them. Like I want to make a RECEIPT with CompanyName as header, date, time, Serial Number, ItemDescription, Quantity,Price, Amount,Mode of payment. Then I want to generate sales reports like daily sale, weekly sale, monthly sale. The things like that. Definitely I will use SQL statements to bring data from the tables according to the requirements of reports. My question is how I can make and display different reports from the databases and to print them in proper format.

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Uploading Images And Printing Reports?

Sep 13, 2009

I am Aweda Akeem, a young, beginner, and aspired professional programmer/developer using VB.NET as my development language.I am writing a mini e-banking system. I want to make provission for picture upload as customer's new account is beign created/opened and display the image before the Submit button is clicked. I also want the application tells and check for the image size and validate it accordingly.

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VS 2008 Printing/Crystal Reports?

Oct 8, 2009

A couple of things firstly When I create a new Crystal Reports file (using the built in Crystal Reports in Visual Studio) I create a blank document. I then insert a Text label type text and goto properties and Visual Studio Exits with no rhyme or reason. No error. Anyone experienced this or get any ideas?

Secondly I have a form with a load of text boxes in a column/row arrangement and text labels as column headers. I then want to be able print these in nice view (I have a certain way I have to display the print out.

I have never used Crystal Reports but I thought this would be the way to go about it. Is this right or is there another easy way? If it is can anyone point me to any example (preferablly begginer and basic) that I can read and learn from?

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Ticket Printing Via Crystal Reports (.NET) With Epson LX-300+?

Nov 24, 2010

I have some problems in printing ticket by dot matrix printer.I have EPSON LX-300+ I am using VB.NET 2008 and Crystal Reports I am using rpt.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 1, 1) method to print?My problem is when I print my ticket, the alignment is perfect but the printer eject the latter size of ticket papers. It should stop after one ticket.ticket size Height=4,width=10 paper setup in Crystal Reports and in printer property is envelop #10 9 1/2 * 4 1/8 in.

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VS 2008 Printing Bills And Reports On A4 Paper

Aug 17, 2010

What is the best way to print bills on A4 paper? I made a program for POS cash and I wonna now print bills on A4 paper from usb printer. I currently using webbrowser function and through html codes I print my bills. webbrowser.print but there are a lot of problems when printing bills.

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Printing On A Continuous Paper Through A Thermal Printer Using Crystal Reports

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to take a print on a Continuous Paper through a Thermal Printer ZP 2844 using Crystal Reports 2008 along with Visual Basic .NET 2008. I've set the page size to 3.00 inches as width & 3.00 inches as height. It prints well when the contents are a few on a single page but it puts gap when printing more than single page. There's no page margins set in crystal reports & the printing setup is the same in Crystal Reports as well as in Printer's Setup. Even in Print Preview of Crystal Report, it shows 2 pages to be printed but there's neither any gap at the end of first page & the start of second page. But! Still, a gap is shown when the report is printed. Here's an example how the print is show:

Product Qty Amount
Item1 1 100
Item2 1 100


You can notice the gap between Item3 & Item4 which is due to next page or page break or so. I've noticed that in Crystal Report Viewer for Web, there's an option of SeparatePages = False which let you have a single/continuous page printing but I've not found any such option in Crystal Report Viewer for Desktop.

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Data Set - Result Of Query Is Bond In Flexgrid ?

Jan 19, 2010

I have this code in vb6 the result of this query is bond in flexgrid how can i do this in vb .net using data grid.

Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

'SQL = "SELECT PO_Header.OrderID, PO_Header.RefNo AS [PO Num], PO_Header.OrderDate AS [Order Date],Category.Description + ' ' + SubCategory.Description as Department, " & _


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VS 2005 Using Crystal Reports?

Dec 27, 2009

How to generated crystal reports?

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SQL Server 2005 And VS2008(VB) Reports

Mar 25, 2010

I am new user of Crystal Reports and experienced at using VS2008 (VB). I have a big gap that I have found no explanation on bridging. There must be some type of import process that I have been unable to find.

I built a report using SQL Server 2005 (Business Intelligence Dev Studio) and it works. I need to use the report in a VS2008 (VB) project. How do I get it into my VB project and call it? The SQL project creates a report with an .rdl definition file. I think the VB project requires an .rpt file. How do I import it into the VB project?

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VS 2005 Displaying Different Reports In The Same ReportViewer

Aug 2, 2009

Is it possible? I just want to reuse ReportViewer control to show a different report one at a time.

Can someone show some code snippet about it?

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VS 2005 Onclose For Active Reports?

Jun 1, 2009

Im trying to detect if an active report has been closed to close the "main form". Basically what im doing is populating an active report from parameters passed to the main form then the active report is populated, once the active report is closed i want the form to be closed. However, i have not been able to find an event that will close both. Unless i close the mainfrom which inturn closes the active report, which i want to happen opposite.

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Printing In .net 2005?

Mar 20, 2009

I have a form with one RichText Box int it. The lines in this are formatted differently that is, some lines are in bold letters, some are center aligned and also the font size are different. Currently I am using PrintDialog Box and Print Preview Dialog box to print the Contents of the RichText Box. The problem is when I preview the print contents everything will be displayed in a common font and aligned left.

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Asp.net - Excel Reports To Database Sql Server 2005

Apr 20, 2011

I am being given excel sheet daily and want to upload them to an existing database with the exact same column names, i wanted to do this in sql server 2005, but then i thought it would be easier to just creat an asp.net program that could do this autmatically, that way the managers could do it them selves. would i use a bulk insert?


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2005 Crystal Reports : Name 'CrystalReportViewer1' Is Not Declared Error?

Oct 15, 2009

I'm running through this tutorial found here: report_from_multiple_tables.htmwhich teaches how to pass a parameter text field on a vb form to an embedded Crystal Report in visual studio. I've followed it all the way through however when I attempt to build, I received the error:

Name 'CrystalReportViewer1' is not


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VS 2005 Printing From A Module?

Aug 16, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to print from a module. I am trying to print some data from a database. I just want to pass the record id to a sub in the module, and have it print.

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Creating Crystal Reports For VS 2005 For A Client Server Application

Jun 5, 2011

how to create Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 for a Client Server application? The problem I faced is that when I created Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 where the Crystal Report is displayed in the client application it does not get refreshed with data entered. It only displays data that was entered during the time of development. I think this is probably because the database path changes when deployed in a new environment while the Crystal report keeps referring to the database location at development time.

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Sort Field Values In Specified Order In Crystal Reports In 2005?

Feb 14, 2012

I am using crystal reports in visual studio 2005 to generate invoices. I want to sort different categories of products. I'm using group by on category field. How can i set a specified order in crystal reports for categories.I have for example 3 categories namely 'Recipe', 'Plain Spices', and 'Horeca'....The crystal reports shows them in ascending or descending order but i want Recipe data at top, then Plain Spices and Horeca in the end...!!How can I achieve this in my crystal report that has already been made?

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[2005] Populate The Tree View From Database For Different Crystal Reports Name

Jan 28, 2009

I want to populate the tree view from database for diff crystal reports name in such a way that i have :


So when user clicks on the caption node and presses the button, corresponding report has to open.

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Printing Of Forms And Their Controls In 2005?

Feb 17, 2011

I am a student and i am making a windows application in vb.net 2005. My project requrement is to print form's specific area and also provide left, right, top and bottom margin. Itwill also print in multi page if it require. For that i used Microsoft Print

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Printing Of Forms And Their Controls In VB 2005?

Jul 14, 2010

I am a student and i am making a windows application in vb.net 2005. My project requrement is to print form's specific area and also provide left, right, top and bottom margin. It will also print in multi page if it require. For

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VS 2005 : Printing Chart From Picturebox?

Nov 10, 2009

I am creating a bar-chart at runtime using the code below. I would like to print the result of the chart on a A4 paper (Landscape). And add header and footer to it. Do i need to save it as a graphic first?How can i print this?

Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
Dim heighestamount As Integer


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VS 2005 : Printing Two Rows And Two Columns?

Aug 20, 2009

how to print, and got it working pretty well. The text string I have printing into a rectangle, and if a word does not fit it will wrap down to the next line, and then keep going like that, but now I need to split my page into three different areas that will each print different text.I am pretty sure I could draw three different rectangels then draw the text I need on each of them, but is it possible to somehow merge them together into a single rectangle that will be printed?

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VS 2005 Batch Printing Part 2

Apr 2, 2009

I have the code below, that is throwing errors when I try to print [code]Can anybody see what could be wrong with my code? if I were to take out the loop i.e. printing more than one file it prints fine????

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VS 2005 Printing Multiple Documents

Dec 7, 2009

I want to be able to send an array of mixed documents to the printer. One document may be a word file, another a tiff file and another a jpeg.At the moment the only way I can do it is to open a seperate print preview for each document which is not good from the users point of view.

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VS 2005 Printing Out More Than Page At A Time?

Jul 20, 2009

I want to print more one page at at a single button click according to the need og the user...

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports system.io


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VS 2005 Printing The DataGridView Contents?

Jul 18, 2009

Now i want to add a print button so that i can print the datagridview contents....

I want to create an excel report..

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