VS 2005 Setting Maximum Size @ Run Time?

May 7, 2009

If you can set the height of a panel at run time

Me.Panel1.Height = 3 What is the correct syntax for setting maximum size (height)? Tried this several ways and been searching. I know this is simple.

Me.Panel1.MaximumSize.Height = 512

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Setting A Maximum Font?

Oct 11, 2011

so I created a new control. When the user changes the font, I don't want the user to change the font past font size 14. If the user changes the font past 14, the font should reset to 14.Here is what I have so far.

Private Sub LoginControl_FontChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.FontChanged
Dim myFont As Font


The problem here is that this code makes the font, Arial 12 static, and whenever I change the font size, the font always goes back to Arial 12.

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VS 2005 : Setting Item Properties With Values Of A Variable At Design Time?

Jul 7, 2009

is it possible to set a value of an item, for example: a textbox1.text = Empty.String at design time?

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C# - Setting Maximum Length In A Gridview?

Aug 31, 2010

Below is my gridview sample that retrieve a formatted html in my database..All i want to achieve is to limit the maximum length of characters i.e "50" then automatically create a pagination for the succeeding characters..to be posted in the gridview

<div id="GridScroll" class="grid_scroll">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderStyle="None"


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DataGrid Setting A Maximum Cell Value?

Jun 14, 2009

i have built the following table in a datagrid view component using the following code: -

Private Sub BuildDataTable()
Dim dc As System.Data.DataColumn
Me.mDataTable.TableName = "Tabel 1"


lets say the user wishes to but 1000 into one of the "Time (ms)" cells, but i would like the max value to be 850. how do i then make the cell they attempted to change equal to 850 and display a warnning?

how do i stop them from adding more than 2 decimal places?

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Control's The Maximum Size?

Dec 29, 2011

I am currently making my own custom controls, I want the user to be able to change the control's size, but only the width, the height needs to stay constant.

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How To Set PictureBox Maximum Size

Nov 15, 2011

I need to setting the maximum size on a picture box. I thought the syntax for setting size was picturebox.MaximumSize = (Width,Height) but doesnt seem to work. Did syntax change from VB6?

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IonicZip.dll Maximum Zip Size?

Dec 2, 2011

i am using the ioniczip.dll to create folders with my application and this works great BUT when i want to compress a file bigger than 300MB it can't. Does Ioniczip.dll have a file size limit that it can zip.

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Maximum Size Of An Array?

Jan 13, 2010

What is the maximum size of a multidimensional array in VB.NET (in my case two-dimensional)? I'm using Visual Studio 2008, Framework 3.5 I found in msdn [URL]: "The length of every dimension of an array is limited to the maximum value of a Long data type, which is (2 ^ 64) - 1. The total size limit of an array varies, based on your operating system and how much memory is available. Using an array that exceeds the amount of RAM available on your system is slower because the data must be read from and written to disk." However, I am trying to use an array of data type single, with dimensions 64513 by 301 but Visual Studio seems to freeze when I execute the line to redimension the array ( Redim myArray(64513, 301) ). I have 4Gb of RAM and am using Windows XP (32-bit).

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Asp.net - Setting Minimum And Maximum Date On Calendar?

Apr 19, 2012

I've had a look around, once again and can't find how to set the minimum and maximum dates allowed to be selected on a calendar in ASP.net with VB.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and it's just a regular Calendar control at the moment...

At the moment I've seen things like:

Calendar1.DateMin = DateTime.Now

But Visual Basic doesn't seem to like that (maybe it's a C# thing?).

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Forms :: DateTimePicker - Setting Minimum And Maximum Value

Dec 4, 2011

I have a list box on my form with 2 value - "2010" & "2011". When I change the value in the listbox it should set the minimum and maximum value of 2 datetimepickers. Each time I try to change the value I get an error - for example if I change the listbox from 2011 to 2010 I get the error:
"Value of '31/03/2011 00:00:00' is not valid for 'MaxDate'. 'MaxDate' must be greater than or equal to MinDate. Parameter name: MaxDate"

If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = "0" Then
DateTimePicker1.MaxDate = #3/31/2011#
DateTimePicker1.MinDate = #4/1/2010#
DateTimePicker2.MaxDate = #3/31/2011#
DateTimePicker2.MinDate = #4/1/2010#
End If
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = "1" Then
DateTimePicker1.MaxDate = #3/31/2012#
DateTimePicker1.MinDate = #4/1/2011#
DateTimePicker2.MaxDate = #3/31/2012#
DateTimePicker2.MinDate = #4/1/2011#
End If

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Setting Minimum And Maximum Values Of Text Box?

Aug 29, 2011

I want to set minValue and maxValue of text boxes to define a range of acceptable values for validation purposes.In VB 6 this is straight forward and can be done under text box properties, however in visual studio vb .net 2010 this is not the case or it may be the case that i am missing something.

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Why Is The Maximum Size Property Not Respected

Feb 24, 2012

I have a MDI child form with Maximize and Minimize enabled. I've defined what the maximum and minimum size of the form.

However, when the form is maximised, the windows fills up the entire MDI parent and does not seem to heed the Maximum Size I've specified.

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Make The Form Size Automatic Setting The Size Equals To The Screen?

Jun 9, 2011

How to make the form size automatic setting the size equals to the screen. or Maximize the whole form including the form components.

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VS 2010 - Setting Maximum Value Dynamically For Horizontal Scrollbar

May 29, 2011

What is the point of the max value of a scrollbar when it can't be attained? I put a horizontal scroll bar on a form and set the maximum value dynamically. After a bit of testing, there is no way for the scroll bar to attain this maximum value. Instead, I am always ending at Max-2. It always comes up two short. So what is the point of the maximum value if it can't be attained?

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Exception Maximum File Size Asp:fileupload?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm working on a form where a user can submit a file through asp:fileupload, but want to display a specific error message if the user uploads a file exceeding 10MB. However, when I put a try catch statement, my error message does not get displayed, only the default one.How do I make sure it gets displayed?

If fuAttach.HasFile Then
Dim filename As String = fuAttach.FileName


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Make A Maximum Size Allowed To Upload To Ftp?

Oct 30, 2009

i tryed to search after it, i think i have seen it before but couldnt find it again, tryed to search for hours.i want to make a maximum size allowed to upload to my ftp, with my ftp uploader.

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[2008] Maximum Size Of Cache Folder

Feb 8, 2009

I created a script for caching some images my program needs, so they aren't downloaded from the web everytime. But the cache folder is getting big, and it's getting big fast. It's not really the plan to have a cache of 1Gb or something like that, so I would like to create something like this to set the maximum size:

But I don't really know were to start. Sure I can create some check, and if the maximum is exceeded, remove the whole map, or the oldest files. But maybe the oldest files are the one's used the most.

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Forms :: Setting Maximum Input Limit For User In Textbox

May 6, 2010

How do I code in vb.net that the text box can only accept 10 inputs from the user. User can only enter 10 strings.

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VS 2010 : Resize Picturebox With Mouse To Maximum And Minimum Size As Skype When Video Calling?

Oct 21, 2011

I want to resize picturebox with mouse to maximum and minimum size as Skype when video calling...I`m using vb 2010...

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Re-size Form And Re-size Richtextbox At Same Time

Jul 23, 2009

How can i resize the form and resize the richtextbox at the same time...(height)We know tht the difference is 18... if you look from up-to-down...u have 18 pxls of free space and everything else is the rtb... The real size:[code]

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VS 2005 Maximum Lines For Multiline Textbox?

Mar 18, 2009

I added a multiline textbox to my form. I only wanted that users can add 3 lines.This code works perfect if i don't add the messagebox. Any ideas?

Private Sub txtFunctie_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtFunctie.TextChanged
If txtFunctie.Lines.Length > 3 Then


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Set Event Log Size Setting?

Apr 19, 2010

My app writes events to event log from time to time using below [code]...

Problem is this app is installed on multiple remote sites and form time to time the event log becomes full one or the other pc and app start to give error. Is there a way to set the Event Log, Log Size setting to 'Overwrite events as needed' via code so the event log never fills up?

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Setting Screen Size From .net?

Apr 2, 2009

How can one set the screen size? As with the task bar, by incressing the size sets new limits when maximizing an application's window. How can I tell the system what would be the demensions of the desktop screen: left, top, width, height?

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Different Font Size When Setting A Point 10

Feb 10, 2010

When setting a point 10 font size in VB6:


The reported size is 10. Can someone explain the difference here? My hunch is that VB6 is using a .75 step because my system is configured at 96 DPI, and .NET is not using said step, or not reporting its usage, but I'm not sure.

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Setting A TextBox Buffer Size?

Jan 20, 2009

How can a TextBox or RichTextBox buffer size be set? I have data that goes to a TextBox continuously, but I want to set a maximum size of buffer for the TextBox. I read in one forum someone suggesting to set the TextBox MaxLength property, but the questioner replied that he had tried this, and when the MaxLength was reached no further data input was possible, and what he wanted was the situation where new data could still come in, but the oldest data was then deleted, i.e a rolling buffer, which is precisely

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Setting StreamWriter Buffer Size

Jan 26, 2012

I built a console application that reads a directory of files, builds a 'put' statement for each file and submits each statement to a webservice. Then, it reads the webservice output (for each statement), parses it for a specific string, builds a 'get'statement and submits the 'get' to the webservice (for each file).Then, the application reads the 'get' output stream and writes a file (to the local file system) for each file that was submitted, using a streamwriter.I have encountered an issue where some files are unable to be written to the local file system by the streamwriter.After much testing I have figured out that any file exceeding 4096 bytes will cause the application to hang where streamwriter should write the output to file.I have tried the syntax below to increase the size of the streamwriter buffer however, it doesn't seem to be working.I do need to mention that I am an extreme novice with VB or any other language and have, for the most part written this module from research and code samples.I should mention that this module does work for any file that is less than 4096 bytes in size.

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C# - Setting File Upload Size Through JQuery

Jan 13, 2012

I have FileUpload Control on my Page:
<asp:FileUpload runat="server" ID="fuAttachment" CssClass="fileUploadCSS" size="76" />

I want to change size of this Control on Button's Click event though Jquery. How do i set it? because
Doesn't working. and
($("#fuAttachment").width returns null

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Change Application Screen Size Setting

Jul 27, 2010

I am working on an application using vb 2008 express. I have built test programs over the past few weeks and shared them for feed back. Today when I finished some work, I built another test application, but when I install it the start-up screen maximizes but is set between one and two desktop icons from the top of the screen.

In debug mode it looks fine. In the past it looks fine. Each time I start the program the screen is in a slightly different location. It is set to start maximized and to the best of my knowledge, I did not change any settings in the property area. I have tried loading on three computers and the results are the same. Any ideas on what I could have done to produce this strange result?

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Manually Setting The Paper Size Programmatically?

Mar 21, 2010

i want custom paper size can i declare in height and width of the paper.

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